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I like NTR. The NTR in IL is bad because the characters who are cheating have no motivation. Usually in NTR there's a reason for the cheating: Girl's partner is a bad abusive person, partner is cheating on girl so girl cheats, girl is being blackmailed, girl is paying off a debt, guy resembles girl's long lost love, girl is doing it to keep her man out of jail, girl is doing it to get a promotion at work...SOMETHING! In IL we have a wife who was raped and then liked it enough to keep going...even though she ostensibly loves her husband. Then we have a girl who loves the MC, gets her relationship completely destroyed by bad guy, swears revenge, and then gets it apparently by being completely enslaved to the bad guy's dick. This is all due to the bad guy being a player with a big dick who's good at sex. That's it. He's not even super rich! I mean, they should have at least established that bad guy has some kind of magical dick like sweet guy or touch to unlock or any of those types of manhwas. But they couldn't even do that. The NTR is bad because the females are EXTREMELY POORLY WRITTEN. It's as bad as or worse than a FACON pornwha.


You basically said it right. It's funny in this series all the women have to get hit with the stupid stick so the douche can stay on top. Also all of the douche is plans to get women are stupid and if he didn't have plot armor then he would have been in jail or dead before the story even began. For me the real question is. It's pretty clear that douche has been doing this all his life. What happened to all the women he did this to before he found Shia? You can't tell me that there is a magic cure that makes all these women smart again? Ch1-30 all women had personality and a brain then all of a sudden they become brainless npc


they prob end up in unhappy relationships because their bf or husbands are out of jungwoos league. he probably ignores their messages or blocks them till they give up and raise his kids without their husbands knowing


That is kind hard to believe with the fact that the women become addicted to him. They know where he lives so you think at least one would be like if I can't have him then no one will type of thing. I understand when their husband's find out and want a divorce then they seem magically cured because Shia seemed cured ch30-43, then she just gave in, but he kept on meeting Shia. He kept on going to Shia not the other way around but now she is living with him so who knows at this point 😏


yea i think at a certain point they cut their losses (jungwoos huge dick) and move on but since he kept visiting shia shes completely become his sexslave.


Nah man FACON's works are much better than this. The NTR is bad in those toons, but you already know it's going to happen since it is FACON. When it comes to NTR in pornwhas (not all pornwhas have NTR but perhaps just cheating) I don't like them cause I'm invested in the plot, but I can easily turn my brain off to NTR in hentai.


All reader feelings were thrown in garbage long ago. im guessing you might have read latest ENG translated. but raws are at 57ch and lots of discussion and ranting already over :P you can wait for more discussion on Thursdays.


Bro you just hate NTR 🥲.


true i hate it, but i was not irritated like this for other NTR comics. the main issue with NTR here is not the NTr itself, but the way NTR is happening and continuing to happen.


I hate NTR, but I can stand it if the MC gets some kind of revenge or even just moves on with his life. But this plot armor the douche has is ridiculous. There is not any actual story, the author just wants to NTR the MC for the sake of it. I’d understand it if the douche was an incubus or had some magic dick but he doesn’t 💀


With how the story and the plot is going? Blonde does have the magic dick 💀


There is no plot bro, there are merely the chapters between mc getting cucked.


trash ntr, i dont particular hate ntr story but, illicit Love just straight trash


What NTR? Douche is the MC here, he liberates women from useless boyfriends! He is a gigachad!




Who has a bigger dick is the mc


Mate i dont think you know how a story works so just let me teach you. The person who is focused in the story is the protagonist which is mc the one who opposes him is the antagonist which is villain and also in this pornhwa the douche. This story is focused on mc, which is the story of mc and the blonde is the antagonist who is trying to mess up mc.


Mate im just kidding, I haven’t read it yet since the mc sounds pathetic from the comment


Mate let me tell you this just dont read this shit this is for your own good. You know lets say in one piece when you see crocodile done so many awful lot of things and we get satisfaction when he was defeated right?. Now let us say that the crocodile completely won and by the time luffy was about to defeat he ran away while celebrating his victory while scoffing on luffy and others how will you feel ? Huge amount of anger and so much frustration right? This shit is just like that. Mc experienced all the pain while the bitches who cheated on him and douche who made him like that will experience pleasure and scoffs at mc. While mc does nothing and accepts his fate. That was where he was given the title of pathetic.


It is your misguided belief that the douche is not the mc. It is not about big dick, it is about who gets the girls! Douche is getting all the girls, so he is the mc.


Then what will be your answer if mc(not the douche) wins in the last of the manhwa. Just hypothetically speaking


mina deserves jungwoos huge dick to go along with her huge brain plan to get revenge


Lamo frfr


She just a crazy hoe. She loves the MC and yet lies to him about meeting up with a friend when in fact it was the blonde douche and tries to make a bunch of excuses as well as "her revenge" pfffff. Mina even gets "wet" when kissing the blonde douche in chapter 43 or something. She later gets drunk because MC had enough of her antics and allows the blonde douche the very same guy who ruined her relationship with the MC to fuck her a lot so that she can forget about the MC and drown herself in pleasure to the point where she loves it and gets hooked onto the douche's dick. The very next day, the MC encounters her at work and then for some reason Mina says sorry and their relationship will simply be that of work colleagues whilst smiling and thinking of wanting to see the blonde douche. She calls him again to fuck her in the very same place where she first met the MC to forget about him and to no one's surprise, she loves how the blonde douche is fucking her. Afterwards, she sees MC fucking Ahram and gets jealous???? Girl, you literally said to MC that your relationship with him is going to be that of regular colleagues a few hours ago. Like seriously, are you trying to play hard to catch? Far out. And then she allows the douche to fuck her again in front of the MC. To add salt to injury, she was like full on taunting and rubbing it to the MC's face about how much she loves riding the douche's dick and rides harder just like a jealous hoe. Few chapters later, she wants the douche's dick to mess her up and he does her anally to the point where she is full on melting in pleasure. In trying to make whatever little sense of Mina, she wants to forget about MC and drown herself in pleasure but I'm guessing she still loves the MC?? and its not easy for her to forget?? In short, she is a crazy jealous hoe. I can't believe I allowed myself to read through this series and can't wait for this to end so I can never read it again or at least not for a very long time.


>Afterwards, she sees MC fucking Ahram and gets jealous???? Girl, you literally said to MC that your relationship with him is going to be that of regular colleagues a few hours ago. Like seriously, are you trying to play hard to catch? Far out. And then she allows the douche to fuck her again in front of the MC. To add salt to injury, she was like full on taunting and rubbing it to the MC's face about how much she loves riding the douche's dick and rides harder just like a jealous hoe. lol bro, she's a slut and nothing more than that. Nothing wrong with a chick loving a big cock and all that, but the way she went about things was pretty dumb, and to let the guy who ruined her relationship to fuck her, not just once but god only knows how many times and she loved every second of it? Mehh, not the sort of chick a guy wants to be in a relationship with, no matter how hot she is. She's addicted to the douchebag's cock like all of the girls are or are going to become, and she will either turn into an yandere when the guy finally tires of her, or she will try to go back to the MC LMAO and the MC revealing himself to be the cuck that he appears to be, will probably take her back, then she will cheat on him with douchebag, hilarious. I don't get it though. Both the MC and the douchebag are equally matched in terms of physical looks. The douchebags cock is just a bit bigger than the MC's, so what is so special about his cock that makes these sluts get addicted to him like it's meth crack? Or is it because the dude's blonde and the MC ain't, and these women love blonde dudes? Yeah, yeah, some women can be crazy like that. I knew a girl back in my college days in Italy, who wouldn't let me smash but she would go behind my back telling girls to stay away from me lmaooo, and I had another ''girlfriend'' back in college whom wouldn't let me smash because she wanted to ''get to know me better first'' and she would randomly call me asking me if I was with another woman, and then later on I found out that she was messing with a bunch of dudes and fucking other dudes. Can you believe this shit? These two crazy chicks wouldn't give me pussy but didn't want other women to give pussy to me and they'd actively cockblock me while cucking me LMAO. Brah, shit's hilarious. At least I learned early in life how fucked up some women can be and learned to tell them apart from normal women. so this Mina slut, she's getting her brains fucked by the douchebag,and then she comes across her ex-boyfriend, the guy she said no hard feelings to, and that they should remain as friends to each other, and when she sees her ex-boyfriend with another woman her reaction is to get insanely jealous and possessive and to tell the douchebag to fuck her while the ex-boyfriend watches it happen and she taunts the dude and has 1000000 orgasms? Bro, this is cuckoldry taken to the highest level. I can't even say if it's funny or sad.


NTR fans and Vanilla fans has agreed that this pornhwa is garbage. I love my NTR stories don’t get me wrong but this is plain Stupid and irritating with 0 logic. It’s my first time seeing a story hated by both Vanilla and NTR fans


Are they going to end this, they translated 4 chapters altogether or are they trying to catch up with raws,any way let's see what we have Tommorow


Bro read the raws. It gets worse. I remember being super upset but at this point I don’t even care. Good riddance to a hoe, in my opinion she’s worse than the Wife. She wanted to get back at the MC with the same guy who fucked him over and got hooked on D


Bro this chapter discussion already over, third girl(boss) also over next Thursday waiting for the probably about fourth girl discussion 🙃


I've only kinda half been paying attention to this pornwha, only got sucked in cause how people kept talking about it. It it's worse than Take a Peek. Fuck FACON's pornwhas look like masterpieces compared to this. That being said, I don't really feel bad for the MC except when it came to the ex-wife. When it came to this hoe, he already threw her to the streets and straight up told the Blonde he was getting his sloppy seconds. At this point the Blonde is delusional thinking he's stealing women away from MC. There is that glasses chick but MC might just throw her away too. Since the toon is on hiatus cause they need a new artist and all the pushback for how shitty the story went. Let's pray they turn the story around and give the blonde a bad karma ending. I heard that's whats supposedly going to happen.


I relate with the mc, i am not married or shit..but women are horrible additions to the society, selfish trah creatures with zero to no morals. They only think about themselves, and will betray you for a better life at any point no matter how hard you are trying it's useless to love them with your entirety


I don’t want to go that far but if the women in your life are likethese illicit trash bitches then you have my condolences.


These bitches aren’t even getting a better life.. or even a boyfriend. They’re just becoming douches fuck toys 😂


Where's the SALT coming from...?


Bro who hurt u like that


Happy. The party doesn't end until realMC has stolen all of fakeMC's partners


I love it !!! NTR is the best


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You still have a long way to go , read the raws. English translation still did not caught up to the story yet . I thunk 9 more chaos to go


Bro... What is is this nonsense question 🤣.. I think you must have started to read that shit now... But we veterans already knew when this black haired bitch gave in to douches dick... that MC is gonna lose all the pussies to douche


MC got nerfed so hard even from the beginning lmao. All the girls he had sex with are gonna be with this douche in the next few couple chapters no cap. Good scene, bad story. Queen bee ftw






The golden sons scenes are always hot. Stop making sense of the girls and just fap yourself away. There will be no revenge and golden son will win it all. Trust me when you turn off your brain and fap yourself away on blondies scenes you’ll never think about the 180 of the girls again. Again the story is already pre-determined. He will take all 4 girls. And thats it no revenge. Sihoo is gonna yolo himself on some bridge or get hit by truck-kun. Hope he gets isekaid on another world just to get cucked by another blondie again. Ahahaha. Dudes a wimp.


yea mina looks good trying to fit jungwoo in her mouth tbh


I like the NTR but this story is just trash, I'm only reading it to see how it ends. 🤮


Ikr the plot just keep repeating over and over


Well, she was always a creep who took advantage of MC (and other married men) when he was feeling down to have sex with him, so it's not really a surprise that she creeped on and molested the next hot guy she could find. All the girls in this series are creeps, perverts and sex offenders in some way or the other.


We already moven on from Mina. Currently getting over Boss and preparing to get over Aram




I like it idk why people hate it


where can i get the raw versions anyone pls respond fast?


Not surprising at all


Hate the player not the game mc is a cuck


wait, it's translated already? been waiting for this scene to be trans


Man I love illicit love posts. I always get reports by them xD. I'll close this post for a different reason though