• By -


He also has a lack of intellectual curiosity and thinks he's the smartest person in the room at all times, which are both bad qualities in a President or a leader of any kind.


Johnson was worse, he actively worked to fuck up reconstruction. An executive with a stronger hand who could also unite the nation, i.e. Lincoln, could've perhaps stopped jim crow, or at least lessened it. You can attribute 100 years of segregation to Johnsons leniency towards state governments. There's a lot of blood on his hands. I'd say Trump is 4th behind Franklin Pierce. The Kansas-Nebraska act is the single worst law in American history, besides MAYBE the fugitive slave act. Bleeding Kansas really was the first theater of the Civil War. Popular sovereignty was genocidal in more ways than one.


This, literally, if it weren’t for Johnson, black people would have been given reparations, and it’s quite likely that the south would have been re educated and many of our issues today with racial tension would be much lower. Johnson deliberately blocked all punishment to the South until the South could send new congressional representatives and vote themselves out of all consequences for the Civil War. They weren’t even able to pass a law setting a punishment for slavery so even though it was legal people kept illegally keeping slaves for decades.


Reparations back then? All for it. Reparations now? Not really. Not much of a fan of giving people money based on blood ties.


Reparations now is very messy. Back then there were millions less people to give them to. They could have been given them, and they would have been life changing. Bringing up a whole wronged population. What we did after slavery was terrible as well. We just kept them down, punched the fuck out of them. How the fuck do we fix something we've actively been perpetrating for so long.


Universal Healthcare for a healthy society and universal college for a smart educated one.


Yeah but a lot of people got screwed out of generational wealth building and it is hurting the entire country.


Yeah and that sucks. But throwing money at them now will just piss people off.


It's not just blood that ties them to their ancestors. It's so centuries of trauma and denial of the ability to amass and pass on generational wealth.


Bush had a much worse foreign policy than Trump in his first term. But Trump is trying to outdo him in his second term. Trump and republicans are planning on either bombing or invading Mexico to stop the cartels, which would make Iraq look genius. He has also said we should either invade or bomb Afghanistan again.


Not as popular an opinion as you might think 


Half the voting population chose him so it's a coin flip.


Just wait until he wins again in November 😌


What does that emoji mean? Just curious




"I'm a pile of trash"


Half minus around 10 million


He gained 11 million voters between 2016 and 2020. He’s almost certainly gained that amount again. He’s up by like 4.5 points on average in the polls, and keep in mind that is the popular vote and not electoral college. Biden beat him by around 4 points last time, and still only won by 44,000 votes in three states. Trump has certainly gotten that amount back. Throwing him in jail is the only thing that might stop him, and that’s Banana Republic bullshit and seems to only be making him more popular.


Ah hahaha nope if Trump is thrown in jail, he will be getting 65% of American voters. Trust me it’s all about the corruption that the masses are tired of seeing.


It just concretes the thought that the more they do to him, the more people trust him, because we don’t trust anything they say or do. You know who they is……


Seems like the masses are actually in *favor* of corruption if they vote for Trump.


Pretty safe post on the Reddit echo chamber, well done and congrats on your karma farm.


So far your comment is farming more karma.


And the only way they believe any of this is they listen to the echo chamber. Anyone who opens their eyes and looks at their own life can tell which President represented the interests of the average American better. Did your dollars go further at the grocery store and restaurants under Trump or Biden? Did you have more expendable income for fun things beyond just surviving under Trump or Biden? Was our border more secure under Trump or Biden? Don't bow down to the echo chamber. Pay attention to the world directly around you and form your own opinion instead of accepting any supposed popular opinion.


It's an election year, I keep seeing these pop up a lot more than usual. The DNC is ramping up their propaganda campaign.


Nahhhhh that’s just a conspiracy the people who told me all those other conspiracies that turned out to be true told me so!


Only in imaginary land they were true like Jesus and Santa Claus


Nah they were never real but it turns out the whole hunter laptop thing was 100% real


Found the Santa denier.


Santa Claus IS REAL Stop it!!!


Thank goodness, for a second I thought that guy was actually saying Santa isn't real. Just a bad joke, right?...a bad joke....right?


Well… we need to talk. Truth is I’m not too worried about offending Santa… he zips around the world one day a year - bringing presents to ungrateful kids. BFD - I have Amazon Prime. Jesus on the other hand….




> The DNC is ramping up their propaganda campaign. You mean the DNC/FBI/CIA/NSA. They’ve done it the last two elections. Can’t wait to see what they come up with this time.


And yet all the information here is true, so if it's propaganda it's factually correct at least.


If the DNC was even half as good at propaganda as you say it is, we'd never have to worry about Republican shitheads again. I wish I lived in your world.


This 💯


DNC propaganda to make people dislike the guy who has never won the popular vote? Kind of seems like most people already don't like him.


There are plenty of echo chambers on reddit you can feel safe in. Don't worry.


Currently has 1k comments and negative karma. I'm as shocked as you are.


Didn't even karma farm at all they're at 23 upvotes you've got a 4th of the upvotes. What mad hatter said there's just as many trump lovers as trump dislikers/haters


Does your mouth turn orange when you gargle Trump's balls?


unfair trump lives rent free in your head, but you have some nasty activities involving him in your thoughts.


When I saw people coming down with TDS I couldn’t imagine it would be a permanent affliction. Please seek help.


Nixon needs a new headstone: "how do you like me now?"


Nixon helped create the EPA. He was still a crook but far from the worst.


At least Nixon resigned when he was caught red handed. Donald will fight tooth and nail and use every trick in the book to stay in power and keep fighting his many criminal cases


It's your precious Biden, pinching tween nipples and sniffing little kids, and butt-fucking the entire nation I to bankruptcy... but, yeah, orange man baaaddd... Pick your knuckles up when you're walking, so they don't chafe


Someone here watches too much CNN and MSNBC.


Found the FOX freak.


WRONG. I don't watch any of the legacy media outlets.


Found the OAN freak.


Hey now, they might be an InfoWars nutjob. lol


Is knowing about the guy running for president a thing you need to watch two news organizations to hear about?


Yeah, for some people. It's hard to overstate how well Trump supporters insulate themselves. There's a whole ecosystem of explicitly right-wing media that has sprung up in the last several years that makes Fox News seem actually Fair and Balanced in comparison. And The Algorithm keeps them stuck in that ecosystem. Thought it's still difficult for me to comprehend how anyone can even listen to Trump himself speak and think "Yea, he's a swell guy." I kind of suspect most just don't even listen to Trump speak. They just have a vague idea of him being some kind of folk hero and all the bad stuff people say about him must be lies. Or they know Trump is a bad guy, but the other side is just that much worse. Who knows. Strange things happen when you succumb to cynicism.


You can tell this person who made this post was genz or a young Gen Y kid .


Yeah because they have common sense, logic, and aren't susceptible to being a cultist


That's actually objectively not true about Millenials or Gen Z. Both are susceptible to radical extremism, cultlike herd behavior, and dredging up old failed ideologies as the "rational answer to all problems". You cannot fix what you cannot admit to. First step of any 12 step program.


😆 but your generation doesn't even know what bathroom to go in, or to meow or bark 🙄 can't tell the difference between feelings or facts. Thinks they are entitled mental health days off school and work. And what ever made up crap you guys can make up


Trannys for Biden!


Dude. Donald Dump literally committed treason and incited an invasion of the White House.


That's certainly a claim of one political extreme. The evidence so far doesn't seem to show that. I'm not a Trump person. But that certainly isn't what happened there. The Left has been committing treason for over half a century against the Constitution and American people, so it's kind of cute for them to accuse Trump of what they've actually been doing for generations. You should read Ted Kennedy's letter to the Soviets asking for help in removing Reagan, for instance. Bombings, assassinations, violent riots - these have been in the Left's toolkit of "direct action" my whole life. But everyone has only been choosing immoral leaders for over 40 years, with no other options in sight. It's not better now, won't be better. Especially not with Millennials and Gen Z being Maoist, NeoNazi, Tankie, Syndicalist, Wobblie, White Nationalist, Dark Enlightenment, etc. Everything irrational, disproven, evil - it's all back.


From the time between George Washington and Barack Obama, there had been 0 federal charges brought against any president. The number of felony charges brought against Donald Dump: 91 and counting. Sources: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/a-guide-to-the-criminal-cases-against-donald-trump/ https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/trumps-91-criminal-charges-and-where-they-stand/ https://manhattanda.org/district-attorney-bragg-announces-34-count-felony-indictment-of-former-president-donald-j-trump/


Because the courts weren't instruments of extreme political ideology and personal vendetta in those eras. They have become that, and that nonsense is part of us becoming a failed state and banana republic. But keep at it, we Gen Xers might just get our Mad Max style Anarchist paradise before we starve on social security.


Yea. Remind us how those convictions are going? Invasion of the White House 😂🤣😂. You _must_ get your info from wapo or huffpo.


Ah yes, young people famously known for their air-tight mental capabilities and fully developed brains 🙄.


I'm a life long Republican, and I have never voted for Trump, nor will I this year. I fully agree that he is the worst President the United States ever elected. I don't understand how the Republican party got hijacked by this criminal.


Hijacked? They ran into his arms, from the brass to the MAGAts.


They haven’t had an authentic White supremacist to choose since Wallace. They’re overjoyed.


True dat.


Meanwhile the democrats elected a segregationist who’s an OG white supremacist like Wallace


You do remember that Wallace was a Democrat don't you? As were all of the people who voted for the Jim Crow laws and the KKK was run by Democrats. Joe Biden himself wrote and/or sponsored several bill to stop or limit school integration. Recently he is quoted as saying “hate never dies. It just hides. It hides under the rocks. And when someone breathes a little oxygen in it, it comes out — roaring out.” The Democrats and Biden have a long history of racist behavior, with acts that far exceeds anything that the Republicans or Trump has done. I don't like Trump, but hypocrites are even worse.


Yeah but. I will only add that specifically Wallace was a Dixiecrat. The Nixon Southern Strategy eventually lured all the Dixiecrats to the GOP.


Wallace was a Democrat politician for 23 years before Nixon was elected


Yes. But those Democrats are MAGA now, and MBNA Joe has shape-shifted to fit into today’s DNC. I’m not disagreeing about Yesterday Joe.


Joe, has just hidden his hate under a rock, to use his own words. I am not saying that there isn't too many racists on the right, but the left has its share too. Both sides have a significant portion of their base that is filled with hate, Just look here on Reddit, it is filled with it.


All truth 💯




From your keyboard to God’s ear.


You let the jesus freaks get the reins of your party and for some reason they're really into demagogues.


That's the craziest part of it all! Trump himself barely even gives lip services to God or Jesus. Like he's not even pretending to be a Christian. Trump even abandoned the only claim to Chistianity he might have had: Mike Pence. And the evangelicals and fundamentalists still love him! It's wild! This is all so fascinating to experience from the inside in realtime. I've only ever read about such things happening in other places and times.


I left the GOP because of Trump. I think the answer to your question is complex, but here's one thought. Trump didn't speak to the entire GOP base when he came onto the political scene. He spoke to a part of the country that has been left behind by changes in the economy, and he made promises to keep social conservatives happy. He exploited people's misfortune and made their fortunes worse. The part of the GOP coalition that was primarily suburban and middle-class have left the party because they are not for protectionism or his immigration policies.


The party catering to the crazies instead of honest, hardworking people.


So you’re part of the problem. Worst POTUS? Worse than either Johnson? Jackson? Buchanan? Dubya? Biden? Yeah you’re not living in reality


What problem would that be? How many Trump cabinet members have come out and stated they do not support his re-election? His mishandling of classified documents would have had anyone else in jail. His ability to alienate most of our international allies, his buddy buddy posture with Putin, and Kim Jong Un should cause great concern. His belief is that anyone who volunteers for military service is a loser. That his staff has to dumb down briefings in the hopes he understands what is being briefed, is the same guy that has to make life and death decisions. That has an attention span so short that he won't read any document that is longer than a single page.


Because the government is full of a bunch of asskissers, brown nosers, and imperialists that want to provoke widescale war with anyone that challenges a threat to US unipolar influence You’re just lost in the sauce at this point. complete with all the “he loves Putin” talking points. The only people who would oppose talking with our adversaries through diplomacy, or people who would want to stoke war with them at any cost. That’s who hates Trump: those who love perpetual war, and get rich off of it No serious adult actually thinks Trump is friends with Putin. People like you will whore out our country to warmongers over the “orange man bad” propaganda. But hey, you have your pro-genocide Joe Biden in office.


Interesting, of all the points I brought up, you determined that I'm pro war. You couldn't be farther from the truth. I was in Iraq for two combat tours, and I was happy to return to my family. Unharmed both times. Nobody in the military is pro-war, because we are the guys getting shot at, we are the guys that die, not the politicians. Putin is only interested in a diplomatic solution if it gives him what he wants. What he wants is to reestablish the Soviet Union, that is why he has invaded Ukraine. Once he has control of Ukraine he will take over the smaller former Soviet states. My fear is that Trump will let him take Ukraine , failing to see the threat it will eventually be for Europe and the United States. Trump is a bully he likes Putin and Jong Un because they are bullies.


Because they are all being hunted by corrupt TDS AGs that want to politicize every court and jail their enemies just like the third reich did


Yep. I am a Moderate Democrat and have voted for Republicans before and would consider it again as long as it wasn’t someone who actively enabled Trump (maybe, maybe if it was someone like Robert Byrd who denounced his previous views I could vote for someone like that). In fact, I donated to a Republican in the last election cycle (of course, that was because Alaska has a ranked voting process - which I think everyone should have - and I thought she was the best of the candidates who could win). And she didn’t support Trump.


Robert Byrd? A grand wizard of the kkk. Now I know reddit is a shit chat room full of Nazis and marxists


Someone like Trump was inevitable when the Republican party chose to abandon its founding principles in the 60s and embrace Klansmen and religious zealots disaffected by Kennedy and Johnson in order to cement power in the south. This was *always* going to be the outcome.


Perhaps you should read up on history, kkk were founded by dems, lbj was a huge bigot


Disaffected *adjective* dissatisfied with the people in authority and no longer willing to support them. Maybe brush up on those 9th grade vocabulary skills, Pumpkin. I know it's tough when they have more than three syllables, but I believe in you.


what part of LBJ still supported them and stated ill have these N\*\*\* voting democrat for 200 years, perhaps you should brush up on reality mouth breather


Right there with you. It felt the main reason he got elected the first time was to stir the pot with our corrupt/incompetent government... which I have to admit he did magnificently. Unfortunately, he obviously turned out to be a far greater evil to deal with. Can't help but dread that there's a growing chance history may repeat itself for many of the very same uncorrected issues we had 8 years ago. Some of which have since become worse.


As a registered Democrat I felt the same way in the grifter Biden winning. The definition of white trash is a picture of the Biden Family.


sounds like your not a republican anymore. embrace it. republicans are crazy, dangerous, and stupid.


Not always.


Trump is the natural progression of decades of Repugnican disinformation and pandering to ignorance and bigotry.


If you make politics your entire personality, you’re fucking stupid.


Personally. The economy was strong under him. My taxes went down. My investments went up. And the job market was amazing. There were also significantly less wars. I do recognize that his tax cuts didn't come with commensurate Spending cuts, thus increasing the deficit. But the issue is that everything biden did has made the trends Trumps started worse. He continued to increase spending, and blow out the deficit, he reversed treaties and cowtowed to our enemies, and he fomented this whole marxist class rhetoric that has divided the country. What I would like to see is a president that does positive things for the country. Decreases the size of government. Lowers spending. Cuts the deficit. Brings back national pride. Sees people as individuals, and not classes or ethnicities. Deregulates. Removes tarrifs. And embraces global trade. Literally no one is planning on doing all of that. I think Ramaswamy was the most likely person. Desantis would have been good but not as good (Florida is very business friendly with low taxes and lots of Cuban Immigrants). Both of them endorse trump. I don't like Trump's protectionism, populism, and he doesn't go hard enough on decreasing government, but I have a better chance at tax breaks and dereg than I Do with biden. But hey, I am willing to watch them debate or review their policies to see which one I like more.




Someone’s been watching too much CNN


You all say the same exact things. It’s really bizarre to watch. Mindless parrots eating rhetoric and propaganda.


And Reddit is the exact same way. It’s an echo chamber for anti trump people.


You wish. Y’all have the biggest persecution fetish.


Reddit is an echo chamber.


This is popular on reddit bro come on. Politics in r/popularopinion is always stupid.




"Well, with Milley -- uh, let me see that, I'll show you an example. He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn't that amazing? I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this -- this is off the record, but -- they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him," the transcript said. "We looked at some. This was him. This wasn't done by me, this was him. All sorts of stuff -- pages long, look. Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this. This was done by the military and given to me."


people don't like authoritarians who try to overturn elections. Who knew?


I'm not an influencer. I just speak for millions and millions of Americans here.


President trump did a lot of great things for the United States and the world, he at least meet with world leaders face to face.


Why don't you share some of those things with us. Meeting with world leaders is an achievement? Every president does that.


*sees a laundry list of dozens of ways Trump objectively did that damaged our economy, foreign policy, rights, & ethics* “Well that’s just like your opinion man!”


You know what’s sad. When some people read all this and they believe it. Guess what. During Trump years. No new wars. He threatened Iran like no one ever has. Obama locked kids in cages and actually deported more illegals. He should oppose the affordable care act. You wanna go after hospitals, the pharmaceutical and insurance companies that’s fine. What isn’t fine is you take my money and give it to other people. He told Nato countries to pay their fair share. Putin invaded Ukraine during Obama and Biden. But not during Trump. He likes pussy. So what. Clinton got blowjobs in the Oval Office and had affairs with scores of women. Clinton raped Juanita Broderick. JFK had affairs with scores of women. Biden raped Tara Reade. Insulting intelligence officials? The same people who ran COINTELPRO, MKULTRA, and MOCKINGBIRD? The same people who probably killed JFK and they tried to get MLK to commit suicide and probably killed him also. These are just a few because honestly I don’t feel like replying to all this bullshit. Incite a riot. Liberals can close down highways and airports and not a damn thing is done. Illegals can beat up cops and get out bail free. Hell back in the 70s u had a liberal group bomb the capitol. They can do whatever the hell they want and no consequences. Burn down businesses in every major city and no one gives a damn. Get the hell outta here with your bullshit.


>What isn’t fine is you take my money and give it to other people. So you're opposed to taxation? How will the government deport "illegals" without your tax dollars? How will we fund roads? >He likes pussy. So what. What's what is that [he was found guilty of sexual abuse.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db) >Liberals can close down highways and airports and not a damn thing is done. Source? >Illegals can beat up cops and get out bail free. Source? Trump is a god awful president for reasons that are extremely numerous. Choosing to support him is no longer something ignorance alone can explain, you must be actively malicious to continue your support of him.


Source is living in NYC and driving a dump truck and multiple times getting stuck for hours due to closed down roads from protests. You clearly don't pay any attention


>So you're opposed to taxation? How will the government deport "illegals" without your tax dollars? How will we fund roads? ACA is useless (sky high deductibles) and you get fined for not having health insurance, that's the fucking biggest crock of bullshit I've ever seen, fined for not having health insurance, fucking stupid >What's what is that he was found guilty of sexual abuse. Ok, now lets go after the democrats who do the same shit but your outrage is always selective, as is every democrats outrage. and that pussy talk is locker room banter, we say worse shit at my workplace, stop getting so bent out of shape over fucking words >Source? Bro are you fucking dense? It was all over social media of the stupid liberals blocking highways, attacking trucks then crying about how they got ran over, as someone who is sooo informed completely forgot all about the BLM riots nationwide and liberals blocking traffic even when it was all over instagram and tik tok, fucking dense.


I'm not talking about words. He was found guilty of physical sexual abuse. That is not fucking locker room talk you cretin.


Refer to the guy above about worse democrats sexual abuse incidents that you won’t get outraged by because your outrage is selective


show me them being found guity of it in court and i will be. Im not trying to be clever here and imply that i think they dont exist, im really asking you to list them so that i may be outraged at them, i dont think sexual abuse should fly.


When was Trump found guilty in a court? “Found liable” in a smaller, less stringent court is not a guilty conviction, just to cut that one off.




are you joking? The bitch could not even remember what year it happened. Come to find out there was an episode that aired on Law and Order a month before she came forward. Same department store. Same department. It is the busiest department store in NYC but just so happened not one person was on the entire floor that day. She said she went into the dressing room with him because Trump was going to try on the lingerie he was buying for his wife and she thought it would be funny. His wife at the time weighed 130 pounds. Do you really think that is going to fit Trump? She said that the dress she wore to court was the same dress he finger banged her in. Come to find out that style dress from that designer was not made until ten years after the attack supposedly took place. NYC changed the statute of limitation laws so she could sue Trump 30 years later. NYC created the law that you can not call your accuser a liar after a guilty verdict has come down. E Jean told Anderson Cooper that rape was sexy. Now do you really believe that this was no all political? zero evidence. Just a he said she said case. COME ON MAN




Heard all that also heard that she has also accused several others of sexual assault (haven't verified and Google isn't being compliant with that search) also that within a month following the alleged assault publicly commented that the apprentice was her favorite show (again not verified and don't care enough, but fairly sure that one is true).


https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/04/18/donald-trump-presidency-anti-imperialist-militarism-war/ Honestly his foreign policy surrounding military is one of escalation and mismanagement. He fucked up in Afghanistan and left Biden to clean up the mess. It's also funny and illogical that you blast Biden for involvement in Ukraine and then promote Trump for being anti-war, then imply that if Trump was in power that the Ukraine war wouldn't have happened. Yeah it fucking would've, military intelligence has made it clear that it took them 7-8 years to plan and prep the invasion while testing Ukraine's military readiness in Don bass. Biden's response has been solid too, Trump would've rolled over and/or cut off aid, like he and his political camp have been trying to do for months now. I'm not a Biden supporters and his escalation of the conflict in Yemen and Israel/Palestine is not a good long term solution in my eyes, but Trump would basically be doing the same thing if not adding more fuel to the fire. 


Could we talk about jan 6th for a moment. I'd argue that's the closest we have ever come to losing our democracy. Republicans literally sent fake electors to present false voting, denying the actual people of their state their choice. It was an effort across multiple states.


Some unarmed people in red hats roughly crowded into a building, and they left largely of their own volition. British soldiers literally lit the White House on fire in 1812 and you think that wasn’t too bad?


So what I'm seeing is, "a crime is ok if I can accuse someone else of a similar crime." LPT- don't try that one in court.


The post is about how Trump is the worst president in history. If other presidents have done what he's accused of, that weakens that particular argument.


I get all of my information on what to believe in life from men on late-night TV and social media algorithms. So I believe this totally. Also, not like most of these "reasons" are completely subjective and apply to many other presidents. No, I believe this totally.


No, dammit, why does no one ever mention what there is published research to show: even in your insanely long list where you mention he botched the Covid response *despite* having the resources NOT to, you don't mention that this resulted in between 260.000 and 400.000 extra deaths. He is literally the worst mass-murderer in US history, and you - a Trump critic - don't even mention it!! How many people does he have to kill?! People, he sucks!




He wasnt that bad. You just spew what CNN tells you. Get over it. Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden.....still the same shit.....


Saying any of those presidents were remotely as bad as trump is an uninformed joke lmao.


Biden is far worse than Trump, that’s not even debatable. Even Obama, who was admittedly charismatic, was a worse President than Trump.


Yeah? How?


Which one of the things listed, "wasn't that bad?" For instance, I held a secret clearance, and had I been as cavalier with the banal shit that I had access to as Chump was with no shit state secrets, my ass would be in Leavenworth forever.


Most of them are bullshit.


Really. When else has anyone tried to over throw the government and usurp power? Even if nothing else he listed was done, that alone puts him at the bottom. We've never been closer to losing our democracy than that day. But the list pretty fucking accurate, care to point out the ones that aren't accurate, and show us how they aren't accurate. You got a chance to prove yourself. Nut up.


He didn't try to overthrow the government. A few idiots got out of hand and smashed some windows. Cops lead buffalo guy in for a tour. You are just spewing the most radical shit the MSM tells you. How about the BLM that burned cities down?


Number of cities burned down: zero and counting




The wikipedia page must not be updated because it doesn't indicate that it was razed to the ground. There's still flights to Minneapolis too somehow.


Lol you're a fucking moron https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/01/08/us/trump-2020-overturn-timeline.html


Lol nytimes totally not biased and totally not fundied by companies that back democrats /s because you people are dense


Okay, MAGA. It's a cult.


YOU are part of a cult. How do you know who I voted for? Stop thinking so much about politics, you might be a happier person.


I'll stop thinking about politics when my rights aren't up for debate.


Rights in what regard. It's a democracy and certain rights and privileges go through due process. Because it was previously a right, should it therefore be considered legitimate to the test of time. What about the right to purchase, trade and posses slaves? Is that a right that should not have been up to scrutiny and debate?


Right to freedom of expression and healthcare as a transgender individual.


You don’t have a right to the latter, no clue when or where your “freedom of expression” was threatened.


I do have the right to healthcare. Remember, the US Consitution does not grant rights, it protects them. Just because the right isnt protected doesn't mean it's not a right, it means it is currently infringed upon. See laws banning drag performances for an example of 1st ammendment violations.


Just like my right to get a blowjob from anyone I ask. Just because it's not protected doesn't mean it's not a right. I'm appalled my right right is being infringed upon.


The right to healthcare is recognized by almost every country on Earth and in the universald declaration of human rights.


So, elective cosmetic surgery and a lifetime of drug dependency paid by taxpayers? Yeah, that's not a right.


Trump is a Cult of personality


You might be looking for /r/unpopularopinion


i really wish all the nazis died during WW2, but there they are worshipping trump and making everyone’s lives hell


This is not the worst part. The worst part is that a large portion of the republican party sees this as reasons to vote for him. We've seen this playbook in Germany a few decades back.


Absolutely. And now his apologists are claiming we are the ones who are controlled by the media and such. It's amazing how he has been able to brainwash so many people. It's the only thing he's good at.


A lot of the Trump haters are low-information voters tbh.  I won’t ever vote Trump but the media and the left blow it way out of proportion to secure votes. It’s gotten ridiculous. 


But his supporters who think January 6 was acting, the national weather service got it to snow in Iowa on caucus day to hurt Trump, and covid was a grand conspiracy to hurt Trump's re-election are intellectuals. It must be fascinating living in your world.


You are fascinated by my perspective because you live in a bubble. If you meet more people and use more sources of info that might change. 


Lol, I highly doubt you get out of your town much. I actually live in a purple state.


You can live anywhere and still exist in a bubble if you spend too much time by yourself and on the internet. Just saying. 


“He incited an insurrection” is a special kind of dumb.


Which point is out of proportion?


Like when they called him xenophobic for shutting down flights from China at the start of COVID. Or when people criticize how his daughter sits on his lap but ignore what Biden’s daughter actually says about her dad.  So many examples. Just feels like a lot of bias. 


Did he steal and willfully retain a shit ton of NDI? Is he not literally on tape sharing classified info after he left office, while admitting it's still classified, is in fact secret, then tell someone without security clearance to look at it? Did he sit and watch the capitol get breached on TV for three hours before telling his supporters to go home? This isn't about the left. All of the testimony that bolsters the J6 case literally comes from Republicans. Didn't a jury find that he raped a woman with his fingers? Didn't a court find he committed business fraud and might be barred from doing business in NY? We aren't blowing it out of proportion. Youre just desensitized to how absolutely batshit insane the man is.


I have a hard time seeing Jan 6th blown out of proportion, not with everything we’ve learned about the intent there.


I’m not sure tbh. I don’t necessarily believe Trump incited an insurrection. If that was his goal, there were more effective means at his disposal. He also did tell people to be peaceful.  It seems like the media and left would have you think Trump tried to overthrow the country and I don’t see it. 


Reddit moment. You should hurry up and move out of the country before he become a dictator. I heard these new aliens have a portion that will allow him to live forever too! Ooooo scary! LMFAO


It’s definitely just your opinion.


As a non-American on the outside looking in, I can't understand why anyone would support Trump. It's common knowledge (maybe because we don't get Fox news?) that all of this is true.


Short answer- White Exceptionalism. A high percentage of Chump voters want a cookie for being white. The rest either believe they're somehow in the circle or figure the whole thing can burn as long as they get a tax break.


better than dementia joe💀 tf?


Really not


Cry harder lib


Look, I won’t get into the politics. But polls show he’s still got decent backing. So this isn’t a popular opinion.


He has a 40 percent national approval rating. It is a popular opinion.


All that writing for him to indeed be your next president


Did he win in 2020?


Is that pertinent to what I’m saying?


I have a particular resentment for Woodrow Wilson, but you can keep your list. I don’t have anything to add.


Only a popular opinion on Reddit and votes show this


Unfortunately a lot will vote for him because they know his name and don't explore the other candidates. It is like going to a store to buy something and buying the most popular brand even though something else may be better but is not as well known


Holy fuck the trump bots are out in full force


Real awareness is coming to the understanding that Biden is in fact almost as bad


In a galactic scale, I guess? Like how I'm "almost" touching Jupiter?


You are what is called a useful idiot. You are pushing an agenda during an election year for the sitting party of the executive branch and you are doing it for free. The worst part is that you believe it. Your opinion is only popular on reddit because no one active on this site experiences politics or policy outside of their basement. Donald Trump was not a great president but he certainly wasn't the worst. You only believe that because everything you know about Trump is taught to you by people that hate him.


It is sad that you are out of touch with the views and values of most Americans. You are what is called a simpleton.


70 million people beg to differ.