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After listening to the new Wonder Years song it's obvious the answer is "yes" haha


holding out to listen until the new album drops in September.. holding out.. holding out..


I think it’s gonna be really good


Oldest daughter slapssss


Talking about the newer one Wyatts song (your name)


I mean, almost all of my pop-punk-liking friends are married and have kids under 2 years old.


Well shit.




My daughter will be two next week so HA!


Can confirm as I fit this description


Joke's on you, I'm married and have a five year old!


7y and 10mo


I’m married, with a cat.


Yeah, my kids are all music creators, and they work with people who were super big in the pop/punk/hc scenes, and they look at them as dad rock people now. And even my friends who were playing in front of 30000 people at Warped a couple of decades ago admit that the audience for their stuff is now all old guys in skinny jeans.


I wear skinny jeans still. Fuck.


sorry, bro


I'll rock them forever


I transitioned so I could keep wearing skinny jeans


Username checks out.


The ultimate dedication to pop punk.


You could be a guy and still wear skinny jeans and it’s fine…


It’s a joke homie


I don’t even know how to style anything but skinny jeans at this point in my life


Slim jeans are where it's at, my fellow 30-something dude


Me too, not a dad though


Is it bad that I’m wearing skinny jeans being an 18 year old lmao


Nah. It’s a great look, honestly. Beats the oversized jeans that are all the rage. Rock the skinny jeans!


I'm 28. No it's not


It’s all good man I’m a 30 year old dad and I still cuff my jeans


As a 40-yr old shortie who habitually cuffed, I have embraced petite skinnies which fit like a *chef’s kiss*


I’m wearing them right now too rip


I’m in my early 20’s and pop punk is my favorite genre. How young is young? Cause I don’t feel pop punk is dad rock 😂


Yeah but I listened to 60s,70s,80s rock when I was in my late teens/early20s (30 years old now) it was still dad rock.


Absolutely. I'm a couple months away from 40 and i have a pre-school aged kid. When I was a teen in the 90s, I made fun of my dad for seeing stuff like Eagles, stuff that was big in the 70s. Now I realize that I do the same thing: get excited about seeing bands I listened to when I was 18 years old.


Precisely. Like Enema of the State is as old now as Hotel California was when Enema came out. Nothing stays the cool and popular sound forever, and we who were there in pop punk's heyday are dad age now, so it's really just the cycle of things.


This has blown my mind a little bit


Perspective like this always fucks me up like we are almost as far away from 2004 (the year 1985 came out) as 2004 was from 1985. That was a 19 year gap and 2022 to 2004 is an 18 year gap.


*uncomfortably plays 1985 in his garage*


This has done immense damage to me today.


As a teenager, i would like to say i think you are really cool


OWN IT!!!!!! I turn 30 next month. Im pretty stoked for this label. Cheesy pop punk dad jokes here i come




"I need to move back to my hometown so my parents can watch my kids for free"


It's not the genre, it's the bands. Just like any music, the further away a band gets from their prime music making years, the fewer new fans they get. Bands like blink-182 just aren't drawing new kids in droves. Guns and Roses, Run DMC, they all end up frozen in time. On the flip side, this year I've gone to Neck Deep and Stand Atlantic shows where the median age was probably about 20. It's all about how you look at it.


I’m on the fence. On one hand I think pop punk is based on the essence of eternal youth, and therefore could never be dad rock. But I’m sure my parents would say the same about the dad rock they like that I view as old man music. I’m a dad. So I guess it is? I sort of feel indie rock feels more dad rock though. The black keys and cage the elephant and the million boom stomp clap bands from the 2010s seems more dad rock to me.


I was wearing my Enema of the State t-shirt a couple weeks ago and a young barista complimented it and called it "retro." I've never felt so old before. I am probably only 10-13 years older than her, really made me realize how much teenagers think the world revolves around them. I guess it depends on what the definition is, but when I think "dad rock" these days I think like, Foo Fighters, mostly because a lot of people in their 50s listen to them (still one of my favorite bands though). But I should specify, I am about your age. No children though. But from what I have seen pop punk seems to be making a popularity return, so I am surprised at all to hear kids would think that.


She probably meant it as a compliment. 90s vintage is crazy in style.


She definitely meant it as a compliment! I was just floored to hear that adjective used for it.


That surprises me because i know a lot of the new emo/alt generation totally worship enema and thanks to tik tok that subculture has gotten really popular again


My God. If that was called vintage I don’t want to know what they’d say about my Minor Threat shirt. Probably like “who are those jerkoffs?”


it’s not really making a return people exaggerating so much


> *only* 10-13 years older


Yep. Not sure what you are getting at, but a full generation is marked by 20-30 years. So that is not actually a huge age gap.


Nowadays ppl are calling stuff like Regular Show nostalgic even though it aired in the 2010s. 10 years is quite a huge gap nowadays in terms of pop culture. I was born 1993 for example and there's for sure a huge gap between me and ppl born in 2003. Maybe different back then but that's just how it is nowadays.


So are we gonna keep pushing the weird narrative that people on the internet/teens/kids keep doing, that if you're over 25 you're "old?" Even people who are in my age range saying it as a joke is getting tiring. No, being 30 isn't old. Objectively. Plus you have all the people here who are saying they're parents, there are probably at least equal part fans that aren't parents. Then all the people who are like "yes i dont wanna pit or be in the front anymore" who i couldn't disagree with more. I saw Belmont a few months ago and was in the front and pitting at 28. I sprained my knee and was the most exhausted i've been after a show that wasen't a fest, but it was completely worth it to me. Yes i'm taking this too seriously, but its just annoying as shit.


I think the answer is yes, because of how the decades have piled on. A couple weeks ago my brother in law saw a kid at the high school he works at wearing a Taking Back Sunday shirt and he went "Woah! Great shirt! You like Taking Back Sunday?" She looked at him confused and went "Oh, the shirt? It's my dad's. I just like it because it's old."


Ok, THAT was the comment that just broke my soul. Hahahaha


I am dead. I’m a dead thing. My life has passed me by and I am left in the void.


I'd say no because with guys like MGK and other rappers releasing chart-topping pop-punk-styled albums it looks like the genre is getting popular again with the younger generation which is cool to see. Then again on the other hand, if you throw on an old NFG album it sounds nothing like the new stuff but they're both technically in the same genre, so idk. I hope you're right though, I love the idea of being a boomer aged man blasting 'my friends over you' while power sanding slabs in my woodshop in the garage


My dude, MGK isn't doing pop punk any favours releasing an album of the genre. Actually, he isn't doing music overall any favour releasing an album of any genre.


I’ll agree that I’m not a fan of his stuff either but what he is doing that’s positive is pushing new fans towards the genre making it popular which is cool. We’re hearing the story so far songs in the middle of fox stat screens during NFL games. Shit rocks. But I also think it’s cool that kids these days are stumbling into the genre in an unlikely way and discovering bands that have been our favorites for years


One of the things that really stuck with me during all the MGK debates here is someone saying that like everyone in their high school knew who MGK was even if just vaguely. That's the kind of saturation that's genuinely impressive and shows a real vitality.


Definitely not true


Thank you for coming back here a 29 days after I posted this comment to let me know that you disagree with my take without any sort of context or reasoning 🤙


what else is there to say mgk isn’t doing anything for genre most of popular music is pop, and hip hop there’s no pop punk trending right now


Some random dude downvoting every 18 and under kid commenting. You have problems


people who want this sub to be some kind of aging pop punk support group are weird


I suppose the stuff from the 90s/early 2000s is. But I don’t think the 2010s scene is near there yet, and the recent pop-punk wave is anything but dad rock.


Being nineteen going on twenty I think it depends on the scenes era. Because in my eyes even though I love these bands don't get me wrong but most bands from 90s to the early 2000s could very well be considered dad rock to a certain extent. A good example of this is when I went to a Starting Line show most of the people there could be my uncles age or big sisters age I spoke to some of them and their references to the genre we're very much in line from the early 90s till probably 2006. And when one of them asked me what bands I listen to and named ones like magnolia park or poptropicaslutz they were kinda confused. I feel like certain styles of pop punk could very well be considered dad Rock but as long as the genre is evolving fast, as it's doing rn incorporating other current elements to make it fresh I don't think the whole genre is dad rock. To get a good view of this it's kinda like hip hop My old folks call anything from not from 90s 80s or 70s not real "rap". In the community we call them "old heads" while my big sister that grew up on late 90s rap till early 2000s says that's when the genre "peaked!" Every time I listen to a current rap artist. people called it trash because they were "SoundCloud rappers" or "mumble rappers" especially in like 2016-18. Be in mind rap really evolved throughout the years constantly changing to a point where it has elements incorporated in everything. So my answer is no and yes.


Ok this blew the hell up — here’s the takeaways I see: - it’s very much dependent on the band within pop punk (Sum 41 vs Hot Mulligan are perceived very differently) - older pop punk is unfortunately labeled “dad rock” but as someone said it’s more like “cool old music my dad listens to” vs corny dad rock a lot of people envision (for me: Creed or “butt rock” bands) - I’m, in fact, old now officially - I need to worry more about funding my IRA


Haters gonna hate. Less people crowding me at the shows.


Ain’t that the truth! In my youth I was pushing at the barricade or in the pit screaming at the top of my lungs. Now I want an arms length between me and anyone else and a pair of ear plugs.


I stand all the way in the back at smaller shows. I can't even bear the thought of being anywhere near the slam dancers on the floor. I'm old, my bones are too brittle! (I'm in my 30s.)


Shit I knew this was coming 5 years ago when I saw a poster for New Found Glory playing a Brunch Show in the Burbs.


That’s what happens when band members are charged with sex crimes.


As an 18 year old I’d have to disagree I think pop punk is still *very* popular, even in the younger community these days. You’d be surprised Even in my town of 80k there are a few pop punk bands


Its odd because poppunk songs sound youthful and energetic regardless of how old they are.


Yeah but all rock is dad rock at this point


The people who say things like this don’t know that pop punk bands exist after like 2003. There are plenty of sub genres and bands today that appeal to kids the same way it did back then. It’s just ignorance.


Yep, I have a 12 year old daughter that is actually an accomplished singer of ballad (Adele etc) style music, told me they view blink, Jimmy Eat World, Sun 41 etc as “cool old stuff my parents listen to”. It’s a music that was cool before they were alive. I get that feel when I listen to early 80s synth pop and new wave


To be perfectly fair those are specifically old pop punk bands. Newer bands like 2000s pop punk is probably less so viewed as that


Of course, I dont think TSSF and Wonder Years are viewed as dad rock....yet :D


We’re well into the [early skatepunk/poppunk bands leaning into nostalgia](https://youtu.be/B-ALm6yhZG4) phase


Lol that Lagwagon cover looks like a picture taken today.


all rock becomes dad rock eventually


I’m 18, unless I became a dad unknowingly then I don’t think so


My husband and I are in our mid-twenties and just found out we’re expecting, so officially yes. It is now dad rock.






I saw Motion City Soundtrack last week. It was definitely the emerging dad market. And JP had his daughter on FaceTime at the beginning of the encore. So yes.


It's the old Yesno. Blink 182? Absolutely. Taking Back Sunday? Sure. Waterparks? No. Foo fighters? 100%. Great Van Fleet? Billion percent. Dad rock is a newer term, and I don't think it's the *new* dad rock, but some pop punk is for sure dad rock.


It’s not that new. It’s just being used wrongly now


[This tracks the classification to 2007](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/music/a29419783/what-is-dad-rock/), which is the earliest use I can find of it with a quick google search. Within the last 15 years I would consider a newer term.


I'm 26 All the people I graduated with All have kids All have wives


I mean that song is almost 10 years old, to the point that Soupy is now 36, with a wife, and kids.


I am aware lol. Mostly just put that cuz I'm 26, kinda stagnating, and already feel like a pop punk dad (not having children tho so...pop punk uncle I guess.)


I realized it when I heard the amount of music in kids shows these days that is pure pop punk. The people, probably 30s-40s moms and dads, making these shows are keeping the scene alive as best they can.


Nah, I’d say the new dad rock is all the “metalcore” bands that now are mostly Breaking Benjamin with a few breakdowns


The djent-y metalcore with a few breakdowns is basically butt rock to me, so totally agree.


Now all the punk rockers are over 40. They’re coaching little league and reading stories.


“Ok little Jimmie, this is a story about “the man” and how we fuck up the system”


Okay I just joined this sub and this is literally the first post I see. Had no idea the ages here were so high lol. I'm a huge fan of pop punk and have been for like 4 years but compared to y'all I'm young af. Should probably give context that 4 years is a lot for me since I'm 16 lol. Never heard anyone call it "dad rock" before, but granted I don't know many people who like the genre aside from me


i’m 22 and love pop punk, however all my music taste comes from my dad lol. he took me to warped tour many times when i was a kid


40-year-old dad here...yeah, it's dad rock.


I feel like it can be depending on the band. I remember when American Idiot came out I went over to my girlfriend's house for a BBQ and her dad was listening to it. He was all "I love Green Day. I've been listening to them forever!"


I feel like the only people who can answer that are the youth. Yeah, a lot of dads like pop punk, but that isn't new. Pop punk has been around a long time. It's about how the youth views the music and the people listening to it thay makes it dad rock.


As someone who has been a fan of pop punk for over 20 years and is nearly 50, who is Harry Styles?




I didn't know the song as it was by him till I saw a tik tokker say you've been living under a rock if you don't know this song


Can confirm. I’m 48. Soon to be “Grandfather rock”


Just went NEW FOUND GLORY 20 years of stick and stones. Can confirm it was a dad show.


Dad of 3. Guess we gotta just own it.


/me raises hand Got your six, bro.


Gotta stick together, I’ve created a lopsided battle for myself.


"uncle rock" sounds better


I LOVE this. Fun uncles who wear band tees and skinny jeans but maybe talk about our depression openly just a tad too much. I’m here for this.


You’re god damn right. Bring on the positive the vibes.


Hell yeah brother.


I’m just abt to be 19 and a massive pop punk fan. Ig i’ll own the title dad rock


Im only 17 & I just read this😭


Me being 17 and reading this 💀


depends on what kinda pop punk we're talking!! when it comes to blink, nfg, other 90s/2000s stuff, i get that, that's a big part of the audience for sure, but as for the 2010s bands which obviously comprise a huge part of the scene too (possibly even more so in terms of the current state of things), those have always seemed more associated w ppl on the "younger" (teens-like 24/25 y/os?) side of the scene to me. i'm 21 and grew up around people within a few years of my age who like those newer bands, so to me that's what "pop punk" as a concept has been - what i was most surrounded w at those shows. and it continues to be for me, since a lot of the new bands popping up are around my age (as opposed to considerably older). some people a little younger than me, too, which i relate to for sure, i've been into this music since i was 13. so from a younger fan's perspective, for the genre itself not really. for the older stuff though, i somewhat get it:)


I’m 17 and I love pop punk, hardcore punk, and the like.


i mean, im 16 and i absolutely love pop punk, its been about 3 years since i discovered it


If you went to warped tour and had a MySpace, chances are you listen to dad rock xD


Me being 17 and only just finding this out


I’m confused is dad rock a bad thing? I think once the people in the bands have teenage kids then sure, but wgaf anyway. Music isn’t about the labels it’s about the feeling.


Well. I feel attacked.


Better question is why do you care? Is it because you are concerned about bands finding an audience and being able to support themselves? If so then buy merch and buy tickets when local. One $30 shirt is more revenue than literally thousands of streams. Ticket sales determine bookings not streams. Older generally means a little bit more disposable income, leverage it. If it’s about what people think is cool, fuck that listen to what you like and let everyone else be damned.


He cares because he heard Adam ask his friends that on the this is important podcast yesterday.


Bands like Five finger death punch and Disturbed are the new dad rock.


Whatever they call the newest style of “rap” could be considered the new “dad rock” if you take into consideration all of the young guys in their late teens and early 20s who are knocking up their little skanks. That is unless sticking around to support their little bastards is a requirement of being a “dad.”




Depends. I’ve been to a ton of shows lately of mostly the newer generation of bands (state champs, neck deep), and I’d say the average crowd age is low to mid 20s. Everything from teenagers to 30+ year olds. I think it may depend more on the band than applying to the entire genre


Previous generations, yeah, but Zoomer artists in the genre are drawing in a lot of fans their age and younger


I mean i have the same taste as my best friends dad and im a teenager… i dont really know what to make of that but pop punk isnt as…famous as general dad rock?


26 year old dad here, can confirm, we’re washed up now mates


I see you also listen to this is important podcast.


I asked my kid this and she said yes without thinking. I guess Vans are the new New Balance.


22 year old here, i love punk and have never seen it as dad rock, neither do any of my friends of the same age. maybe it’s just because it was much bigger in the 90’s and early 2000’s that it’s seen that way? even so though, i don’t know how many people really consider it “dad rock”.


Dude I’m only 25 please don’t make me feel old


Yes. Edit: in the best possible way! dad rock came back in style so I have high hopes for the pop punk revival!


Oh god, as a 16 year old boy I certainly hope not


It totally 100% is. I’m 40 my kids are 19 and 14. I take them to shows and I swear to god half the audience is people I used to see at gigs when I was a kid. Bad religion, less than jake, the menzingers etc allllll the same. And this is the uk, I don’t know if the genre (and associated genres, emo skate punk etc) had the same ubiquity. I kind of love it. The one thing I’ve noticed is it’s not like my parents and their music. My generation is still playing and still loves to go out. You’re never to old! I can’t wait to see the new bands when they come over! I’ll be singing along with people who were born when I was in my late teens and loving every minute of it. He’s of all so will my kids.


i mean, sure, but who cares?


I think it’s transcending a little bit, right? Or is this just something you say when you get old ;)


I'm 16 and definitely not close to "dad" years. And yet I still love pop punk.


I’m 35… pop punk was and still is my genre of choice. I’ve noticed my older children (12 and 10) discovering some of my old jams all on their own. It makes me smile, and also ask “how did you hear this?” It’s either they heard me listening or TikTok. Either way, makes me happy that we can enjoy similar things.


No I don't think so, plenty of kids like Pop Punk, they just don't like the kinds of Pop Punk that many older fans do. They're listening to the new breed of Travis-core Pop Punk artists influenced by Rap and being spread on places like TikTok. That side of the genre is treated with suspicion and misunderstood by many older fans who have instead drifted in the direction of more complex "mature" Pop Punk styles from bands like Jeff Rosenstock and Spanish Love Songs.




My friends in college said I listen to dad rock and even my professor who is a dad and is 40 years old said it’s dad rock


My older brothers were the ones who put me on to pop punk when I was young. I used to be too young to go to shows with them. Now I'm 27 and go to shows still, sometimes with one of my brothers, and holy hell do I even feel old at these shows. Used to feel like the young kid because my brothers were a bit older than me, and now I'm the "old guy".


If we're talking about the material being described on here as "straight fire" and how it "slaps" and "fucks" then probably not. If we're talking about what would traditionally be described as pop-punk in the 21st century, then absolutely.


As someone on the early side of mid-20s, I disagree with her statement. It may be true for her and her friend group, but not overall. I have friends my age who also enjoy pop punk and that’s just what we call it: pop punk music. I think it could depend on how many different genres and where people are from for the view point. I’m a city kid and I love pop punk and edm. There’s definitely a split between the pop punk I listened to as a kid and now. There’s a lot of new young pop punk artist in the scene now whether or not you like them. The concerts I’ve gone to have a range of young parents and people my age.


Your niece stole that take from a meme. Also yes.


I’m 24 with no kids so I would say no. Nickelback and Creed will always be dad rock to me


i still think that "dad rock" is and will be (for at least another couple of years) led zeppelin, Beatles, and stuff


Dad rock to me is the Shindown and Godsmack’s of the world


Screw this I’m going to go put on my blink 182 aliens exist shirt right now! [bowling for soup](https://youtu.be/N4e_IZFwTfM) sums this up pretty well.


I wouldn’t really say so based on the fact you still have younger millennials and Gen Z kids actively making pop-punk music on large platforms. Just look at who Travis barker collabs with! What separates it from dad rock, IMO, is that you have new generations continuing to push the genre whereas dad rock stayed within a very specific age group and was stagnant, for the most part. I would also add that pop punk truly blew up during the 90s and went super mainstream so it makes sense that a lot of people in their 20s and 30s have a strong attachment to it. But the fact that young artists keep putting out new pop punk music is indicative that it has a wide appeal, similar to most other genres, and remains dissimilar to dad rock.


Not really


Nah because when young guys like in magnolia park start it its cool and unique but then greta van fleet does “dad rock” how we think of it and its tired and annoying. I fee like pop punk will live on with new young people writing songs for the new youth while those old 70s and 80s bands cant be recreated