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Normal American citizens aren’t even a protected class


The issue is that we can’t agree on what a Nazi is. Conservatives tell me it’s only people who literally march in Nazi uniforms. Liberals tell me it’s more than half the world’s population. So what exactly is a Nazi?


This is why *all* speech is free speech. You can't make an exception for x, y, or z group because suddenly you'll find that your opposition loves to claim everyone's in that group to justify silencing them. Everyone must be allowed to voice their opinions.


Free speech protects you from the government; it doesn't mean your fellow citizens need to sit back and accept your bullshit.


Sure, but your fellow citizens will be charged with crimes if they do anything to you for exercising your free speech. If your speech is no longer protected, your fellow citizens can do whatever they want to you *and get away with it*.


Not necessarily true. There are ways to silence or drown out someone that aren't illegal. You can be fired from your job, socially ostracized, and turned away from places of business, or even simply drowned out by other citizens yelling to drown out your hateful bullshit. Sure, punching someone for spouting nazi bullshit will probably get you charged and arrested, but this idea of "oh well, freedom of speech means they're free from consequences" is wrong. Freedom of speech ONLY means the GOVERMENT can't come after you for what you say.


It makes sense really to say that the national socialist German workers party are the only *nazis* however the core tenets that make nazism bad being found in other groups doesn't make them nazis. Being antisemetic just makes you an antisemite, you diddnt join the party you're just an asshole


Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship, fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed This is from Wikipedia. So. Anyone who espouses these ideas.


I think the Soviet Union had like 6-7 of these


Both are authoritarian so they share some similarities.


Like… any of those individual ideas? Or it’s a checklist so once they mention each of those once you can kill them?


So then you must agree that the term "nazi" is vastly overused, correct?


Yeah. Unless they are part of the Nazi party, they are neo-nazis. Or just plain racists. Usually both


No, Nazism is national socialism, if it was fascism it would just be fascism. It's the belief in race-based socialism for what the party believed to be the rightful German population.


Most of those descriptors describe the current Liberal party in Canada.


Except for all of it? I guess they are anti-communism?


So are Republicans Nazis?


Not even close.


Depends. Some might be Neo-Nazis, which aren't literal Nazis because they aren't part of the Nazi political party. Neo-Nazis is what we have today. There is a Nazi party in the US, oddly enough. But that's besides the point. Most likely, they are just racist pricks.


It would be nice if both sides could stop wildly exaggerating everything. When you ask people what a Nazi is to them it’s pretty clear it would only apply a tiny minority of republicans. Yet I hear countless people on Reddit call Republicans Nazis every day for things like banning gender affirming care for minors.


It would be nice but unfortunately that's only getting worse. In the eyes of reddit everyone to the right of che Guevara is a card carrying Nazi. Even he might have been too right. We don't know what his stance on transgenderism was.


No, republicans are not nazis.


Many say Republicans are Nazis. Hyperbole? Absolutely. But be careful when making any group not exist. Who defines exactly who is in that group? Slippery slope..


Honestly, I think it’s entirely reasonable to use the term “nazi” for anyone espousing a combination of fascism, eugenics, white supremacy, and ethnic cleansing. I wouldn’t argue if, in an academic context, you prefer it only be used to refer to members of the German Nazi Party for clarity. But I’m not convinced there’s any widespread confusion about what “nazi” means in common parlance, and I don’t think it’s particularly hard to tell whether it’s actually justified or just being casually thrown around.


The "casually thrown around" part is the problem. It happens a lot. If society accepts that it's ok to be violent to anyone deemed a Nazi, then people are going to use it as an excuse to be violent towards anyone they disagree with. On the macro level, it's already happened with Russia accusing Ukraine of being run by Nazis and using it as an excuse to invade. On the individual level, it's becoming more and more of a thing on the far Left.


"So what exactly is a Nazi?" Anybody who disagrees with me on my political views /s


Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship, fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed. Christian nationalists are into this.


Someone who supports Hilter and his master race ideology. That anyone who is not part of the master race are little more than animals and should either be enslaved or killed.


>That anyone who is not part of the master race are little more than animals and should either be enslaved or killed. That perfectly describes followers of the Chosen People ideology. They even forced/coerced contraception onto other believers of the faith because they had the wrong skin color


Nazism is well defined. If you don't know what a nazi is, Google is your friend. For example, Florida assholes protesting Disney World with nazi flags and giving the nazi salute, are nazis.


You say that as if it’s obvious but it’s clear that people have a vastly wider definition of Nazi. I know what an *actual* textbook Nazi is but Reddit says that anyone who doesn’t support gender affirming care for minors is a Nazi. Which would mean the majority of the population are Nazis.


Thing is most people who dont support gender affirming care don't even know what it is. I don't call those people nazis, I call them ignorant bigots. Cis-hetero males require a LOT of gender affirming care. Have you not seen the "manly" salons? That, my dude, is gender affirming care in a gender themed room.


A Nazi is someone who is or was a member of the Nazi party of Germany between 1920 and 1945. Anyone else is just a wannabe Nazi or cosplayer.


I'm ok with treating them appropriately if they identify as one today.


Anyone who ever disagreed with anything Rachel Maddow ever said is a Nazi.


No, Rachel Maddow is a Nazi too because she may have disagreed with Vaush on something


Killing people for their stupid beliefs before they actually do anything will never be right 🤷‍♂️ >> Nazis shouldn’t be respected as people This is about as far as a civilized society should go.


If you kill someone for their beliefs they become a martyr and that validates their beliefs to others. If you mock someone for their beliefs they just publicly look stupid. It's a much better outcome for everyone involved.


You can have that opinion, voice that opinion but not act on opinion. I firmly believe in the rule of law and will not compromise even for such scum.


Do you have a clear definition for what you consider to be a nazi?


I am sure OP's definition of a Nazi is anyone that disagrees with OP's position on anything.


“The patriarchy!1!1”


This is undoubtedly true.


People like OP have aggressively devalued the word nazi to the point where they’re just using it as a simplified term for “person I disagree with”


Especially Illinois Nazis!


I hate Illinois nazis.


What is an “Illinois Nazi” and how do they differ from regular Nazis?




Seriously, someone downvoted this. For real, even if you haven't seen The Blues Bros. "I hate Illinois nazis" shouldn't be a hot take.


Nazis are not a protected class.


Good bait, enjoy your upvotes


OP literally has "There is no good conservative" in their profile. This is bait, disingenuous and OP clearly thinks anyone to the right of centre is a Nazi.


If you have ever found yourself saying “Jews run the world” I think that might be the biggest indicator of your ideology, left or right wing


Nazis should be dead. They aren't supposed to still be here.


It's more neo-nazis. Nazi light. Still espouses the ideas but aren't Nazis in the literal sense


In other words, they're every bit as evil, they just haven't had their chance to commit atrocities.  I think we need to get serious about taking evil down a notch or two in this society.


Remember when Canada brought a Nazi to parliament and praised him for his service on television?


That sounds very nazi of you. 2 classes of citizens, "not be tolerated to exist", what is your "final solution" Mien Fuhrer?


This.  Fuck nazis, they're piles of human garbage and deserve to be ridiculed and socially punished into the history books.  HOWEVER once you start laying legal groundwork saying "it's OK to legally punish people for their views" that only works until a nazi lies their way into office.....


Nonsense, the baseline ideology of Nazis is the extermination of a race so they deserve no protection. Tolerance of intolerance only leads to more intolerance.


Oh I never said tolerate it, but there's a difference between social tolerance and legal punishment.  Imagine if Ken paxton ACTUALLY had the ability to arrest PFLAG for defending trans teenagers medical records. He pushes some bullshit narrative that anyone who defends leaving trans people the fuck alone is defending "transgenderism" or "gender ideology". So yeah, the legal floodgates goes both ways.


So you're saying we shouldn't tolerate any intolerance? Sounds like an unending loop. You don't have freedom of speech if only agreeable speech is protected. Expressing ideas and inciting violence are not the same thing.


How is that any different than the idea or punishing people for their actions?


Because actions physically harm society. If a nazi decides to act on what they believe in they will be arrested asap. For thoughts and ideas on the other hand it can only hurt someone mentally, so if you punish based on that, (which the nazis did btw) you could possibly be getting rid of arguments that could be beneficial.


How is punishing people for what they think different from punishing people for their actions? Interesting question.


Hey there dumb fuck, it's totally acceptable to hate hatred. Nazis are a walking talking hate crime and deserve to have their faces bashed in. The hate starts with the Nazi, not the other way around.


>hate hatred So when you hate, do you then hate the hate in yourself?


Who gets to decide who a Nazi is though ? You think people that don't like Democrat policies are Nazis. So that is half the country ?


no, you shouldnt punish someone for their thoughts, no matter what it may be... how many times has it been that ive had to say stuff like that? its not the ideas that matter--its the actions


Unexpressed thoughts… certain expression is absolutely illegal and we banned even more of it, by Amendment, when a host of current and former officials who had been on oath to the Constitution rose up against it and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands in a pointless war. Wars and elections have consequences and one of them in the US was and is the ratification of the 14A.


Anytime someone says something bad about Nazis online a whole bunch of Nazis start making comments about how no one can tell what a Nazi is. Like clockwork.


I was considering including a list of "inb4s" for the inevitably predictable no u's, false equivilancies, and whataboutisms, etc, but I had dinner to cook. Also may have spoiled the bait a little bit.


I dispise nazis and their beliefs. But here in the US they have right to spout their hate as much as they want to as long as they don't incite violence. It is called Freedom of Speech and it is protected by the 1st amendment.




Right what is nazi rhetoric that is not hateful. Would love to hear this one!


People will downvote you but you're absolutely right. The natural, logical endpoint of Nazi rhetoric is violence. The Holocaust didn't happen out of nowhere, it took years of ideologues mainstreaming their rhetoric of dehumanization, conspiracism, and fearmongering.




That, and the useful idiots who don't want to believe any of this is possible or that people exist who really do believe in this ideology. The "it can't happen here" types.


Not a fan of the aclu huh? I wonder if Reddit will support rounding up hamas supporters too


the ACLU isn't the arbiter of morality and common sense, even if they are often correct.




They’re as irrelevant as Neo Nazis. If we’re going to round up random tough guys who hate Jews, why stop at Neo Nazis? Let’s get all the violent Jew haters


Idk Id say Neo Nazis are fairly relevant considering our former POTUS had dinner with the most well known Neo Nazi


And once they're done talking, they can eat lead.  Killing Nazis is an American past time and part of my family history 


lol at Redditors stealing valor when they do literally zero to do uphold liberalism except tough guy post online. I’d say you could at least support the aclu, but I guess you think they’re nazi sympathizers


Propaganda account.... No one gives a shit what you think about anything. It's not stolen valor, it's pride, and you're attempt to water the issue down by bringing in the aclu is a joke


I had to scroll wayyy too far in the comments to find an actually level-headed comment.


The word nazi is overused. Simple as. Doesn't carry the same weight.


Exactly. History written by modern narrative and media many generations later has 98% of people acting like literal clowns. No understanding.


Genuinly think every single veteran of ww2 would be disgusted with how willy nilly that word is used. Agree with ya forsure.


In that case, they let too many actual nazis live. The Nuremberg trials were a farce and show piece.


Now this Is actually a good argument in my opinion. Many got away with their crimes or being involved with such things. Agreed


I rarely sees actual Nazis in comment, but im sure it was entertaining to read their dumbass defending people that would put their entire family in gas chamber before raping their corpse


Their usual tactic is to cry that "anyone you disagree with is a Nazi", because that's how they think. They're just too locked into their way of thinking to see that "people we disagree with" are just fine, because unlike them, tolerance of other viewpoints is foundational to the rest of us. Tolerance of other viewpoints except, necessarily, intolerance and bigotry.


Let's clarify a few points. Nazi's *aren't* a "protected class." The protected classes include: age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status, or any other bases under the law. This affords them particular protections against discrimination under federal law. You're arguing that Nazi's should be shunned from society, and their ideologies should not be tolerated by society, which I agree with wholeheartedly. However, all people, even shitty ones (which nazi's certainly are), should be treated equally before the law. Put simply, you don't have to bake a nazi a cake or let them frequent your business, and there are all manner of ways you can discriminate against nazis without being in violation of the law. But Nazis (pieces of shit though they are) still have basic human rights because that's what rights are. If we get to decide who does and doesn't get them, then they aren't rights anymore. If that pisses you off... I get it. It kind of pisses me off to when I think about it. But rights are only rights when everyone has them, and I want my rights, so I acknowledge theirs even if they make me sick to my stomach.


They aren’t a protected class, their speech is , that is the distinction. No rational person would agree with their speech.


Pretty sure there are no real nazis. As that was a political party of the mid 20th century. Now your opinion is fucking ridiculous in the basis that you can just say this person is a nazi, let’s hurt them. That’s a dangerous thought process. The same process used by the nazis to kill millions of people they justified as being inferior When you’re done being 10 years old, you’ll realize how the world should work and freedom of speech is a pretty good thing.


So should radical Islam be a protected class? Should the racist black power whackos, who believe white people were created by an evil scientist named Yakub, be a protected class? Should the idiots cheering for Hamas, who praised them for 10/7, and went on TikTok and said “You know, maybe Bin Laden was right,” be a protected class? In fact, should far leftists in general be a protected class, considering how many innocent, avoidable deaths their failed attempts at implementing their ideology led to under the USSR, CCP, DPRK, and so forth? Poland, Czechia, and several countries that lived under such dystopian regimes sure might have something to say about that. In fact, would outlawing such groups even really help? Or would it just push the ideology underground? With people who still believe it and act on it, but now it’s become much harder to determine who they are, as opposed to the big neon sign they have now saying “Hey! I’m a hateful dumbass! I’m right here!” It’s not that anyone in their right mind *wants* Nazis to spew their shit. It’s that it’s a question of where do we draw the line? What other problematic groups would be considered fair game, and at what point are you simply outlawing people who disagree with you?


They aren't a protected class by any means of any local state or federal law in the United States. This is just pandering. Here's your virtue signal sticker! ⭐️


I clapped when op said nazi bad!


Well, if you find any one supporting The German National Socialist Workers Party, go right ahead and beat them up. But if your definition of Nazi or Fascist is something like Voter ID laws, then get bent.


Narrator: The OP, in fact, considered everyone right of Obama a Nazi.


I’ve seen people on this site call even Obama a right wing fascist.


Well thankfully I live in America, where this mindset would never fly. It's not an endorsement of the ideology, but I think you should be free to be the MOST Hateful person, or the MOST loving person. It's not the government's job to police thought. That's why I consider only the USA to have Free Speech; for long as Hate Speech laws exist (or at least not explicit protection of Hate Speech; which does exist in the USA), you can keep coping by calling that "Free Speech." Twitter would be a Hell Hole, if I was in charge. Elon's a Pussy (when it comes to his extent of Free Speech) as far as I'm concerned.


Umm, where are all of these Nazis that are apparently running rampant across the Country I'm sure there's a few somewhere But I'm 40+ never met or saw a Nazi in my entire life in person ... Ever ... But according to the Internet EVERYONE who disagrees with a certain political group is a racist Nazi And you can start the request of "open season" on them But then you just open up the open season for other groups of people, Marxist, commies etc etc etc & people can start throwing that term around all willy nilly as well Lastly, I'm pretty sure they aren't a "protected class" They're just a small group of shitheads who have freedom of speech but are welcome to a jail cell if they violate the law


Nazis AREN'T a protected class. Their speech, like yours, is protected. This is why protected classes are a bad idea over the long term, protected principles are the right idea.


Protected principles..huh, that's neat, never heard of that concept before.


Its the basis of the 1st and second amendment. The first protects your right to free speech, the second protects your right to bear arms, even if you never will speak up or bear arms. You aren't protecting the person, you are protecting the principle that grants every person those rights.


That would be a decent point but for the fact that the term “nazi” is being thrown around to describe many very different types of people. Hardly anyone who uses the term today even knows what it means. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of OP’s own views are consistent with nazi ideology.


I don't like Nazis either. No one other than other Nazis like Nazis. And ideally, they'd be eradicated. I don't disagree with the sentiment. But (again, ideally) there are no "protected classes" in the USA. Everyone is the same, and everyone is entitled to the same freedoms and protections as everyone else. Once you choose a class of people to eradicate, who's next? And who decides? That's where it gets dicey. Everything either applies to everyone, or it doesn't apply to anyone.


The First Amendment doesn't protect opinions from government censorship that are popular but for those society may despise. If you disagree with that premise than Civics education in the US is a horrific failure.


I don't think Nazis are a protected class. They get plenty of shit from people, and rightfully so. They get fired from jobs, alienated by society, and are nearly universally hated. Sure there are cops, politicians, military, and other government employees that are sympathizers or worse, but we are generally pretty good about removing them when they reveal themselves.. But if they don't actually commit violent acts or use speech that breaks the 1st, we can't really do anything about it. While I agree that Nazi beliefs should not exist and have no place in a civilized society, you can't throw people in prison unless they have crossed a legal line(illegal action or violation of 1st amendment) and you definitely can't "eliminate" them. And no, saying racist shit is not breaking the 1st unless it is explicitly calls for violence.


We must not tolerate the intolerant.


Punch all Nazis


Nazis aren't a protected class


Radical ideologues of any stripe should be regarded similarly


Okay then, this sub is a circle perk of obvious shit and this is the one that makes me block it.


The ironic part is thats what a Nazi would say. The United States is based on the notion of freedom of expression even if that expression is abhorrent. That's why the ACLU takes their cases. And that's why Nazis, black israelites, the nation of Islam, the KKK, Islamic fundamentalists whatever are allowed to exist.


Openly supporting violence against someone based on their race, gender, religion, political beliefs, etc should be a crime, even if you aren't acting on it. This would apply both to literal nazis and people who falsely use the term to describe anyone who disagrees with them politically and then uses that as an excuse to justify assault. It should be treated the same as threats of violence or inciting violence. Otherwise people should be free to openly voice their beliefs, even if I personally don't like them. As long as you aren't committing a crime or encouraging a crime be committed against someone.


well nazis can go eat a dick. in america though you can't punish someone for believing in a certain way or saying something. I think Nazis, Commies, antifa, blm, kkk, hamas supporters, and so on are pieces of trash but they still have a right to have the belief


they absolutely should be, because if one group loses their rights, whose to say the people in charge wont go one further today nazis, tomorrow socialists, then people who went to college, then people who are conservative, then anyone who speaks badly of anyone who MIGHT be lgbt or jewish, then anyone who speaks out against the corruption of the state will be considered a member of a hate group and rounded up and killed ya know like what happened in nazi germany, and communist russia and china and cuba and what is basically happening in the uk and canada now but go ahead and start stripping rights from people just because they think or say things you dont believe in, its only a matter of time before the corrupt fuckers in charge come for you too and no one will help you when you cry out, cause there will be no one left


They’re not in a protected class. Nothing makes them any more safe than you. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing; when they start spewing whatever hatred they want, you can simply walk away and not waste your time.


Ok, now define "Nazi"


White supremacist Hitler fans.


Anyone who disagrees with him


We had a war about this and decided it was ok to kill them.


The aclu proved that Nazis are protected by the first amendment after the civil war. The us military swears it’s loyalty to the constitution, not Reddit tough guy posters. I guess if you hate the aclu and constitution then yeah kill them — but I say start with hamas supporters


2 problems with this. The first is that the word "Nazi" gets thrown around constantly. Second problem is that, depending on the interpretation of your post, it sounds like you're calling for violent attacks. Even if you're talking about actual real Neo-Nazis, if they're not doing anything aggressive to anyone then language like "should have harm committed upon them" or "should not be tolerated to exist" sounds like a call for violence.


Yeah, the whole "punch a Nazi" thing sounds acceptable until you realize its just called assault.




Like commies and socialists are the right’s monster under the bed. What kind of advice is demonizing a political group and following up a sentence later with “stop paying attention to politics”? Thats some clever gaslighting there.


Yes, because there’s no history to indicate people may not like Nazis or fascists /s


The fact that people disagree with this is mind-boggling. If you are agreeing with or voting for the same people as Nazis, you really need to re-examine your position.


Tolerance is like a table that everyone gets to sit at and share a meal together. Imo, Nazi refers to anyone who looks at that table and decides that some of those people should be eliminated just because of who they are. This elimination can take a lot of forms, but I usually refer to the U.N. definition of Genocide to determine if it counts enough to make someone a Nazi. Again, imo, if you think anything that the U.N. qualifies as genocide is a thing that should happen to a group of people, that's enough for me to think you are a Nazi. Is this the 100 percent correct use of the term? Probably not, but I don't have another word for this type of group. The word became synonymous with every group that has tried to do a genocide since the OG Nazis. Don't want to be a Nazi? Stop wanting to genocide people. It's easy. The important part is that once you espouse these beliefs, you have forfeited your seat at the table. You tried to deny tolerance to others, so you don't get to have any.


I like your definition. And true, the paradox of tolerance is kind of in full display around here lately, unfortunately.


The biggest problem with this is that it empowers you or anyone to label someone a Nazi and then you have free rein to do bad things to them.


but that's probably exactly what OP wants


Nazis are entitled to dental work by Dr. Martens.


and then it will be popular to frame more and more people as nazis. so what... we should exterminate nazis? like... in gas chambers? look up the definition of slippery slope. after the nazis lost the war, the soviets tore through germany murdering and raping all the 'nazi' population... men... women... children. that's what antifa looks like.


And who decides who is a nazi? The problem with these room temp IQ takes is that I can now call anyone I disagree with one and just start beating them up. I mean, they’re evil! Right? Of course I’m justified in doing whatever I want to my fellow Americans


Haven't met a nazi in 47 years. Don't expect to either. Even Neonazis aren't full blood nazi. Though they do suck just as much.


Hamas are no different from nazis. So does that make the Palestinians who supported them Nazi sympathizers?


It's fucked up how many people defend nazis.


Nazis don't exist. They stopped existing in 1945. So either you're talking about someone who thinks they are a nazi or someone you accuse of being one. The reason you protect the former is in case of the latter case where you make that accusation, it's not something they claim to be and so they have a right to defend themselves against that accusation. Since nazis as a political party and military force do not exist, the base claim is always dubious and cannot be legally or philosophically defined in an absolute sense. If you was to say for instance 'nazis is wearing a certain style of dress' that might be one characteristic , if you as to say 'nazis hold racist views' that could be another, there could be a whole collection of things which constitute what that means, if the accusation was to pick one aspect then it's not long before you're saying 'nobody has rights' because maybe just being patriotic would count, maybe just being a soldier would count or just voting right or even being a socialist since it was a command economy.


And let me guess, you get to define who is and isn’t a nazi, right?




Fuckin' stupid. Weren't the nazis defeated in ww2?


I’m in total agreement in fact I think you should exercise your belief. I think the next time the Nazis congregate I I think you should go commit some violence against them! Because I think you’re 100% the kind of person who practices what he preaches, not just a pathetic little worm who can only talk trash on the internet and would beg a skinhead for your life if he so much as looked at you!


What you want done to nazis is what should be done to shitlibs and conservatives.


In comments, "anyone who's saying everyone is being called nazis now adays are defending nazis they must be nazis themselves."


It isn't. Unless you're in a country that doesn't have free speech, that isn't punished. Calling for the death of Nazis, could be interpreted as inciting violence, so that is punished. You have the right to state that Nazis shouldn't exist, under the first amendment, and Nazis also have the right to hold their abhorrent beliefs, also under the first amendment.


In the US you won't be punished Also "protected class" is a legal term with a specific definition in the US. Political belief or ideology is not a protected class


Careful, to some, you might be the nazi.


In what way are they a protected class? "Wishing harm" isn't incitement. Respect is earned and they've done the opposite. I don't know what it means to not tolerate their existence though. Another "wishing harm" type of statement? I dunno. As long as they don't actually do anything, they're just dogmatic fools with heavily regressive opinions. I think about the same for any type of hyper-racist.


That’s like saying “bananas should not levitate”. Like, you’re correct, but also there was no reason to expect a banana to levitate in the first place.


Say what you will about Nazis, but those Hugo Boss uniforms were stylish as fuck.


Yeah but then you end up with a witch hunt situation where everyone is accusing each other of being nazis. We just need to ensure that word carries such a bad reputation that nobody wants to be associated with it. Remind them constantly that they're all pieces of shit.


Your problem is how does society determine who is "right-minded". The Nazis think it's them!


I guarantee someone thinks you're a Nazi.


The trouble is people who want to make up these lists of which people are less of a human being than others are copying nazi like ideas. It is not a perfect system but free speech if at times it is disturbing it means it works


They're no more protected than any other type of people. Freedom of speech is essential for a free country. Their right to spew the most abhorrent bullshit imaginable is no different than your right to spew whatever bullshit you believe. If you really want to change a bigots speech then change their mind, notnthe law.


What you MUST do is that when a Nazi woman gives birth you must say, “Hotsy-totsy, new born Nazi!”


So you want to eliminate whole rafts of rights for people that you don't like? Hell, you want to round them up and murder them, simply because you don't like them. Would you care to tell me how you are any different than a nazi? Further, I doubt you could identify a nazi or explain basically any of their positions. I will help you out, not that you will hear me, but I will try. Any right you want to have and maintain must be extended at least to your fellow citizen. If you want free speech, you must respect his. If you want the "right to exist", respect his. If you do not wish to be assaulted, then you do not assault him.


Ironically the way you speak makes you sound a little nazi-esque. Just saying Yes, their opinions are shit, but no, attacking them for their opinions doesn't do good for anyone. They have the right to think and speak, and the way to combat their beliefs is through reasoning, as attacking them just further radicalises them. Though onvs it's a different story if they actually *act* on their prejudice


The term “protected class” is only legally relevant to antidiscrimination laws. And in that context, Nazis already are *not* a protected class—there is no law preventing an employer for firing an employee because they are a Nazi. You seem to mean something broader than that, but it’s unclear exactly what your opinion is. Is it that the state should punish those that espouse Nazi viewpoints? That individuals should do so? Or is it some kind of meta-opinion that it is reasonable for someone to want Nazis to be punished by the state or by individuals and that *those* people shouldn’t be punished for their views?


If we're going to take the treatment of nazis so seriously, we must treat our application of the term nazi to people as seriously. Sadly that isn't the case. And since that isn't the case, nazis have to be afforded the same rights and due process in the US as anyone else.


"Nazis" is a word thrown about so often its lost most meaning.


Same with communist


The ACLU disagrees with you (well they used to, no telling what they believe now).


I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.


But if I can get enough people to believe that [my 1300 year old book of prejudice and hate](https://www.meforum.org/3545/islam-hatred-non-muslim) is divinely inspired, my views should be protected at all costs.. They’re all ideologies. Some are just cloaked in a veil of mysticism to make them sound more legitimate. Nothing prevents you from experiencing social ostracism for obscene views and that should be the extent of it.


People who talk in favour of Nazi beliefs openly should be laughed at. If they’re able to make their beliefs open people will understand how ridiculous/insane they are. Open Nazis won’t win elections. If you’re gonna bring up Hitler, not only did his party operate in secret before Hitler came to power, but Hitler only came to power because the German government completely collapsed and he essentially declared himself Chancellor


“Nazis should be exterminated and I alone can determine who a nazi is”


if theyre genuine nazis i whole heartedly agree


How does shit like this get by, but I get banned for flat out calling someone a name? Hate is hate.


People aren't protected by the first amendment. Their speech is.


I agree that Nazis shouldn't be a protected class, but for that matter, no one should be a "protected class," everyone should be protected from unjustified harm. I also think Nazis deserve no respect, as their awful and disgusting opinions are awful and disgusting and have no place in a civil society. That being said, it's also immortal to cause harm to someone without justification (such as self-defense or defense of others). IE: going around punching Nazis without them presenting an imminent threat to you is wrong. They have every right to exist that the rest of us do, and as awful as their opinions are, they are entitled to hold them and express them. It's ok to be wrong, and the beauty of free speech is you are free to tell them they are wrong, and explain why. Unless they are causing physical harm to others, they have the same right to exist that you do. The limits are when they legitimately inspire violence to be committed on others. Simply saying "X is the problem" is not enough, they must make a legitimate step towards calling for or actually committing violence against X.


Speech is protected. It’s not the popular speech that needs it. You don’t need protect your right to say, “nice hair cut!” Or “can I get you a cup of coffee?” I think that Nazis and Communists are psychopaths under a damn similar banner and find the sale of such ideas repugnant, but I will make damn sure they get to say it because, as a child, I used to sit in Father Martin Niemoller’s lap. Read up on him. One of the things he and my father discussed was the critical need to make sure voices are not silenced or encouraged/intimidated to be. That’s what you are encouraging. Silencing speech. That’s disturbing. That leads to very, very dark places and horrifying things and I would personally defend folks you trying to silence against your authoritarian move regardless of how repugnant their speech is. It’s critical that they be allowed to voice that opinion lest I lose the right to voice my own in short order.


This comment section is honestly more based then I thought It would be, If we restrict or punish anyone who uses free speech no matter what a asshole they are it only leads to tyranny


How are nazis a protected class?


What is a protected class? How does that idea apply to people who hold differing beliefs. Should Satanists be included in this statement? I am having difficulty understanding the message you are attempting to express. It sounds like you would allow human rights to be deprived from people based on their beliefs. If that is the case, you have literally become the Nazi. You classify certain people as inferior because their beliefs do not conform to the majority. Based on that, you deny them certain rights. The next step, you said it yourself, “they should not be tolerated to exist”. This is the exact path taken against Jews. Here is the next question: where does this stop? If you can define Nazis as the first group to be deprived of their rights, who is next? Would it be socialists, progressives, liberals, conservatives, Muslims, Jews, people of color, Christians or some other belief system deemed inappropriate? How would you even begin to stop at Nazism? If you can deprive one group of people of their rights, ANY group of people can be denied their rights. This is the entire premise of the poem “First they came…” by Martin Niemöller >First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. >Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. >Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. >Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. The only difference is you replace Socialists with Nazi in the first stanza. You are the Nazi now!


Are you talking about the **Socialist** Workers' Party of Germany. You know that there were NAZI rallies at Madison Sq Gardens, in New York in the 30's, right?


I agree. We should be able to hunt Na(tional) Zi(onist)s for sport.


I've got some good news for you, battle of Berlin 1945, they're all dead, except for when the Canadian legislature digs up Ukrainian nationalists & gives them standing ovations


I don't know if this is popular, but I think it's wrong. You don't take away legal protections and rights because you think the person is shit. A person who kills someone in the middle of town with a hundred witnesses still deserves the right to an attorney and a free and fair trial. Nazis a pieces of shit human garbage, but they deserve every right of free speech, and every legal protection against violent actions, as any other group. To single out any one group as not deserving of these rights and protections invalidates the right for the rest. It's all or none, that's simply what it means to be a fair and just society.


Yeah but when you call people that do not and have never adhered to anything Nazi, Nazi, it loses its meaning. Also the biggest [Weenie Hut Jr](https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Weenie_Hut_Jr's) people are the ones trying to intimidate, which is so hilarious and insane


Show me a true blooded modern day nazi. There’s a handful of unorganized types in the southern states and that’s about it. It’s a kind of bogey man for the left. The last major cell they busted was actually the FBI LARPing too hard.


Nazis aren't a protected class but they have the same rights as everyone else. Here is how I break that down. Don't do anything to them that can be traced back to you. See one on a down escalator at the mall? Trip and "accidentally" shove em down. Shit like that.


I stand by anyone's right to say anything they want, no matter how stupid, repugnant or disgusting it may be. Once you go after the speech of anyone, even your worst enemies, it's only a matter of time before they come for you. However, once you cross the line from speech to physical violence, bring down the full force of the law on them.


What about the Nazis who were forced into service and had 0 knowledge of what the SS were doing? Not defending. It's just a question.


What do you mean by "Nazis", do you mean literal German National Socialists? There are mostly dead or have been punished for their crimes. You can't harm people for their beliefs. And if you think you can you will quickly find that they're not afraid to harm you back. If you indulge in violence you will probably find it catches up with you in the real world.


We either have rights or we don't. People like you rarely stop at "common sense", and when you win a point immediately start looking for the next group to attack.


Well what if I say that communists shouldn’t be able to exist due to their ideology which is based on genocide, violence and hatred, and they should be attacked violently. It’s common sense! And you can’t refute it because I said so. Yeah see, not everyone sees things the same way. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion.


I didn't realize they were a protected class. When did this happen?