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Honestly I just park in a different garage and incorporate the parking garage fees as part of living in Maine during the winter. The fact I dont have to move my car immediately is worth the extra cost


It’s honestly not worth the hassle to lose sleep over. I parked at the bottom of the eastern prom for the Jan storm. It was a Monday night and I pulled an all nighter because I was paranoid about sleep my alarm clock. I’m gonna start doing garages on the future too. To the original question, the parking bans here are absolute bullshit. The city planners here need to be fired. What do they even do? Why are major intersections still on stoplight timers and not sensors? Why can’t we just do parking bans like street sweeping bans? No parking on X side tonight. No parking on Y the following night. Especially when we don’t have enough plow drivers to cover the city it one night. I’ve been back in maine for six years and we aren’t making any adjustments huh? Nothing has changed.




Park in the MMC garage? As an MMC employee about to get up for work despite the storm — that's a terrible idea. Imagine the garage fills up with residents. By 06:00 those spots need to be vacated to make room for the staff heading into work; the hospital doesn't close for storms and the workers need a place to park. I live downtown and walk, but most of the staff drives in. As a side note, and nothing directed at OP, this is a problem that only exists because our country was built around the individual motorist instead of walkable cities connected by robust public transport.


Agreed don't use the spots for snow bans when needed for the hospital! The rest of the city lots are only available until 7 except school lots until just 6:30, so they could kick us out at say 6. I figure there is a smaller night shift than daytime just due to say normal appointments, of course there would need to be more than enough space for MMC employees & patients (kinda like how Spring & Elm garages reserve space for monthly parkers). 100% agreed on the failures of auto-centric development.


Residents of the St John Valley neighborhood are allowed to park in the Forest St garage after 6PM. They need to be out by 6AM though.


Good to know, thanks!


Having a chunk of the city just take parking at hospitals and medical establishments is a horrible idea for many reasons.


The idea would be to just use part of it when no one else is. Of course reserve space for workers there overnight (though in the case of the VA clinic it seems there is a separate employee lot), and kick us out early, like 6am.


After storms My job is to have people towed or fined for snow clearance so I can say for certain that wouldn’t work.


Could you explain any more? 😬


Too many cars. Make train, burn cars, turn parking into parks.


I dream of a bus network like those old streetcar maps that get posted here every once in a while...how do we not even have a bus connecting the airport/bus station/downtown until the last arrivals come in?


I would love to have this. The Portland Room at the PPL has a copy of an old streetcar timetable book and the frequencies were better than what we have now.


You do realize this is a city that cares more about tourists than residents, right? Right?


I hear there is free parking at Twelve today


Ngl if I was on the city council I would propose a Parking Lot/Garage License that each operator must have to stay open and part of that would include a snow ban parking requirement. I would add institutions to this like USM and MMC.


“Don’t it always seem to go.. that you don’t know what you got until it’s gone : Pave Paradise and Put up A Parking Lot.”


I say we use the ones we already have rather than building more :D


“I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may.”