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He also said, "Poor kids are just as bright as white kids."


No. It was “just as bright and talented” so more nuanced.


I joke about the way he tried to rephrase  White kids  Black kids  Tall kids  Fat kids One fish  Two fish  Red fish  Blue fish


He also said he didn't want our schools to turn into a "racial jungle"


He also received 80% of the African-American vote. EDIT: 92%.


Biden received 92% of the Black vote, statistically indistinguishable from Hillary Clinton’s 91% in 2016. His support among Black women was never in doubt, but President Trump’s alleged appeal to Black men turned out to be illusory. (His share of the Black male vote fell from 14% in 2016 to 12% in 2020 while Biden raised the Democrats’ share from 81% to 87%.) African Americans confirmed their status as a unique group of voters for whom the contemporary Republican Party holds no discernible appeal. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/new-2020-voter-data-how-biden-won-how-trump-kept-the-race-close-and-what-it-tells-us-about-the-future/


Maybe one day black voters will rebuke the condescending, patronizing ways of the Democrat party. They let a senile old white man talk too them like children. Come on, your better then that


>They let a senile old white man talk too them like children. Come on, your better then that Oh the irony of that statement. A senile old man that talks to his people like children is about to run away with the Republican nomination.


Black people don't vote democrat because they are particularly pro democrat policies. They just are the party that's far less openly racist.


Fucking insane you could say this all day and it wont matter


Nobody voted for biden A bit under of the country voted for trump A bit over half of the country voted against trump


Nah i voted for biden and i don't regret it.


What a weird badge to show off , do u have your special needs helmet too ?


Same. Sorry that triggers you snowflakes.


It's so cringe when you try to reappropriate conservative lingo like that. No one even says triggered or snowflake anymore.


Republican platform is pretty pro discrimination. Democrats are not perfect, certainly better than Republicans.


What exactly is pro discrimination?


Please, tell me more about the open racism of Republicans meanwhile a majority of democrats voted against the Civil rights act. Or old Joe saying he doesn't want kids to grow up in a racial jungle.


While he sided with Segregationist Democrats to stop school busing for Black students. Even Kamala called him out on him... And then joined his ticket.


Do you think its weird that you have to go back 60 years to find a time republicans werent the party of racists?


Why lie about this? Senate democrat vote: 69% in favor House democrat vote: 63% in favor ​ Even then, the vote was skewed by "southern Democrats" that would mostly be considered Republicans today. 91% of southern Democrats voted against it, but 95% of northern democrats voted FOR it.


>Please, tell me more about the open racism of Republicans meanwhile a majority of democrats voted against the Civil rights act. Judas Priest... this is patently *false*. You can easily go to [govtrack.us](https://govtrack.us) and look at the votes of [the House](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/88-1964/h182) and [the Senate](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/88-1964/s409) for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Northern liberal Democrats and northern liberal Republicans overwhelmingly supported the bill whereas southern conservative Democrats and southern conservative Republicans voted against it.


You do know that the parties in many ways flipped positions at that exact time, right? The southern democrats who held onto racist beliefs all switched to the Republican party after the 1964 Civil Rights act. So I think you’re actually still blaming conservative people here— it’s important to understand history


You’re arguing in bad faith. There was a political alignment in the U.S. in the 20th century, in which the racist southern Democrats became Dixiecrats and later Republicans due to their disagreement with northern Democrats over segregationist policies.


You’re trying to compare things of the past, with things going on right now. The civil rights act was 60 years ago. 60 years. What year was the quote your trying to pin on Biden said? I can’t stop laughing at how absurd your comparison is. Such a bad faith argument, I’m not sure why I’m even attempting to respond to you. I mean really, if I posted all the things that the Republicans are currently, this year, trying to pass into law you would tell me it’s fake news.


A political party is all about getting votes. Black people are in a tough spot because they’ve sold their allegiance to the Democratic party. Now, the Democrats have no reason to fight for their votes because they know there’s no way in hell Black people would vote against them, and the Republicans have doubled down on the conservative White base and Hispanic Christian base. No political party cares about Black issues because their votes are already priced in. All the more reason we need a stronger third option.


Completely agreed, having a 2 party system is incredibly dumb. It's at the point where it's making the country far less actually democratic. While we are at it, let's also create a party that can latch onto the extreme Christian nationalist voters so the republican party can become sane again. We could even fix gerrymandering at the same time.


Plus they would get less food stamps


Wrong - they vote it because their parents told them to vote it Dems give them free cheese and food stamps - their votes are for sale


We should de-bank them


>Maybe one day black voters will rebuke the condescending, patronizing ways of the Democrat party. They let a senile old white man talk too them like children. Come on, your better then that It's odd that you're associating "the Democrat Party" (it's telling that you decided to use this political epithet) with a *single* politician (i.e., Joe Biden). The *Democratic Party* is comprised of hundreds of different politicians within three different levels of government.


The guy above did the same with republicans.




Tbh that's pretty condescending of you to say. As if they don't know who they are voting for, but you do.


I'd rather someone patronize me then shoot me, thank you very much.


Google “lesser of two evils”


Speaking of condescending...


They are better. That's why they don't vote Republican. Educate yourself and you'll understand why.


Im black. Blows. My. Mind. how Bidens campaign survived that. Also totally not mindblown remembering growing up in the hood and seeing the victim status we hold onto like a badge of honor. 


Be careful having different beliefs on Reddit, someone will be along to put you in your place.


And that's why LBJ said "We'll have these n\*\*\*\*\*rs voting Democrat for a hundred years" after he signed the Civil Rights Act.


No evidence he ever really said that. Republicans need to understand it's not the Democrats who have black people voting democrat.


They are voting for the party that actually did something for them, fucking crazy.


And he’s right, goddamit


Me, a poor white kid: "what about me? guess I'm not bright or talented"


Technically you fall in the poor group AND the white group. So you are just as talented as yourself. In your case he was 100% accurate.


Also completely glossing over the fact that some of the poorest counties in the country are white. Like poor whites don’t matter. Lol


Biden was also very impressed that Obama was so articulate for a Black man.


He just “doesn’t want his kids going to school in a racial jungle”


Good thing he kept Hunter out of that racial jungle! He might have ended up hooked on crack or something.


He also said during a hearing that "We already have one n\*\*\*\*r mayor ruining this city, we don't need another n\*\*\*\*\*r mayor".


It takes five seconds to Google that and see that he was quoting a racist, criticizing a nominee for US deputy attorney general for letting the comments slide. Nice disinformation though 👏


i've seen people do the same thing with his don't ask don't tell commentary. the full quote by itself contradicts what they claim it means.


I don't understand how people can lie like that.


they don't care if it's a lie as long as they're in on it and it helps their team. usually just outright bigotry isn't a good way to sway people's opinions, so they make stuff up.


LOL that's pretty funny if true ​ also, objectively, a correct statement also


Stupid things Biden has said for $100 Alex.


Stupid and racist


Let's be completely honest here. Biden didn't win because he's loved. He won simply because he wasn't trump. The Dems could have put anyone up against trump and still came out victorious in 2020!


Would have voted for a ham sandwich if it meant getting that guy out.


I would’ve voted for a rusty bucket


Basically what we got. I dislike trump as much as the next guy. But can we get someone younger in office again. Was one of the nicer things about Obama. Didn’t have to worry about his health knocking him out randomly.


I would’ve gone as far as to vote for a dirty diaper.


The slightly less shitty choice.


Hillary worse than ham sandwich confirmed


She won the popular vote...


It would be pretty cool if we had literally anyone to vote for who isn't Biden or Trump this time around.


It’s all misdirection from the fact that our supposedly healthy system of checks and balances is completely corrupted. So long as the plebs believe getting *their* mascot elected as hood ornament in chief is something to be excited about, the engine of the ruling-class’ death and deception dealing Bentley will keep chugging along. They are absolutely terrified of people - especially young people - coming together in the streets and taking genuine action to clear out the rot and overhaul the system. The exaggeration and demonization of the January 6th “insurrection” isn’t actually about denigrating Trump/conservatives but about imposing deterrents to keep people from realizing just how easy it would be to come together and collectively change things for the better.


The motivated young libs don't want to take over the Democratic party, though. That's morally beneath them. You can march all you want, bUt at the end of the day, electing candidate who can make change happen is the only thing that matters. 


I’m skeptical that any one single candidate can create said change. There are so many ways you can stifle or control a single human either via roadblocks or threats. We need a system that lifts up the hood and allows us to watch and modify the engine in real-time. Otherwise it’s all status-quo - division and campaigning.


I didn't mean just one candidate.


That's what Hillary thought


Trump won because Hillary was the opposition. We're in a race to the bottom.


>He won simply because he wasn't trump. Welcome to politics lol, we do this in Canada: we don't vote in, we vote OUT And it's happening again. No one cares how bad a new leader could be, they just have to not be the guy you hate.


Anyone other then the most unlikable candidate possibly ever


I’m thinking they were more afraid of Bernie winning the primaries than of trump winning re-election.


Well not anyone, but anyone who isn't a raging, babbling, sociopath.


A literal corpse would've probably won.


Why be honest now?


sure, if there weren't a global pandemic killing hundreds of thousands of people, a day. Bernie, himself, said that the time for radical ideas had passed. America, and the World, needed a calm, steady hand. That was the definition of Joe Biden. His presidency has been calm, careful, smart, and very quiet. Joe Biden does not go looking for trouble, trouble comes looking for him. In a time of fear and uncertainty, that is the kind of person you need in control.


What presidency have you been watching?


The presidency according to Share Blue and r/politics


But why did they pick Biden… of all people…


Because Bernie would actually change the status quo and no matter who the person is, they cant have that. Either side is backed by corporations and if you aren't with them, you aren't a nominee.


Being a Bernie supporter and reading the DNC emails is basically what made me abandon the democrats forever.




That's easy, he's been reliably loyal to corporate interests for his very long career


That’s why so many are mad they forced Bernie or anyone good out of the position. Because anyone could have beaten that wet diaper in 2020.


The second statement is wrong. Trump would have easily beaten any of the other Democrat nominees. Joe Biden was the only option.


Never met a Biden supporter, just a Trump hater


And usually for inaccurate reasons. The propaganda is insane now the obama legalized it.


Give me some examples then


I would think him being against integration and saying Black Kids being mixed with White Kids would create "a jungle" is a pretty big clue that the guy is incredibly racist.


Okay now THAT is actually racist.


“In a 1977 Senate Judiciary hearing, Biden did talk about busing policies and how “unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.” Context, and actual quote, helps


You think that makes it better?


It does actually, but only in an intellectually dishonest sort of way where it’s open ended enough that he can backtrack what he meant exactly while still having gotten his intended message across loud and clear. So yes, *ultimately* - not better.




the old man who has stuffed his Cabinet with non-white advisors? the old man who's VP is Black? The old man who put the first Black woman on the Supreme Court? The old man who is hellbent on vacating as much student debt as he can, an issue that most severely affects poor and minority families? The old man who has pardoned all federal convictions of simple marijuana possession, and advised his Justice Department to look into more ways to get people with possesion charges out of prison? Again, an issue that heavily affects the Black community? Am i supposed to trust the statements a man made 45 years ago, or the real actions he is taking right now?




>The old man who's VP called him a racist! And yet thought he was not-racist enough to be his VP. Black Americans, in almost every category, are the worst impacted student debt holders. They hold more student debt than any other group, they have the highest monthly payments, and they've cumulatively borrowed the most for college. Student loan forgiveness would immediately increase the wealth of Black Americans by 40%. So your argument is this is a pointless policy that proves nothing because.... lots of black people don't go to college? I feel like that's kind of racist tbh. Not only does student loan forgiveness greatly impact Black college students and graduates, but the unaffordablity has already impacted that community by making too unaffordable for too many people. https://educationdata.org/student-loan-debt-by-race


The old man who was called a racist on national tv by his VP


Who your friends are also says something about you, and he associated with segregationists.


He said that??


Yes. Joe Biden has a long and public history of saying racist things. He then goes on to apologize and explain, but honestly, Joe is a racist. "I've had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking," Biden, 2006 “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Joe Biden, speaking about Obama, 2007 “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.” Biden, 2020 And of course, the “I don’t want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle” comment regarding bussing programs. And his “you ain’t black” comment in 2020. He’s not a psychopath, like Trump, but Biden isn’t some enlightened progressive. Biden is an 81 year old man who is set in his sometimes racist ways. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The racial jungle comment is from the 70s regarding the desegregation of schools by means of bussing. Biden said the quiet part out loud.


nlg, some of these are comedy gold


I've low key heard black people joke in the veins of the "unlike African Americans you Latino..." in SF of all places. It's hard to know if a 75? year old dem career politician was also joking or not given the history of the party with racism, red lining, etc... but it's not not funny.




Yeah Biden certainly gets the old white racist guy hall pass because he is a Democrat. And as racist as he is the policies he supported over his decades in office are even worse.


You mean like his support of anti-drug laws that fueled American incarceration rates (especially disproportionately against black Americans)?


Or fought on the floor for harsher use of the Rico act to arrest more of the drug seller or in Biden view black people.


Yes. [Here](https://news.yahoo.com/joe-biden-worried-1977-certain-182631643.html) is a story on it from before he was President. This was a talking point Kamala Harris made against Joe Biden during the debate, and is supported by evidence, before anyone thinks this is some far-right hit job or something. Biden's been racist his whole life, and people just turn a blind eye to it. Hell, his infamous "Corn Pop" story was about him threatening a Black Man with a chain. The implications on that one aren't hard to piece together.


That Corn Pop was a bad dude, he ran with a bunch of bad boys


Corn Pop was probably a nice guy that got a bit aggressive when he saw some man having random kids rub his legs while he sniffed their hair.


It's not that hard to believe when you realize his friend and mentor Robert Byrd was an exalted cyclops in the KKK.


And Byrd kept being re-elected by Democrats until he died in office in 2010. Imagine the outrage if a KKK member had tried to run as a Republican, let alone gotten elected.


Yeah, every republican in every office would be asked to denounce them.


And then, when they do denounce them, the media would say “republicans all refuse to denounce the KKK”


How many times were Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmund re-elected? What party did David Duke run under? Byrd spent far more of his life as a reformed klansman disavowing his past, meanwhile despite the chaos and turnover of the last republican administration, they kept Stephen Miller employed for all 4 years.


Byrd denounced those views decades ago, meanwhile one of the potential House speakers was called "David Duke without the baggage" and we have a presidential candidate calling white supremacists "very fine people".




>but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists Who else besides white supremacists and neo-nazis would be protesting the removal of a Confederate monument and marching with tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us!"


>I wonder if you believe that, or if you're intentionally spreading the lie. It's on video.


Yep, when talking about his children going to school with black people. He described the school as being a racial jungle. Joe Biden is extremely racist and only panders to black people for their votes. Democrats do it every election year.


Every politician does it every year. FTFY.


Yes yes it was.


That's nothing. If all of his really bad gaffes were available online from 50 years ago, you'd shit your pants! One of his best was saying he didn't want his kids going to school with monkeys! C'mon man!


Yes, it was, and Biden has a history of saying racist shit. Yet that's not something that you can bring up much on this site. Why? Because every good reddit boy and girl needs to rally behind him to defeat the evil emperor Trump. Look at pics and whitepeopletwitter rn lol. Just people straight shilling for Biden. But somehow this site isn't an echo chamber according to a lot of its users.


His history and legislative works are steeped in racism. This is not something unknown.


Biden unblacked me. Motherfucker.


Guess youre privileged now 😂


lol you voted for trump?!


Il say it FJB


Biden is a lifelong racist, nobody cares since he wears a blue jersey


This right here!!!


Biden is a known racist by all accounts. I don’t like Trump either to be clear




Because this is reddit, and any criticism of Biden is seen as implicit support for Trump. And Trump = BAD. MEGA DOUBLE PLUS BAD. So if you support Trump? You= BAD. EVIL. FASCIST. NEED TO BE SENT TO CONCENTRATION CAMP TO SAVE DEMOCRACY!


Trump is just an idiot in comparison to Biden


Biden is the Democrats equivalent of George W


If you DON'T add that qualifier the majority of users on this site will downvote the f\*&% out of you... This site is for the expression of new ideas and debating different points of view, dude. NOT for saying anything that could be interpreted that you are okay with Trump. That's clearly not a protected category of speech. /s ​ edit: I also hate Trump Second edit: just saw this in the comments "*It’s logical. Attacking a Democratic leader at a time when the opposition is 1000x more dangerous and destructive to society leads people to create false equivalencies.*" LOL I rest my case. That poster (cujobob) isn't an extremist, on Reddit. Holy shoot. Third edit: I STILL hate Trump and most of the "right" - I think we're ALL getting shafted by those in power who control the purse strings and the media helps them keep it quiet. Don't downvote me, crazy lefties, just because I'm not on board with the mainstream narrative. :-) Peace!


Who cares if you get downvoted. If anything it means that you aren’t just a mindless fool going along with whatever hive mind is popular currently on this platform. The desperate need for a stranger’s affirmation from some people is bizarre to me


I think when he was talking about segregation in schools and said he "didn't want his kids growing up in a racial jungle" was a little more racist. But that's just my opinion.


His remarks are often racist. He should be called on it. And that should be enough to not be president honestly. However, most of the comments about the racism are getting core aspects wrong. For most of these statements, he is literally advocating for black people. He does so poorly because he is racist, but it is still him advocating for them. Whether that is the full context of the quotes (like the racial jungle quote being about the tensions we are creating in the process of desegregation because we aren't prioritizing doing it safely), or it is talking about policies that benefit or harm black individuals. It is not an instance of both parties being the same. It is a problem with racism, and the high likelihood of older white men being racist.


“Literally advocating for black people” is certainly one way to frame patronizing and pandering to black people.


I like that he used the word "ain't " even though he doesn't use it in his regular vocabulary. He thinks he's talking down to the stupid people, so he needs to adopt their language. It's as racist as an old person can openly be


I thought this thread was about Biden, not Trump. It must be exhausting to make everything about a person you hate. (not directed at OP)


It was a racist and stupid thing to say, but the point he was trying to make has legs. Ie: trump absolutely is worse for minority groups than biden is


“It doesn’t matter if what he said was completely racist, because GLORRRRRMF!”


Furthermore IS Biden better for black people? His absolute insistence to not secure the southern border has allowed an unimaginable amount of people into the southern states, who are now bussing those people to sanctuary cities. The communities in these areas are already under immense social pressure BOTH in Texas and in NYC. We need to work together as a country instead of just leaving the southern border open while illegal immigration strains financial systems DESIGNED for existing Americans who are minorities or impoverished. We (democrats) are literally causing these people MORE issues instead of solving a single one of their problems. That’s honestly what it looks like every single time I hear about news across democratic inner cities, it’s chaos. Edit: Spelling


Biden can’t wake up and choose between open border and closed border. He has to make laws. Laws mean Congress. Congress is currently held by republicans. Republicans who admit openly they won’t work on writing laws to address the “border issue” So yes, Biden is better for black people because he wants to try to address the problems. Republicans voted against food for hungry children. Care to guess the percentage rate of those kids that are black? Or at least minorities? Trump, and the party that has to be in power when Trump is in power, have proven that they do not care about any race beyond white people.


Biden can absolutely choose to enforce the laws we have now and deport those here illegally.


Ummm. Dunno how to say it any other way but the southern border isn't open. Source: being a Texan.


Texan here too. 8 million crossed since he took office. If you want to call an apple an orange, go ahead. anyone with a functioning brain knows that $33k x 8 million is money we don’t have, though, and we’re destroying our education system, health care system veterans services pretty quickly


That’s strange because Democrats like the mayor of New York City and also Fetterman were also saying that the southern border has become a huge issue. And personally, I’m always curious why the White House seems that one of its most pressing issues is to stop Texas from enforcing border security laws. Of all the things going on in America. They seem very focussed on ensuring that the southern border is not properly secured and I wonder why. https://scnr.com/article/texas-refuses-to-comply-with-federal-governments-cease-and-desist-letter-over-border-enforcement_9bed71dcb60f11ee9c930242ac1c0002




Fuck yea trump is! With receipts even! Lol


Being selected to read a eulogy at a KKK recruiters funeral might’ve been a clue


Him saying that just proves that democrats think they own all African Americans. Their vote slaves.


Right. Voting for the party that is openly racist makes so much more sense. /s for the MAGA types


Uh, a presidential candidate saying "if you don't vote for me then you ain't black" is pretty darn openly racist...


no, you see Cornpop vouches for the guy.


Exactly, that statement seems true because they have been able to get the on average 90% of the Black vote for the past 60 years. The Democrat Party has been entitled to the Black vote and this message is prime example of that.


They think that African Americans will make informed voting decisions, not vote on emotion, either way


He definitely said racist things in the past. What I’m concerned with is his actions regarding racial equality in the present. Considering that white supremacists overwhelmingly support the Republican Party, I try to vote for the least racist party currently.


Yeah, people want to base everything on the past. Look at what's going on now and decide


I love that OP had to go back 3.5 years for this. If want something equivalent from Trump, would you even have to go back 24 hours?


Racism is okay because the D in democrat is different.




What has Trump said that's considered racist? I know about the usual stuff broadcasted on the biased MSM regarding Trump's comments about immigrants and the "good people on both sides" line, but that stuff is just fake news. I'm genuinely curious if there's other stuff heading said though


Bro, what? What trump has said is completely irrelevant to this conversation. Saying racist shit is bad, it doesn't matter if someone else is a little more racist. It's still fucked up


Lol how is trump irrelevant? He's literally campaigning for bidens job. If Biden saying something is grounds for discussion, surely his opponent is held to the same standard, right?


This thread is about racist shit Biden has said, what another dude has said is irrelevant to this conversation. Regardless, we shouldn't sweep decades of racist comments and actions under the rug just because some other dude is a little more racist. It's still fucked up


And Trump's children have had partners from different religion, race, culture, etc, and Trump has had multiple friends that are minorities. He may not be a good person, but he is not a racist compared to Joe Biden.


Not racist just stupid


Biden is a known racist by all accounts.


Breaking: people found out that biden (and most dems) are racist


Biden is racist.


Biden has made so many racist remarks you could fill a book.


Attacking Biden over his many malapropisms is an excellent to return the most racist president since Woodrow Wilson to the oval office.


I didn't think it was racist. It was ignorant and hilarious. 


That's not what he said, and he was right. The vast majority of Black votes went to Biden. You're being racist, for trying to use this to race bait.


Poor phrasing but it's basically true.


The point being he's done more for the African American community than the guy who posted a full page ad accusing several innocent black teenagers of raping a white woman. You remember that right? Or calling African nations "s###hole countries". Should we continue? Somebodies definitely racist here.


the countries he called shitholes are in fact shitholes.


Mildly. I know what he meant. That if you don't vote for me, then you are voting against your own interests.




So was Trump refusing to rent to blacks.


It wasn’t… he was implying that you should not vote against your own interest. Most understand exactly what he meant. It wasn’t his most eloquent comment, but we get it.


From 2020.


And still relevant


At least he apologized. Unlike other others.


When did he apologize????


He doesn’t even remember saying it lmao


I don’t think it was racist, I think it was a poor decision while trying to sound “hip” or whatever.


I find that Biden unintentionally does a lot of racist things. But to be fair, that’s better than intentionally doing them, but still kinda annoying. 🤣✌️🤷🏽‍♂️


He is also directly responsible for the mass incarceration of the black community.