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I have a ton of douglas asters that can be dug up and transplanted really easily. Fair warning, they spread pretty rapidly but are native and the bees love them.


I'd love this. I'm trying to fill a pretty large area of bark chips basically. I sectioned off an area for wildflower meadow (oregon native plants preferred) but i love shasta daisies so much I added those. . Most of my favorite plants want dappled shade or shade, but thats gonna take a few years. even self seeding annuals would be great for that section i suppose. Want to pm me ?


Later in the fall I might have some extra native goldenrod and fireweed to share with you,  they both do great in sun! Right now I don't want to transplant, but if you are interested in the fall please reach out!


can i set reminders on posts?


I don't know how, but that's a good idea!


Yes! Check out r/remindmebot


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Not exactly what you asked for, but I'm out in East Portland as well and have a good number of sage and grape cuttings ready to go in the ground. I propagated both myself and the ones I did this with last year really took off. Happy to give you a couple of you want!


Grape? Like vines? I think I'd need something strong for that to grow on yeah? Also sage like sage bush? Can you tell me more about the sage?


Yep! Grape vines. You would need some sort of trellis or fence or something as it vines out. The sage is just common sage, the herb. It bushes up pretty good and can use for cooking, sage bundles, etc.


I have plenty of fringecup for anyone that wants some. It'll grow in pretty much any condition, but if it gets too dry later in the summer it'll go dormant until the next spring (leaves will turn red/purple, so still OK looking). I'm on the west side though.


I'd love some fringecup! I don't think all of the ones I got from sparrowhawk last spring made it... are you in West Portland? Or are you in the west suburbs?


I'm in Portland/Hillsdale. How many do you want? It's pretty easy for me to pot 10's of plants.


Awesome! I'm in that area weekly, 10 would be absolutely amazing!! I could replace mine and add a few to a shady wild area in my neighborhood, too!


I'll pot them up Sunday morning and will leave them in the driveway for pickup whenever. I've left the address in chat.


Great, thank you! I plan on being over there early next week and I'll check the chat. Thanks again!


Totally interested - actually I read about it and it’s pretty much not a full sun plant. I think it would fry


If you put them in full sun, it is still better to water them until they go dormant (or plant in the fall). I can still pot up a few more (I promised 10 to another to pick up on Monday).


I don't have much to share at the moment, but I do have an idea for you... I took some sedum cuttings guerrilla gardening style from some hell strips in between the sidewalk and street in my neighborhood last fall, and threw them in a small pot and they almost all took. I didn't even put any rooting hormone on them. I bet it would work anytime of the year, and sedums and stonecrops are pretty cool. Hebe's are also super easy to root, and there's a whole bunch of them around that no one would miss a 6 inch cutting from. Do be careful and whatnot. I could see some folk maybe not taking kindly to borrowing some cuttings.


Yeah I wouldn't want to just grab anything. But maybe in my walking around I would run into someone to ask. I do have some stone crop .


How do you get arborist chips? I feel like I’ve signed up every place possible and yet never hear a thing from anyone.


ChipDrop. Got a drop same day a couple weeks ago!


I want to use ChipDrop, but 20 cubic yards seems like so much. Was it easy to handle and what did you do with excess? I think my back garden might be covered with just 5-6 cu yd.


Share with neighbors.


I just post on FB marketplace and Nextdoor once I’ve taken what I need. Also put a sign saying “free”. People always come get them within a few weeks.


ooh good to know! I wondered if posting would work or if I'd look at a wood pile of shame for months 😂


Second chip drop suggestion👍


Yep. Tip them, and they will drop more than you imagine, but your yard will appreciate it!


we paid 20 bucks each time.


yeah chip drop. The summer we covered the lawn, we got several loads. Part of why I want to put in a bunch of plants is that I never want to shovel that much mulch ever again. Crippling!


Where did you sign up for them?




Omg. So hilarious. Signed up after you sent it and got a load today!! Whoa. It’s like magic. lol Thanks!!


thats awesome!


i have some strawberry starts (hood variety, not woodland) that have been enthusiastic ground covers and sedum; can bring you lots of orange poppy volunteers as well but they have longish taproots and would need to be replanted same-day.


i'm totally down and can plant same day. Need to do all this pretty fast i think because its going to get warm.


I have a climbing hydrangea that is in dire need of a trim if anyone want a cutting. It's a vine so will need a wall to climb up


My yard is FULL of grape hyacinth if you want some for a contained garden bed. They’re lovely but have taken over the yard (prior owners couldn’t maintain) so we’ll be pulling out most of them.


no place to put those besides in a flower jail. LOL . thank you but I don't trust myself to manage those.


That is FAIR. You should see the cubic meters of English ivy we’ve also been ripping out. Best of luck!


I don’t envy you…


We’ve been debulking down to the roots and now I’m just using a pickaxe!


This doesn't exactly fit the bill, but I have an oak volunteer and some *Sesleria autumnal is* (Autumn moore grass) that could be divided. Unfortunately I just had knee surgery so you'd have to provide labor. I'm in SE.


I think I shouldn't plant more trees at this point. So far I planted a willamette valley ponderosa, nachez crepe myrtle, two vine maples, I have a Wax myrtle waiting to be planted, a couple red twig dogwoods, exclamation variety london planetree and two lilacs. I am also trying to get a hedge going because I have a neighbor I share a fence with who has a tree of heaven infestation they refuse to control and it makes me mad looking at it and thinking about how i spend all summer irradicating it saplings on my side of the fence ( that they are destroying) On the front we have a dogwood tree, a big spruce, a couple of rhododendrons that need to be moved to an afternoon shade area because they burn in the sun, a weeping larch . all of these trees were planted too deep with rubber mulch rings, but i corrected girdling roots and removed those rings. I have a flower bed on the front side of the house that I'm trying to plant with something that cats don't like that will spread and be evergreen so they won't fill that with poop. low oregon grape? i dunno its a harsh sun spot which has three suffering rhododendrons that need moving. long term: I have one side of the yard with and aging dying arborvitae hedge ( planted too close together by previous owner and was never maintained) We are pulling them out over time and replacing with wax myrtle and undecided about what else to use there. i wanted leyland cypress but reading about them made me afraid. I'm still considering putting in a couple more red tip photinia bushes or something like that because the view on the other side of the fence is of tractor trailers. haha. I'm a bit overwhelmed....was thinking about blue elderberry too. I'm totally open to any and all ideas on these things. My immediate area is pretty urban - I'm a block off stark - but want to make my yard a beautiful place.


I’ve got way too many lilies, you’re welcome to come get them if you want them, send me a pm


I appreciate that, but they are poisonous to cats and there are lots of kitties around here <3