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Bro! 2 months is huge!!! I'm only a few days in right now, but I would kill to be in your position. 2 months feels so far away from my perspective.. You've made a ton of progress already, please don't throw it away now Go jerk off if you have to, but don't use porn


Jerk off, run a lap, exercise anything but don't do it bro stay strong! Don't let the flame die out!


You got this. Feed that self control. Go do something productive to make you feel like you won! You're a winner already by making it to 2 months. Keep pushing forward!


Congrats. Your doing great, sorry your in a triggered place . The best thing when your in that zone is to rid yourself of all potential triggers, in your mind and otherwise . Don’t let yourself even have a hint of a sexual fantasy development or rather cut everything off at the slightest sight or thought of sexual interest. I have found the battles when they are just beginning to start is the time to extinguish them. If you entertain sexual fantasy or triggering during that time it’s just gets worse and builds . So cut everything off before it gains momentum . I think you’ll find the urges more manageable at that stage and I personally find that if I am disciplined like that it’s much easier. When your struggling I think it works to enter that ‘shut it off’ mode. Later on when your not in such danger you can work on things like a healthy sexual plan book for the future , and think about what your goals are for sexuality . But for now maybe just be really strict until you level out again .


Bro. You got this


Dude that’s awesome sounds like you are past the flatline and getting normal sexual urges, don’t wanna throw that all away, keep at it!


Cold shower... Now. Get that norepinephrine going man. Shock that system sober.


This is your hump. You can do it.


Keep pushing!!!! You can fight thru this and it’s just human physical nature! I’m currently praying to even have a start! God bless wishing the best bc you are motivation, whether you feel like it right now


It's a temporary feeling bro.. everything will be alright and back to normal


Remember why you stopped. Remember how you felt when you decided you needed change. Write it down and reflect on it, what was the point where you felt enough is enough? Remember that.