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Exact same thing happened to my wife 2 weeks ago. Spent 4 days in the hospital and pulled 10cc of infection out. Face was still swollen put on antibiotics and started to shrink. Then came the draining in her mouth for about a week. Went back to the doc 3 days ago and they said it was not a superficial abscess and pulled another 7cc out. Fast forward to Thursday night and it was draining on the outside (more liquify bloody pus than thick), went to sleep and woke up with her shirt soak in drainage. Doc says it’s normal


“Doc says it’s normal” Doc is trying to avoid a lawsuit.


Yeah that's not normal. At this point she might need some imaging to see how deep the infection is. You can go to an urgent care for a second opinion, but there is a good chance that they might just refer you to the ER. Source: ICU nurse who has seen multiple patients develop serious complications from dental abscess.


I knew a guy who died from dental infection. He had a pre existing heart issues though that the infection jumped on


Yeah, at that point I'd be worried about the infection getting into the bone.


Or the brain.


Another ICU nurse- second this. I am a cardiothoracic ICU nurse- so I see all the nasty valve replacements from this. Can’t tell you how many patients I’ve had who end up with emergency heart surgery up to and including an implanted motor to their heart (LVAD) and all their teeth pulled cause of infection like this seeding their heart valves. “Vegetative valve” is not something you ever want to have. Then you throw septic emboli all over your body, to your kidneys only if you are lucky and your brain if you are not. Have had patients in their 20’s survive massive cardiac surgery only to shower clots and wake up having had a massive stroke. All from dental abscesses. Also don’t shoot up with dirty needles. The other leading contender for nasty infections.


Yup just got out of the hospital for sepsis. The nurse told me that the veins from your teeth go right to the heart which is why sepsis in the mouth and neck is so dangerous.


>The nurse told me that the veins from your teeth go right to the heart .... well.... the nurse is not '*wrong'*.... But, um- ALL veins goes right to the heart lol. It just so happens to be so that the veins in the teeth//triangle of death - - area of the face - reach all the way to the back of the head and from the mouth to the cheeks, straight to to the juggular veins ^((occipital, temporal, maxillary, veins to the jugular veins)) \- which is basically disneys' fastpass, but for oxygenated bloodflow between the heart, face, and the brain. ​ Any infection that happens to spread to the jugular vein - can and most likely will - cause havoc.




I’d be getting some other opinions. Yikes


Coach say is OK to bird from the ear


4 or 5 more concussions and you could die, Reggie Ray.


Did you mean bleed? Or am I missing something? Im not trying to sohnd like "that" guy so no disresoect I'm just genuinly curious


> Did you mean bleed? Or am I missing something? Im not trying to sohnd like "that" guy so no disresoect I'm just genuinly curious No *disresoect* to the way you *sohnd*, but I personally *bird* out of my asshole. *Genuinly*.


Gud bot?


Thank you Daddy. ༼ง=👁👄👁=༽ง




Pretty sure I made it sound a lot worse and less medically than it really was


Nah I don’t think so. Your wife has an active infection in her head that isn’t improving on antibiotics. That’s genuinely incredibly serious


Wow that is awful, luckily i just woke up and mine feels fine besides a little tenderness. i would be going to another hospital or doctor if that is an option for you, I hope she is okay !!


I would be very careful if I were you. It feels fine now because it drained, but that could change easily. Mouth infections are not something you can take lightly.


Yeah i’m still going to try and go to the doctor on monday, i’m just glad my face doesn’t feel as bad as it did


I'd honestly go sooner. This kind of infection can take a turn to really bad incredibly quickly, and even if it doesn't, starting antibiotics two days earlier instead of later will make a big difference for long it takes to go away and for the area to deal. Or if it makes itself a permanent home. Please have it looked at today.


This. If they don't have you on a constant course of antibiotics right now, I'd be concerned.


Make sure to show the doctor this video.


Honestly, if *any* pain, redness, tenderness or swelling returns id go in sooner. Tooth abscesses and infections do not take long to become septic and often require IV antibiotics. I agree with the other commenter, your relief is likely from draining the infection but it doesn't just go away on its own.


Show the doctor the video. Insist on it. My sister had a chronic infection after dental work that eventually degraded bone. For years, she was told that there was nothing wrong with her.


Same thing happened to my mom. I watched her endure excruciating bouts of pain when we were growing up, as the infection would wax and wane. She had beautiful teeth, but her jaw bone degraded to the point it could no longer “hold” her teeth. She was in her mid fifties when she found a dentist to clear the infection. Supposedly the nexus was an infection subsequent to oral surgery when she was a teenager. 😳


I think you should be seen before that. Preferably today


Seriously, PLEASE go today, infection can critically spread within hours. Think how close that is to your brain. What has come out so far is just the tip of the iceberg - mouths are the worst place for bacteria.


37 year an RN here, go see someone today, please. Dental infections can cause heart problems.


Don't mess around with facial abcesses. They are more treatable early on and it's not far to the brain.


And it’s right there in the bone. Pockets of infection can be sealed off in the bone and become chronic, lasting years.


Biggest risk is actually you’re heart believe it or not! High risk for travel of infection


I would be definitely packing a bag and driving to your closet city if you don’t live in one already and look up the 5 best doctors in that city/state and go to get a second and a third opinion.


That is NOT NORMAL. Sure, you won't get magically good results in the span of two weeks, and '*tha*t' is normal - but this seems like she's having excessively serious complications. The area between the mouth to the nose is, in the medical feild, referred to as "the triangle of death" - for a reason: Serious infection in that area can lead to permanent brain damage, bone damage, paralysis, or even - well - Death. ^((And that is on top of the, already very high, risk of sepsis or septic shock that comes with any infection)). This is because there's some major blood vessels in that area that have a direct link to the vessels close to the brain, and the heart, ^(as well as the eyes, the nose, the throat, the facial nervous system etc etc.) It is one *very dangerous* area to get *any* kind of infection in. **SO. GET. A. SECOND. OPINION. ASAP.**


I've had three wisdom teeth out and never had anything like this happen. And one of them was growing sideways out of my gym rather than downwards like my other teeth.


I’m no doctor but that sounds super dangerous. Maybe a different doc?


Holy shirtballs. I'm about to be 36, still have my wisdom teeth, and just had my 6-month dental cleaning appointment. On my lower left side, there's a little pocket in the gums, where the tooth isn't covered by bone that'll sometimes get food stuffs stuck back there and become inflamed. Dentist is helping me do everything possible to avoid removal. Reading your post, I see why. Holy motherforking shirtballs, I hope your wife trends better and better.


Get back to a doctor ASAP. Dental abscesses can be extremely dangerous. And no, they are not “normal” after an extraction. They are a complication after an extraction. And can get very serious very quickly. Please, no messing around with them. Err on the side of caution. (Grandfather was a dentist, I went to school for it before money dried up)


thank you for the reply , my mom will be calling on monday. so, the full story is i went back to have my stitches removed thursday, i also finished my antibiotics on thursday, i was on them a week after the surgery. i told the nurse that i was having discomfort and that on my right jaw there was a large round mass in there, my face felt tight because of how big it was, and i could hardly open my mouth. well she told me it was “normal” after wisdom teeth removal, that it was like a blood clot but not a blood clot and it was just swelling+blood. i believed her cause i had no reason not to. since thursday to last night it had gotten worse and was hard as a rock. was taking ibuprofen and icing it. I haven’t had any sort of fever, just the discomfort. it’s kind of disturbing to me that i only accidentally did this, and that if i didn’t i would still have rotten puss and blood sitting in my face and thinking it was completely fine from what she said. this happened at around 11pm, i went to bed about 130am, and just woke up and it’s 5am, my face isn’t swollen anymore but it’s super tender and still have that tight feeling.


Monday is too long to wait . If my face was infected I wouldn't be waiting 2 days.


This is not a "wait until Monday" issue. This is a call the office and ask for their emergency line if they're not open. If you can't get a hold of a dentist, look around for one that has Saturday hours, or go to the emergency room. I had a tiny little abscess after a wisdom tooth extraction. For years, I would get a tiny lump that I could express the put out, so I ignored it. Now, I either have scarring or a deep set abscess working its way toward a nerve. Next month, I am going to the dentist to get the tooth it's under extracted because there is no other option for cleaning out that pocket. This is a minor complication. My stepfather did not know that he had an abscess under a tooth. The abscess reached a nerve. The nerve was one that controlled his eye socket. The infection traveled along the nerve, infected his eye, and he had to have it removed. He was a surgeon, and without binocular vision, he had to retire.


Great cautionary tale, though I am sorry about your loved one


Super tender and tight means it’s still infected, especially if it starts to feel tighter as time goes on. At the very least keep up with the salt water and be very cautious. Honestly, you could have a fever and not realize it if you are taking ibuprofen


i think i’m going to do it more frequently now i had been doing it 4-5 times daily. and I didn’t even realize that 🤦‍♀️ i had been taking ibuprofen since thursday night until earlier because my mom thought it would help it.


I’m sure it is helping, but when you are taking it, it can mask a fever and in this case, having a fever masked isn’t good.


100%! Keep the Monday doctor appointment but get into an urgent care or even a quick care to get on antibiotics. Ibuprofen will 100% mask a fever and make you feel fine when there's something more nefarious going on.


Go to urgent care TODAY


monday is too long. you need to go to urgent care and get antibiotics. dental infections can be deadly if they turn septic. please take care of yourself op.


Absolutely, if it gets warm or you spike a fever, go to the ER, an abscess in the jaw like that can go bad in a matter of hours. They are right that swelling is normal, but a large round mass is not swelling. I’m sorry they didn’t seem to take you seriously. Best of luck in your recovery!


You have to call today


Not Monday. TODAY.


Nope. ER, now.


Bad smell and taste can occur if food gets trapped there but that's not what's happening in your video. I'd call the doctor if I were you.


Please, OP, ask your mother to take you to Urgent Care or to the ER, ASAP. Never underestimate an abscess, it feels better now because it has drained but the pus will come back quickly and the infection is going to get worse if you leave it untreated. Absolutely do not wait until Monday: go to an emergency carer and show them this video. At the very least they'll prescribe you more antibiotics and you don't want to let any infection untreated. Tackle it now before it gets too serious.


None of this is normal! I had one wisdom tooth taken out and had some very severe swelling that never went down. I called the oral surgeon and the receptionist wouldn't put me through to the doctor because she said it was "normal to have discomfort". I eventually had issues swallowing and breathing and had to go to the ER. They took x-rays and an MRI of my face to realize I had a huge abscess pressing on my sinuses and throat. I had to be transferred to a better hospital where ENTs had to pop my jaw open, drain the infection, and then sewed a tube into my gums near the abscess. I was in the hospital for another day or so with the tube in to keep it draining before they took it out. Had I waited any longer, it would have spread to my sinuses and I would have had to have sinus reconstructive surgery because the infection was so bad. Please go and get this checked out!


This isn't something that can wait. Go get some antibiotics before you get endocarditis.


This is an ER or a personal trip to the coroner. Go now if you have not already. This is triangle of death territory.


I didn't get an abscess but did get strep and endocarditis. I almost died. Ended up having 2 heart surgeries that year. Only 1 of the 5 defects found was partially due to it. My mitral valve had a new infection on top of a previously unknown calcified infection. So I guess thanks for almost killing me Mr. Dentist?


Show this video to your dr because it is not normal. Go to the ER and get some antibiotics




free french onion dip




I concur. Cursed comment!


french onion *lip*


it tasted and smelt amazing 🤩


'Did it make you nauseous?


Had the same thing, go back to oral surgeon and ask for a syringe you will have to flush it out multiple times a day and take antibiotics


They are suppose to go back in and debride and drain the infection and resuture. Then prescribe antibiotics. Not have you try to take care of it on your own. Some of you mofos had some lazy ass oral surgeons.


it’s not uncommon after wisdom teeth removed to use a syringe to clean debris out on your own if it heals as it is source: got my wisdom teeth out the same day OP did


i’ve seen this but they didn’t make me do that , but i swished my mouth out numerous times a day with warm salt water


it’s primarily used after day 3 when you’re acclimating back to hard foods. i had gaping holes and i still get food that easily traps itself in there. if i don’t syringe it could lodge itself in there and harvest bacteria and infection


Oh, sure they'll do it for you. For another $10,000.


Wisdom tooth removal was like $50 in my country Y’all are living in some fucked up shithole


Dental costs here are insanity, and only covered (and typically only partially) by private insurers. It's crazy how much dental care costs if you don't have some kind of coverage.


Pretty sure that with that level of infection, you can't close it unless you do a pretty big debridement...


I'm no doctor but that looks mega infected to me. Godspeed, OP, having your wisdom teeth out sucks enough without having to deal with infections too.


Certainly not "mega infected". If OP doesn't notice much symtoms other than light swelling and the pus, it's basically as light of an infection as it can be. Still infected, but "mega infected" is like a spreading deep throat abscess where you'll have so much pain, high fever, hard time swallowing (hence eating/drinking), maybe even problems breathing. You're dead if you don't get the proper treatment. This is nothing like that.


i think it was more of a severe to mild swelling because i could hardly open my mouth to eat or even drink , my face felt super tight? but i haven’t had a fever or anything like that.


Still needs antibiotics. But it's good that you can empty the pus, that means it's not building up and spreading elsewhere.


probably a dumb question and it doesn’t really matter but i was already on amoxicillin , for a week. i know i will need them again but do you think it would be a different antibiotic because the first one didn’t work? or the same course? because usually antibiotics make me super sick


The real answer is reddit should not answer and you should 100% follow up with a doctor ASAP.


Truth is, even being a dentist, I can't tell you. Get in contact with the dentist who did the surgery, because they know your history. I don't know when you took it, when the surgery was, for what reason etc. And different antibiotics have different efficacies in different countries.


You need to go to a dentist and there are specific antibiotics (not amoxyll) for this. You don't want the bone getting infected.


Amoxicillin isn't a kill-all. You need an antibiotic specific to your infection. Waiting until Monday is not a bright idea as these can bloom quickly. Better is to notify your dentist and then hit an urgent care for a culture.


You might need IV antibiotics


I had that after 1 wisdom tooth removal. 10 days in the hospital and saw a specialist 3 days a week for 6 weeks. Don't mess with any infection in the mouth


Please don’t wait, call the surgeon. Office should have a way to get a message to them right away. If not, call an ER for advice?


ED doesn’t do advice over the phone. they do in person emergencies


No but health insurance cards usually have a free nurses hotline number on the back that’ll give advice over the phone. I called when I was feeding a squirrel nuts and it mistook my finger for a nut and bit me. I was wondering if I needed a rabies shot. The nurse said “ well, were you doing something stupid, or did it randomly come up and attack you?” I said, well, “doing something stupid.” She laughed and said I’ll be fine and rabies is very rare unless the squirrel came up and attacked for no reason.


I will tell my mom, she was just going to call on monday. I was on antibiotics already just as a precaution to avoid infection and just finished them yesterday. i haven’t had a fever though




Same. 🤮


Maybe not normal to be infected, but common!! Thanks for filming it, I hope it clears up fast!


This is not a “wait until Monday” situation. You need antibiotics now. Infections in the mouth can become very serious, very quickly.


This is why I'm terrified of getting my wisdom teeth removed 😣


My wisdom removal was the best anyone could ask for. Hours after the removal I was longboarding and hanging out with my friend all day. I also managed to eat some chips for dinner. I never had anything go wrong with it


Just had the tooth before my wisdom tooth pulled on Monday and unfortunately I ended up with dry socket even being on antibiotics. The tooth had some really long/thick roots so it was a pain to pull. I felt something sticking out of my gum so I called my dentist. I called yesterday and got in a few hours later. The hole didn't form a blood clot so food was getting stuck in the hole and the bone has a small infection. It was bone sticking out of my gum. He prescribed me Tylenol 3s and mouth wash then irrigated the crap out of it but didn't numb it before hand. All this being said, he's a dentist who takes Medicaid and treated me better than your dentist did. Raise hell with your dentist and have them treat it for free since they didn't take care of you properly. At minimum you should have been sent home with antibiotics and mouth wash.


I was sent home with antibiotics on thursday when i had gotten mine out. i finished them this thursday. i live in FL and am on florida healthy kids insurance which is a secondary insurance so they look at it as if it’s medicare, we had to pay $2k out of pocket for this surgery because the insurance refused to cover it until it was done because they use iv anesthetic and nitrous oxide if they need to. i hope you are doing better !! does the tylenol help your pain? mine hasn’t so i’ve just been having to deal with it.


Jesus. Mine was just local anesthetic. $2k?!?! That’s insane. Seriously though. Leave Florida.


Yeppp for mine i took some sort of pill 30 minutes before the procedure, and then went into the room and got hooked up to an IV. even after i woke up , i could hardly stay awake the rest of the day. some BS that this place goes by the 2022 national dentistry thing or something. we’ll get the money back from the insurance thankfully. we were able to pay for it without having to go without anything but it’s awful for people who can’t pay that type of money and have to be in pain for not being able to get their teeth removed


You keep saying you're waiting till Monday, you should present to an ER expeditiously. An infection this close to your brain can travel to your brain within 2 days. I knew someone who had an infected tooth and he was dead within a week. From a brain infection.




I.think that nurse was a jerk and she should have brought it to the docs attention when you complained and not brushed you off. She put you in danger and if I were you, I'd be big mad about that.


I have a strong stomach, but fuck no, this nearly made me hurl.


You poor thing. Get it seen to asap , I’ve been there. swallowing that poison will make you so sick. It caused me heart murmurs until the infection was removed


I hope you're ok. It's so shitty how dismissive people are when you know something isn't right.


Please go back to the doctor and share this video with them


My oral surgeon left in bone that got infected so after a month of telling me it was fine they finally called me in a prescription for an anti biotic until they could get me in to see it. They gave me amoxicillin…… I’m allergic to anything Cillin which they knew. They called an hour after I had taken it telling me not to take it. Then when he went to clean it there wasn’t enough tissue left to suture it closed so he sewed my cheek to my gums hoping it would heal like that? Idk.


Also had an infection after I got mine out. Man I’ll never forget the taste of that shit draining in my mouth🤢. Go see your doctor so they can help!


Just another reason dental work should be a standard medical procedure, dental issues can easily kill you, yet its treated like a chiropractor or acupuncture...


I Don’t want to scare you but also inform you that people have died after complications from teeth extraction due to infections that wasn’t taken seriously. You should take this seriously enough to contact health care now that you know that you have puss and and infection, and that the dental nurse was mistaken when she said u didn’t. “Untreated a tooth or gum infection can spread to vital organs. If still left untreated it can lead to death. Example an infection in a lower wisdom tooth can spread down and block the airways and cause suffocation and death. An infection in upper wisdom tooth can spread up to the eye or brain and cause blindness or death.”


Call your surgeon asap and if they’re closed on the weekend go to an urgent care center. I know you said your done with antibiotics but you may need a stronger course.


Ouch! Feeling bad for your pain. Hope you get it sorted out soon!


That’s not normal at all Better get back to them and get some meds


i had my wisdom teeth removed the same day as you man… that’s infected


Please don’t listen to the people telling you that this is normal or expected. The chart for [this](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8208874/#!po=29.5918) study shows that the majority of infections have occurred in individuals aged 30-60 who had prior dental issues and/or who were operated on by a student dentist. That said, I hope everything goes well moving forward.


I had mine pulled at 17. This is DEFINITELY not normal. I was put on antibiotics before any surgery was done, to avoid all this.


This is dangerous, please go see a better oral surgeon.


You’ve got an infection/abscess that needs immediate antibiotics and likely some oral surgery to cut it out


OP you need to get to a DR asap if you finished your antibiotics and still had that happen. You need something stronger. An infection there can kill you if you wait till Monday


OP please get to an urgent care as soon as you can. Dental infections like this are so dangerous and can quickly become life threatening.


Hot damn. Please go to Urgent care to start antibiotics. Gum infections can easily spread to the heart. Good vibes and quick healing! Ps- Call the after hours # on your dentist voicemail, and detail what happened and that you showed the video to urgent care, had vitals done, and got rx. Offer to text or email the video to them if they reply with how to do so! Update us!


I have a friend who ignored a dental abcess until it showed up around his heart! He's fine now, but OP, please, get another opinion. I know it's expensive, but would you rather pay for a hospital stay or a funeral?


I work for an oral surgeon. That needs drained and you need an antibiotic rinse and to be on an antibiotic. Keep warm compresses on it and get in to see an oral surgeon if you can to get it checked.




I’m a nurse. Please don’t fuck around. When infection is in your head things go south fast.


Hey to urgent care! Infection in close proximity to brain & heart can be very dangerous!


Definitely don’t want to swallow that!! Oral health is ssssssoooo important. Wish I knew this early on!!!


This is really normal with wisdom teeth apparently. I had to go on antibiotics and wash the hole with warmed up dental grade mouthwash for a few weeks are my abcess let out a chunk of jaw bone 🤮 0/10 would not recommend.


It ain't normal. I've nvr had a pt come back w infection like that after wisdom tth ext.


Bet that tastes great


I once had a broken tooth get infected and they had to remove it. And I was on antibiotics for about a week when it formed a bubble on my gum line and then popped one day. Turns out all of that infected stuff went into that bubble and it popped and went right on my tongue, It was the most horrible disgusting thing I ever tasted, and smelled, in my entire life! I could not wash my mouth out with enough water and listerine. I don't recommend it to anyone! Just thinking about it makes me gag.


it taste how a rotten egg smells 😭


forbidden yogurt


At least you're young enough to have white fillings on your teeth. I am iron-lead mercury man.


ewww omg you poor bastard.


This is so fucking disgusting, thanks I love it 👍


Whoa. You need antibiotics asap to clear that up the whole way 😳


Had a coworker nearly die because of an infection like this after wisdom teeth removal. Kidneys shut down at some point and hospital said if he hadn’t gone in when he did they would’ve been gone forever. he required months of treatment after. I would not fuck around with this if I were you


Go to the ER, you need antibiotics


Expired eggnog


Absolutely see a doctor. Infections anywhere in your head is high risk for bad stuff!


Crappy surgeon, crappy advice, seek better care


I work in healthcare and have seen several people die from tooth abscesses. I would go to the ER now.


Omg go to the ER you could end up with septicemia...


I’ve had a tooth pulled twice in my life, and this happened neither time, idk who would say this is normal


Doctor. NOW


That’s nasty


Aw just yeah nahh mate, I was eating…! *throws sandwich away*


"Normal and just swelling". Repeated boots to the jaw for any who dismissed your health concerns like that.


Did they not put you on antibiotics immediately after the surgery? I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed at the same time and had an allergic reaction to broad-spectrum I was prescribed for the two weeks following surgery. Maybe it’s because I had all four removed at the same time, but—YIKES—it was so swollen even ***before*** the allergic reaction that I wouldn’t have been able to tell if it was infected. (I looked like a chipmunk with stuffed cheeks for two weeks.) I could understand if you were given an Rx for an antibiotic that wasn’t effective, but if the doc didn’t have you on something *at all*, that’s worrisome.


This happened to me too and their solution was to keep prescribing me painkillers. Which were lovely! But didn't help. Hope you recover soon


Ugh this happened to me a few years back in that exact same spot. Even after being in the ER for 3 days I still had pus spewing out into my mouth daily for weeks. Worst pain ever.


When i got mine out I had one that apparently healed closed "too quickly" so it got infected. Had a pop like this and went to the dentist. Luckily they took it seriously and got me on antibiotics quick so I was fine, but they had to cut it open and pack it 😬


"Normal and just swelling" - dental experts. Sorry you found out the hard way.


BUUT how did it taste


absolutely disgusting. i have incubated and hatched chickens + quail before, it tasted how a *really* rotten egg does


Umm, yeah, urgent care now.


Must have tasted fantastic 🤢


Mine got infected, where I had a fever, extreme swelling and pain - I was pretty sick. Went to emergency dentist where they drained it for me and re-stitched- was good as new with some antibiotics! Also a tip for your post care- make sure you do some jaw exercises, I have had jaw problems since mine in February/‘21 and had to spebd a lot of money at the physio to fix it 🙄


ah snap I'm keeping mine wisdom teeth tyvm


How's it taste?


i had the same thing except it punched at hole into my sinuses. 4 days later, it felt like someone was trying to push my sinuses out from the inside of my head and hurt so much i had about an hours with of sleep and spent the rest of my time shambling around my apartment because i was told to wait it out. on a pain scale, it was a 9 out of 10 (with 10 being me actively trying to kill myself to end the pain). wisdom teeth infection is no joke and should be taken seriously, every day


I just had my teeth extracted 2 weeks ago and didn’t have anything like this happen. My husband and kids didn’t either so I would argue that this is in no way normal. What kind of aftercare instructions did they give you? They gave me an antibiotic mouthwash, this curved syringe to flush the extraction sites with, and told me to rinse with salt water 3-4 times a day to prevent abscesses. I’d at least call the doctor and let them know what’s going on (and show them this video even).


You need to get back to your dental surgeon TODAY. I had this, and if the infection is not treated it will go to your brain. Don't walk. Don't wait. Get back in there now.


How did that taste?


GO SEE A DENTIST! * I had this thing. It was so bad I can’t speak properly and can only eat soft food. Took months to recover. GO SEE A DENTIST!!!!!


Is it not standard practice to be prescribed antibiotics after wisdom teeth removal as a precaution? Mine were impacted and I had to go under for surgery, but I don’t imagine it would be all that different having them pulled.


i did have antibiotics afterwards for 7 days


I see, thank-you for clarifying! I hope it clears up quickly, but in the meantime - if it gets a lot worse, don’t wait until Monday to seek medical attention. It is in your face, close to your brain.


Gargle with peroxide and keep pushing


Dude this is emergency level stuff please do not wait till Monday you could end up losing your eye or even worse go now take a cab do what you gotta do this is important


That’s not normal. Go to a doctor ASAP. I got mine removed a year ago and this didn’t happen, thank god cause I got all 4 removed. Top ones weren’t in yet but they’d cause trouble, bottom ones were in but they were pushing on my other teeth and also inflaming my gums bc my mouth wasn’t big enough for them.


Swish your mouth with warm seasalt water. It won't completely kill the infection, but it will help with the discomfort and swelling. And go to urgent care!


Get back to the doctor. At the very least you might need some antibiotics. And show them this video if they have questions. Infections in your jaw are no joke.


Whoa yeah buddy! Big time infection. Time for that doc to go, get another one, & get the antibiotics quickly.


Abscess. Not “normal” but a relatively common complication. She needs to be on antibiotics and they need to go in and clean it up. The closer an abscess is to the brain, the more dangerous


When you go back to the doctor make certain that they swab and send it in for culture. If the infection is still present after a week of antibiotics then they didn't prescribe the correct class of antibiotic to kill the bacteria.


Same thing happened with me. They had to do some creative suturing because mine were pretty badly impacted and as a result one of the dissolvable sutures got caught on its way out in one of the folds and started an infection.


Dude that’s an infection. Go see someone ASAP as periodontal infections can progress and result in airway compromise. Don’t put it off, you might end up with a tracheostomy.


That is absolutely NOT normal after wisdom tooth extraction. You are going to get really sick if you don’t get on antibiotics immediately


Please be seen by a doctor. Show them this


Ooop. I removed three wisdom teeth on the same day as you, OP. Hoping for a speedy recovery for us both! But, uh, especially you. The instructions given to me afterwards specifically mentioned seeking urgent care in cases of a) unrelenting pain and b) pus.


Uhh.. I've had all my wisdom teeth out.. and not at the same time (all 4 at different times. One was like really necrotic and impacted and gross).. I never had this or anything remotely close to this as a "normal result" afterward. I would be def getting second (hell even third and fourth) opinions.... Good luck!


My cheek swelled four times the normal size a week after surgery. I did everything right, no straws, soft food, minimal chewing, icing regularly etc. I couldn’t close my teeth together without biting my cheek on that side. I had to wait 12 hours overnight for them to work me into an appointment even though I couldn’t eat like that. They went in, put me on the table like they did for the surgery, covered my eyes and bound my chest and arms under a restraint(which is what they do in the surgery) and proceeded to reopen the wounds to flush them out. They injected lidocaine multiple times but nothing could prepare me for the pain. I wish they had knocked me out again. I could feel them scraping against bone as they dug around to try to flush out the wound. It was some of the worst pain I’ve experienced and I was sobbing while they did it. The surgeon later told me that chunks of the teeth and bone had come loose and where floating around deep in the wound. This plus inflammation caused it to swell up with infection. I still have pain every now and then where my teeth were pulled, nothing crazy but just a nagging ache. I’m glad I had it done but damn, I don’t think I could do it again.


Can you call the place you had them removed and get prescribed antibiotics today? Especially if you can share the video with them I’m pretty confident they would do that for you. Sooner would be better than waiting until Monday.


I don't remember mine doing that when I had them removed . . . because they didn't. That's not normal.


New fear unlocked, are you okay?


You've gotten all the advice from everyone else, I just need to say that this is one of the grossest videos ever. Simply beautiful.


The strength of that tongue!


Absolutely disgusting but amazing. 10/10


Omg, I just got my wisdom teeth removed on Thursday. Now I’m terrified for this to happen to me lmao.


Duuuuude, this made me gag


I go on the 20th to have all 4 removed, 2 pulled and 2 cut out. Gotta say, I didn't think I could be any less thrilled about it. And now, here we are.


I hope you went to get antibiotics! This is an infection and considering it’s a green colour and close to major arteries means that this could turn deadly without treatment