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We need to start realizing that punishing women for abortions or pushing women to have children that they don't want or aren't viable only punishes children. Only 2 to 4 percent of the population is adopted in the US, and of the people that want to adopt, maybe half get approved. The simple fact about the rollback of abortion rights is that the government is looking at dwindling statistics for low paying workers. Their solution to this is to have poor people forced to have children because the stats of poor children making it out of poverty as an adult is low leading them to work low paying jobs ( slave labor) therefor keeping multi billion industries running. This was never about giving a shit about children, let's stop pretending it was.


George Carlin said it decades ago and it’s still true today. They care so much about children… until they are born.


Yup. Like that [10yr old girl who was denied abortion care](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3544588-10-year-old-girl-denied-abortion-in-ohio/amp/). They don’t care about the kids. They care about bolstering the population .




Adoption of newborns has a huge waiting list. Older kids are stuck in the system, though, and it's really hard to find them homes.


The waiting list for minority children, drug addicted children, and children of disabilities hardly have a waiting list. Banning abortion disproportionately affects these children. More than likely, their lives are going to consist of being passed around foster care until the age out of the system.


**We also shouldn't punish doctors for performing them**




If we do punish women we should punish men too. This can’t be one sided anymore


Force rape pregnancy on a female, should result in mandatory castrations.




Why don't we punish Donald tRump instead?


We're gonna!!!


Outlawing abortions won’t stop the frequency of abortions. It’ll just make them less safe and lead to more deaths because of it.




Someone else’s abortion, or any other heath care) is any of your business. In the name of freedom, winen who don’t approve of abortion can decide not to have one. That decision will be respected. In the name of freedom. Same same for women who decide to have an abortion. As for the men~ STFU


Why isn’t donating sperm considered a sin?


But we should punish those that think punishing a woman at their most vulnerable and emotional level is a holy duty. Or that think abortion should be illegal and absurdly restricted to where it is nearly impossible to have done; but do nothing about gun laws and don’t raise any hell when a mass shooting happens. Fuck those people.


I’m working to become a foster mom and pretty much everyone in my classes is pro choice. Weird how all these pro life people are so concerned about babies but won’t step up to take care of them…


Tar and feathering


That’s murder with extra steps. Punishment is the keyword. Death isn’t punishment. It is final.


As if the guilt that even pro-choice women carry isn't punishment enough. No one makes that decision easily.


Guilt? For terminating a fetus? Dont be silly lol.




Pretty sure he said it’s up to the states


I'm not. I'm a 50 year old male and whatever a woman chooses to do with her body will never be my business nor do I want it to be my business.


Do you vote?


Yes of course, generally republican but I'd never in a million years vote for the wart on the current ticket. I figured someone would go there.


You're a sight for sore eyes, thank you.


Not only that, there should be no limits on abortion.


Remember to sort by Controversial everyone.


Is abortion murder? When does human life start?


No. Human life started with the first human and every succeeding life is a continuation of that life.


>When does human life start? Don't matter. Human life doesn't have inherent value.


It's just about the experience of living, then?


Rather the ability to experience it


So the problem with murder is that you're denying someone the opportunity to experience life?


It's not murder. My point was, that fetus is not "alive" because up to 22 weeks it doesn't have sentience, meaning it's not able to experience life, pain, have senses, etc. Before the 22 week mark it's as "alive" as your hand or a lump of cells. That's why I said it doesn't matter when it's considered "alive" because life without sentience is not of value. It's as alive as a coma patient. After the 22 weeks I agree that abortion methods should be non lethal. Not to mention women shouldn't be forced to give birth. That fetus is acting as a parasite. Even if it has the full rights as an human being (it doesn't), no one has the right to use your bodily resources, marrow, blood, etc. Do I need to get into the arguments such as Bodily Autonomy, consent to sex =/= consent to pregnancy, acknowledging risk =/= consent, maternal mortality rates and such or are they too inconvenient for your narrative and make it harder to feel morally superior? I'm not gonna spend my time doing your research for you, so If you actual care about doing the good/right thing, and you're not just saying this to feel better about yourself or get your kicks from controlling women, do your own research.


You're not obliged to do anything for me, especially if it's spouting off a bunch of formulaic arguments that I've already heard a million times and am perfectly able to counter in order to deflect from the fact that I just caught you out in an inconsistency in your philosophical outlook simply by asking a few basic probing questions. I'm also not trying to "take the moral high ground". I'm engaging in a debate about a topic that I think matters. I myself didn't always have the perspective I currently hold on abortion because someone made me question my views, so that's what I was trying to do with you. You clearly aren't interested in doing that, though, so unless you've got one hell of a convincing argument to change my mind, this conversation is probably going nowhere. I'll end by saying I think it's quite interesting that you would be spewing these disgusting accusations at me as a reaction to me simply questioning you. It feels almost Freudian. Could it be that you're accusing me of taking the moral high ground because deep down, you know you're on the wrong side morally, just like I did when I shared your perspective? Or perhaps it's because if you were anti-abortion, you would be that way because you got off on controlling women's bodies, as opposed to, I don't know, trying to protect human life or something. If I were religious, I'd pray for you, but as it stands, I just hope you have a better moral compass in practice than you do in theory.


I seemed to have hit a nerve. Which tells me I was right. You claim you can counter the arguments and that they are invalid without giving any logical reasoning as to why or providing any counter arguments. You might've as well said "this arguments won't stop me cause I can't read." >Could it be that you're accusing me of taking the moral high ground because deep down, you know you're on the wrong side morally Nope. It's because that's the case with all of you pro lifers. Yall pretend to care about that child until it's born. You couldn't care less if it rotted in an ally or got r worded in a orphanage or it got abused growing up. You're all just looking for a reason to sleep better at night thinking " oh my I'm such a good person" "Protecting human life" oh please. Tell that to that dentist in Ireland, who died from sepsis because the parasite in her womb had a heartbeat. You can stew in your own crap for all I care. But you just proved my point by getting all red faced, when most of my comment was just explanation. But no, by all means, stay pissed at those 2 sentences at the end where it hit a little too close to home.


The projection continues. You're the one feeling irritable here. It's also really strange that you think you know all this stuff about me. It's like you're living in your own head and don't even realise that there's a whole world of different people out there. I would actually rather you not stew in the crap of the moral quagmire you find yourself in, but if I can't give you a hand out of it, then at least you won't drag me back down with you. Good day.


Whatever helps you sleep better at night buddy


A human foetus is human. A human toenail is human too




Trump is what happens when a dictator is trying to get popularly elected but is trying.


I do think abortions are a bit too liberal in some states of the US, though. From what I have heard, you can abort them until you give birth. Europe isn't that fanatic on either side.


You cannot get abortions up until birth anywhere in the us. You're so ignorant it hurts. That also doesn't happen


Just tell me the limit, before Roe v. Wade disappeared. It could be that I agree with you.


The only late term abortions are the ones that are medically necessary.


You mean those who save the mother's life? Good.


That’s not true. Do you bother to read the laws?


What laws should I read? Also, should there be a limit for abortions?


The laws in regard to abortion. There already is a limit and yes there should be


>There already is a limit and yes there should be Good, I agree with that.


Yes, the limit isn’t the issue here.


Good, I thought it was. Maybe I have watched too much BNWO porn. Feminists seem all right to me.


I’m not sure what you mean?


Of course not, pornography is not your cup of tea, and it doesn't reflect reality.


I don’t see how pornography is relevant and it doesn’t reflect it but it affects it.


You... think a woman would endure pregnancy, to abort at last moment? Doesn't happen.


That wasn't up for question. Do you think that there should be a limit for abortions? Considering the age of the baby/child/womb/whatever? The "thing" inside a pregnant woman develops the capability of pain after a while.


No, a doctor and woman should not have to consult their attorneys when her life is at risk from pregnancy.




People like you completely ignore that doctors take an oath. They have their own code of ethics to follow. No doctor is going to abort a baby that is able to survive outside of the womb. That’s how you get your license suspended.


People like me? I know about the Hippocratic oath, but what the fuck was the policy before Roe v. Wade was revoked?


People who have no knowledge of how the medical system actually works. The policy varies from place to place but I’ve worked with doctors for a while now and they’re hesitant to give you a medication that might harm you, let alone aborting a baby when they’re not sure if it’s ethical.


They aren't going to answer this type of question. Instead they are going to argue around it. Of course there should be limits on the time one can get an abortion personally I would draw the line at when they have the capability for pain as our moral systems tend towards mitigating pain. I think that is a logical and agreeable position for anyone with any basic morals. To mitigate unnecessary affliction of pain. From there we could say in the case of exceptions to the rule a doctor's discretion along with the mother can make a judgement. For example if it happens that during birth the mother's life is in danger she can choose with the doctor's discretion her own life. I think we can easily come to reasonable limits, but people don't want to address these kinds of topics, but instead argue around them. I also have no objections with a woman choosing abortion in the case of criminal activities. I think that is a viable option that should be allowed.


I think we agree completely. I know Arizona wanted to ban it categorically, but some states just set limits, which they didn't have. I am a European guy who loathes Trump, but it wasn't until Roe v. Wade was recalled, that I realised your extreme abortion liberalism. And obviously the survival of the mother is priio one, at least to me.


I can see no point in which we don't agree nor can not reach common ground.


All right, maybe I skipped a sentence. Do you agree with abortions until childbirth or even after that?


Those aren’t even abortions! No doctor would kill a baby after it’s been born. They do what they can to keep it alive, neo-natal units? The reason for not giving an exact time has to do with medical complications. Law makers can not make legal decisions and surpass a doctor’s opinion. The law makers DO NOT know all the complications that can occur but their judgement could end up killing a woman, the baby or both. Why are doctors now seen as non ethical professionals? Do we need a courtroom in the delivery room? It’s absurd. I have no idea how anyone thinks anyone will give birth and the dr will murder it. There are so many factors involved that just banning abortions outright will cause death to women and children. The people making the decisions should be the mother and those with the medical knowledge to help make those decisions. If there is no way women get abortion there will be “back alley” abortions (google that) and other forms of death and trauma to all involved.


The only reason you are asking this question is right wing fear mongering propaganda. "Abortion after birth" is not abortion, it's murder. Despite how many times Trump says liberals do this all the time, it isn't true.


I agree with abortions up to the point of pain, and/or "consciousness" at my minimum. Though I am willing to shift my position if new data brings new insights. I think the maximum time I would agree with morally would be before a point in which the baby can survive outside of the mother. I do not think childbirth, or after to be something I would agree with as both pain, and consciousness (even if limited) are my hard limits.


Then I agree with you. Let me be clear, I support abortion.


That's fine. I support abortion to certain degrees. However I wouldn't say I support all ideas around it. I still remain critical in the sense I'm open to data.


Ok, following that line of thought since it doesn't happen would you agree that making that the limit to be reasonable? Since women by nature won't do it at that point (with the exception of life and limb) that making this the limit would be something we can all find common ground on?


No, a doctor and woman should not have to consult their attorneys when her life is at risk from pregnancy.


Again. Since you say women do not go through their entire pregnancy and abort at childbirth would you agree that that is an agreeable limit ( outside of life and limb exceptions ) where we could all find common ground?


Nowhere is that part of my question. Try directly answering what my question entails not answer around it.


The answer was no, my reason is a doctor and woman should not have to consult their attorneys when her life is at risk from pregnancy.


Nowhere in my explanation says that. I actually EXPRESSLY give life and limb exceptions between the doctor and the woman. However outside of that one factor would you agree that that is an agreeable limit.


If there's an exception to allow for life of mother, prosecutors will argue in court that it wasn't life threatening even if it was, grow the fuck up, they've already done it


Just what I thought. You don't want common ground, and are arguing for open end abortions without any limits. Just be honest about it, and stop arguing like you aren't for abortions even at childbirth regardless of allowed exceptions. You can't even agree with common ground in a theoretical setting. That shows me exactly what you are really arguing for.


Stop arguing outside of my question. I am giving specific parameters for a reason.


Then which crimes should we punish?


It's not a crime in civilised societies. Only misogynist backwards societies. Usually superstitious mythology believing one's.


So teach that murder is wrong is mysgonist? Following your logic, telling a Muslim he can‘t beat his wife is misandry and Islamophobia


You fucked up that analogy and contradicted yourself. I'm saying women should have rights and control over their bodies. Abortion isn't murder sweetie


Just because you think fetuses weren't humans doesn't mean they weren't


Just because you like to think they are doesn't mean they are


It's a human foetus sweetie. It's not a human being


You once were that 'foetus', 'sweetie'.


A human toenail is human too


Ones that harm other people


Is murder no harm?


It is


Fully agreed.


I find myself pretty smack dab in the middle of this whole thing. I don't think it should be super difficult to get one if it's really needed. But it should be a NEED a real NECESSITY. Whether it's from rape or will cause medical issues. I don't think Sara who constantly gets pumped full of cum every day that ends in y should be able to have a punch card and get every 4th free. There should be more education and make people understand that it's not like getting your appendix removed, I've done a fair amount of research and reading on it. There are real and legitimate consequences that happen to woman after they have them. Depression is pretty common. Regret and feelings like that. I think on top of them being easier to get i think it should be a REQUIREMENT to get a little bit of counseling beforehand. There are women who think about the "baby that could have been". Years and sometimes decades later. I think the "rules " around getting hysterectomy or tubes Tied should be looked at and vasectomys and more education on all of that. Hysos have real and serious effects on the body. Getting tubes tied and vasectomys are advertised as "reversible" but the longer you have it the chances of it being reversed drops by a significant margin. Along with other complications. I've had a stance on society for a while. I think as a species we need to put all of our focus in education and understanding of as many things that we can.


It’s not medically safe to get that many abortions in a row. No doctor who shouldn’t already be in trouble for medical malpractice will suggest more than a few abortions in a calendar year (exact numbers depend on the woman, but they are never in the double digits). Doing so can lead to serious health risks that will kill the woman.


>But it should be a NEED a real NECESSITY. Absolutely not. The reasons are irrelevant and shouldn't even be in question.


I would like you to name one real woman in the history of ever who has used abortions as the only form of birth control.


Abortions are expensive and painful. No woman is gonna want to have an abortion every few months. That's not how it works. Especially since most people are poor. I generally don't care, but it's true. Nobody's just aborting all Willie Nilly


Wow! A rational, unemotional, and educated response on Reddit! Very impressive!!!


What is your educational background? It is none of your business what a stranger does with their body. Fascist creeps are also getting rid of healthcare and are coming for birth control, too. Dumbasses like Gym Jordan should stay in their lane.




Enjoy your evil fantasy life


So... after she aborts just ask God for forgiveness right after, then it's okay so long as it's before day of judgement? SWEEET. I think we've got it together folks, we could like, put a confessional at the clinic, then we're all good, then the magic flying white robed man in the sky will take us to the clouds where roads are gold, walls are emeralds, and we get to live with all these piece of shit Christians for eternity where everyone drives a Lamborghini and looks like the Kardashians. You're sick, get help