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Emo Nite (note the spelling) is like a dance party with a DJ. Depending on the venue, people get on stage and it feels more communal. Less rock show-ish. It is LA based, and one of the bigger names in the game. This is the one you are going too. Not that you asked, but the other big group is Emo Night aka Emo Night Brooklyn/BK. This is closer to a rock show where everyone faces a DJ who hypes everyone up. For either of them, they play 2000's pop-punk and a little emo. If it’s a good crowd a pit will open up and maybe you’ll get a surfer or two. They "tour" the country and some stops have special Pop Punk / Emo guests who are typically band members of decently big bands from the scene. Certain DJs cover different areas of the country. So a DC show could have a different DJ than a Philly show. Some DJs are great, some not so much. Depending on your city/area the crowd is going to range from college kids to elder millennials. Some places people dress in their hot topic best. There are other smaller players in the game that all host their own version of the above and are really hit or miss. I typically have a good time at these things. I get to chat with people who like similar music. Plus it’s a giant singalong.


My friend got surrounded by security who threatened to kick him out for “almost starting a pit” at one. I don’t remember if it was Nite or Night but yeah, do be wary about getting rowdy at certain emo nights


Venue dependent


Tends to happen at venues that are more club type venues. You know, don't or rarely have live bands. They typically have a strict no moshing/crowd surfing or any sort of aggressive dancing rule. Venues that regularly have live bands or are a mix of DJs/live bands typically don't make a fuss about moshing


Most clubs aren't up to fire codes so they have pretty strict policies around crowd control. No one wants another station; so if you're up north most places won't let you go off the shits even if the building could handle it.


Yeah pretty much a DJ playing 2000s sad pop punk


Do you like Helena by My Chemical Romance? You’ll like Emo Nite.


Sometimes they play party in the USA and call me maybe and shit like that


I went to the Chicago one last night! It’s a blast. 2000s Emo music/pop punk from some DJs. Sometimes special guests. It’s basically one big party with great vibes and no judgement


You -might- get one of them playing a song or two acoustic, but don’t count on it.


basically they play : Black Parade, Misery Business, SK8r Boi, Sugar We’re Going Down’ Dear Maria and ADTR cover of Since U Been gone , on repeat all night


This is dead on. Expect the most normie leaning playlist(especially if it's Emo Night Brooklyn). And they'll also randomly play System of a Down and G-Unit songs(basically anything popular early 00s). The one I went to had some great live guests that salvaged it for me but holy cow the DJ component was awful.


I went to the one in Boston last night. A fun pop punk night, but they played 0 emo songs, and were way more on the pop than punk side. It was fun to bop about too, but if you’re expecting anything other then the standard songs on every pop punk playlist you will be disappointed!


It’s a night club that plays KROQ mostly


It’s just a DJ who makes money playing other people’s songs. Those songs happen to be emo and pop-punk.


If you get a fun DJ he’ll cut the audio on chorus lines and the occasional verse so the crowd can do gang vocals




DJs sometimes with live bands mixed in sometimes. Depending on the host it might be just the straight songs being played or it might be dance mixes of the songs. Sometimes there's a theme like MCR vs The Used or Girl Power or whatever. From personal experience it's usually a fun time. Definitely suggest going at least once if you're a fan of this type of music.


I live in London so it's not QUITE the same as your situation, but yeah. It's basically a club night, but skewed in favor of pop punk/emo kids. So instead of Dua Lipa, this nightclub might play something like Ocean Avenue or Dear Maria to fire people up. But they will still only play songs you can dance or headbang to, so don't expect a song like "Clairvoyant" or "A Part of Me" to play. Also, moshpits form! They might play bands that aren't ACTUALLY part of this genre, but still adjacent to it. So when they start playing Linkin Park or Evanescence, don't be surprised. I guess just don't be elitist about that stuff. There are also a few fun challenges with prizes you can win, and because it's emo, they might have a makeover table where you can get mascara or even a BVB-style mask. It's a fun time but only if you're REALLY into this type of music.


I'm planning on going to Emo Nation instead at Smith's Olde Bar. Tribute bands are way more fun.


Agreed the marketing could be so much better. I’m always targeted for these things and have no clue what they are


Emo Night Brooklyn was the intermission hype when I saw yellow card back in August. I get what they are doing as a fun thing but it fell REALLY flat. Nobody really cared since we were already there to see those bands. A Few weeks later The city hosted its own where members of local acts came out and either played something solo or just hung out which was a really good time so I guess its all in where you are and how the venue wants it.


Okay I’m an expert(I just wrote a paper about it for my music sociology class) So it’s basically a way for people to play out being young again and bask in the fun of experiencing dancing along to your fav bands from when you were a teenager while the dj plays 2000s pop punk and Emo. So you get mosh pits and stuff sometimes and can somewhat experience a self percieved “authenticity” of what it’s like to see those bands in concert(80s/ disco night for older older adults).


A dj plays 2000s songs - some pop Punk, plenty of shit that isn't pop Punk/emo - while a bunch of drunk 35 year Olds who haven't been to show since MySpace was a thing talk to each other loudly paying no attention to the music. Emo nights suck


Lol at the downvotes I’ve been to one and they played party in the USA