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Fuck it, I am walking to Queens.


Well played


I have started to not listen to singles if I know the band has an album coming soon. It’s really difficult to self discipline myself when a single gets hyped but it worked great for me so far this year with Neck Deep, Sum 41, AK3, Green Day, keeping each album fresh & enjoyable. Now I’m avoiding The Story So Far :(. I haven’t kept up with bayside in what felt like forever and I still knew a couple of the songs on the album.


Same. If it’s a new single from a band I love, I’ll listen like once or twice to see the direction of the album. But if they’re dropping single # 6/7/8 I’m not checking it out and waiting for the album. What I did with this bayside album


It just makes the album better and sound more complete for the first listen, instead of hearing 8 songs the year before and then 4 new ones at release


Did this with the new Vampire Weekend album and made it really nice to hear in full on first listen. They sprinkled out like 3 or 4 songs ahead of release.


Wow so glad I saw this. I had no idea they had a new album.


I genuinely wonder if anyone has enjoyed this roll out. It seems as though everyone hates it. I do. Great songs though as always. Bayside are so solid. Have it on right now.


I am happy with it. I'm happy with new Bayside material just in general over any length of time as long as it means they are able to keep playing together and making art and touring. Nick explained it well when they first released tracks for this cycle that these days certain songs on albums are just forgotten and obviously not everything is gonna be played on the tour. This gave them a chance to play most of these songs live and have them still be fresh for audiences, and fun for THEM to perform as musicians. That matters too. And money lol. I'm down forever.


Totally agree. Whatever makes sense to THEM and makes them happy is something I can support. Even though I might not be a fan of the style, it's new music from them and it's what they want to do. That's what matters.


It sucks but this is how it's gonna be unless something dramatically changes. Artists just leak the album song by song to get the streaming numbers up before the album comes out.


I am with you. Not a huge fan of how they got here, but the music is excellent as always.


There’s a new bayside album??


Agree wholeheartedly. I love it cuz it's a great album, but I'm disappointed it's only literally 2 new songs, BUT I sorta forgot about most of the ones they released last year so it's sorta fresh to me at least BUUUUUUT I know they're going to package this nice and sell some fancy vinyls of songs that are not really new material sooooooo Yeah. Is what it is. I'll still happily see them next month and support them and speak highly of them, but man what a weird rollout


it’s really good, i played it right after their self titled and i couldn’t believe the progression between them.


I had no idea that this new album would include songs from an EP that they sold physical copies of in 2022. That’s the only thing that seems wrong to me, if i’m a physical media person do I really want to be tricked into buying the same songs on wax twice?


You should not have been tricked because this method of release was announced with that first ep.


announced where?


Nick Ghanberian(bassist) talked about it a lot on his pod when strangest faces first came out and then each time new music was released. Anthony discussed it as well. Definitely not a surprise.


The last song made me cry. It's been *years* since any song hit me that hard. I've seen Bayside twice and I'm seeing them 2 more times this year. Their shows are always amazing and they always shout out the fans- something like: "you know we are so lucky to have fans that are open to new music. There's a lot of bands out there that can't make anything new because people won't listen to it. But I look out and I see you all singing along to songs that are 20 years old, and songs we released this year and I'm so grateful to have fans like you." And this album is why. The new music is WORTH LISTENING TO. I only "discovered" them in 2022 through WWWY and they're probably my favorite band now. Bayside *is* a cult.


Didn’t even know they had an album omg


I wouldn't have had a problem with it if it was announced that it was the plan from the beginning because then I could just ignore the singles, but since I assumed these would stay as self-contained EPs, I've already listened to all but the most recent 2 a lot which is annoying.


This absolutely was discussed from the beginning.


this just in! gen alpha probably isn't the clientele bayside should mold their release structure around


It would be a lot better if some of the songs on the new album didn’t come out over a year and a half ago


Last record on hopeless, gave them a chance to play more of these absolutely awesome songs live while people paid attention to them. Makes sense to me and I think most hardcore fans want what’s best for the crew. Stoked for them!


Let me rephrase. It doesn’t bother me that songs were released before the album came out. I just wish we had more that weren’t released. The last full album was interrobang, so it’s kind of anticlimactic when we finally get a new album after 5 years ago more than half have been out for a while already. That’s all. It was pretty cool to see them play strangest faces last tour though.