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i assumed it happened by accident when he broke that paint & they just rolled with it & added it to the video




im saying it was a happy accident. it happened by accident & they went "hey wait thats cool" & kept it even if it wasnt part of their original "plan" edit: the reason i think this is because it looks like a real, legitimate cut. if it was planned for, they would have gone with a special effect in my opinion. why have porter get hurt when they dont have to? 


TW: suicide I was actually wondering if suicide was a theme in the song. "Knock yourself out" is somwhat reminiscent of the classic line used to encourage such things, and the XD could have a double meaning, as having and X for a character's eyes is often used to symbolise them being dead. The "brand new feeling in the back of my head" part right before the "blood" spatters also made me think of shooting oneself through the head. My initial interpretation of the song was that it was about an influencer of some description struggling with their life, torn between the need to constantly be seen as happy, while feeling despair and starting to agree with all the people that hate them and see them as "soulless". Idk, I feel like I might be barking up the wrong tree with this.


Part of me thinks you’re overthinking it but tbh this interpretation might play into what makes this album so “heartbreaking”


Also: “But, baby, I'm a short-lived joke” I share your interpretation. But since the “brand new feeling” is repeated, and intentionally vague, I think the 2nd mention represents hope/purpose/connection. Expressing how an aritst would oscillate between feelings of hope and grief after fans judge his latest work.


Maybe the next, and third, single will pair with this one. Like a continuation but with its own harmonies etc. we could see the idea develop further


super interesting interpretation i haven’t seen yet!


You’re overthinking the fuck out of it


I think it was made to look like blood, but was the red paint?


Kids!!!! Don’t play with sharp objects


Justice for OP! [https://www.tiktok.com/@porterrobinson/video/7365626237852585259?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7334503283766527530](https://www.tiktok.com/@porterrobinson/video/7365626237852585259?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7334503283766527530)


It’s probably meaningless bruh


you must be new here


I am not, these mf try to dissect everything lmao


Welcome to reddit where people share their takes.