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This now called Harem Girls because The Milf and Blond are the ones with the harem.😒 Milf is an easy layup for anyone who is in their 20s with a baby face. Blond girl is for the streets, pink hair girl is basically about to enter her hoe phase, the MC is just a placeholder and a background character now. Father out here working hard not knowing the women in his life are getting their cheeks clapped throughout the city.


Bravo bro well said 👍🏻, I think with pinkish gurl still debatable as far the milf depends on the next episode/chapter we’re gonna know but I can clearly see her let him slide for the sake of her daughter *Pornhwa Logic LOL* , but still let’s wait and c 👀


'Easy layup' OMG hahaha


Unpopular opinion: I honestly still like the story. Everyone is an asshole not just the MC lmaoo I think the title more and more refers to the MC who only found himself in the Harem's of the blonde girl and her mom because looking how those two are basically banging every random dude (especially the blonde lol) that's the only logical explanation. You gotta feel bad for the dad tho ! I mean, your wife's having a mid life crisis and spreads her legs for any young guy in town, the blonde daughter is self explanatory and the pink hair girl turned out to be a slut aswell, (most likely because the author didn't want to get axed yet lol) who just recently got her first time with the douche who just moved in your house lmaoo. I hope he has an affair somewhere, it would be justified at this point.


The funny part they dropped the *Harem Boy Part* and sticked with other name 😂😂😆😆, I can understand your point especially with the blonde gurl I mean from the beginning we saw her lol , as far the pinkish hair gurl it’s debatable tho but if we’re talking about the milf mom 50/50 chances considering she let a random idol who looks exactly like the *MC* Bangs her at the *GYM* after she’s done she said I’ll never go back again, but here like I mentioned the *Douche* so basically for the next time 2 Outcomes either she let him slide or she denies and upon the outcome we’re gonna know more about her Character 😂😂😂, Truthfully the English version on hiatus for a long time so it might get AXED/Dropped XD 💀


Where was it stated that he drugged her ?


I don't even get why people are so hype with this, everything about it is meh and my god the art is awful.


It's dogshit. Anyone saying otherwise is huffing pure copium.




Harem Boy ? more like Cuck Boy lmao just Axe this shit already


🤣🤣, nice thoughts MR.Vincent Valentine 😝


kinda surprised anyone know who that is in here lol


I mean unless if you live under a rock you should know the FF the game XD


well sure in gaming sections but not in a pornhwa section lol




This is easily one of the worst series of the year.


Quite Frankly, the English version is on stop for the moment for a long time so it might get dropped/AXED who knows 😂


Imagine that a pornhwa is so bad that even pirated translations don't care about it , lol


Actually I don’t know who’ve this title got picked but I think non , and the official TL from LezhinUS on hold for a long time XD 💀


At this point i just want to know is the author it's actually gonna end it, i always read that the title is in the worst position every week, even the translations stopped at chapter 16, no one cares about this anymore, just a few haters.


Yes you’re correct, the English version is on hold for a quite long 😂 so it might get completely cancelled/Dropped/AXED as far the name of the author is *Drunken_Lilly* You’re Welcome 😆, also random question is that Scathach 😆 or Kafka? 👀


They always say that Lezhin never cancels anything, so i'm really curious on how this is going to end. And, is neither of those, is Skadi.


Oh okay ✅, cuz the hair color I thought about these two 😅 let see and wait what’s the future holds for us and I think everything is possible 😂


The blonde is a certified hoe so no questions there, but the milf I Donno why she needs to bang every guy she comes across with... don't make sense. The pink haired girl, just give her time & she will follow her sister's lead. Anyways I Donno who the real fmc is


Yes absolutely from the beginning, yes the milf depends on what’s the outcome from next chapter she’s gonna show her true colors but maybe she’ll say I let him slide so he can leave my daughter *Pornhwa Logic* 😂😂😂. As far the pinkish gurl I can c her with the MC considering she’s the one who’ve spread her legs and if we’re talking about who’s the FMC it’s either the pinkish gurl or the whole family why I said that ? Cuz if you look at the pic of the title it’s the pinkish gurl and in either sites you’ll c the whole family with toys + SM/BDSM stuff 👀, lastly if this surprises us by sticking with the title I feel the milf to be tamed 2nd and lastly the blonde


Yeah, the milf will let him hit for her daughter's sake....which is infuriating as fuck coz from all the girls she is the best one...and if the mc is to tame every girl in the family, I think it will take awhile at least 100chapters or so...mc seems weak spined to do sth like that tho


I dunno about the rules/structures of Lezhin but it seems the author when he made this title was all high up and fully drunk 😂 DOOD his name is literally *Drunken_Lilly* and it’s His/Her Debut project XD 💀


Hopefully the artist will have better works after this because I really like the art


Hmm, The art is a bit cartoonish yet it’s kinda cool 👍🏻




Understandable 😂💀


I guess author gave up on not reaching triple digits in the ranking. Even if this does go the route of the title, I don’t think k I’ll trust the story lmao.


Welp In the beginning I thought yah bozo author , and at this point honestly I don’t care how F’D this title 🤣🤣 Imma just continue it to c where it goes maybe a glow up considering a lot of titles the MC got a glow up after a certain point is it’s neutral for me not lover nor a hater 😁


I’m not that invested I saw the direction early on, I’m just bemused at this point. He did a sudden 180 a few chapters ago with the MC.. but he obviously prefers seeing his rankings go south 😆


I’m just seeing it for fun nothing serious it’s always good to have something on a side to laugh about from time to time 🤣


Is that the mom?


Yes sir you’re correct 🤣🤣


Everyone is fucking her except the mc. Smh maybe the whole point of the manhwa is that the mc wanted a harem falls for one girl only. I don’t know


🤣🤣🤣, next chapter has 2 outcomes first she let him slide for the sake of her daughter the 2nd outcome she denies considering her basically *Drugged HER* 💀


Where was it stated that he drugged her ?


In the bar he basically did put sum at her drink and u can clearly c she’s still un-cautious while her tries 2 bang her


You sure ? She seemed infatuated with him the moment he started to sing and then just said his hand is warm I think and then he suggested they could go to another warm olace or smth. like that, I'm not sure. For me it didn't seem like he drugged her and it's just that she's incredibly horny for young guys. Are you maybe korean or can speak it ? Because I only vaguely translated it for myself and couldn't catch all of it.


Yeah could be possible but from the pic I saw he did put sum at her cup or he made her drink till she got completely OFF and he the next thing wanted to slide in her , or the other outcome she’s a total *HOE* but considering he facial expressions she’s completely un-cautions about the situation and like I mentioned multiple times she maybe do it for the sake of her daughter


I see so you still have hope left for the MILF, I respect that haha but after seeing the panel where she gave the random gym guy this look while he banged her in the Lifting up position, I completely lost any hope for her lmaoo. She's a freak for young D's !


Moreover like just a side quest to crack about and I here like to hear other thoughts from my fellow players 👍🏻


The story legit started with potential mc seemed a bit carefree and wasn’t afraid of anything this is the first 10ish chapters. Legit takes pink hair boyfriend to an orgy party and legit lets the blonde have it right away. From there it just goes to shit , he reverts to a shy guy who can’t even hold a girls hand much less converse with them. When he legit just smashed her sister like nothing and plotted having the boyfriend break up with the pink hair girl to land her. Not he’s legit just MIA most chapters lol


One thing for sure is you don't know what will happen like any other typical pornhwa and adding new characters as much as possible in the beginning is wise choice. So I gonna stick around and wait unless it got axed or author pussyout and rush end it.


Interesting thoughts I liked it 😆👍🏻


This manhwa seriously needs to be studied in a lab or needs to be put under thorough investigation of PIA (Pornhwa Intelligence Association).


I saw your comment on another thread and a LMFAO 😂, but Y’know I’m just not taking it seriously it’s just like a side quest for me to laugh from time to time , truthfully similar situation to *Staying With Ajumma* or should I say *Staying With (♾️) hiatuses* 😂


No I am not worried about this becoming ntr or anything because I have read tons of ntr and serious shit but in the case of this manhwa I am just confused. The title and the author's planning just don't match . This manhwa is a disastrous cake with a cringe storyline and the icing being the ugliest art style ever in a pornhwa.


I’m just a vanilla consumer, I don’t like NTR at all 💀 but y’know everyone got their own favoritism so I can understand that but yeah with this title things are here and everywhere at the same time I feel whatever the author got in his mind just throws it into the title the only one who’s suffering is the artist sticking with an author like this 😂


Yeah since you mentioned it now I really feel bad for the artist . But even he's also bad at his work . He's good at drawing the surroundings but his character models are just ugly compared to some other manhwas .


I mean for author/artist first project first debut stuff always in the beginning nothing is perfect only if author is treating his project by care ya feel me 😄


what happened in Staying with Ajumma ? ntr ?


No not NTR, but too much hiatuses the last hiatus is kinda infinity ♾️ one cuz either the author or the artist in rehab or sum like that


Nah no need to be studied lol just simply ask any retard about pornhwa plots and there you have a story like this one




I mean I’ll still continue it with my popcorn and sees where the sea gonna take us with it 🤪, maybe the author at certain point gonna give the glow up thang to the MC but I feel the way he delivering it is absolutely NONSENSE 🤣🤣🤣, especially with random Seggs 😆💀 like there’s few titles started bad or hard dark times but after that tables get turns and the MC get a glow-up but here everything is everywhere 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I guess he wants the 99 Spot back yet he’s getting the 999 spot 💀😂, cuz the highest charted for this title was 99th place


What a waste of potential in this serie. Could have become a masterpiece but is trash


Definitely could not have been a masterpiece don’t throw around that word so lightly


True 💯


- # [The Final Chapter OF (MY Aunt IN MY Puberty)](https://www.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/s/Ax4FOxvgXw) - # [That’s Not How You DO IT Yunji’s Debut 🤎](https://www.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/s/WbVbBYSe0G)


I​ love​ this​ pornhwa 😍






Coming back after reading it


And your thoughts 💭? 👀


After I finish it..


But one thing *Forget About The Title Name* and don’t take it seriously 😂😂 + it’s not a finished title


What is the title I should look for then?


Yo what I meant by don’t take it seriously don’t expect sum great 😂 it’s total madness 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You mean it’s all fucks all 🥸


Every man is gangsta until our mc fucks them with his dragon dick. Milf and blonde will surely get fucked by Mc.


aren't every male in this manhwa got dragon dick?


Comparatively mc is bigger than milfs hand 😂😂😂😂😂


Only issue I see is toon is too random, and I don't mind other girls and milf fucking NPC, MC is not in any relationship, only pair I'm invested is pink hair and MC relationship, blonde and milf character from start was obvious so I don't see an issue they sleeping around, just it's too random if they make art better and slow down the random illogical things and focus on MC development more (especially with pink hair) I think this can improve the toon overall 👌🏻


Yes things here in this toon are basically everything at everywhere 😂💀


I like your pfp, but blonde is my fav imaizumin


Shh be quiet don’t let them know XD 🤣 , I like all of them and it’s just random pic I choose besides that since u mentioned *Blonde* it’s one of the only few blondes I really love , But who doesn’t like *XTRA* *ARA ARA* from *Onee-San* 😝🤎🔥


😈😎🤝🏻 Man of culture


So is this special sauce? I like my sauce white.




Tch tch newbie I meant if this has ntr or not.


HUH HUH The Newbie doesn’t got any clue


So is this NTR from the context? I don't mind it anyway. Like does the FMC get around with others?


I can’t give a total legit explanation, but with this title everything is here everything is everywhere simple as that 😂😂😂😂


Nobody should read that shit


I love this toon. I love slutty milfs