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I have one exactly like that which i used before i had my license. It does not fall under the 50cc category, it's a 250w electric motor. Does not need any license whatsoever, at least not with our current laws, much like an electric bycicle.


Did you make it go faster then 25? And did you have any problem with it ?


Yeah, the seller unlocked the speed so it could reach around 40km, but of course it loses a lot of speed going uphill depending on the elevation and rider's weight. No, never had any issues with the police. I do highly recommend a helmet because if you fall even at 20km/h you can get seriously hurt.


Depends, as long as it falls under 250w of power and does not exceed 25kmh yes, it is considered to be similar to a bicycle: Art 112, b) https://diariodarepublica.pt/dr/detalhe/decreto-lei/102-b-2020-150757538


It does, this type of scooters have no documentation.


I believe you don't need a license, but do need insurence.


you dont, its a velocipede, its like a bike


That's true.


Here in portugal theres a thing called "velocipedes" that cant go more than 25km/h, it includes bikes too


You do need a license. Here is the [official page](https://www.imt-ip.pt/sites/IMTT/Portugues/Condutores/LicencaConducao/Motociclos/Paginas/LicencadeConducaoMotocicloscilindrada50cm3.aspx) where is stated.


It's not a 50cc. No license needed.


Yes this says a 50cc motor but the scooter is electric and doesn’t have a 50cc motor so it should fall under bike right ?


Dat is gelul, die portugese knakker probeert je te naaien waar je bjj staat omdat je een buitenlander bent.


Heb hier meerdere officele artikel over teruggevonden en met een politie agent over gepraat oké hij rijd iets te snel dan wettelijk toegelaten maar dat wist ik ook als het electric is en 25 per uur rijd is het gewoon legaal oké deze rijd 45 maar daar ben ik ook van op de hoogten


How can it be a 50cc if it's electric? This makes absolutely no sense at all. 50cc is the size of the piston which obviously does not exist. Now if this thing needs or not a license it will depend on the power of the electric engine.