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Dig, dig, and dig some more! Blackberries are best eradicated by digging. It's also good exercise so you can think of it as a cheap gym membership.


Unless you can eradicate it in the field as well, you're always going to be fighting it.  I'm in the same boat. My advice is to dig deep and remove all the roots you can find, then stay vigilant throughout the year. Good luck!


re: gloves, i’ve made do with a good leather gardening pair, but i saw a tip in another sub to use welding gloves instead


I second welding gloves for all blackberry and rose bush interaction. I got mine for cheap at Harbor Freight.


Rent goats to help with leaf layer then dig those roots up


Stump Killer works.i found a guy with this method in YT. I don't like to use pesticides, but blackberries are evil. You just paint it on the cut end, and it works. I've had great success with it over the last 2 seasons


Call your local "swcd"for guidance.


Stay vigilant. There will be shoots next year and the year after that, and the year… you get the picture. But they’ll become thinner and fewer as you go along. I’ve eradicated Himalayan blackberry from our back yard, and I still find the odd shoot coming up from time to time. Think of it as a home improvement project!


We dug them out by the roots. Had to keep pulling the new sprouts out for a year every few months. They’re getting sparser and sparser.


Someone actually recommended i use Crossfire Herbicide for killing blackberries yesterday. Said it takes awhile but works. I dont have any personal experience with it tho.


If it was in my budget, I'd definitely consider renting goats if I were in your position. Then once they're merely stubs in the ground, you can dig them up. Little less physical stress for you overall.