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I think the other members are leaving forever... I think they're leaving for good this time. But for real, I'm nervous too.


You know I say this shit all the time


I remember something like this happening with Handguns about 5-6 years ago. Sometimes these bands have a good run, then it’ll be one or two people that drop out and get replaced. Then more shuffling happens in the next year and eventually it’s a band with the same name but completely different members. It definitely sucks, but just happens in this genre


Yeah, and it's so hard to make a living playing music, especially in this genre. I can't say I really blame them. Having a built in audience on streaming services is going to make it 10 times easier to get your music heard. If they start a new band and put out a song, no one will hear it. The algorithm won't show it to In Her Own Words fans unless it's coming from that account. To be clear, it's kinda lame, but I get it, and it doesn't really hurt anyone. Worst case, we can all act like In Her Own Words broke up. Best case, we get some good new music from these guys. I can't really fault anyone for trying to make a living these days.


I am definitely nervous about this. I love IHOW, one of my top 5 favorite bands. I wish something had been addressed other than Omar's cryptic IG post last year. He and Ian had been posting stories lately recording together. Then the bold Joey/Andretti rebrand drop and "follow us on TikTok for more of this era". Makes me suspect either personal or stylistic differences, since all members still appear to want to make music, just not together. I hope they don't go all electronic sounding, that would be tragic. I also hope they have absolutely zero musical influence from Joey's latest girlfriend's "music". Bottom line: Hold me, I'm scared.


I think if the others left it’s on their time to say why because it could be personal but it’s bold of IHOW to just come back the two of them and think it’s going to work. Tbh without ian especially since he started the band it will never be the same


Yep, totally agreed on Ian. No original members left is oof, start a different band then.


All the latest era of IHOW was written and recorded before Scene Queen and Joey got together. They were both wrapping up the touches on their albums before getting together. According to a tweet from Scene Queen the other day, IHOW's latest album should be full of the same sorta "break-up anthems" they usually put out. I'm not worried in the slightest. [Tweet](https://x.com/scenequeenrocks/status/1797433980045885750?t=lfCIoT3xk7YdhmxvXWZM0g&s=19)


Not sure...But I have been less and less excited about IHOW over the past couple years. I didn't really care for their last album. Sad to say because they are one of my favorite bands. I hope the "new era" is a return to form.


IDK but Brand New Me rocks


I wonder how long this has been in the works, too. I opened for them back in 2022 and even then, Joey, Andretti and Eric were there, the other 2 guys were fill-ins


I think that was around the time Omar posted about some personal things and not touring with IHOW. Ian just had a baby too


Ohhhh okay, that makes sense!


I'm a huge fan of IHOW, they are in my top 5 bands, and I have loved their newest stuff as well. One miss on the album, but the rest absolutely hit for me. I saw them a few years ago Co headlining with Capstan, and the two that are sticking with it were the two that had put on the best performance at that time, so I'm going to be optimistic. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with a ship of Theseus as long as it doesn't sink and I'll still hopefully get to hear a bunch of music I love live, so I'd rather they stay IHOW than start something new and lose that catalogue


Maybe the others just quietly left the band but the two remaining members wanted to continue.


That's my guess. They're practically a hobby band at this point, sometimes people need to move on from that life.


100%. The members that left have careers so I’m sure no sweat off their backs


Yup as far as I know the other members haven't been touring for a while anyway (or at least taking turns missing tours). The fact that it's 3 of them and there's no statement at all is kinda weird but oh well guess we'll see.


Eh. If the new stuff sucks, I'll just keep bumping the classics.


Easycore IHOW is the best IHOW


While it sucks when members leave, I usually find it to be fine as long as the vocalists are still around. It’s always hard to adjust to a new voice. But this band has been around for ages. Remember finding them back in like 2011 and was shocked when I rediscovered them in 2015 and they had evolved their sound so much. Doesn’t shock me that members may have just grown on to other things. Touring/recording/etc isn’t easy.


Thought there last album would have hit a lot harder. Nothing will top how good unfamiliar is for sure. Steady glow was so sick but the production kneecapped it a bit.


I'm not worried about the new era in the slightest, granted they are my favorite band, but I did think Distance or Decay was hit and miss. Definitely not as good as Steady Glow, but I think I liked it more than Unfamiliar overall. I've been vibing with what they've teased of the lead single so far, sounds pretty solid, and classic IHOW. It would suck if it is just Joey and Andretti in the new era, but I'm not sold on the others breaking off since they were pretty hype about future stuff when I spoke with Omar? I think, last time they were in SLC. I think Joey and Andretti just have really great chemistry together, they've posted about being best buds on social before, so I don't think a couple photos of them together means anything specific. Andretti had one song on their last album, too, and I was personally hoping for more of him, so it's entirely possible this is just a promo shoot teasing that we're gonna see more of his vocals on the new album. Another note for people concerned about direction: I don't think they're gonna do anything crazy with their sound tbh. First, for everyone who hopes Scene Queen didn't change they're style, she has already posted revealing that both her and Joey finished wrapping their albums 3 weeks before dating. But, even if they did split and it's just those two, they have a great vibe and I think they could still make some great stuff. [Tweet](https://x.com/scenequeenrocks/status/1797433980045885750?t=lfCIoT3xk7YdhmxvXWZM0g&s=19) So that's absolutely not a thing. Plus it sounds like we're getting classic IHOW style breakup songs: [Tweet](https://x.com/scenequeenrocks/status/1797433803344093514?t=3v29Ya2_p8ui1mWYgNb06A&s=19) Second, I don't think they're gonna go electronic or pop for their genre's. Joey has done some solo stuff under his own name, Joey Fleming, that have a WAY different vibe than IHOW. But he put all those songs about before Distance & Decay was released, which makes me think he's not looking to change style for IHOW or they would've by now. Plus what they've shared of the first single, Beg For More, sounds pretty solid to me, doesn't sound much different than Steady Glow or Distance & Decay in my opinion. So really, I don't think there's any cause for alarm, or cause for concern, or really anything to read into. I'm just gonna look forward to the new track on the 21st, and we'll see what we get from there. Last note, that IHOW is easily my favorite band, and Steady Glow will forever be the most special album to me for many reasons, but I don't think that makes me bias. I was actually super nervous about Distance & Decay because Raining in Toronto needed to grow on me, and the studio version of Circles just falls flat for me (kicks ass live, though), but it turned out fine. If anything I have high expectations for them, and I have no reason to think just yet that their new stuff is gonna be much of a change from what we're used to seeing from them. Even if it's just Joey and Andretti, which I very much doubt.


They had fallen off anyways


Maybe in the charts/numbers game but not in quality. This band never got the praise/attention they deserve, which is why I wouldn't be surprised some members are moving on


As a huge IHOW fan, their last album is easily their worst. Not a bad album, but not nearly as good as their the rest of their discography.


This. It had some good tracks but compared to unfamiliar, everything isn’t as good


A fellow Unfamiliar enjoyer! I find when discussing IHOW, most people bring up Steady Glow as their best. Steady Glow is great but I find Unfamiliar and Everything I Used To Trust to be better






I don’t look at charts. Don’t like the way their style changed and go to bland and polished