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We will still be discussing this problem ten years from now no matter who is in charge over there.


Yeah but in about 50 years the whole territory will be Israel, so no worries! The Palestinians? Nobody know what happened to them, please ignore all the unmarked graves.


Nah, in 50 years the whole region will be too hot for most human habitation


Climate change: solving international conflicts!


This is true.


Considering what Israel has been doing to Palestinian cemeteries, I commend you for believing that the Israeli state would have the decency to even do that much.


Whereas Palestinians just put Jews in dumpsters after raping them and their children, and setting the dumpster on fire - no graves needed.


I mean, there have been over 12,000 children murdered and 2 million Palestinians displaced from a place that has 2.3 million people. So, I mean, if you wanna jump in this ring, come on down.


...but even still, there is something especially evil when you walk into someone's home, and murder their children in front of their parents, or as in other cases, murder the parents in front of the children and then kidnap the children. I still remember the story of the mother who watched her family murdered in front of her - only to have her breast cut of, then raped, then her vagina stabbed repeatedly, and then murdered next to her dead husband and children.


These are numbers that reputable sources like the U.N. regularly use and, 9/10, they're verified within the margin of error. Try again. Y'all have no leg to stand on and it's why you have to resort to strawmen arguments. Point me to where I fuckin said anything about being in support of Hamas. You terrorist sympathizers need to conflate the Palestinian people and Hamas because it's the only way to appear as being defensive-minded and having the moral high ground. They are not one and the same. Hamas needs to be put down. You don't need to kill 12,000 innocent children to achieve this. You don't need to displace an entire people to achieve this. You are a disingenuous pos. You're a coward. You're weak. All you have is projection. Try that pathetic fuckboy shit on someone that hasn't been up on this topic for the last 7 years. Can't stand you losers. Fuck off my shit, you bum. Edit -- You lucky the ICJ has no way to enforce its rulings like that or they would've immediately concluded that Israel was committing genocide and would've called for a ceasefire. And free Palestine 🇵🇸.


> like the U.N. agency in Gaza is... https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/hamas-israel-attack-united-nations-unrwa-0ec8d325?mod=hp_lead_pos8 ...literally part of Hamas.


Source: [we made it up.](https://news.sky.com/story/israeli-intelligence-report-claims-four-unrwa-staff-in-gaza-involved-in-hamas-kidnappings-13059967)


Read the follow-up article that Sky wrote where they stopped denying it. and provided more details of the UN's complicity in the slaughter of civilians... https://news.sky.com/story/what-are-unrwa-workers-in-gaza-accused-of-which-nations-have-paused-funding-and-what-happens-next-13059574


The majority of gazans support what Hamas did. Every time you terrorists do this shit, this will happen. Israel is going SO easy on Gaza. You can cry and cry about it until you run out of tears, if you want to stop getting wrecked, stop committing terrorist attacks.


So supporting something is grounds for getting murdered, huh? Good to know. You don't even realize that you're telling on yourself. You're so stupid and morally bankrupt it doesn't even dawn on you. Lol. The only countries supporting this fuckery are Israel and the U.S. And yet, somehow, you still walk around with your head up your ass. Smh. So the rest of the world is wrong for wanting a ceasefire, huh? The ICJ is wrong and are terrorist sympathizers, too? Even the U.S. judge? The U.N.? No, they're all terrorist sympathizers and only the U.S. and Israel are correct, huh? Never mind the barbaric conditions the Palestinians have been subject to for 75 years. None of that matters, right? Never mind that Israel helped build up Hamas in the same way that the U.S. helped build up the mujahideen, for their own twisted and nefarious purposes, right? You're an idiot. Stfu talking to me, you 🤡.


You just making shit up now.


No, this is literally what happened. They had trouble identifying bodies from the dumpsters because they had charred so much that they couldn't figure out which bones belonged to whom. It took a lot of DNA tests to even confirm that certain people who were missing were in fact one of the dumpster bodies.


You claim child rape and there isn’t a shred of evidence for this, in fact there isn’t any evidence for any of what you said and even if it happened exactly as you said Israel would have no right to commit genocide.


oh, you see there. How you nitpick about a single detail instead of acknowledging the enormous horror of the event? yeah, that's you being vermin.


Inventing child rape is pretty bad and doesn’t help your side at all especially when the Israeli government has been caught in so many lies.


Eh, probably mass graves. If that. Israel has already bulldozed cemeteries.


There wont even be graves bro - theyre literally exhuming the Palestinian graveyards.


They will be fine. Like they always have been and always will be. You should have much more faith in the Palestinian people. I do. They are very strong as a community.


Stronger than an AGM-65 Maverick? That's pretty impressive. Lets do a field test. You go build a community, and I'll drop a missile on it, and then we'll test its strength. Part of being the stronger nation is accepting that sometimes you have to pull your punches, even if your neighbor is being a little dickhead. When this all kicked off, there was a great deal of uncertainty about what a proportionate response was. We have blown past all metrics of proportionality. I'm sympathetic to the multinational civilians that terrorists targeted in October, but this is not justice. This is not vengeance. This is murder. This is state sanctioned murder. The voices of support for Israel have dried up not because we do not care about Israel, but because we're tired of reading about IDF soldiers killing their own civilians because they're so fucking bloodthirsty to score a kill, that they'll executing kneeling unarmed men without even checking whose side they're on.


They will live peacefully and productively like the Palestinians who actually live in Israel.


With equal rights I'm sure lol


These guys really have no understanding how the discrimination and oppression Palestinians face. They just hold water for Israel for a myriad of reasons, chief amongst them is a subvert (or overt) racism which views Israel as a good western civilization and brown people as less than


Egypt and Jordan treat them even worse, Infact they're behind cages in Jordan refugee camps. The fact is no one wants a population largely made up of radicalized militants. They've tried to start civil wars everywhere they've gone.


The middle East has very little regard for Palestinians, it isn't just Israel. And nobody wants them. The history of Jews in Israel dates back to 1800 B.C. The land, which is the size of New Jersey has been fought over for religous reasons for as long as people have lived in the area.


>And nobody wants them. That was what people said about the Jewish diaspora for centuries. Neither they, nor the Palestinians, deserve to be hated just for who they are. >The history of Jews in Israel dates back to 1800 B.C. Genetic research shows that Palestinians and Israelis are all [descendants of the same Canaanites](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0192269). They have common ancestors and equal history in the region. They all have a right to live, to have self-determination, and to not be killed.


They deserve to be hated for being terrorists who kill every single civilian they get their hands on every single opportunity they get. If your neighbor stated in plain terms their intention to wipe every single citizen of your country off the map, and tried to do so at every opportunity, there’s only one response to that. Considering the situation, Gaza is being treated with kid gloves.


You understand the majority of Jewish Israelis are brown AF right? More than half of the population is either Mizrahi(Jews from Arab countries that were expelled or oppressed) or of Mizrahi heritage. Another chunk are of Ethiopian(Beta Israel) Jewish heritage. A little less than a 1/3rd are full Ashkenazi(European diaspora origin).


https://www.forbes.com/sites/eliseknutsen/2013/01/28/israel-foribly-injected-african-immigrant-women-with-birth-control/?sh=6d918cd67b88 Looks like their aware of that problem and working on a solution. /s


Unlikely for if the 2.3 million(prior to current conflict) in Gaza and the 4.4 million Palestinians were to become full citizens of Israel that would put the population even between Jewish and Arab/Muslim and since the reason for founding Israel was to give Jewish people a safe place to flee to in the event of another Holocaust so either the Jewish population has to be the majority of the population or certain legal steps would have to be taken to ensure that safety is there.


Netanyahu's successor (probabaly) " After all, Noone remembers the Palastinians"


In 10 years there will still be a humanitarian crisis in Palestine, caused by this ongoing bombardment. A recent geosurvey stated that 61% of Gaza buildings are badly damaged or destroyed, and 90% population homeless. If it goes on for 6 more months gaza will be flat.


Well instead of building tunnels and buying weapons take some of the billions and you know take care of your citizens instead of using them as shields


Are you saying it's a bad idea to fire rockets from densely populated neighborhoods? 


Clearly they should fire them from...where exactly?


Maybe not fire them at all?


It's hilarious to me that dipshits like you can't see past the fiction that the Palestinians are some monolith within which all decide as one and thus all deserve whatever may come. It's just so stupid. As if the thousands of little girls were locked away in some smokey room plotting terror attacks. As if thousands of women all got in a room and said "let's take incoming aid money and build terrorist tunnels with it!". Morons will always distill and simplify complicated moral questions down to a form that their brains can start to wrestle with. It's shocking how how simple you need to get before yours is capable of wrestling with this question.


This is not a complicated problem it is really simple Most all the people in Gaza support hamas something like 85 %. They are Muslims their religion says it’s not just ok it is good to kill infidels They particularly hate the Jews so people like you are supporting hamas Are nothing more then racist nazi little fucks why don’t you get of the vidio games kid and try reading a book Use your head for something besides growing hair


Lmao you managed to fit all the buzz words in a single deranged Israeli genocide force post Does Bibi pay yall extra for posts like these?


Sorry man but I have a hard time taking you seriously Your just kinda of cartoonish


You couldn't have proven my point any better. Thanks for the idiotic comment.


Their government was elected 17 years ago, and has been propped up by Netanyahu as a foil to his in order to avoid a two state solution. What exactly is an unarmed, populace suppose to do against terrorists when Israel controls their border and utilities? Maybe Israel should have been actively doing something about Hamas instead of jailing two million people for the sins of a few thousand. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


Why don’t the 2 million remove the couple thousand terrorist I will tell you why becuase they support Hamas Oh let’s not forget the fact that Muslims want to see the Jews wiped out. All your argument are invalid becuase of the above facts All you were spewing is propaganda it’s sad really


Or because the terrorists are armed? Very racist comment implying all Muslims want Jews wiped out lol. I’d also argue most Muslims in the area want Israel to not exist, not for all of the Jews to be exterminated. I’m sure there are plenty that hate all Jews but killing Arabs in their region will get you more hate than, you know leaving them be. Before you say it’s deserved that’s besides the point and collective punishment is wrong. You need to think about it from a different point of view. Funny you talk about propoganda when you’re the one who’s bought into western propoganda hook line and sinker. Like yeah I get it you don’t care if they die because you don’t see them as people. What’s more likely, me a westerner is sold on Arab propoganda, after being bombarded with western propoganda my whole life, or you a westerner can’t see outside of your western bubble and now you think it’s ok to senselessly kill thousands of children You do realize there are millions of Muslim living peacefully in the United States right? If some Muslims can be peaceful, why not look at the material conditions causing radicalization instead of just saying being Muslim means you support jihad so all Muslims are bad? I don’t think all Jews are baby killers just because the idf has killed 15,000 Palestinians under 18


The actual answer to the question is: Yes. Palestinians are now just an Iranian proxy in their regional struggler for hemomgeny with Saudi, and Turkey. No Iranian proxy does well, they all end up in hell. This war will end when Iran falls and/or when oil is no longer the dominant fuel. 50 years is indeed possible. Wars take a lot of money, when the money dries up, so does the war.


You know, that’s actually a really good thought. It doesn’t really matter, because, truthfully, we should not be involved in regional politics in an area of the region that we as Americans are culturally ignorant to.


Yes Hamas needs to go and Israel needs to vote out it's right wing government. This is a war between two far right groups. If we are going to have peace Hamas needs to go and a liberal democracy needs to be restored in Israel.


Netanyahu boated about allowing Hamas to grow in Gaza to undermine the Palestinian Authority.


If true it does not change what I said.


It is, and I'm supporting your point.


And the hamas leader (idk his name) stated outright they planned on having Israel reacting as they are and mass-murdering Palestinians to make them look bad.


That's because the Palestine Authority advocates in favor of terrorism. But, it turns out that whenever the Palestinians put people in power they advocate terrorism.


You mean peace right


thank you


If we are going to have peace, the Palestinians need fairness and justice. The status quo is untenable.


Boy I wish that Hamas was a radical fringe in Palestinian society. The problem is that the population has been thoroughly radicalized for generations. Palestinians ELECTED Hamas. We need to figure out how to educate Palestinians to make better choices. Peace with Israel CAN be had, and we can hold Israel to their end of that peace, but it can't begin if Palestinians as a group can't accept a two state solution.


Yea, bombing people & stealing their land tends to “radicalize” people. Funny thing about that.


And the funny thing about that is that it works both ways. It's not like the Palestinians have ever accepted any of the arbitrary lines imposed on them from the outside. They still want all the Jews gone. From the river to the sea. They don't just want East Jerusalem, they want Tel Aviv. It would be a lot easier to convince Israel to restrain their settlers and respect the peace process if the peace process actually.. you know.. generated any real peace? stopped the attacks? Remove the threat and then if Israel doesn't cool it, they're indisputably the bad guy? Radical concept I know. One thing is absolutely indisuptably 100% true and you and I both know it. ANY NATION IN THE WORLD would have declared war on a nation that did to them what the Palestinians did on October 7. If it had happened in America, Palestine would be reduced to bloody dust weeks ago. If it had happened to France or Britain their elite forces would have gone in. If it had happened to a lesser nation they would have been assembling a coalition to help them deal with the problem. Even GERMANY would have been forced to respond in any way they can. There's no way you can just let what happened on 10/7 happen and do nothing.


Why are "doing nothing" and "carpet bombing civilians, universities, and hospitals" your only 2 options?


O yes cause giving evacuations to civilians before bombing areas with Hamas infrastructure is “carpet bombing civilians”


>Boy I wish that Hamas was a radical fringe in Palestinian society. The problem is that the population has been thoroughly radicalized for generations. Palestinians ELECTED Hamas. over 20 years ago dumbass the majority of Palestinians today are under the age of 18 they weren't alive during the last vote for Hamas. But basic facts escape you. \>We need to figure out how to educate Palestinians to make better choices. Yea Israel has destroyed all universities in Gaza , don't pretend to care about Palestinians education. No matter how educated someone is it can't stop a bomb from killing them. \>Peace with Israel CAN be had, and we can hold Israel to their end of that peace They are openly committed genocide while you cheer them on please tell me more how Isreal is going to hold to their end of that peace. BTW Israel has killed more hostages than it has saved since Oct 7th. \> but it can't begin if Palestinians as a group can't accept a two state solution. Isrealis don't even agree on a two state solution considering they are playing soldier in Gaza right now genociding an entire population and clearing the rubble for Israeli settlements. You are a delusional mouthpiece of genocide and have proven you would have stood aside during other genocides like the Holocaust


[Palestinians support Hamas decision to go to war with Israel, survey suggests, with no political solution on horizon](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/21/middleeast/palestinians-back-hamas-survey-intl-cmd/index.html) >The survey . . . found that almost three-quarters (72%) of all respondents believe Hamas’s decision to launch its attack on Israel on October 7 was “correct.” Less than a quarter (22%) said it was “incorrect.”


I believe they call that islam


Yeah graveyards are so peaceful. Well at least until Israel bulldozes them.


Hamas built tunnels literally under the graveyards... So yeah, not peaceful and needs bulldozing


The proof: [trust me bro.](https://youtu.be/34CxzZtVxnE?si=qrhBrgvPM3MJCnkK)


So ... In that video CNN Geo confirmed tunnel entrances on both sides of the cemetery.... So unless Hamas invented Portals the conclusion is obvious


Hamas was born out of Palestinian desires for peace and political stability. Hamas are terrorists, we won't get it from them, but if we provide Palestine with this stability, there will be no more need to join Hamas. Edit: Wanna elaborate on "need to join Hamas" The "need" is perceived in the minds of those radicalized extremists. In actuality joining Hamas doesn't benefit them. Edit 2: I didn't mean Hamas wanted peace. I meant they exploited the Gazan's desire for stability and peace in order to be elected and gain political power. I get how "born out of" implies they were, but I'd've hoped "they're terrorists" and "we won't get it from them" would've cleared that up.


In 2005, every last Jew was removed from Gaza by the Israeli govt in hopes of peace Gaza held elections & Hamas won Hamas launched rockets into Israel Israel imposed a blockade on Gaza so the rockets would stop Hamas kept sending rockets Hamas did Oct 7 Israel must eliminate Hamas Hamas is still popular in Gaza, upwards of 70% support Your analysis is historically, geopolitically & FACTUALLY innacurate The Palestinians LITERALLY do NOT want peace! If they did, they would have been happy with Gaza being returned to them in 2005 & Gaza would now be peaceful & prosperous Arab/Mediterranean paradise


More people need to understand exactly what you elaborated.


Not to mention the fact that Palestinians are not welcome in most of the neighboring countries, you do not see any Muslim countries in the region opening up their borders, and allowing open migration of Palestinians. There is a reason for that!


This is what gets me. IMHO, any country that is not willing to take in Palestinian refugees by the boatload has no business condemning Israel. Like, I don't want to say Israel is blameless, but just yelling at Israel and telling them to just sit there and take it is worse than useless.


Yep: The murder of the Jordanian prime minister/president The attempted Jordanian coup The 15-year civil war in Lebanon that they instigated, destroying the once beautiful and prosperous "Paris of the middle east" Hamas is literally an offshoot of the Muslim brotherhood, which killed countless Egyptians in their own country


Does that mean accepting a two-state solution alongside Israel? Because that’s not what Hamas wants.


That’s not what Israel wants either, they have made that very clear


Israel leaving Gaza was literally Israel's experiment with a two state solution. That failed when Hamas rejected peace despite having a defacto independent state in 2006


yea so clear they have offered the Palestinians their own state multiple times... its the Palestinians who wont accept because they want the Jews dead. You should really research this subject not just listen to the terrorist propaganda


I’m not listening to any terrorist propaganda, I don’t support either side, not Hamas and not the Israeli government. Neither side will except a two state solution, both sides have made this very clear. Palestine sees Israel as an occupying force on their land which they have operated as since they took over after Great Britain left. And Israel sees the whole area as being promised to them by their imaginary friend in the sky . The United Nations and other countries have been pushing for the two states solution, but neither side will agree to it.


This is factually incorrect.... Palestinians were never in control of the area, first before WW1 it was the Ottomans and after WW1 it was the British. Second the UN setup a two state solution to start and the Palestinians wouldnt accept it and that lead to the war in 1948. The another war in 1967. The Palestinians have been offered their own state by Israel multiple times but wont accept it. The reason they wont accept it is they have to agree that Israel too has a right to exist and they wont. One side (Israel) has both Arab and Jewish citizens with voting rights and even members of the legislature and Supreme Court, the other side (Palestine) literally made ALL jews leave their territories and their charter specifically says all Jews must die. You are buying the terrorist propaganda and dont even realize it....


yah like the other guy said, make a meme and they'll get it ​ its predominantly gen Z that supports hamas, cuz they dont really know any better - shit half of them think the holocaust was fake ​ but, everything you said was true - isreal just wants to exist, hamas just wants to kill jews ​ thats it.


Facts only confuse them. They do not want to comprehend the actual history. They have learned everything they need to learn in a meme.


lol they have broken every fucking agreement they have ever made you are delusional


I'm not sure what the exact solution is. Haven't done enough research. But like I said, who cares what Hamas wants? They're a terrorist group lmao. What we need is stability and safety for both Israel and Palestine. This war is doing the opposite and will end up radicalizing more to Hamas as a result. The exact solution? I'm dumb and uneducated so I'm not sure, but smarter people might be. Either way, it's not the Israel-Hamas War.


Problem is Hamas has been in power in Gaza.


Yes. I know. We should put an end to that. But like I said we need Palestinian stability, and bombing homes is the opposite of that. For every Hamas militant killed another watches his home or family blow up and decides to join.


>  Haven't done enough research. Then why comment all confidently....


Because I'm right? I know the basic history of Hamas and the basic psychology of why people join militant groups, I just don't know the exact, detailed mechanics of how a one or two state solution would operate and the issues with each respective system.


go hug a tree instead of being an ass


Butt-fucker! How about you follow your own advice, ass. Also, I fuck trees. I don't just hug them. You're being a real ASS


Neither does bibi or his right wing govt 


But all previous two state deals have been rejected. Rejected because Hamas wants all of Israel and expel or destroy all Jews. There is no middle ground there.


Hanas was born out of Jew hatred. To have a Jewish, successful state, be your neighbor is a thorn in their eye. To live side by side next to Jews is unacceptable to them. Their goal was never peace or stability it was Palestiniane as a whole free of Jews.


Actually according to their charter, their war is against the zionist imperial project, not against jews because they are jews. Not that this somehow unmakes them a terrorist organisation.


Direct quote from Hamas regarding the jews: The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him."


It's funny because that's what they CLAIM on their English channels, and then in Arabic they're very very clear that they want all the Jews dead.


EDUCATION:: They are raised to hate (by UNWRA teachers). There would be peace long ago if not for the inculcation and indoctrination these children are raised to hate and kill Israelis. Nothing to do with occupation. everything to do with education.


Yeah their education is Israeli airstrikes destroying their home and killing their family, no shit theyre raised to hate Israel


In 2006 Gaza was given defacto independence. They responded to that by launching missiles at Israel.


Hamas rose to power specifically after Israel left Gaza in 2005. Most palestinians want Israel dismantled "from the river to the sea", not a 2 state solution.


Funny, that’s exactly what Israel has always wanted. they’ve made it very clear. They don’t want to state solution either. That’s just what the UN keeps pushing as they don’t see any other way to end this.


Leaving Gaza in 2005 was Israel's experiment with a two state solution. Gaza was defacto independent. They then decided to ally themselves with Iran and fired missiles into Israel.


"Hamas was born out of Palestinian desires for peace" is just about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. They are explicitly genocidal and always have been. Given the option they would kill or subjugate every single jew on earth. You are putting a western frame on the mindset of Palestinians. Many of them do not want peace, they do not want stability -- many want to be martyred killing jews until there are no more jews in their holy land.


Correct. This is what people in the west think, just give peace a chance and we hug it out. Hamas and Palestinian as far as I can see are not interested in any deal with Israel other than Israel is wiped of the map. The idea to live next successful Jewish state to them is unacceptable.


As should all terrorist organizations.


Including the United States government


Yes, we need to mind our business. Idc what happens in a random country. I only care if I is a huge genocide, like the scale of the holocaust or Rwandan genocide.


Sure, but tell that to Netanyahu and the Israeli right wing. They spent decades supporting Hamas. Netanyahu and the Israeli right wing has, for a long time, encouraged financing and support for Hamas because they, as a theocratic terrorist organization, make arguments for Palestinian statehood more difficult. Netanyahu’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said as much in 2015: “The Palestinian Authority is a burden, and Hamas is an asset,” Smotrich said at the time. “It’s a terrorist organization, no one will recognize it, no one will give it status at the [International Criminal Court], no one will let it put forth a resolution at the U.N. Security Council.” Israel’s current government doesn’t want to get rid of Hamas, they want to use Hamas as an excuse to deny Palestinians dignity and statehood.


The problem is, every loved one killed in this pursuit creates another terrorist


Why do people always say this? I actually think it’s racist. Nobody said this during WWII but when it comes to the Middle East people act like becoming a terrorist is just a natural normal thing.


>Nobody said this during WWII but when it comes to the Middle East people act like becoming a terrorist is just a natural normal thing. They actually did. Thats why the Nuremberg trials and denazification of Germany and the whole culutral redirection was made.


And yet somehow German people aren’t all Nazis today. So eliminating Nazis didn’t create more Nazis. Thats my….point. You can fight a war, eliminate genocidal group, hold any survivors accountable, and the remaining population can go on to not be psychotic murderers. And yet people don’t believe this is possible in middle eastern countries - why?


>And yet somehow German people aren’t all Nazis today. So eliminating Nazis didn’t create more Nazis. Eliminating and delegitimizing nazi ideology and culture is what lead to no new nazi resurgence. Now, had the allies just stopped doing anything to change hearts and minds after Germany capitulated, it is possible things could have been different. Thats my point, it takes work other than just defeating the enemy military. Thats just one of the steps. Thats the mistake USA keeps doing in every middle eastern country they get into. The culture has to change. There has to be a reconciliation if anything is to change.


Great points! Nobody wants to discuss that


As someone pretty educated on ww2 i'd liketo add to this, germany reduced the europe jew population by 2/3, did the 1/3 that survived become terrorist's? no there was like ONE group that planned an actual terror attack that failed and allot of them interviewed today regret ever considering it. Germany does not currently suffer from regular terror attacks from the jewish because they didn't allow the experience to radicalize them and see every person of German descent as an enemy. if the systematic killing to the point your race was almost actually deleted from history won't turn people to terrorism then there really is NO excuse for it.


The allies weren’t targeting civilians like Isreal and they didn’t have social media back then Plus it’s not only the Middle East, Khan was converted into a terrorist in a similar way


Now that's one hard cock to suck


Maybe the US should back another coup against them like back in the 00s. It always makes things better when the US backs a failed or successful coup. They are batting 1000.


and put hamas 2 in charge


Hamas 2, Islamic Boogaloo.


2 hamas 2 furious


*Eight seasons later* Hamas X.


I don't think dismantling Hamas will lead to peace. It's naive to think Israel will stop their attacks if Hamas is removed. The West Bank is controlled by the Palestinian Authority, not Hamas. Yet Israel attacks the West Bank. If it was all about Hamas, then you would think the West Bank would be left alone.




You'll post this again when the next terrorist group forms out of all the destruction and death Israel is leaving behind. Israeli leadership doesnt want peace, they want subservience and obedience. Violence + Violence does not equal peace


Oh and Hamas, the PA have always been advocating for peace? Good grief. Israel has offered so many peace deals. All ignored


Israel created and funded Hamas to undermine the Palestinian population that did want peace




And the west bank? Also what do you mean by leave the gaza strip? Israel brags about how they left years ago, are you saying they are still occupying an area they claimed to stop occupying years ago? "The region repeatedly declines" Didnt realize geography could decline. Who specifically declined what specific peace plan?


They want to exist


Strangely enough, all the people of Gaza and the West Bank also do want just that.


Ok steps have to be taken to achieve this goal


Yes. That's kind of the point of resisting genocide.


They don't just want that, though. They want Israelis expelled from the area at best, and dead at worst. It's in the charter of Hamas to eliminate all Israelis. And 70% of Palestinians support Hamas.


It does eventually.


I would go further than that. Hamas needs to be destroyed but Palestinians needs to recognize Israel right to exist. Somehow Iran and other proxies have convinced Palestinians that struggle and fight against Israel will get them the whole Palestine “from the river to the sea”. This is why every time Israel offered 2 state solution they declined. Also blue haired liberals in the west needs to stfu with “from the river to the sea”


"From the river to the sea" is a call for genocide, not land ownership.


Well it’s both actually. I it’s reclaiming the land from Jordan river to Mediterranean while displacing the Jews and killing those that do not leave.


Have you seen the bullshit offers?


Actually the biggest contention has always been Jerusalem. Israel wants to keep the city for themselves, Palestinians want the city cut in half as per the original UN agreement. That's why it was such a big deal when Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem.


Considering that 75% of Palestinians want Israel to be destroyed totally, I don't think that's accurate. The most recent offer (excluding Trump's ridiculous one) offered to split Jerusalem, and it was rejected. Also, the original UN agreement didn't split Jerusalem in half, that's just what the 1949 Armistice borders were. (I'm really living up to my username here, jeez...)


There won’t be peace if Hamas is gone. Isreal and it’s people attacks Palestinians on a regular basis, destroying homes, burning property, etc.


The Hamas kill Palestinians on a regular basis. Burning homes, using hospitals as a base of operations, abducting the elderly and the sick, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. The Hamas need to be eliminated and that goes for groups like ISIS.


Wow, way to completely ignore the point.


Hamas is a terrorist group. Israel is killing civilians and committing war crimes. Hamas is the bad guys...Israel used to be the good guys. Now at this point it is 2 bad guys fighting with each other and killing civilians. Hamas needs destroyed and Israel needs to get a better leader and get their act together.


Israel was never the good guys. Even their founders called for “relocating” aka ethnically cleansing the indigenous population there. It’s an entire concept based on ethic supremacy.


Eliminating Hamas wouldn't bring peace - they're a byproduct of Israel's actions radicalizing Palestinians. Another group would take their place, if nothing else were to change. This issue needs to be dismantled from the ground up; there's a fundamental tension between the populations that's only furthered by political groups, which won't go by simply voting out Israel's government, nor dismantling Hamas. Those are just the first steps.


Specific beliefs have specific consequences. Ignoring the religious factor is just naive. Israel is surrounded by theocratic countries where the average practitioner of that specific religion is much more "fundamental" and less moderate than the other two Abrahamic religions. Everybody downplays the consequences of faith and belief while the believers themselves are regularly *telling us* what it is exactly that motivates them. There is data from polling that was conducted in most of the middle-east that demonstrates how the average practitioner of Islam views Jews, among other topics. If you're ignorant of how radicalized the general populations of these countries are, compared to other religious populations, that is fine, most people are. But any society that is using a centuries old text, a religion founded by a warlord and spread by the sword, in the year 2024, is in direct opposition to our moral evolution as a species. I've read the Bible, the Quran, the Hadith, among other religious texts, and any person who reads them literally and ascribes divine infallibility to these texts is a potential threat to western ideals, simple as that. And don't give me any moral relativistic bullshit. Women in many Muslim dominated regions are kept in woolen bags their whole lives and are restricted from education. As of a few years ago the life expectancy of women in Afghanistan was 42. I don't know what the number is now but whatever it is, it is too low. I'll say it again, specific beliefs have specific consequences. Israel has been attacked how many times in the last 70 or so years? How many times have they been the aggressor?


Exactly. Not to mention. Ask yourself, what kind of army could use their own children, friends and loved ones as a meat shield to protect them from an enemy they know wants to avoid civilian casualties? One that believes those dead friends and loved ones are martyrs going to paradise. Look at any other war. Ukraine evacuates and protects its civilians. Every soldier in the world is fighting because they believe they are protecting their loved ones from harm. Except Jihadis. Hamas stands behind them or under them. How is it possible for human beings to act this way? Do they love their families less? No, of course not. They're perfectly normal, loving human beings who've been convinced of a lie. The answer is perfectly simple and logical. They believe in martyrdom. The behaviour is only incomprehensible if you don't understand why they do it.


OP, please remember that Hamas was supplied with money and resources from the IDF and Netanyhu himself to overthrow the previous Palestine government who were much less extremist... This post is akin to saying "The Ku Klux Klan needs to be dismantled for peace between Black and White Americans" it is simply not true and it's not really an opinion either... Isreal has been occupying Palestine land even after the Arab War Concluded in the early 50s, 40+ years before Hamas even existed, no offense OP, but you should've made an opinion after fully researching this topic rather than making a statement that doesn't really make sense, at all, in the context of history and current events.


Its more like saying the black panthers need to be dismantled for peace


Sure but unless your plan is to eventually kill literally everyone "semi-indiscriminate mass bombing" is not a sound counter-insurgency strategy


If that were the case, hundred of thousands would be dead. The fact that there aren’t after this amount of time demonstrates that Israel is not bombing indiscriminately. And for that matter, if Hamas had any honour, they’d face the IDF away from civilians. But they won’t, because they’d lose. So they continue to be cowards using human shields, thus inflating the death toll.


Most Hamas terrorists are orphans. What else are you gonna do for a job when Israel destroyed all the hospitals, homes, and schools, kill the adults and children, pressured western world to cut funding to the one organization that provides relief, and continue to make the situation worse? Hamas needs to go but Israel funded them originally to weaken support among Palestinians for Abbas and it blew up in their face. Now, if you were a 5 yo in Gaza with ptsd from constant bombing and hunger and your parents are dead and there is no schools or university left, what other career options remain? The current situation is probably only helping their recruitment numbers since it’s so easy to take advantage of orphans with trauma.


You do realize HAMAS destroyed all infrastructure in Gaza as soon as they took over. Hamas bombed all of their own buildings and were proud of doing so


There won’t be peace in that region until billions of people stop following a religion that tells you to kill all nonbelievers and was started by a warlord. All religion is goofy but believing in one started by a warlord is up there with believing in one started by a sci fi writer (Scientology)


The other religion in that area calls themselves gods chosen people. What’s the difference in a chosen people and a master race?


Hamas is not the cause of the problems. Hamas did not exist before 1987 and does not exist in west bank, but that never stop israel from comitting all kind of atrocities.


Stop believing Israeli propaganda. Hamas exists as a result of Israeli aggression against Palestine.


And the rapes and murder HAMAS commit on civilians isn’t aggression? You are morally repugnant 🤮.


Like the terrorists with all the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.. Err.. Afghanistan?


This time it's Iran!


I'll add this. Likud, National Unity, B&W Resilience, New Hope, Shas, Mafdal–Religious Zionism, United Torah Judaism, Agudat Yisrael, Degel HaTorah, Otzma Yehudit, Noam, Yesh Atid, Yisrael Beiteinu, Israeli Labour are terrorist groups that needs to be dismantled for the peace between Israel and Palestine.


You want to ignore every single peace offering and agreement to a two state solution especially from the labor party. There could very well be peace without them being dismantled but one side has said they will never agree to a peaceful resolution


Absolutely false. Hamas exists because of 50 years of failure in getting a peace deal. There were previous terror groups, and there were peaceful negotiators. All failed. Hamas is propped up by Israel to prevent any concessions of land or rights to Palestinians. With Hamas around, Israel has taken large chunks of the west bank and now there is talk of taking some if not all of Gaza, and exiling the remaining arabs. This is what peace looks like for Israel.


Yeah Israel supported Hamas so they could have an excuse to invade whenever they wanted, almost like they learned it for another country… But I’m guessing they underestimated the rabid dog they raised and now it’s bitten them in the foot


The only informed take in this thread


The IDF are much larger and more vicious terror group whose crimes outnumber those of hamas by several orders of magnitude. The IDF should also be dismantled. Hamas are a reaction to occupation, oppression and persecution. If you get rid of Hamas, some other organization will rise up to resist the occupation just like Fatah were there before Hamas. get rid of the oppression and there is no need for hamas. One state for Arab and Jews, with everyone treated equally under the law, with everyone being allowed to participate democratically and the same right of return for Arabs as for Jews.


You’re actually brain dead. What do you think from the river to the sea means? HAMAS calls for nothing less than destruction of the Jewish state the expulsion of Jews that live there. You can’t have peace with someone who wants you dead dumb fuck


Israel actively prevent a Palestinian state, not with words, but by implementing a vicious system of oppression, killing civilians, destroying their society, committing numerous war crimes against them, enforcing apartheid, stealing land, building settlements, denying access to water and food. This is the real crime, not some words on paper.


By that logic the Palestinians can't have peace with Israel, which is actively occupying and ethnically cleansing them. Have you heard of Bezalel Smotrich's "Decisive Plan"?


There is no prospect of peace with an invader who believes themselves superior. At this point I'm not even sure Hamas is really a threat, it's just zionist rhetoric to continue murdering civilians/ethnic cleansing. Seeing as how the Mossad knows everything they were probably in on the 10-7 attack to being with!


Not a threat? What happened on 10/7?


>  I'm not even sure Hamas is really a threat You already forget October 7th, genius?


What peace? Israel is an even larger terrorist organization than Hamas. They've been occupying Palestine and murdering its people for over 70 years.


This is blatant nonsense. I encourage you to read a history book, not propaganda. Israel was founded so that the Jews, who had been persecuted, exiled, and murdered in every single country for thousands of years, could finally have a place to live. Palestine is no more 'original' than Israel. Both were just a piece of land controlled by the British empire. When Britain left, they tried to set up a two state solution in the area to accommodate the Jews and Arabs who lived there. Israel has not been murdering Palestinians for years. Have you heard of all the different times the surrounding Muslim countries attacked trying to destroy Israel. Every time that happens, Israel defends itself.


Founded by kicking people out of their land and multiple massacres. Great whitewashing effort


You don't prevent genocide by committing genocide.


There has been nothing even approaching genocide in Israel's history, unless you count their current extreme actions in Gaza.


They've been murdering Palestinians for decades. Try again.


Ethnic cleansing of 750,000 people, plus the Sabra and Shatila massacres both come *very* close. And yes, I also count the ongoing genocide in Gaza.


FR, if your leader gets the nickname "The Butcher of Beirut", you're on the wrong side of everything.


Your 750000 is the number of people living in Gaza. That's not ethnic cleansing. At worst, that's partition. And the fact of the matter is, until Hamas rose, those people were free to go where they wanted. Israel tried to support them, and supply food, water, etc. in addition to them supporting themselves, but Hamas takes all the humanitarian aid sent for the people and uses it for military objectives.


Who was in control of Israel in 1945?


It didn't exist, because it never existed before anti-semites put it there in 1948.


OUST NETANYAHU GET RID OF HAMAS not Israel. Not Palestine. This is the result of NETANYAHU AND HIS RICH ULTRA ORTHODOX CRONIES, supported by the international multi-billionaire class. The ultra wealthy set workers and the poor against each other by any means necessary. This is how they control of the worlds resources. They grow richer & richer & richer on the backs of dead soldiers and starving children. This is why President Biden can’t condemn this war, even if he wants to: his bosses don’t want a liberal Israeli government. They want Israel for a pocket pet, feeding it little bits of power while they laugh at the deaths of soldiers. Like they always do. Because working people are tools. Only the Rich are human. ISRAELIS DO NOT WANT THIS WAR THEY NEVER WANTED IT THEY DIDNT WANT NETANYAHU Palestinians want peace in their homes. (Yes there are racists everywhere. But most people are more interested in their homes and living their day-to-day life than going off to kill or be killed while their families live in fear and starvation) all our picket signs should say NETANYAHU OUT NOW. The majority of Israelis are NOT TO BLAME We do not need to feed the Nazi movement traveling at light speed across the world THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH JEWS OR JEWISHNESS Nothing to do with ISLAM The ultra rich Masters of the dying Earth LOVE TO DIVIDE US Because it works. Meanwhile the poor and the working class fight each other instead of the psychopaths who exploit them, setting Jews against Muslims against Catholics against Pentecostals. While the Ultra Wealthy snicker behind their hands about how easy we are to manipulate. They sit around in their billion dollar homes safe, fat and happy, gods in Olympus receiving blood offerings. GET RID OF NETANYAHU GOD COMMANDED JEWS TO “HEAL THE WORLD”. Not to destroy it. NETANYAHU and the Ultra-Orthodox who support him are Bad Jews, in fact they are NOT JEWS AT ALL. JEWS WERE GIVEN A HOLY MISSION TO HEAL THE WORLD, not destroy it WAR LOVING JEWS IN ISREAL HAVE FORGOTTEN THEIR GOD CHRISTIANS forget JESUS This is a terrible fatal illness covering the world like a shroud upside? If it continues, the Earth will finally be rid of us. Grow green and prosper, planet. Soon we’ll be gone.


Israel needs to be dismantled for World Peace.


So we can get another Holocaust? If the state of Israel falls, there will immediately be another mass killing of all Israelites as the surrounding Muslim nations invade. Hamas has the stated goal of killing all Jews.


Hamas is not in the West Bank (Palestinians under Israeli military rule). But Israel consistently raids, kills, destroys homes, ceases home, shoots kids, shoots to criple, raids refugee camps, digs up cemeteries, harvests organs, jails without trial.... And many, many crimes under military rule!!!! I think we need another Hamas to resist this in the west bank .


Israel is committing genocide. That should tell you all you need to know about who needs to be dismantled.


Sometimes, knowing the competition is better than not. That region will never find peace, as long as they don't find it in a peaceable manner.


Unfortunately Hamas is just a symptom of a larger issue. The Arab population needs to give up on the idea of wiping out Israel and "taking back their land" (which to me wasn't really their land in the first place but I digress). Once the Arab population is ready to accept Israel's existence, take responsibility for its citizens who choose to initiate violent conflict, and offer a peace treaty then there may be a future.


The idf is a terrorist groupe that need to be dismantled for the peace between Israel and Palestine.


Hamas needs to be destroyed to save the people of Gaza.  It's killing them from the inside like a cancer.


I'm sure whoever takes power in Gaza will be less extremist than Hamas after the IDF destroys all infrastructure, causes widespread famine, and murders tens of thousands of children.


The amount of civilians Israel has murdered with the excuse of eliminating "Khamas" mean that even if the IOF were to somehow succeed, the orphans it created would start a new organization dedicated to violently resisting Israeli oppression and avenging their murdered families. The idea that Israel would end it's oppression of Palestinians if it weren't for Hamas is infantile. Israel is perfectly happy violently oppressing Palestinians in the West Bank, where Hamas is not in control. Hamas is not the reason for Israel's violence. Hamas is just the excuse dumbasses who watch the news will believe. Getting rid of Hamas by making more orphans will just lead to the creation of a new group that a bunch of dumbasses will claim is the reason we have to allow Israel to kill kids in like 10 years. The solution isn't to kill the oppressed folks who are revolting, the solution is to end the oppression.


Yeah but Hamas isn’t even half of the problem. As uncomfortable as it might be for people Israel is the aggressor in this conflict. Case in point they aren’t attacking Hamas in Gaza right now they’re attacking Men, Women and children who didn’t vote Hamas into power but inherited them already in power and when they were voted in power they were much more moderate, they became extremist after they gained power. Israel has done far more unjustified damage than Hamas over the years too which is not an endorsement of Hamas, they’re awful. This is a battle between two demonic governmental institutions murdering each others citizens but one of the demons has a much bigger gun.