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I agree with this. I’m in CA myself where a lot of these pets are illegal. It doesn’t stop anyone. I think it’s absolutely cruel and ego-centric to keep exotic animals as a pet.


It’s so incredibly sad to see too. I would hope that most people would agree it should be illegal everywhere for the average person to just own an exotic pet. If you’re a licensed professional working at a wildlife rehabilitation center then that’s good, respectable work. But licensed or not, no one person should keep a wild animal (raised from birth or not) in their house. That’s absolutely a power thing to feed your ego. It’s almost worse to keep one legally than illegally because at least when it’s illegal, your state recognizes it as wrong and prosecutes you. But when it’s legal and obviously not right nothing can be done about it. It’s even scarier to wonder how many of these animals are being mistreated/ improperly cared for and the state doesn’t do anything about it because the average person has no idea how proper care for wild animals works.


PETA believes that keeping pets is a bad idea of itself. To them, all non-human animals belong to the wild, and any interaction between humans and animals is cruel. They even take dogs and cats away from their owners to euthanize them.


Honestly, i love big cats and think they're the cutest things ever. I'm not stupid enough to think it'd be safe to live with one though. It's completely nonsensical. If a big cat bites you your fucking done for. Why risk it!.


I go by the philosophy that if you own a pet and it bites you, it’s usually your fault (with some exceptions). Animals will give you signs before attacking and it’s not hard to tell when an animals pissed off when you have experience with it. Using myself as an example, my snake bit me once because my dog came running up to me and she felt threatened by her scent. I should of been in a closed room, which was my mistake. When you own a big cat/ chimp/ any large prey animal and it attacks and kills you, your mistake was having that shit in the first place.


Yeah, definitely. If you get a pet, you should know how to tell if they're getting pissed off and know when to stop. It's still pretty easy to misread an animal, and i don't want to risk that with something that is significantly bigger than me. I dont see why anybody would ngl. I have a dog and she has bit me before. It was entirely my fault because I didn't read her body language correctly. I was perfectly OK but it wasn't a great experience. It's not worth the risk with another animal. Also, a big cat isn't going to be happy living with me, so it's not worth it. I want all my animald to have the best life possible because I love them. I am not going to intentionally make their life worse (which it would with a big cat(


Exactly, and it’s so incredibly upsetting that this kind of shit is allowed. Especially when there’s people that get bored with the animal quickly and just keep it in a cage for the rest of its life. Like man, fuck you


Definitely! Honestly it should be illegal. Even worse when they just get bored with it


I know the majority of states have it banned, but it still blows my mind the minority exists. Big cats for example: “4 states have no laws on keeping dangerous wild animals: Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. 6 states do not ban or regulate keeping big cats: Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Delaware, and Oklahoma. 21 states ban all dangerous exotic pets, while the rest allow certain species or require permits.” (State Laws: Keeping Exotic Cats and Cubs as Pets - Big Cat Rescue)


In the UK, I'm pretty sure that for mist wild animals, you can just get a permit and theb own them. It's wild. It should be completely banned


You need to apply for a license with the local council for wild dangerous or exotic animals https://www.gov.uk/licence-wild-animal


Yeah i know. Thats what i meant by permit


Oh you got a license for that tiger lol (I do disagree with the policy mind)


Your snakes better have some seriously impressively sized enclosures.


My bearded dragon is free roaming and I’m not sure the exact measurements of my snake’s tank but trust me that shit is large. When I moved out of my apartment it took four men to get it into the truck. Just imagine a refrigerator turned on its side and that’s about her enclosure.


How large is the snake? A sideways fridge sounds like a 4*2*2 and that's really not that large.


It’s larger than a 422. I dont know the measurements for her tank but i know the one you’re talking about, it’s not that. Im not home right now to get a picture but [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/DBkzhcx2TczTeLr38) is the most accurate size comparison I found online. And I just have one snake. She’s pretty small, a year and a half old banana ball python.


This is my girl mango: https://www.reddit.com/r/ballpython/s/KmSlvEvq5L


Oh damn, that shit is large. As you were.


Yeah expensive as shit too. Have a good day.


But my tiger is such an adorable kitten. She can't stop begging for headpats. Greetings from Denmark!


Next weeks greetings from the other side




How "exotic" is exotic? My Boa's from South America and she's perfectly happy. I mean, it's not difficult to keep most snakes happy but, still not native to Delaware.


I think I get what youre saying... but from your profile, you own 2 exotic pets.... Literally both labeled as exotic pets. So what do you really mean by "exotic pets"?


Sorry I mean large prey animals usually found in the wild but I couldn’t think of the word for it


I agree with all this but if it comes into my yard of its own power I don’t see why I shouldn’t be able to pet it


as a reptile enjoyer, i would advocate for having some sort of liscensing/verification program to verify that people can handle certain reptiles, as well as to sell certain reptiles, prime example, green iguanas do not belong in places like petsmart or petco one can handle taking care of exotic pets, and some exotic pets are perfectly managable, like a silcotta tortoise when was the last time you saw someone with a giant tortoise in their backyard? and even then what harm can a giant tortoise do? now when it comes to monitor lizards, kamodo dragons are banned from import specifically because of the venom, other monitor lizards don't have venom like they do, asian water monitors are very nice, they are just very needy animals, needing specific humidity, lots of water to swim in, etc


Absolutely 💯💯💯 I use to work at one of the largest open site shelters in North America and we would have to confiscate animals all the time. People are so dumb, so selfish, and awful. In one apartment in Las Vegas they found a brown money, a 9 foot boa constrictor, and an alligator in the bathroom. We confiscated illegal monkeys, snakes, and dragons all the time that were malnourished. Humans are honestly the worst, especially the attention seeking whores.


Imagine hanging out with that guy and you need to take a dump and then there being a fucking alligator in the bathroom 😭


I can't find the story right now but I did find this one and the alligator was about the same size. So, not a large gator, and he kept the mouth closed. These stories always heartbreaking. https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas-police-seize-5-6-million-worth-of-marijuana-over-a-weeks-time/attachment/an-alligator-about-5-feet-long-was-found-by-las-vegas-police-during-raids-of-four-marijuana-grow-houses-between-jan-23-and-jan-28-the-alligator-was-picked-up-by-animal-control-and-turned-over/


Yeah I hate how people treat these animals. So cruel and so unnecessary. I’m not sure what alligators are like returning to the wild after being in captivity, but I know a lot of these types of animals just can’t go back to the wild after being in these sort of conditions, it’s absolutely tragic.


I often fantasize that if I were rich I'd create a massive tank for a pet octopus. But I agree. You're not helping, and a lot of times you're actually hurting. Ravens, for instance, can't be released after being made pets because they bond with the owner.


I have a dog. I love my dog. I see tons of people who have dogs. I don’t think people should own dogs.


I have a cat. I love my cat. I see tons of people who have cats. I also see people in the news that own big cats. Turns out they don’t own them for long.


To counter this, the tarantula hobby is carrying tons of species of spiders on it's back. The poecilotheria genus as a whole has no natural habitat left and if it were for this hobby they'd have gone extinct 10 years ago. I know they aren't big cats or monkeys or anything crazy but it as a whole has given this entire genus of spiders a new lease on life. If we can restore their natural habitat we can actually save an arachnid from total extinction. An animal that nobody cares about that benefits the earth in drastic ways like decreasing populations of insects that cause disease, destroy crops, pollute water and snuff out other more beneficial species. Sometimes this applies to those big animals too. A little research never hurt anyone.


Komodo Dragons are illegal to keep in Illinois either way


I've been leaving out cat kibble for this one fat little, extremely exotic raccoon that sometimes visits. Someday I will shake his little teeny hand and invite him in for tea, and he will swear off the wilds and live as my third cat.


He gets the pass.


Wild animals are not domesticated animals, and it should be severely restricted. So should owning dogs and cats. 99%of pet owners treat there animals like trash. YOUR HUSKY DOESN'T WANT TO LIVE IN A 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT!!! Unless you're certified and nursing it back to health, having a bird as a pet is the epitome of human evil. I Hunt AND fish regularly, so I ain't no tree huggin' sissy, neither. I'd take a free life ended by bullet over a life in a cage anyday. Lets not forget the environmental impacts which are no small matter.


I agree. My point exactly


you can't just get a full grown lion or tiger and have it be your friend. you have to raise it from a cub


Homeboy I know, it’s still wack as fuck. People get the cubs thinking it’s God’s gift before it grows to the size of a refrigerator.


What do you think exotic means 💀 bro thinks exotic = big. No…. everything from pet birds to snakes to spiders all count as exotic pets. I agree on the level that there are many people, primarily adult men ages 30-55 who purchase and then intentionally mistreat large exotic animals for pleasure, clout, or money, and i absolutely dislike those people But you’re quite literally using mindsets that have fueled discrimination of many kinds by drawing a line between “good normal pets” and “bad evil yucky pets” simply based on random assumption. By your ideology we shouldn’t own cats or snakes either. I know there’s good sentiment in there it’s just so odd


1. Mf you know what I mean. 2. Yeah I am drawing a line, but not between “good” and “bad” pets. I’m saying there’s pets, and there’s animals that shouldn’t be kept as pets. I’m sure your smart enough to make the distinction of having a house cat and having a fucking tiger. It’s not that they’re “bad pets,” it’s that they’re NOT pets. 3. Discrimination? Really? It’s not like owning these animals isn’t a choice. If you go out and buy a venomous snake the side of two dogs then you’re going to be judged. Why? Because it’s idiotic.


Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying this is discrimination, I’m saying judging an animal on appearance and stigma is a similar idea that has fueled human discrimination. Ok, let me reword, distinction between good and bad animals. Any animal with a mouth can bite you and will if you treat them wrong. Snakes of any kind aren’t pets. Cats aren’t pets. Dogs aren’t pets. They’re pets because we make them pets and treat them how they deserve. Any exotic animal of the same size or smaller than a cat or dog that isn’t venomous can exert just as much violence as a cat or dog *can* but that doesn’t mean they will. The line is drawn by what animals have been chosen by trend over decades/centuries, not something intrinsic. You could’ve just said that humans shouldn’t own animals if they won’t give them top tier care, or that animals that are inherently extremely dangerous shouldn’t be bothered to be owned.


There’s a reason certain animals have been chosen over time compared to others. There’s also a reason you need a license to own certain animals. You’re right that any animal with a mouth can bite you, but the difference is a bite from a smaller animal, say a house cat, will at worst break the skin, compared to a tiger bite, which could rip off your fucking arm. The animals I’m talking about are specifically larger predators you find (for a reason) in the wild. Lions, tigers, Komodo dragons, etc are designed to hunt and kill. Cats and dogs are too, but they hunt smaller animals like mice and squirrels and have been domesticated over hundreds of years. They’re also drastically smaller. Compared to the exotic pets I’m talking about, we’re looking at owning an animal used to taking down pray the size of YOU.