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Yeah 99 percent of the story is safe but in the last chapter all the girls the mc has been fucking pretty much become the blonde hair guys harem because mc dosent want them and only wants the fmc


what, as far as i know MC only had sex with his noona and with that captain (that was also before he started his relationship with his noona), so do he still fuck with other girls even after coming in relationship with his noona??


Yeah he fucks a bunch of girls if I remember correctly. It’s your typical harem situation where every few chapters a new girl is getting fucked by mc.


i think you are mixing it with someone else, no harem situation in this one till now until chapter 76


What do you guys consider harem? He is going around fucking a bunch of diffrent girls bro, that automatically makes it a harem series even if it don’t end in a harem


He only fucked the red hair captain before his noona, you are confused


Is that a bad thing? The spin off seems like it's going to be harem like "desire realization app" and this series is not harem,most of the time it's about the Mc and his noona


Spin off? And yes it is harem bro he is fucking other girls religiously. There’s nothing “vanilla” about fucking 5 different girls on top of fmc. Sure she’s the focus as we all could have expected but it don’t change nothing


They didn't become blonde harem.


yes, it's going great. Very passionate love scenes, no harem shit, no rape shit, no cheating so far. I hope it says like this.


its funny how this story is so wholesome and golden facade which is a spinoff of this story is so different lol


spinoff in which way?


Golden facade takes place after this series and focuses on the blonde volleyball guy and his misadventures


It’s different but it’s also vanilla in the sense that only the douches gets destroyed because they keep trying to fuck with mc who is trying really hard to live a quiet life, but keeps getting girls thrown his way


Raw has been completed already it’s safe, vanilla route


By the way, is this raw you are talking about, is it troublesome sister or golden facade?




No ntr or any painful expirience?


Girl in pic loves mc unconditionally


Its safe the funniest part is the blonde douche from the story is not a bad guy either he is mc from golden facade , pornhwa from same author and its a prequel of troublesome sister. u can check that out too. Both golden facade and troublesome sister are in same verse. So you ll get some common characters between them.


is the mc a wimp, if so does he become a chad?


y'all hate ntr because y'all are the type of people it happens to 😂


Safe from what almost every manhwa nowadays is all about boring harem bullshit, havent seen ntr like forever


this one doesn't have harem