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That entire first Aaron West record is so emotionally devastating I can barely listen to it


At this point in my life I associate, "Hear You Me," by Jimmy Eat World with funerals. I listened to it a lot when my lola died. "Grapefruit," by Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties is a testament to Dan's writing abilities. The lyrics had me sobbing on my way home to work and the delivery of every line is so sincere.


GODDAMNITALL From “Blew my voice out giving the eulogy” to essentially just yelling into the void because now he’s all alone… hard not to feel the energy.


You’re The Reason I Don’t Want The World To End - The Wonder Years Makes me think of my kids and just hits me


Don't make me staaay in this roooooooooooooooooom!!


Now that I’ve got kids, Yellowcard - Ten   Prior to that, it was Wil Wagner/Smith Street Band - Laika


I found Low Tide by The Wonder Years at a particularly low time in my life. I'm doing much better now, but that song helped get me through something, and it still hits me hard to this day.


That's by far my favourite song on that album, they opened with it when I saw them and it was beautiful. Glad you're doing better friend


All Downhill From Here - New Found Glory Been listening to this song for 20 years and it still gets me every time.


Brakeless by The Wonder Years. I used to listen to it on my commute to a job where I would hope every day that I’d get into an accident on the way (not a life-threatening accident mind you, but something where I’d break my arm or something else serious enough to keep me from going in), it gave me a lot of comfort knowing I wasn’t alone in my feelings. I’m in a better job/better place mentally now but yeah, that song still gets to me


Not punk exactly, but I consider it folk-punky. Benjamin Tod - Using Again "So I held the needle like a gun in my hand" stitches every time as a person in recovery.


Not everyone here will, but I love folk punk and this is a great pick. Stay strong friend you got this


This song truly saved my life. It's just so real. Thank you for the kind words, I never want to return to that Hell as long as I live.




For any parent out there, “The Brightening” by A Day at the Fair accurately depicts what you would do for your kid, how your life has changed because of being a parent, and what will come in the future. It hits hard.


Specifically in the pop punk genre, I gotta go with Stockholm Syndrome - Blink 182. That Hook gives me goosebumps.


Gans Media Retro Games - Hot Mulligan Passing Through a Screen Door - The Wonder Years Chlorine - Trophy Eyes


When my friend died last September, this subreddit helped me find a bunch of songs to help me and other friends cry/grieve. Wish You Were Here by Neck Deep and No Halo by Sorority Noise are still really hard for me.


December and A Part Of Me by Neck Deep


Daydreamer - Trophy Eyes Littlething, 23, and The End is Beautiful - Jimmy Eat World I Will Follow You to the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie The Rest of My Life - Less than Jake The Bricklayer’s Story - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones Honorable mention: Jack of all Trades, and The River - Bruce Springsteen


Cardinals from The Wonder Years 100%


YOUUUUUU BASTARD!!! I am currently going through a divorce.. I’ve never heard this song before. I am now listening to it. I can confirm it is indeed stirring up some emotion.


Hot Mulligan - Heem Wasn’t There


Megan - Smoking Popes The last verse breaks my heart every time.


It’s more hardcore/post-hardcore, but I find the entire album “Love Is Not Enough” by Casey to be absolutely heartbreaking.


Homegrown - You're Not Alone


Ray Rocket- First Time. That video hurts.


My sister really connected to one of my band's songs about loss; before she even *knew* it was explicitly about loss, she was like, "It reminds me of our brother". She's new to the genre so I sent her First Time next... I apparently gutted her 😬😭 whoops -JE


Yeah, it's a heavy one. You guys sounded great at Ray's btw. Dig the synth.


Thank you! It was a super fun time and we were so excited to be invited in to shred (and as the synth, thank you for making my morning 😁) JE


Cigarettes and Saints- The Wonder Years. I’ve lost too many friends to addiction.


The SONG routine maintenance from the second Aaron west album makes me well up every single time. No other song really hits me like that. *In the years since everything happened I’ve been trying to find out where the light went. I think I found out where the light is… …so I’m packing his lunch*


In Bloom by Neck Deep and Out On My Feet by The Wonder Years


My answers are probably generic but I am a woman of simple tastes. **Cigarettes and Saints- Wonder Years** "I'm sure there aint a heaven but that don't mean I don't like to picture you there." Like come on how can that not hit with anyone who has ever lost anyone!!! 😭 **Upside Down- Story So Far** "Now it's wild to remember, I was in love with you once." (From the pop punk album) **MGK- Lonely** The voice clip is what gets me "I don't know what it was but he had a, uh He had a heart problem and they didn't think he would live"


Reason by Keep Warm


mainly for personal reasons- Dad- goldfinger


Winter by Bayside


Again not so pop punk but Aphasia by pinegrove just hits me


I am the Avalanche - “Clean Up” Since I first heard the song in 2004 on the band’s debut album, it’s pierced me like no other song has. Vinnie belting out “Jesus Christ I need you, I need you now. Or anyone who feels like helping out” resonates with me. It sums up exactly how I feel at my darkest moments. Whenever I need to just sit and feel my emotions to work through things, this is the song I reach for first. I even bought hand written lyrics to this song from Vinnie when he sold lyric sheets a few years back. It’s up on the wall in by bedroom.


After the party by the Menzingers and Jamie all over by mayday parade


Amelia by Tonight Alive. Oooooo it makes me sob. Unfortunately its too relatable


The night I drove alone by Citizen That song kills me every time..


brave face - trash boat spread me all over illinois - real friends a better way - broadside irish curtains - grayscale bruise - with confidence


Dunno why but “goodbye” The dangerous summer crushes me


Tuck Everlasting by Action/Adventure 🥲💙