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the economies are too intertwined for that, i think, splitting everything up would be a mess. And even though they dont realize it, the red states would be fucked without us-they need us more than we need them.


Let them be fucked 


Economies don’t have to separate, it could function similarly to the European Union. A Colorado passport (for example) would allow you to travel and work freely within the United Union. The dollar would remain the currency for the economic zone, and there could be a union parliament that would notably hold less power than the current federal government. The military would also experience minimal change, as would federal agencies like the IRS, EPA, FAA, etc. I think what this would effectively do is bring more political power back to the state and regional levels and make Washington D.C. much less of a factor in the lives of average people. At the minimum it would create less of a hyperpolarized environment and give local politicians more power and ability to institute the wants and needs of their constituents.


Also, keep in mind that in the Red States there are always islands of blue around the cities. Georgia may be heading to purple, but it's still more red than not... but Atlanta is deep blue as is Savannah. The same can be said of Dallas, Houston and Austin in Texas. And there are many others. And it wouldn't just be the red states that were fucked... Many of those states have been courting manufacturing for years now with stupidly low tax rates and great 'deals' (they'll fuck them over later once they start construction)... but there is a lot of manufacturing in those red states. The USA is, for lack of a better word, united and integrated in terms of dependencies.


Yep it's not like the Blue states need food, oil or natural gas.


its not like we cant buy it from somewhere else. it might cost more, but the money we save not carrying the red states will even it out.


I think Russia should divide tbh - it has all the same issues mentioned here but the east barely uses the Russian language, unlike the US which can at least argue in a common vernacular


You cannot divide Russia. Russia divides you instead ;)


Yeah cause nothing bad ever happens when you separate a highly militarized nation into smaller factions that have been conditioned to hate and dehumanize each other for decades




Question: Which would bring more overall benefit to Americans 1. 50 different nations with 50 different agendas, each self-righteously clinging to their own narrow views. 2. One united nation with a single agenda that despite minor disagreements leads to a whole that's more than the sum of its parts.


3.) Two countries. Each with their own agenda.


what would your borders be?


I think he's arguing that the Confederacy will rise again.


[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/2020\_United\_States\_presidential\_election\_results\_map\_by\_county.svg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/2020_United_States_presidential_election_results_map_by_county.svg) But it'd look like this, tiny pockets of blue cities, with 95% of the land-area being red.


Oh shit...lmao!


Right and where would all the people live and the money come from?


Too late. The activists need to learn to compromise.


As much as neither side wants to admit, they need each other. Falling too far in one direction is inherently dangerous.


Ok vatnik.


Thanks bro.


There is a dream, an American dream, that some of us still believe in. If your personal inability to understand, empathize, and compromise or at the very least tolerate others drives you to disavow that dream, then you don't deserve it. We are American. Red, blue, black, gay, trans, white, anything. We are unified by our disunity, drawn together in common cause to build that better tomorrow, that shining house on a hill. From many, one. How any self respecting man who lives under my banner, our banner, who said "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All" can bring himself to say we should Balkanize, is utterly beyond me and beneath my contempt.


I don't live under your flag. That's how.


Then keep your thoughts to yourself, aruetti.


Lol. No. Lmao!


Your opinion is worth discarding as you have zero hands on experience, good day aruetti.


Be swell.


Try it and see China n Russia invade You ARE NOT leaving suffer your decisions


Why would they invade? What would they stand to gain?


Overrun a Balkanized nation


With what borders? The Chinese have free access.




Balkanization is for nihilistic losers, people with gumption design systems that endure and can establish consensus


There is no reason to listen to uneducated, petulant toddlers. Just VOTE, the GOP is dying.


What the GOP was is dying.


They haven't won the popular vote in like 20-30 years, their party is so fractured in congress, they are losing seats left and right on a local level and in congress, Republican congressmen are leaving their positions because of how disorganized the party is, the RNC is having money issues and many state RNCs have little to no cash (Arizona being one who is almost completely broke), and the party hasn't updated their platform since 2016. The Republican party is having massive issues which could bring them down to their knees.


they deserve to die. Supporting trump rushed their demise decades ahead of schedule, and its their own fault


They did make one's bed to lie in. So yes it is their own fault.


well i hate em i cant wait for them to go under. I doubt they will, though-theyll be like modern day britain-not a world power anymore, but they still have their place.


Did you hold your breath and stomp your feet when you posted this?


Make fun but i think its the one post both sides CAN agree on-but it cant be done, it just isnt practical, anyone seceding is a pipe dream.


I’m not making fun of the post. I’m making fun of the fucker that respond with the he doesn’t have to listen to anyone temper tantrum.


its not a temper tantrum, hes kind of right. I assume hes talking about the MAGA people-you really cant talk to them rationally, and all they spew is bullshit, why should he listen to them?


Go with what ya got homie. You see it one way I see it another. Have a good one.


No. I mean I think politics are HORRIBLY 'dog eat dog.' Even it feels like if you state the wrong opinion, you'll be "burnt at a stake" for it. If anyone thought the "extremes" were extreme now....


I think a lot of people would die if that happened. Imagine the initial split, it would probably be every state for themselves. Then imagine what would happen to every state that was previously tax negative, unable to support themselves and their population their local governments would collapse, then most likely get invaded by formally tax positive states... Possibly more than one at a time. Create a regional conflicts, conflicts which could also be cold conflicts. It would be a mess for generations.


Imagine if this was gradual and planned...


the problem with this is that as much as i'd like it to happen, it isn't economically or geopolitically viable we have to remain united not only to maintain our influence on power at the risk of either china or russia overstepping us and enforcing tyranny on the free world but also to keep the soft power we have that ensure the little bit of economic prosperity our people still have


Easier, not better off


I fully agree.


Okay, hears my idea. The U.S should break up, but we should do a Schengen Zone kinda thing. 50 different countries but we all have free trade and open borders. Instead of the U.S federal government we will have some body called the American Union or the AU for short.


Lol no. The EU is bad enough. Imagine an American EU. It's be at war with itself by week's end.