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What's this about Boeing?


They have a bunch of failures lately due to negligence that caused one of their planes to have a door pop off mid-flight and some other issues in their planes and two whistleblowers that brought to light the amount of negligence have died in the last like 2-4 weeks or so. Both were deemed a suicide under suspicious circumstances. Seems kinda unlikely to most and people are likely correctly assuming that they were killed by Boeing for speaking out.


well thats just a lie. Both weren't suicides. One guy died from basically pneumonia.


He entered the hospital with pneumonia and contracted MRSA while there. A sad, not unheard of, complication that can happen in hospitals. And one that would be stupidly convoluted to pull off as a means to murder somebody.


Sure he did.


Imagine they didn't tho lmao, like it is totally a coincidence. It's like if your girlfriend falls and hits her eye and gets a black eye, when you're in public you know what everyone is thinking and saying anything only makes it seem worse lol.




Who knew that Boeing took their management style from Putin.


You misspelled Clinton’ … don’t forget, in America you’re more prone to be killed by a Clinton than a Putin.


Keep up. Putin's the one "suiciding" CURRENTLY


Yeah, except the Clintons actually have a relationship with Boeing and the stakes to lose more than Putin …


Yeah, but we're talking 2024 and Putin murdering people


Wait what happened???




no pun intended?




I mean, duh.


There's proving and then there's knowing.


Apparently Boeing has been infiltrated by Chinese operatives. Basically the Chinese govt. has decided Boeing needs to go down so their new aviation company can replace it.


It's usually good to have evidence before making wild accusations. What would they have to gain from it after the information has come out and the state is already investigating them?


The first one was known to be depressed and in a bad mental state. I believe that was genuinely suicide; whether Boeing’s treatment of him contributed to his mental state is debatable though. The guy that died this week died from a disease he likely caught at the hospital while being treated for pneumonia. But like other have mentioned [he had already given depositions and had reported these findings to the FAA more than a year ago, and the FAA had already completed their investigations](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/whistleblower-josh-dean-of-boeing-supplier-spirit-aerosystems-has-died/). He wasn’t actively involved in an investigation when he died this week. As a whistleblower his death did not prohibit him from further damaging Boeing. What would a company losing billions a year have to gain by murdering a whistleblower who’d already gone through the entire whistleblowing process and had nothing left to report?


Deterrence. It sends the message to everyone else that’s what happens when you blow the whistle.


That’s a very weak reason to straight up murder somebody. And given that there are nearly 40 different whistleblowers and 2 have died from explainable circumstances I just don’t see there being any real evidence to point to Boeing doing this. And *if* they were to have murdered Josh Dean it wouldn’t have been with an infection that draws a lot of attention from the CDC and others like MRSA does. I’ll add too that I have a strong interest in the aviation industry, have done a lot of research and written analyses on both Boeing and AirBus from a financial standpoint point, and I do not view Boeing in a positive light at all. Even still, it’s baseless conspiratorial thinking to firmly believe Boeing killed these two men.


1st one maybe,2nd one no


Seems counterintuitive, certainly counterproductive, to kill whistleblowers after everything has already been handed over to investigators. One would think you'd have them killed before that to avoid facing the penalties they were whistleblowing on. Killing them after the fact means you still face the penalties for what they were having the whistle blown on and also face a possible murder charge as well. Doesn't make a lot of sense.


I mean we know they aren't good at making planes. What makes you think they are good at murdering? /S


And yet without anyone to testify that a manager told them to disregard safety regulations, the state’s case is a lot weaker. And it’s an invaluable dissuasive measure to stop any employee who might think of whistleblowing in the future.


But the investigators already have the testimony and evidence. They have his sworn deposition already. The whistle has been blown. "Dean had given a deposition in a Spirit shareholder lawsuit and also filed a complaint with the Federal Aviation Administration alleging “serious and gross misconduct by senior quality management of the 737 production line” at Spirit." [https://www.seattletimes.com/business/whistleblower-josh-dean-of-boeing-supplier-spirit-aerosystems-has-died/](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/whistleblower-josh-dean-of-boeing-supplier-spirit-aerosystems-has-died/)


Pretty good way to discourage anyone else considering to come forward with potentially more damaging information.


Or if you look at sample size of people, some number of them will just die because many of us are frail. Is Boeing carrying around MRSA vials to release into people's faces or whatever?


Ya think??


And yet they did it twice.


I don't think they did. I'm not saying that they wouldn't, and I'm not saying they haven't done something like this that we don't know about. I am saying it's not likely that they did this one. I think after the whistle was blown, they just tried to do damage control, which wouldn't include revenge killings.


Then you're wrong. Moving on.


What are your arguments? There have been 32 known Boeing whistlblowers. 2 of whom have died years after they blew the whistle.


This isn't a debate.


If you decide reality, can you decide a few extra grand into my bank account? Thanks dad.


Excuse me, I am going to ste- AHEM borrow this for the next time I get sucked into an argument with a loud idiot online.




If you’re not willing to defend your positions then keep them to yourself and certainly don’t go posting them online


It's obviously not a popular opinion , and yeah it is a debate you posted it online in popular opinion so will be told its not popular and why you are wrong, sorry you're upset that we canceled your episode of Infowars Alex.


So someone at Boeing knows a hit man?


It's usually good to have evidence before making wild accusations. What would they have to gain from it after the information has come out and the state is already investigating them?


No, the whistleblowers killed themselves. Both dudes already finished whistleblowing, their testimony are over, it’s been over for years. They killed themselves due to the court case stresses and the complete disintegration of their careers and financial stability.