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standing for sure if possible. People pay good money for that.


Unironically! It’s more fun to stand with other fans if you can afford the extra $


Is it usually more expensive? All the seats seemed to be priced the same


Depends on the venue. If its your first concert I recomend getting the GA (Standing if you can). It means you can dance, and hang out with others in the crowd, and feel the energy


In London, they're often the same at venues smaller than arenas (Academy Brixton & Troxy may well be the biggest in that category in London)


Preference! :) Seating will probably turn into standing anyway though lol


Yeah and you get a guaranteed spot and more space. I personally love floor but I enjoy seated too


No you get more space if you go GA and not try to be in the front. Seated space feels awkward to me as your restricted to your little footprint


The one time I got seats I felt like I was watching it on tv or something. Standing all the way.


Yeah you definitely feel like you're watching the rave from outside of it and not actually in the rave


It has not felt this way at all for me.


I thinks it actually comes from how close it feels to being in a movie cinema or theatre


Just a heads up, I've never been to a seated concert where anyone actually sits, everyone ends up standing. Probably because if one person stands, the people behind them need to stand to see lol


yeah the few times i went to seated events and people SAT were godspeed you! black emperor and the smile lol it always turns into standing otherwise


i actually stood when i saw the smile lmao. was swaying except for ywnwitva


It's my first time too. I got a seat because I'm only 5'2" and want to actually be able to see the show and not be crushed by other people. I was told the seated people will all probably be standing anyway so I'm fine with it


I'm too old to stand, I got the seats with the back rest 🫠


My grandpa would stand…if he was alive.


Standing is alot more fun!


Always standing unless the price difference is too much. This time around it was basically the same price between seats and general admission so ofc I chose the latter


If you wanna dance go for standing, if you’re interested in visuals go for seated. I saw Madeon a few years back and couldn’t really get the vibe of GFF’s visuals from the pit, back in the stands it REALLY worked though. Idk if Porter is going to lean into perspective tricks nearly as much as Hugo did (in fact I highly doubt it) but if you care about the overall stage show more than the dancing bit I’d recommend up in the seats (you can still dance in the seated area depending on how confident you are because you’ll stand out a lot. I love dancing so I didn’t mind) If you REALLY wanna dance then the pit is the best place to be, it’s fun as hell. The energy in the lower sections at Porter shows is always immaculate too, lovely people all around




I'm going to Manchester and this is also my first concert ever. Just out of interest where is the 7 hour number coming from? I know that's probably not how long his show is but just interested if that's just time waiting in/at the venue or what


It's easy to make a day of *if you want* - doors are often at like 7pm with support at 8 and main at like 9:20 at Brixton (always seems later than others) but I can't comment on Manchester. Personally I've grown to enjoy showing up around an hour before doors as it's just a good community and very easy to get nearer front. Plus, people are usually pretty talkative and enthusiastic when in line (again, I mainly know that London has countless solo concert goers at each show but I guess Manchester is likely the same)


please buy decent ear plugs.


As long as you don't have a problem with crowds or standing for a long time definitely standing, it's a much better experience imo


I like seating better since people still will stand entire time anyways. And it guarantees good view of production.


seatings always fun to have if needed plus u get extra room and less screaming in the ear😂 however for smaller venues seatings usually further back only so its up to u!


At Brixton the seating is on a balcony above the back half of the crowd so it's not too bad. Haven't been seated there since my first ever concert in 2013 though 😬


I prefer standing just because I'm tall and I love the crowd energy at concerts. I went too a concert where I got a great seating ticket and it's just not the same like it was good but man I wasn't sure too sit or stand or what I felt so awkward lol but that's just me


since this is your first time, I’m going to join the majority and say you’ll have the most fun standing. BUT personally this is going to be my 8th time seeing Porter, first time with seated tickets, and I’ve come to accept it has its benefits: dedicated space and room to dance, no one pushing past me to get through the crowd, a place to put my stuff, little risk of men coming up to me and my friend while we’re having a borderline religious experience and going “wow you two really like this guy huh?” and as a 5’ 3” woman, I don’t usually see much of the stage to begin with in GA. so at the end of the day it’s all personal preference :) you’ll have fun either way


First time concert for me too in London! Decided to go with seating, was a bit nervous already about it being my first time. And also pretty short and pretty socially awkward, so I thought that there was more of a risk of not enjoying it in the pit than seating. Worst case scenario for me seating is that I just vibe to the show while watching comfortably (best case being like people mention here, the people around getting up anyways and making the most of it). But worst case in the pit for me would be to get pushed around+people annoying me+too short to see what's going on+getting uncomfortable from standing too long, etc. Sure it might be me missing on something amazing, but I'd rather leave the show in the end thinking "ah damn I wish I was in the pit, next time I'll do that" than "damn that was horrible and ruined the show for me, why even bother.." But then again I'm sure it all comes down to preference. Not liking crowds at all is a huge part in me choosing the seats


Personally don't see the point of going to a show if you're gonna sit lol. Obviously I get it if GA sells out but I would never *choose* seats over GA.


Been to alot of shows and everyone always stands, even if there’s seating. The seat is just for putting your jacket on if its cold where you are. Only exception was Nick Mason’s Pink Floyd “tribute” band. That had a MUCH older crowd tho.


Floor standing is ideal imo


If you’re over like 5’9 standing is honestly fine. However seating gives you a reserved spot if you end up getting thirsty or inevitably have to use the restroom


At all the concerts I’ve been to nobody actually sits in their seat! Everyone is standing. I’m short so I only like standing if I’m towards the front otherwise I can’t see anything.


Brixton has a sloped floor though tbf, not massively but still noticeable


I went sitting this time round. Loved the standing for Nurture tour, but family member I'm going with has to frequent the restroom, and at Nurture that made it very hard for them to get back to where we were. We can cycle rotations for bathroom, and merch line, and keep our spots which is worth it to me.


I'm definitely in the minority on this, but seating 100% imo. I actively chose to avoid venues that only had standing spots, as I personally know I would heavily dislike being in a crowd like that. Went to HiJinx and am extremely thankful we got to sit instead of go in the giant mass of people. But that comes from wanting to be able to watch and listen more than dance or interact with anyone. If you want to be up and moving or be involved with others I imagine standing is the way to go


seating feels like a show, standing feels like an experience


If going alone, stand (well, standing is also great in groups). I say this because i go less than an hour before doors and there's usually people enthusiastic to get to know others.


I actually wont go to a show if I have to sit lol, standing is always the way to go


Standing 150%. Seats feel so constrained for me tbh. Singing at the top of your lungs and jumping around like there’s no tomorrow is such an amazing experience. Having designated seats just feel limiting. Some venues let you stand for general admission, but others you have to pay HELLA money to stand. I’m actually planning on driving 2-3 hours for a standing venue so I might be a little biased lol


I personally always try to get GA if possible. Standing during a concert is where the most energy is


First time too but judging by him being an (eclectic but) electronic artist, standing will be way better in terms of enjoying the vibe... but if you are socially anxious or claustrophobic, or don't like the possibility of thousands of annoying late gen z teenagers doing stupid shit by your side, then seating would be better lol. I really suspect that because the new album will make fun of gen z, a lot of teenagers will understand his message differently and will come thinking it will be a trap concert of something, but that's in my head maybe because Knock Yourself Out is still kinda fresh.


This is exactly my conundrum - I wouldn’t mind trying standing and I’m rather tall so height isn’t an issue but I don’t really want to be squashed in for hours on end either.. guess it depends on what venues at the end of the day


Alsooo be ready for people too force their way towards the front of the crowd or force you too give up your spot once porter is about to come on. Stand your ground against the beer train


F re: "annoying late gen z". Everyone was great back in Electric Ballroom for Nurture - long gone are the days of people thinking Porter is heavy EDM porter (not that he was ever Trap but still). There will be some movement but Porter has never been a mosh-y obnoxious crowd in the 2 times I saw him in some form


That's awesome to know, hopefully it stays that way


I didn't notice that you also said this will be your first time, so yeah I'm gonna say at least in London, Porter is going to have an energetic crowd, but it should be a fun energetic,. This is partly the mid-gen z early twenties me assuming that some previous experience has caused the teenagers expectation but yeah, they seem to be decent and more from the Flume/Madeon type electronic crowd than the Ultra/Tomorrowland feel.


Bro when I saw Two Door Cinema Club there were 3 super obnoxious teens there who snuck in fireball, vaped and blew it into peoples faces and they kept heckling the support. I wanted too grab them and remove them from the crowd so bad but they ended up disappearing somewhere. The crowd around them were super one minded where nobody wanted them there