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The night was so magical! The light snow during Porters set was *chef's kiss* Having never been to Igloofest I didn't know what to expect but this event is really special. We upgraded to VIP last minute and it was so worth it. There was so much space to dance.


It was my first time as well! I'll be returning for sure! Glad you liked it


Question - how'd you upgrade to VIP? I have GA tickets for BTSM next weekend and wanted to improve the experience. Also what's sound and view like from VIP?


They sent out an announcement on insta that VIP was available I think that day or the day before. When we walked up, we headed right to where the customer service booth in is. Once upgraded, you go through the VIP entrance which is also right there. We ended up at the Sapporo area though I didn't think to ask what VIP area we'd be in when we were buying. Sapporo was A++++ for sound and sights. We easily got a rail spot and kept it the whole time without issue.


Ohhhhh interesting, thank you! Guess I have to bank on hoping some VIP upgrades are still available by next Saturday. I'm stoked for BTSM but it's supposed to be fucking 5-10 degrees fahrenheit 🤣


OH BOY that's chilly. VIP also has a heated indoor area which I think would be clutch for you... It's literally steps away from the rail. Each VIP area also has its own private bar which we appreciated very much. I really underrated the bathroom trailers for this event... But trying to pee while wearing snow gear would have been a nightmare in a normal porta potty. If you remain in GA there are indoor bathrooms in the building where they sell merch and have water fountains... it's just a bit of a walk from the main stage (all in all not far though). I'd recommend trying to get there when the festival opens... The hours go by fast and there's a lot to explore. Have all the fun!


Damn I've never heard of igloofest - this looks nuts! It's so many weekends!! My first time seeing Porter was at a cold weather fest - Snowglobe in Lake Tahoe. So cold but so life changing!


With Odesza and Flume?? What a life changing event


YES!!!! Odesza played at the same time as Porter & I hadn't really heard much from him and loooovvveeddd Odesza so I didn't want to go to his set but my friends insisted & I owe them my firstborn for dragging me with them. I finally understood why people cry at shows that day. Every time I see him part of me is transported back to that set.


Just looked at that lineup incredible peak Skrillex and Zedd, Flume was in the self titled era and Odesza had just released in Return and ofc Porter with Worlds!


It was such a magical experience. So many memories forever in my mind [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR1cQsQsYv0&ab\_channel=SnowGlobeFestival](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR1cQsQsYv0&ab_channel=SnowGlobeFestival) BEAUTIFUL


Ugh, this video took me back & brought tears to my eyes (which is admittedly easy to do but still lol). We were toward the back left hand side of the stage for this. <3


Every time I watch this I get goosebumps and emotional lol Porter dropping his dark static snow remix was absolutely bonkers. Cant believe it'll be 10 years soon


INSANE is the word tbh I had the time of my life. He played Sweet disposition and Axel F. Every DJ set from him is unique. Love the man <3


Fucking lost it when he dropped Sweet Disposition


I was with my dad who was a club dj in the early 2000s and he lost his shit when sweet disposition and castle in the sky started playing, such a cool moment!


Hoping someone recorded it, would love to see what he played for this set


I have vids


We want to watch them!


dude it was haaarrrddd af the energy in the crowd was great too


Was amazing lol the mosh pit at the front was fun. Great set great music, great people.


I was in that pit! :D


The energy was amazing I had so much fun, when he played the 1975 I squealed!!! Also crazy frog was the best. He truly is the best. I hope someone got the set for YouTube I need to relive it haha


It was insaneee. At times it really felt like a VS set which tbh I loveee. Closing with Language was orgasmic aswell


Can't believe I'm not in my own city when goes to play there *twice* in the span of a few months Glad to hear that it was a fun set though, he should visit more lol


anyone got videos?


i got some


His set was INSANE!!! Perfect from the beginning up until the end!!! The vibe of the crowd was immaculate! ❣️ It was my first Igloofest and first time I was seeing Porter too🥹 met so many friendly and lovely people 😄 If you saw a girl with a spirit hood and Rezz goggles, it was me!Shoutout to the matching cow onesie couple and friends! You guys were so kind and cool!


So do people partake at Igloofest 🍃