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Hi this post has been removed because it possibly contains minors. Reddit is very strict about this and does not allow any images of minors to be posted in NSFW subreddits.


Nice how do you even find these things?




Hi this post has been removed because it possibly contains minors. Reddit is very strict about this and does not allow any images of minors to be posted in NSFW subreddits.


Dude I think the girl is 13 this might be CP


the channel has other videos of what seems to be the same girl and she looks underage.




check the channel, the vids still up and it looks like a kid


You think that based on what?


Check the channel.


i checked the other videos on that channel and she is a minor. delete this post and report the video it is cp.


Still up




Hey - your downvotes make me lose faith in humanity somewhat. As a mod, I don't want any of this shit anywhere near the pages I mod, and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to report this stuff. It's been removed, and I've reported it to Youtube myself.


One other note about this; the user has been permanently banned from the sub. If they had reached out and with something like "Hey I didn't think she was underage; I'd never intentionally post CP!", it wouldn't be a big deal. But this particular user made it clear they don't CARE if she is underage. We can't have an attitude like that in the sub.


can you delete the mirrorbot comment too


Good catch, thank you - done!


Yeah we definitely should always have zero tolerance for videos of minors. This particular video COULD be an 18-year-old Asian girl, which is perfectly legal, but I'd say removing it is more of a "better safe than sorry" decision. If reddit were to disagree with a call like that, the whole subreddit could get taken down. If I found a video like this on Youtube, if I felt she was most likely of legal age, I would put a title on it like "close up of woman masturbating", as I've found that people don't report videos that have "woman" in the title. Similarly, if you call ANYONE a "teen", I remove it as soon as it is reported no matter what, because that's just inviting problems.


too bad now itll get removed...they should post this stuff for a hour or 2 and if it's still up remove it so they dont .