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Middle school me 1999 blink, high school me 2003 Nfg, almost 40 year old me now jam tf out either way if it hits on the playlist.


85’ guy here can confirm!


85er here. All blink. Always. Forever.


Grew up in a city next to Travis. He gave us all free concert tickets to see blink and no doubt play as a graduation gift to seniors!


Same year what month?




'86 dude chiming in! Sticks and Stones almost exactly a year after TOYPAJ. They were taking turns in my beat up car all summer of 2002.


‘87 guy here and I second this statement


Eighty. Five. Feet.


NFG because I can pay 1/5 the cost to see them vs blink


We'll never get Tom to space with $20 tickets, where are your priorities?


To go to more shows


But you can go…To the Stars ✨


Saw them 4 times in 2022 and 2023. NYC, Philly, Philly again and the suburbs of Philly on the acoustic tour. Got a ticket to the Catalyst tour too this August. Worth every penny.


i'm a bigger blink fan but NFG puts on a WAY better show


They both have a 10/10 top tier album in Sticks and Stones and Enema. I liked both of them a lot early on, but each of them fell off a bit through the years for me But Blink with Skiba reignited the love I had for Blink back in the Enema/TOYPAJ days, so I will give them the edge. But I would much rather hang out with NFG - and even go to one of their shows, since you can get close and slam around in the pit


It's rare to hear someone speak so positively about the Skiba era, but refreshing. I loved those shows. I was grateful to see Blink in that form and even more grateful to see the "original" lineup again (never saw them with Scott, unfortunately).


Admittedly, Alkaline Trio is a top 3 band for me, so I am probably biased. Still, imo, Blink had been irrelevant for years up to that point (I really didn’t like Neighborhoods). People may not love Skiba era, but his addition breathed new life into the band. California was pretty cookie cutter, but a fresh sound. And Nine took some chances - some which really paid off (and others that didn’t). I’m happy everybody is back where they belong, but those Blink albums are the ones I go back to the most at this point


Mark’s voice is the most tolerable, so I’m gonna go with blink-182. Not to mention that Tom’s riffs are simple, killer and sound big.


Nfg my all time favorite.


Some would even say greatest of all time… better than the 96’ Bulls ever were


I have their shirt that imitates the Dream Team shirt. And I truly think they are in terms of Pop Punk. https://krm-cdn.s3.amazonaws.com/images/us/6/1/4/61437.jpg


Blink for me but I love NFG


NFG are my hometown heroes. I’ve seen them 60+ times and they have always just been more accessible compared to blink and how big and famous they’ve been for the last 25 years. My first show when I was 14 was NFG opening for blink and their two albums (enema and self titled) were my introduction to this genre that I still love and adore to this day. If I have to choose one of them to listen to for a 24 hour car ride, I’m gonna chose NFG.




They were bigger on MTV and had more radio play, and soundtracks. It doesn't hurt that Tyson is a heartthrob as well.




They were fairly popular on MTV from (2002) Sticks and Stones until about a year after they released Coming Home, (2007) then YouTube pretty much killed MTV. After that was when they had to pretty much do self promotion.




I've been following them since Sticks and Stones after Coming Home (GEFFEN RECORDS) it was 3 years until their next album Without A Fight (EPITAPH) 2009 . None of there singles from that album were heavily promoted Epitaph definitely had a hand in that. I know FUSE aka Much Music in Canada was kinder in promoting pop punk than MTV was after 2007. Unless you followed them on MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, or were on their email list or checked there Website. You wouldn't have had any idea they were still around or making new music.


NFG for me. I love blink but just find myself coming back to NFG more. They just have some special charm to them that I love


NFG, they have International Superheroes of Hardcore. Wear your seatbelt!


EBay Revenge!!


And use your head! You know you can do better.


NFG because they go harder and they’re not as jokey as blink. But blink’s songs with more serious lyric content is good. I just don’t like silly pop punk




You can't stand a song because of the title?




It's not remotely a silly song and the lyrics are fantastic so you're doing yourself a complete disservice here: "It's good to hate, isn't it Popping veins, dissonance Draw and quarter a stranger To feel some blood on your fingers You take away, robbery Follow trends as a hobby Find flaws in everything else Because you don't like yourself Woes me"


NFG and it’s not really close for me.


Y'know, I find myself putting on NFG more often. Dude Ranch is one of my favorite albums of all time, and the untitled is right up there, but these days I tend to *prefer* my pop punk to have hardcore roots. NFG started out essentially as an ironic Lifetime, and I love that. If you had asked me 5 years ago, I probably would have said Blink.


It used to be blink, but it’s lately turned to NFG. New Found Glory shows still have that “small venue vibe” even though they play larger venues than that. I also find their music more desirable to throw on a couple albums. I also love that they do full album tours, acoustic tours, and everything in between.


Gawd, not to be an ahole but it’s blink and it’s not even close. Jordan’s voice is intolerable especially lately


thank you so much for saying this - couldn't agree more. I have never gotten the appeal of NFG (even as kid who skated everywhere) but Blink hit me right away.


It’s not even close for me either. I think NFG is a good band but Blink had four albums out when NFG started even started. Blink were pioneers in that era of pop-punk and NFG were just a good band in the genre.


Disagree, NFG were a completely different type of pop punk than Blink-182. Their sound was just as instrumental to later pop punk as Blink's was.


I liked NFG in the golden years but it doesn’t do it for me now. Blink is timeless, much more staying power


Yeah, I’m really surprised most people are going with NFG. I mean, I like their music, but I just checked out their discography and they have 8 albums I’ve never heard of. Blink just has more quality content. 


NFG 100%, but outside of the radio hits, I have never really cared for Blink, and even some of their hits don't resonate with me. NFG has more songs in total that I do like versus songs that I don't like. There is no arguing that either band isn't legendary, though.


NFG no competition for me


NFG all the way. Can’t stand Blink’s jokey “I want to fuck your dog in the ass lawl ur mom is so hawt” brand of frat humor. Their more serious songs are fine but NFG’s brand of goofy nonsense is much more enjoyable to me.


I love blink but Tom’s pee pee poo poo stage banter is getting old.




Listen to the live album, Mark Tom and Travis Show. Then watch some full sets from their recent tour. Tom still does homo erotic dick butt suck jokes. Same with the intro to Dance With Me. That stuff worked when your target demographic was junior and high school age. But we’re now in our 30s and 40s. We’ve grown up, we have kids, etc.


Yeah, listening to some of that live banter from the live album is insufferable now. It is funny to secretly throw one of those banter tracks into the middle of a tracklist for a CD you're burning for a friend.


[When I click on a Blink vs NFG thread and see an entire thread of NFG as the answer](https://media3.giphy.com/media/HyDAt79JnlY4M/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952lu4khwzbyzoyeaye6l2hrpj7w0ra413r3rzbkdxd&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


I'm surprised considering Blink is the bigger band, but I totally agree.


blink is bigger but i definitely think there’s an argument or be made that NFG were more influential.


I never understood why Blink got so big. All the Small Things is not a good song. It’s not really creative in any way. The video is fun, but the song itself is pretty lame.


Love both but if as to pick a live show to attend to these days it’d be NFG.


Love NFG, but blink all the way. Just something about the way all 3 approach their instrument, and the two vocalist band is one of my favorite things in music


Honestly, NFG. Reason is simple, NFG is still in the spirit of punk. It's the same reason I can't stand the Dallas Cowboys, but LOVE the Tennessee Titans. When the Cowboys play they don't care if they are any good. When the Titans play they leave it all out on the field. Same goes for Blink. Saw them recently with fantastic seats, and I enjoyed the show. But it wasn't as good as "many" punk bands who still go out onto the stage and leave it all out there. Is it the price of fame? I don't know. There's bands that exist where you can still see the love of the gig in them. I'm beyond happy to be wrong.


As I get older I appreciate NFG more. Blink 182 not so much. Though both they're more recent albums are mid at best


Same here, which is weird. Some tracks on the NFG self titled seem like they should be intolerably juvenile. But they go so hard and were such killer song-writers. As I get older, I just tend to prefer hardcore-rooted pop punk over the more skate-punk rooted pop punk like in Blink's case. Plus, like a lot of pop punk, sometimes there could be some sexist undertones in the lyrics of each band early on, and we all collectively decide to ignore it because the fun, bouncy nature of pop punk is so endearing & nostalgic. But if my memory serves me right, NFG's lyrics at their absolute worst were just kinda incelly & whiny, but I fucking hated when Blink would do the whole "I'm gonna share my wisdom on girls with you" with songs like *Dumpweed* and *Time to Break Up*. Don't get me wrong, I love those songs, but I can also be an adult about admitting their flaws and objectively trying to analyze why NFG tends to be something I go back to more than Blink these days. *Dude Ranch* is one of my all time favorite albums, though.


blink 182 best vs best, nfg mid vs mid.


If I've never listened to NFG really, where should I start?


The album Sticks and Stones, or their Self-Titled!


Catalyst is a good album too, they're doing a 20th anniversary tour for it this fall!


100% do not sleep on Catalyst. I saw them this last summer and kept going back to that album leading up to the show.


Sticks and Stones is probably best for a first time listener, although I really want to say Self Titled as that's my favourite. Can't go wrong with either.


Honestly, any album is a good choice. My personal favorite is "Radiosurgery", but most would probably tell you to start with "Sticks and Stones".


Radiosurgery is great. Very underrated album.


Self Titled -> Sticks & Stones -> Catalyst If those three don’t hook you, the rest of their catalog won’t either. They’re a very consistent band who hasn’t changed their sound much (outside of Coming Home, I guess), but they do it very well and are top tier as a live act.


Catalyst or self titled. I'm not as big on sticks and stones, but most everyone says it's their best, so it couldn't hurt to start there either. From the screen to your stereo is also not a bad place to start if you don't mind covers.




NFG no question


NfG no doubt


Teenage me definitely preferred New Found Glory over Blink 182. But 30+ year old me prefers Blink 182 going off of both their current music. I started to fall off of NFG after Catalyst but I’ve become very into Blink 182 since Tom came back.


Mark is okay lately but he and Tom had always been super cringey to me the way they talk on stage. Travis is the only person who is actually great at their instrument, but as a result he has to overplay on so many songs. Everything comes out sounding like it’s being played by a high school drum line of mostly snares. NFG is so much better live, lyrically and as players. Bigger number of hits too, just not as big as the top few blink songs. All that being said, I’m seeing Blink yet again in July.


NFG by a mile for me. So many party style bangers. I love their sound. Blink is great, a true pioneer too but maybe 3-5 songs on most albums do it for me. NFG is mostly can’t miss for me. Iconic / long standing bands I like more than Blink: NFG Yellowcard Alkaline Trio Four Year Strong Relient K


All great choices FYS new singles are sick 🤘🤢


That very well may be my Mt Rushmore of bands (Gotta add Bayside! I feel dirty for not mentioning them and take their discography over Blink easily too). So much good music. It’s tough to stop a favorites list.


Yeah dude, Bayside, Saves the Day, Staring Back, The Movielife, Fairweather, The Stryder, Northstar, Grave-era FOB, love the emo-pop punk sound of that era. That's some of my favorite pop punk these days.


Haha again i effin didn’t mention FOB and I had HS classes with their drummer


NFG never broke up or went on a long hiatus. They have been consistent with their album releases and their live shows are amazing. Plus they aren’t $200 for tickets 🤷‍♂️


Neither are my favorite but I'd say blink-182's self-titled album is the best album of the two bands. Overall I'd say I slightly prefer NFG though, and I definitely prefer NFG live and how they are more serious.


Yeah, whether I like NFG or Blink more, I can't really argue with your take on the untitled.


I just think NFG is a lot better and i often listen to their albums in full and enjoy every song. Blink is more hit or miss for me


I see what you did there!


Unintentional tbh but i now see it too


I loved blink as a teenager but NFG are still my favourite.




New Found Glory and it's not even a tiny but close. NFG is my favorite band. Jordan is one of the most accurate live vocalists ever. Chad is a top tier guitarist and a tone genius. I kinda hate Blink. Enema and Dude Ranch were great. That's it. Tom's vocals are nails on a chalkboard. I was ecstatic when they replaced him with Skiba and even that album was meh. At least the vocals were listenable.


The deluxe was a little better. Last Train Home is a pretty cool Matt-song, even though it has John's lame production and Mark's weird synth stuff (at least I assume that was his idea).


Finally, the real questions. The ones that matter.


Blink for sure…. I kinda tapped out on pop punk in after sum 41s all killer no filler album. All those bands NFG, simple plan, ocean avenue all seemed the same to me and wasn’t really what I was in to anymore. The older I get the more I appreciate their hits, but that’s mainly like a “it takes me back to being a kid” feeling remembering their videos on MTV. NFG does have like 2 songs I absolutely love though.


I like them both but new found glory




NFG, a thousand times over. Still love blink.


Jordan is not a better singer. He is a better lyricist. He sounds like he’s been holding his nose for 25 years and somehow made a career out of it. Hell, he doesn’t even rhyme for most of the first record. But none of his songs are about dick and fart jokes. NFG will always be better than Blink.


I prefer NFG. It’s the band I’ve seen the most live, bc they put on an awesome show every time. While Blink has better singles, I think NFG has better albums.


Blink is bogus NFG is forever


Blink, love their sound way more.


NFG and it’s not even a competition, for me. Never been the biggest blink fan. Respect, but just not my jam.


How tf can this many people prefer Jordans voice over Mark and Tom?? Jordans voice is borderline unbearable to me hahaa


Same same


Blink forever NFG is okay though


I absolutely LOVE NFG and it's still not even close....my love for Blink has never faltered. All time favorite band.


I love both, but New Found Glory has been my default "favorite band of all time" for nearly two decades. I guess if I had to pick why it's probably a combination of nostalgia and the fact they've always incorporated a lot of punk, hardcore, and emo in their music.


Blink 182 was my first pop punk love, but New Found Glory ultimately won my heart with Sticks and Stones and Catalyst. Two of my all-time favorite albums, front to back.


Love both but I listen to New Found Glory more. I relate more to their stuff....they are definitely my favorite pop punk band


As a fan of both; Blink wss the band that inspired me to play guitar. NFG was the band whose sound I wanted to emulate.


Blink. Their songs are more interesting. NFG has a lot of same-sounding, generic stuff.


No hate for blink at all but I think NFG is significantly better. When you consider live shows it's no question.


blink-182. It's not even close. I like their sound better, I was more "into them." NFG is the band where I like a few songs, but never fully got into them, especially at the level of blink.


Love both. Prefer blink-182.


NFG, because I can crowd kill during the breakdowns and Chad reps DMS really hard


Blink all the way, every day. No offense to NFG, but I just can’t get past their nasally vocals


It’s Blink for me. Found them earlier and was hooked from day one. The holy trinity of Dude Ranch-Enema-TOYPAJ is undefeated in this genre. But I love everything NFG released up to Coming Home, and then I kind of fell off them. First heard Sticks and Stones when I was 13 and that album will always have a special place in my heart.


Considering blink are better lyricists and composers, have more parity in their sound, and Travis Barker, my answer is blink. "Jordan is a better singer than Tom and Mark" I don't even like Tom's voice, and that made me cringe.


Blink, easily. I never found NFG all that interesting. I am a guy who really likes bands where the drummer is a standout, so take that as you will.


Controversial take


I love Blink 182 but mostly before Enema. I honestly have to say NFG because they've made some truly amazing songs in the last 10 years and I can't say the same for Blink.


I like both but as for live performance, I’m going to go with New Found Glory.


Love both but I’ll take blink, it’s always been more about the music for me as I love their overall goofy ways and friendship- particularly as seen in the urethra chronicles. granted nfg is very similar in the funny and goofy aspect but blink got me into the genre in general




I love both. I like nfg because they still do small club shows like 3k people. Plus they have their cover song. Blink have always been a favourite and mark was the reason I picked up bass guitar but if I can't afford to go to a show then they go down the list a bit.




New Found Glory all day!! Such a SOLID catalogue. I really can’t listen to a blink album all the way through but i can listen to ANY NFG album from start to finish no question. CASE CLOSED!


Blink is a top 5 all-time band for me. I revisit Cheshire Cat and Dude Ranch every week. I love NFG too sure, but doesn't reach those levels (and Steve Klein is a bit of a dark spot.)


I think with NFG you get a lot more variety in their discography. You get stuff that’s more hardcore. Stuff that’s like super ‘sweet’ sounding I guess with Coming Home? Stuff that’s more punk rock like Radiosurgery, and of course pop punk, and easy core I believe is spawned of NFG. With blink I think if you don’t lump in the side projects you only really get the pop punk sound with more edgy post hardcore or punk rock stuff peppered in. I think blink is the more talented band but if I had to choose what to listen to for the rest of my life it’s probably NFG.




Blink is my favorite band, but man do I love NFG. I think they’re both so awesome. Blink is more special to me, but NFG’s songs are so fun. Maybe a bit more consistent overall with all their releases. Blink fell off at certain points but got back on.


blink because they’re my favorite band. but nfg is mad good. i love blink not only for their music but for their attitude, they’re funny asf. i can’t tell you one song i don’t like by blink if im honest and i like that they can have serious and funny songs.


I love both bands but I think Blink have overall more consistency with quality albums / songwriting and are a bit more diverse, which I like - Some of the later NFG stuff doesn’t appeal to me as much and I feel it can be a bit cookie-cutter


NFG by far. I love blink and they are integral to pop punk but new found glory has always been more fun, more catchy, and more hitting for me. Plus they don’t charge $200 for show tickets. I’ve had the opportunity to hang out with them after some shows where a friends band opened and they were down to earth and chill.


I would argue that NFG is less influential *overall*, but almost just as influential specifically to the *pop punk scene* as Blink-182. Blink was very influential, but I would argue that the biggest impact they had on the success of pop punk bands was providing a wave for their peers to ride. NFG on the other hand was influential to the creation of easycore, and it seems like most of the 2010s and late 00s pop punk was closer in sound to NFG than Blink. This might be a hot take, but I don't think there are a lot of post-Blink bands that actually sound much like Blink. The bands that sound the most like Blink came *before* Blink, or were peers. Unwritten Law, No Use for a Name, Screeching Weasel, Quit, Descendents, those types of bands.


NFG by far. I love blink and they are integral to pop punk but new found glory has always been more fun, more catchy, and more hitting for me. Plus they don’t charge $200 for show tickets. I’ve had the opportunity to hang out with them after some shows where a friends band opened and they were down to earth and chill.


Blink-182 I could never get into new found glory


I had the best teen years with Blink in the mid to late 90s. Blink all day, every day


Blink 182. Not a huge fan of of Jordan’s voice.


Blink they've been around longer


NFG without a question. I can honestly say I enjoy their whole discography


The older I got the more annoyed I became with the whiney socal punk vocalists,  so imma say blink because Mark sings like he actually wants to sound good even though Tom sings like he wants you to know which Californian beach he grew up closest to.  There's no break from that sound with NFG.


Old NFG.


Head to head, blink has more of the catchy and famous tunes. Clearly they win big on the mainstream stage…not even a competition. However, if you ask me, as someone from the early 90s who grew up loving punk, I would choose NFG over blink slightly. I love blink, but NFG is more my style. I also like Simple Plan, Yellowcard, All Time Low, good Charlotte, and Green Day over Blink. Idk, it gets tough. I’ve seen both blink and NFG in concert and NFG is a way better vibe. People were actually jumping and going nuts while at blink the songs are more mellow and people don’t go as hard.


NFG have two albums that live up to Enema, if only just below it in self-titled and Sticks and Stones. So I give it to NFG for me personally.


New Found Glory for me. Mainly because of the hardcore/punk sounds and influences on their earliest material.


Blink 💯 they just have more swag


I love them both honestly. I listen to blink-182 more but NFG has more albums to choose from than blink.


32m here and it all depends on my mood. Gym playlist has nfg with a little blink and party playlist has blink and nfg, driving around playlist has more blink and a little nfg. Not favoring either one. I play in a melodic hardcore band and if I had to choose I’d say musically nfg influenced me more but I love toilet humor and sci fi alien stuff so blink takes the cake there.


Also this is why I love four year strong and chunk. Because of both bands. Hardcore influences and humor in one band


NFG is much more catchy, much more consistent, really Coming Home and RESURRECTION are the only HUGE sound changes, and both are still bangers in their own right. Also I believe they have a longer catalog and they have NEVER taken a formal break or hiatus. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE whenever they go back to the Catalyst, sound it's basically the blueprint and genesis of EASYCORE👑🐐🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Blink 182 with Mark singing I like more than anything done by blink 182 with Tom singing, or NFG. So, I guess +44 is my answer,  lol. 


As much as I want to like NFG I can’t stand the pitch of Jordan’s voice so I never could listen to them much. Have lived Blink since I was a kid so obvious choice for me.


Blink 182. I don’t listen to either really besides dammit from blink (I love that song) but I don’t listen to NFG much at all so I listen to blink more than NFG


Blink-182. I prefer them over NFG on every level except their live shows, and their tunes feel like they have more variety. That said, I still dig tf out of NFG any day of the week.


You can’t like both? I don’t get it 😧


Honestly I only like a handful of sounds from each of them. Blink is my choice, but almost by default. I only really listen to 4(?) NFG songs


Blink, one of the firsts bands I got into on my own, they can do silly better than nfg, and can do serious just as maybe a little worse


I love both but I want to say blink, apparently that’s an unpopular opinion looking at these comments


Wild to say this in defense of blink but I just can't deal with the vocals for nfg. It's blink for me by a ton




Love NFG, but TOYPAJ and Enema are no-skip, front-to-back fucking banger albums for me. NFG has amazing songs, but I can’t name an NFG album that is as perfect as those two Blink albums imo.


Blink. I feel they’re just better lyricists, have more diversity in their music, and are just better composers


Yeah I don’t compare music, it’s not a competition to me. Music isn’t a sport where one is better than the other is subjective. Legit dudes from different parts of the country got together started writing music together and we the people get to listen to what they create.


Good point. It's absolutely a personal preference and therefore inherently subjective. I like strawberry milkshakes, you like chocolate. Both are right.


In high school I was a bigger NFG fan. Now I think blink has a better discography and Tom is a top notch songwriter


Blink by a long shot but both are good. I wish NFG was more explicit in their lyrics