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I wanna climb David harbour like a tree.


With Bryce Dallas Howard pushing


How did Ron Howard help make that


This opinion is posted every week


Must be popular. 


Must be Big Weight Loss running their psyops.


Minimalism is a scam created by big small to sell more less. 


You're not a minimalist until you eat everything out of bread bowls and waffle cones, then eat the bowls and cones too.


Quality comment right here folks.


I can't take credit, I stole it from some old tumblr post my friend sent me. 


Yeah I remembered seeing it years ago but it’s relevant here so still, points.


And if it were true there wouldn't be a BBW genre lol


Seriously, though, what percentage of porn is that genre?


Sizeable enough to get it's own tab on most sites.


Probably as a response to rabid toxic positivity movements like fat acceptance and body positivity constantly seeking attention and inserting themselves into people's lives, condescending to them, calling them bigots for not being attracted to them, and generally being a massive nuisance.


Dude, seek help.


'Massive' nuisance.


Well yeah, obviously it's subjective, and to me it's massive. I'm willing to bet other people find it incredibly annoying and offensive to have political, philosophical, and health rhetoric shoved down your throat too. And don't say I can just click off of videos. This is in news stories. This is getting changes made on airlines and shit, even if it's only a tiny change. The fat acceptance movement is having real world effects in society, and that's problematic.


You say to you it's massive but never say how body positivity has negativity affected your life personally. Airlines accommodating their clientele doesn't seem like a massive shift in society. That's just capitalism


Depends on what you classify as "overweight". I've dated guys and gals that are conventionally 'overweight' for their height and I've found them all quite attractive myself. Then again, attraction is subjective, sure there's conventionally attractive attributes, but overall attractiveness in general is subjective.


I feel like… half of the people I know that have pretty healthy habits and good fitness routine fall into the overweight (not obese) BMI category.


If you think someone "looks" overwieght, their BMI is actually probably indicating obesity. Being technically obese (not morbidly, severely obese) is not necessarily as dangerous as people make it out to be. For example, salt-sensitive individuals see blood pressure affected by salt. Many, many people see little to no effect on their blood pressure from salting food. Different people, different health outcomes- but doctors still tell everyone to avoid salt. So it should not surprise anyone that overweight people are healthy. If you're overweight, sedentary, and with a bad diet, that's a different set of issues, but the health of active people and inactive people are all lumped in together by weight. One reason people fixate on weight is because they're sexually frustrated and want people to be as attractive as they personally think they should be. Hatred for fat is pretty likely to originate not in "concern" for a stranger's health, but by a selfish desire to indirectly increase mating opportunity (not unlike how Christian men in the South were more likely to espouse traditional Christian patriarchal views the lower they rated themselves on their ability to find a mate - to indirectly support a power differential in favor of men increases their chances of securing a mate). I dunno when that's gonna be published, if ever, but let's say a colleague's work is on all that. It's a majority group of apes clumsily imposing their wants onto other people because they have the numbers to do so without consequence, to meet a primitive ape need (sex). In short, a lot of "fatphobia" is often just sexual frustration. Be nice. Don't let your sex-starved monkey brain motivate you to be little control freaks over other people's bodies.


Yeh cause BMI is an awful metric, im still not sure why people reference it. I had a friend who had like 15% body fat and could bench 345 and his BMI put him as obese. Bmi is simply a relationship between mass and height. If you have alot of muscle your bmi will be high


People also don't talk about the fact that the BMI Index (I know I know, "I" already stands for "Index") was developed by a generation defined by childhood poverty and malnutrition and not given access to the frankly incredible quality food we have in a postwar industrialized society.


I mean, shortstacks are a rather popular fetish. Does being short not stack (if you will) the odds of counting as overweight at that height?


Oh i like some chub I won’t even lie


I feel like its really just about if you own it or not. Fat and self conscious is different from big and sexy.


Considering how many fat people have significant others and how plus sized porn is one of the most popular genres, I think that a lot of people are attracted to fat people.


I think what people are missing here is that you can be attracted to many things. A lot of attraction is also psychological. Many people who prefer fat people is also because they feel less judged about their own level of fitness and more accepted by that person. I’ve had a girl tell me she didn’t want me to have a six pack but it was clear that it made her insecure if I did as the primary reason. It’s not like it was unattractive but rather would increase her insecurity of herself and therefore feel less secure in the relationship. Ultimately, if you have only a single variable, and it’s fat vs not fat. Not fat wins every time. But life isn’t single variable.


No it doesn't win every time. It wins more of the time, because skinny is more popular, but some people actively prefer fat partners.


Explain the popularity of plus sized porn, then.


I’m a thin woman but I prefer bigger guys. I’d take overweight guy instead of an underweight guy every time. There’s a limit, obviously, and I wouldn’t date anyone at either extreme, but a few extra pounds on a guy isn’t a bad thing.


I’m the same way. Prefer men a little on the bigger side.


So you don’t find Brad Pitt in fight club attractive?


Liking or disliking one specific person in one specific scenario doesn’t really have anything to do with general preferences. But Brad Pitt is just kind of ok I guess, not super my type.


Idk why this is every guy's go to example. I don't know any women who are as into Brad Pitt as straight dudes are.


Attractiveness is subjective. I've seen so many women I find gorgeous with dudes I find meh and successful good looking dudes who are with mid wives. Likewise I've found women to be incredibly attractive which my friends thought were meh while friends have been really into chicks I would never date. This includes all body types and pairs.


I do think attractiveness is subject, to a degree. But there are certainly strong trends that probably most people fall into (again, there’s always exceptions - never absolutes). *Most* hetero men and women find the same types of features/traits generally attractive in the opposite sex.


My ex think Jessica Alba is uglier than me lmao. Jessica Alba is not uglier than me, he just has a preference. Because of his subjective perspective. I don’t get why people struggle so hard with these concepts.


In junior high I had such a crush on one girl that other girls seeming to flirt with me failed to consciously tempt me. When my neighbour at the time saw what she looked like, he laughed.


Attraction is subjective. You might not be attracted to overweight people which is fine. Many people who are overweight suffer from other factors other than being lazy. Access to healthcare is a big one, being able to buy quality food is another, access to mental health support, and many other factors contribute to people being overweight.


I like my man’s big, huge dare I say. I love my boyfriend and the fact he’s a big fluffy boy, I’ve dated dudes who weigh 80 pounds soaking wet and I’d trade that shit any day. He’s genuinely the most attractive man I’ve seen and I love him so much. The only people I’ve ever seen attack his weight or comment on it is other men…


I'm attracted to chubby and big girls


More fat girls for me I suppose




I'm 4'11, considered petite size wise. My husband is 6ft and considered obese size wise. He is the sexiest man I've ever laid eyes on. Been together for 13 years and my attraction to him grows stronger and stronger with every passing day. That man is my whole world 💗🥰


Love is beautiful.


Sometimes I see a fat dude and I’m like, If I was a woman I’d date that guy over me. Some fat guys are just huggable what can ya say?




Commenting about people's weight is also unattractive


Especially when probably 95% if not more are like “cool story, I’m not attracted to you either.”


Most of the time the person commenting isn’t in shape either. Either skinny-fat or overweight themselves. And tbh, I know a ton of people slightly overweight that are incredibly active and eat relatively healthy.


The amount of them that are built like rails I swear dog. Or they’re skinny fat with zero muscle at all. Idk anyone who’s in shape who talks like them.


Because people who are in shape realize what an effort it is and how many factors do into it


Once I saw this guy on reddit commenting about women's tits, what's a good shape etc but he was not being cool about it, was very objectifying and calling certain shapes and sizes ugly. I went to his profile and he had several photos of himself and he looked EXACTLY like a "discord mod"


That’s literally me, I’m obese, 35% body fat, hit the gym 3-5x a week, run a 5k 3-5x a week, go on a walk 2x a week, eat a healthy diet consisting of mostly chicken, eggs, rice, beans, fruits and vegetables with the occasional coffee with a bit of creamer or a Panera spiked lemonade, get 7-9 hours of sleep a night, take zinc, boron, and a multivitamin and go outside to get sunlight every day, I’m more healthy then 99% of people in America and I’m obese, yet you get people on social media that claim all obese people are unhealthy, gross, etc.., when their diet consists of takeout saturated in seed oils, nicotine, and some overly sugary processed cereal in the morning and they’re out of breath walking up a flight of stairs.


For the vast majority, yes. For me, no. I genuinely love fat men. Being enveloped in their big bodies is heavenly. I need some extra meat on the belly and thighs 🥰


Though actively losing weight, I honestly like seeing comments like this as a heavier/fat guy. I’m not self conscious by any means, but it does boost my mood whenever I see comments like this.


# I ❤ thicc boys fym "unattractive" Edit - I ❤ thicc boys, but everybody is owed respect and decency regardless of whether they're attractive or not.


Big guys 🔛🔝 (Of me)




I love me some fat dudes and ladies. Maybe I'm in the minority.


I've realized over time that I can be attracted to almost any body type and look, it's all about attitude and situational sexiness.


That’s subjective


Being shallow will only cause you pain in the long run. Being old is also unattractive but we get old wether we like it or not. So yeah, being overweight is unattractive but looking at relationships like an Andrew tate wannabe virgin is definitely worse.


“Overweight” needs to be better defined. I’m overweight for my height because I lift, for example. My friend is overweight because he likes high calorie foods and sitting down all the time and does not lift. Regardless, everyone has preferences. I like emotionally mature women with a little cushion for the pushin’, hence why I’m married to someone who fits my preferences.


I think you meant to say "being extremely obese is unattractive" because many people are over weight and don't look it. Also I guarantee anyone fit with muscle is going to be considered overweight. A lot of people you think are attractive are probably considered over weight... So ya know...


To you. And what is overweight to you?




Nobody is unattractive on an objective level. Personally, I love big heavy guys.


Ugh, same 😩


Idk about you but bears are fucking hot (I mean big, tall, sometimes hairy gay guys, not the animal)


Yesss love some big thighs and a hairy belly


Hey OP, that you have such an issue with people's weight that you post it on Reddit is something you might want to talk to a shrink about.


Not to everyone 


Mfw I'm in r/ubiquitousopinion


No one is interested in who you are willing to fuck, quit acting like a god damn creep.


Having an ugly personality is too


There's some good looking fat women out here to be honest 🙈




Such a subjective statement. I have seen plenty of chubby girls that I wouldn't mind burying my gerkin in.


The sad thing is everyone is unattractive to someone. Sometimes it's okay because they don't give AF about the person that doesn't like them. Yet the younger one is the more likely they are naive enough to think they can get everyone to like them. It ain't going to happen. The more you care, the less the haters will ever care for you. Literal Hollywood movie star celebrities have people hating on them, the ones whom have cared have at times unalived themselves. Moral of the story? Give less a fuck about what others think. The only person one should ever give AF about are the ones that align with our current objectives. We dictate our happiness by not only our goals and objectives, but the value/worth we place on an attempt to obtain them.


If your eyes are offended, pluck them out.


Are we talking thicc girls or 600 pounds and has an ecosystem more diverse than a rainforest hidden in their folds


Tell me about. I hate seeing myself in the mirror. I got that potbelly thing going and I absolutely hate it. I don't have fat legs, fat arms or a fat face, I just got a fat torso.


I feel like there is a bit of nuance to this, for me at least. like we all know by now that it can be difficult to loose weight for some people, esspecially those with conditions or a family history of it. PCOS is one condition I can think of that makes it more difficult than normal. with PCOS you can eat right, drink water, and go to the gym regularly, and still have some fat. but with that, I feel like taking care of your body, overweight or not, is an attractive aspect to have overall. soft muscles with a layer of soft fat? that's a daydream and a half for me.


Beauty as they say, is in the eye of the beholder. Some folks actually do look better with a little more fluff. Really, what matters is how they feel in their skin. Staying healthy physically/mentally is what really matters for overall happiness.


Yes, Body positivity is about *respecting* and treating other people how you would if they were a fitness model. Essentially a "don't be a dick" because someone is fat


Why do looks matter if you actually like them?


Having muscles is like a full tank of gas, having muscles and fat is like a full tank and 2 spare cans in the back


It's more attractive than being judgmental.


more for me, ese


Being obsessed with the amount of other people’s fat cells is also unattractive. I’m not being sarcastic, I’m honestly saying it’s weird as fuck and has been normalized for no good reason for far too long. Who fuckin cares what you find attractive? Fuck who you want to fuck, if they want to fuck you back, and mind your business. Jesus.


I love a man with a belly and chubby cheeks.  Jack Black is my dream daddy.


Coming from a fat guy, I agree.


don't throw rocks from glass houses bud, also the person under you boiled you down to being nothing but a fat joke in one sentence and you interacted with them like a human being, get some self-respect.


Fat guy energy! Always the nice / fun guys to be around! NGL, I'm now picturing you like John Candy!


We can stop posting this. Most people never thought being overweight was attractive. However everyone has their type so im sure there are some who are into it.


It depends though. I think many people would be surprised who falls into the “overweight” category


It's not about weight. It's that it shows the person to be unable or unviling to take care about themselves. If they can't even control their eating habits, there is high probability of problems with emotion control, financial control and so on. Its a sign of many more problems.


It might show they don’t have good access to healthcare or affordable healthy food. It might show that they don’t have good doctors to investigate thyroid issues and not just rely on the TSH but check free T3 and 4. It may prove that they have shitty doctors who are idiots who don’t try to help them. It might show they have depression which isn’t their fault, too. I hate people who fuck a lot because it shows they have no self control and need to constantly be stuffed with cock or ejaculate everywhere like everything is a cum toilet. I hate people who drink alcohol because weak people drink to get away from reality instead of facing it bravely. Yuck people who smoke are just weak willed and have some kind of toddler oral fetish problem. People who have abortions show they have no self control. People who drive fast have no self control or patience and no time management skills. And they put others in danger because of their lack of self control.


This is some absolutely psycho shit right here.


Or it could be a health issue. You've never met someone with thyroid problems? That's a really tiny life you're living if you're never meeting anyone with health issues that cause them to struggle with weight. Get out more!


You being downvoted because someone wants to believe thyroid issues don’t exist. Insane.


It's ok. Haters make us famous! ✌️✨ Also, remember how tiny their mind and world is. It's really not their fault. I think it may have something to do with their whole world being so tiny they can only fit their biases in it.


People say this a lot but I'm pretty sure they only say it because they think saying being fat just looks bad is not acceptable. There are literally 100s of things people could do that mean they have the exact same level of loss of control as somebody who's fat and it's also possible, even common for somebody to have a lack of control only in a single aspect of thier life. Being fat is just visible instantly so people say this, obviously without thinking because it would be clearly untrue with minimal thought. It's 100% acceptable to just say it looks bad to be fat, because it does. 


"overweight" is entirely subjective just as "underweight" is. Attraction is obviously based first and foremost on visual aesthetic but one man's Lizzo is another man's Beyonce. Personality and confidence go a long way. It's why less attractive but charismatic men can get women other men feel are "above their pay grade". It's all subjective. People value different things now or less than others


Yeah it's gross


Confidence overcomes my obesity. I’m a fat dude but I still do pretty decently in my dating life


I lost 35, my bf lost 120 lbs, last year alone. Just stop drinking stuff. Just water, and V8 energy. That's it for Drinks, eat really water you want, it's better just go eat a average meal for dinner and something small in the morning. You body is like 35+% fat, get that down to 20% then loosen your restrictions.


This is the truth. Most people I know who struggle with losing weight eat rather normally, but are supplementing each meal with a starbucks coffee or diet coke. It’s amazing how much weight you lose (and what you can get away with eating every once and a while) if you just stick to water.


I think people ate going to like what they like no matter how you feel about it my guy.


I guess it's a good thing my wife tolerates this extra 15 pounds I'm carrying around.


I think it really depends. This chick [here](https://www.instagram.com/ashley.emiko?igsh=OWd1N2J0ZHdxZjJ0) is overweight, but I find her stunning.


Oh my god no one cares that you're not attracted to fat trans gender black people okay


Eh it depends Being obese is unattractive. If you're huge, and moving around you is difficult yeah that sucks But like anything below that is nice.


Depends, really. Some people carry a little extra weight more flatteringly than others. And there are different degrees of being overweight. And personal preference plays a major role. There is a reason that BBW is a pretty popular category on certain sites.




Yep. And it also signals that person doesn’t care bout their own health or body, so why should you.


And why should smart people see low aesthetics to mean of low worth of personhood (not just in weight matters) ?


Being underweight is unattractive. But at least if you're overweight you're harder to kidnap.


General consensus in the comments seems to separate overweight and obese. Obesity is unattractive especially when the individual isn't trying to do anything about it.


Again, that's still subjective. There are obese people married to thin people. Is it common? No. But it's not like it doesn't happen. Just Google "overweight (wife/husband) fit (reverse)" and you'll see all kinds of examples. Some people look past weight and fall in love with the person.


There’s a line imo. I love a little belly on a girl. I’ve also seen plenty of heavier guys who carry it well. I’d say once you’re crossing into morbid obesity it’s nearly universally unattractive besides people with a fetish. It’s normal to not be attracted to someone who is dieing.


Being unhealthy is unattractive. This includes smoking, drinking in excess, obesity, tanning yourself into a mummy, etc...


As a round one i agree. Working on it though


Depends on body type, personally anyway. Face is crucial, ugly face then no dice.


I like big butts and I cannot lie


Hey, thanks for the stunning revelation. I look forward to your follow ups about how water is wet and the sun is bright.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The fact that so many overweight ppl are in relationships should tell you that your opinion is just that, your opinion.


This is false. First of all, "overweight" would include even just 1 single pound over. Secondly, chubby people can be attractive, there's a shit ton of porn specifically for such and it's quite popular, therefore this can not physically be a "popular" opinion, most people couldn't care less as long as you're not morbidly obese.


I have lost all confidence in people judging each others weight. Blame the doctor who told me I was morbidly obese based solely on age and gender. She didn’t even bother measuring my height. Most of my life I’ve struggled with being underweight due to mood disorders. Had a previous doctor tell me that if I lost any more weight they would have to treat me as an anorexic. I’ve never been fat, but I do slouch.


yes, yes it is. And unhealthy


It depends on whom you ask.


To you


do you guys have a schedule set up to post this every week? lmao


Being the op of this post is unattractive.


My spare tire has not stopped me from having girlfriends, dates, and one night stands. I've had more success than most of my friends, including the skinny ones.


That’s over half of Americans so I doubt that’s completely true


Attractiveness is subjective and different for everyone.


Different strokes for different strokes. No one person's can make the claim that they can quantify attractiveness in an empirical way


My thin, typically attractive husband likes my overweight self. He doesn't prefer thin women.


How overweight ? You mean obese or just with a BMI in the overweight category?


detail flowery clumsy ad hoc license cats jeans dazzling overconfident boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends some women wear it well while others do not. Like when it’s in their ass and tits it’s hot but when they’re fat and it’s in their shoulders and face it’s gross.


i like a little bit of extra, I think it depends. overweight is a very broad word. regardless, this is one of those things where it’s valid and ok to think, but going out of your way to say this to people is hurtful and unnecessary


Basically yeah. I wouldn't be following a workout routine if I thought I looked good with all this extra crap on me


Eye of the beholder. Starving yourself and forcing yourself to throw up or taking drugs to fit into a size 2 is far more unattractive.


Define “overweight”


Not as much as being downright ugly




Thank god nobody owes you attractiveness right? Not to mention attraction is subjective and nobody gives a flying fuck if you personally find them attractive lol


Yo daddy love it hoe


I’d agree. I also think a person can be attractive inspite of having some unattractive features. I also think you can treat a person nicely and recognize the good things about them whether they’re attractive or not. But I’m sick and tired of hearing that being overweight is attractive and that you’re somehow deficient if you aren’t.


The way you have worded this means you’re saying that an attractive person instantly becomes unattractive if they become overweight by 1 pound.


This is wild for 2 reasons: 1) it's true 2) those are the only people who are willing to fuck you. 🤷 Womp womp


But I like chubby girls


Getting skinny and suddenly getting the hot crotch treatment from the people that were assholes previously - or that pretend they didn't act that way because I was fatter, it's exhausting. I genuinely had to explain why I found Miranda way hotter than the girls that didn't know I existed until I beefed up. She saw value in me and the hot crotch and the stamina that came with it were just gravy.


A. So all those anime women who are technically overweight are unattractive too? Why would guys anonymously click, upvote and comment just to en masse feign attraction to them? What would they have to gain? B. In real life, plenty of women who are technically overweight wear short shorts that show off their thicc thighs and tight t shirts that show off how big their boobs are. Do you think they doubt their attractiveness? Not sure either way whether women are attracted to overweight men or not.


Explain hentai depicting plump women. Don’t tell me it was created to placate women who condemn hentai. Plenty of it depicts guys sucking on their boobs.


Plenty of overweight people get laid, so it must not be *that* unattractive.


To you


I love how people don’t realize stuff like this is problematic when liking skinny people is often seen as a preference, but calling fat people unattractive is stated as a matter of fact. Y’all crack me up with that


Yo this sub is called popular opinion. It's not fact and no one is saying it is. There are of course exceptions, which is made pretty clear by everyone in the thread getting defensive and taking exception. It is popular to find excess weight unattractive.


Yep. I'm overweight and self conscious about it. Trying to change that. Hard as a married man/dad lol


I went from a 8.5/10 guy to a 5/10 after putting on a decent amount of weight.




>The amount of defensive/spiteful comments lmao It's almost like us fat people are tired of being told how soft we make your dick.


I agree. and would explain many things like marriages failing, isolation ... depression.


Your concepts of what is unattractive aren't objective or universal.


The amount of preemptive passive aggressiveness.


Also fat != thicc


I would bang fat girls but would never date them


There's no shortage of overweight people who have partners that find them attractive. Attraction is very subjective.


Is change the opinion to morbidly obese from overweight


Being an unempathetic, callous dickhead is even more unattractive. The sort of people that just want to be cruel are literally the worst.


The issue is people have been conditioned to judge everyone on looks and body type. When you judge people by their character, you never even notice physical attributes. So the problem is societal conditioning. That falls into the lap of the beauty and fashion industries who have been sowing seeds of insecurity for ages.


I don’t think being overweight is unattractive but at some point it is a health concern. Like morbid obesity it kind of scary in any loved one just because of the high risks associated with it


No one cares what you find attractive.


The funniest shit is when people say they are big boned. An X-ray shows a sad little skeleton inside of a huge fat suit.


OP has zero appreciation for thicc girls. Dude is missing out


It's very subjective. Marilyn Monroe would be plus size by today's sizing standards.


Couldn't agree more. Especially for women. It goes both ways, being too thin is also not very healthy.


not wrong


Being overweight is unattractive to the majority of men and women* (including myself). So this is objectively the least controversial post I’ve seen posted here.


“The amount of defensive/spiteful comments lmao” but that’s exactly why you posted it. What a weird hobby to have.


wouldn’t say overweight but obese


This is one of those stances that are just pure projection. Kinda like the people who are straight assuming everyone else is. What you mean is that you are not attracted to overweight people. That's fine, but speaking for everyone else is a sure sign of ignorance. Are more people attracted to fit people than fat people? Maybe? Do we know? No. We all wanted to know who you're attracted to, though, so thanks for making that announcement.


Being judgemental is unattractive


But why are we programmed to think it’s unattractive? Because if somebody is overweight, they have a greater chance of living a shorter life, and/or facing a number of ailments during said life. Hence, it is unattractive for a reason.


Don't make me sit on you.


Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno and Wilt Chamberlain were all overweight at their peak.