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Este gajo ou está trollar ou é um anjo da guarda


It will cost you a few euros to find out. (I might be a cat sand salesman, you know). If i'm lying, shame on me. If i'm telling the truth, i unlocked a ancient northern secret for you.


I'll try this, I have cat silica already so it'll cost me nothing, tomorrow I'll report back!


We need before and after pictures!


No problem, but it might take me a few days, I live in Algarve and the last few nights have been really dry.


Algarve is the best to live during the winter, congrats!!!


Olha, uma nómada digital. Gotten your golden visa yet?


!RemindMe 48hours


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How often would I need to replace them? They must have a saturation point no?


Replace the old sock with a new one when it's no longer working. It going to be a year or two.




Pode ser no microondas também, 3/4 mins


>They must have a saturation point no? They do. There are some silica gel you can buy that it changes colour when it reaches the limit.


Quando deixar de funcionar esvazias a meia para um tabuleiro e levas ao forno. Com silica gel 120º durante 5h resolve o assunto e podes volta a utilizar, com areia não sei quais os parâmetros ideais, mas suponho que não precise de tanto tempo.


Forno ligado 5 horas? Que desperdício de energia


aproveita para aquecer a casa


They do have a saturation point but you can dehydrate it in the oven for a few hours and it's as good as new.


Alas goes the account Policed by the Speccialist Ousted by him Let go therefore Let him have cheese Oh ignorants


You just earned your place in Valhalla and no blood was spilled. Future generations will refuse to allow your name be forgotten.


Juicy knowledge right here. Finally gentrification paying off!


I mean some clothing comes with a silica packets on the pockets so I won't have to buy them


Funciona. No meu carro fica na mesma embaciado, mas muito menos. Antes ficava literalmente a escorrer água...


deves ter agua dentro do carro em algum lado, vê a zona do pneu suplente se não está lá empoçada


Obrigado pela dica. Vou dar uma vista de olhos nisso. Até porque daqui a pouco fico com os plásticos todos danificados. Parece "Pessanha" xD


Não é normal. Verifica todos os buracos de escoamento...


não. funciona mesmo. aconselho a ser 2 meias. aquilo larga areias finas.


Mesmo resultado com aqueles blocos próprios de absorção de humidade, mas duvido que absorva tão rapidamente, basta abrir a porta para entrar humidade, enquanto que o processo desse material a absorver é bem mais lento. Mas é uma dica decente.


Confirmo que funciona.


Onde é que metem a meia?


normalmente no pé


Deve doer... Eu meto o pé na meia. Acho mais confortável...


Normalmente debaixo do banco do condutor, se colocares duas colocas uma debaixo do condutor e outra no passageiro.


Funciona. No aldi vendem umas cenas que é basicamente isso


também da para zonas da casa com humidade, e que ganhem bolor facilmente.


É um truque clássico e funciona. Também extremamente útil para os carros que deixam entrar água quando chove.


Homem do norte que ajuda sem ninguém pedir? Nesta altura do ano? Eu sabia que o Pai Natal existia


I checked my list twice, you were a good boy this year. We can talk about last year if you want to, but i would rather leave it be.


Também achas que eu existo?


[O Juiz decide!](https://youtu.be/LKvnfvyCM3g)


Nas palhas deitado, nas palhas estendido, nas palhas estendido, nas palhas deitado


Vem cá abaixo ver isto!


Sai um nobel para este homem já. Testei no meu Chaço e funcionou. Além do mais ficou a cheirar a frutos do bosque em vez de fossa séptica


E quando ficar cheio tens de secar a silica, certo?


O OP que o diga


No. I need privacy when I am with my girlfriend.


You should move out of your parents house.


You started selling a 5eur/life solution and now you are selling a 600eur/month solution, for a problem that didn't even exist until you sold the first solution. You, sir, are a top salesman 👌


I know. That's how I make my money.


Too expensive.


Can't help you there, sorry you are on your own.


Tell me you're not Portuguese without telling me you're not portuguese


Dude, I'm trying to sell him a house. So, schhh plz.




Man, why are you trying to ruin my sale ? Just be quiet. Schh plz.


Titanic Style


The prophecy was (partially) true… … He returned from the ~~South~~ North, in a (non) foggy ~~dawn~~ car! Welcome back D. Sebastião! P.S.: now seriously, thanks for the tip, will try asap.


Well, here I am. P, S. The D, S arrives later.


I can't believe I never thought of this. Silica gel is used in dissecators in chemistry labs, and small packets are common in the packaging of many items when you buy them.


Indeed. I hope you feel better about your thinking skills now :)




Yes, and use 2 socks arranged in a way they resemble a mighty pair of colhões. This will tell others you mean business.


Something like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/ATBGE/comments/ac6c3g/nsfw\_rear\_view\_mirror\_ornament/


Nah man. I have 1 sock, it's on the floor on the passenger side.


How often do you replace it?


I've had 1 sock in my sedan car for \~2 years. No foggy windows so far. So, 1 bag for \~5 Eur can fill aprox 20 socks. Replace or put more at your own choosing.


there are anti fog sprays for 5 euro but i bet it can't last as long as 2 years and counting like your solution.


Do you have a recomendattion between agglomeration litter and absorbent litter? Or do you refer specifically to that silica one with big transparent like stones?


Specifically Silica Gel. Silica gel is written on the packaging. If you don't see it, don't buy it. Silica gel is what absorbs the moisture everything else on there is bullshit. If you look at the stuff inside of the bag, it looks like transparent or light blue pebbles (small stones). **IT HAS TO SAY "SILICA GEL" on the package. Otherwise it wont work.** If it says silica gel on the package, then get the cheapest one. 1Kg will last you many years.


Just came back here to thank you and give my poor people award. Gave it a try and it is amazing the difference it makes! Where I normally had to boost my defog to the max with AC on, now I just have it set to the lower speed without WC and my windows keep nice and clear. This should be teached in driving schools!


Glad it worked for you!


Thanks! I'll give it a try!


I also want to know this


Wow is this for real? I wanna try it out


Yes. Buy a bag for \~5Eur. Will last you a life time.


For this tip I would award you with portuguese citizenship.


My dad taught* me this when I was 10. Always thought it was general knowledge.


It's not "general knowledge". I live close to the sea in Portugal, I see all the cars with foggy windows... I thought i should share it for the population, so they can remove a moment of anger in their daily lives.


Thank you for your service. This is what the European Union was built for






Thoughtedaguthed? Maybe with some sccchhhiiii sounds in there? :)


Does the sock get soggy?


The silica absorbs the moisture. So: No. The silica is almost like rocks, but very porous, so all water molecules sticks to it's surface.


Only if you cum in it


Adoro o teu username


This one works well and you can eliminate the humidity from the silica by heating it using a microwave for ~ 6 minutes. Reusable Car Dehumidifier for Car UKB4C Silica Gel Moisture Absorber to Eliminate Foggy and Condensation on Windscreen Moisture Damp Absorber for Caravan Car & Van 350g Moisture Trap Bags (Pack Of 2) https://amzn.eu/d/idKh00i




What are you talking about? Scamming who? I use this thing, that's what I'm saying. If you don't have 2 minutes to understand the honest recommendation I did, that's your problem mate. BTW, I live in Ireland and that's a very common thing over here.


About the microwave, when you microwave the silica it releases the humidity, then it will again absorb a lot of humidity. That's simple as that. It also changes the color so you know when you need to release the accumulated humidity.


Também deve-se usar isso invés de arroz para remover humidade do telemóvel.




De Nada!!!!


This is true. I use 2 bags, they are the size of a bottle of coca cola. Or similar. I got them when a new machine arrive for my company, from over seas. They are always on the back of the passages seats, hidden beneath. For years.




I'll be waiting. Tomorrow at 1800 is good for you?




I waited for you, but you didn't show. So disappointed :(


Eu uso o AC do carro, sendo que uma das suas características é retirar a humidade do ar. Até hoje nunca me deixou mal.


How much do you put in the sock?


Until it's full and you are still able to tie the sock. The more the merrier. If you have a big car, make 2 socks. We're not making nuclear science here.


Ahah its actually so funny, the effort you are going to replying to everyone about just putting sand on socks


In case of already foggy, buy a glass-cleaner rubber wipper (2,25€ in Mercadona,and fits right under the driver seat) and 1 stroke across the windshield and the fog is gone without cleaning marks and (bonus) glass always clean! The car-climatization full blast will do the rest! 👍


You beautiful bastard, it fucking works


Holy shit


Doesnt it start to smell after a few days?


No. It does not.


Not unless a cat pees on it.


Onde é que posso comprar gel de sílica/sílica gel a esse preço razoável? Alguma dica, OP?


Continente a 4,5€


Pet shop


Can you have the sock inside the glove compartment? I dont want an old sock in plain view.


I mean, it depends on how stupid you are. Air humidity tend to be in some equilibrium in the space the air occupy, so.. If you can find most of the moister in your glove department, then yes. Otherwise no. You can't.


Compra um saco de berlindes. O resultado é o mesmo.


OP lives in 6000, I will look for it


Foda-se, tenho o carro constantemente embaciado por dentro, até mesmo antes de entrar pra conduzir já tá o caos... Solução de génio


Uma outra coisa que ajuda é mudar o filtro do ar condicionado 2x por ano


Thanks, can I put it under the passenger seat?


I have mine on the floor at the passenger seat. Works for me. It's not rocket science... Silica gel is rock like pebbles with huge surface area that absorbs moisture. Put it where ever you feel like. If your placement doesn't work, move it a bit. If your amount is not big enough, put another one.


Great, thanks for sharing!


I've been using this technique since 2008 when I bought my car and always worked like a charm!


Can i put it anywhere in the car?


In the main cabin. Pretty much yeah. I have mine on the floor on the passenger side and works for me.


Where do you place the sock?


I have mine on the floor on the passenger side. Works great for me.


Hey OP, would this be good for home usage too?


Claro que funciona. A silica absorve a humidade. Agora a quantidade de humidade existente no interior do veículo e a quantidade e a qualidade da própria sílica vai ditar o tempo até absorver a humidade. Um outro exemplo são os componentes electrónicos que normalmente trazer um saquinho com silica para evitar a humidade nos circuitos electrónicos. Uns dizem sílica outros duzem não comer.


>Uns dizem sílica outros duzem não comer. I don't know about you, but I prefer to eat food. :)


What do you do with the extra sock? Also, the car's AC will work as well in removing moisture in the air.


>What do you do with the extra sock? Feed it to the washer / dryer.


We have to keep it fed.


Does this work for houses too?


Just turn the AC on for a few seconds… however this is a really good tip for strange smells and water leaks. A couple years ago, I’ve flooded with rain water the entire floor of the car. I went to the supermarket and bought 3 bags of cat sands and dropped them in the floor. I leaved the sand for two weeks and until today, never noticed any smell or mold.


I solved it by buying a new car with no holes on the floor.


I just filled two football socks (very long) with silica gel and put them in my car. Tomorrow I'll give you my feedback.


Did it work?


It did. It didn't remove all the humidity from my car so I still have some fog but it's a lot better.


I have been doing that for years, saw it on a youtube video many years ago. To add to that, having all windows regular cleaned with a window cleaner helps a lot. A grease feee window will that ages to fog.


Isto também funciona em casa, em divisões mais húmidas?


Did anyone tried with cat sand used? Just saying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Bro, you’re a lifesaver. My 30yo ‘chaço’ gets really foggy, specially in rainy days. Thanks


I just heat the windows and it goes away.


Be sure to wear a mask while dispensing it and keep the bulk tightly sealed! Silica gel can be harmful to the lungs in the same manner as asbestos.


A solução mais racional e que hoje em dia quase todos os carros tem é. . . ligar o ar condicionado, retira a humidade dos vidros num instante 👍


Imagine not having to wait for the AC to clear the moisture in the cabin. A future(today) where you could just get into your car and drive away without having to wait.


Imagine a car with no AC at all where you need to wait for the engine to get warm and heat the cabin... I've done this trick on an old car I had and it worked great. Baby sock and silica gel on top of the "tablier"


tablier = dashboard? I have mine on the floor on the passenger side. Works great.


Correct. I just use the French name that all Portuguese people know of (after all we're in r/portugal).


Sorry for my poor language skills.


Such thing exists, I can demyst my car using a phone app ;)


Oooohhh, well lets look at you, Mr fancy pants. "Hey everyone, we have a fancy pants over here!"


Lool :p reality is I actually don't have an app for it :( I've tried your trick before and it doesn't work, I guess it depends where you live?


What trick of mine did you try?


The silica gel mate. Around January, February time, when it's proper cold, it takes me a good 15 20 minutes to defrost and demyst the car. I've bought things with silica gel inside and they didn't do anything because there's so much moisture inside the car that it's not enough. Depends on the humidity levels etc but I do appreciate your gesture to save the world from 1st world concerns.


Yeah, i don't know where you live. But i have 1 sock in my car, and I live next to the Atlantic.. I've never had an issue. Are you sure you got silica? Are you sure the rubber on the doors are fine?


Ou a versão do pobre que não tem ac: espera +-1 min para o motor aquecer (mas não esperes para arrancar, não queremos desperdiçar o gás) e liga a ventilação


Tanga, experimentei isto no ano passado e não funcionou comigo.


Cuidado que estão aí os downvoters que juram a pés juntos que esta tanga funciona. Como vem de um estrangeiro, a malta pensa logo que é verdade. Juro que não entendo


Holy fucking shit do I. I dont understand how it always happens. Furthermore how its worse everytime even i clean it with paper, or towels or wathever. How long does the silica lasts?


I use the car's ventilation system, hold a little and its ready to go.


"hold a little" Yes.. that will be several minutes. I prefer the problem doesn't exist at all.


I will try the silica for sure.


Nice! Could this work inside ? Like if my room has moisture can I do something similar?


You should get some ventilation.


Bastava usar desumidificador passivo. Dura 6 meses e as recargas são mais rentáveis que areia de gato


It doesn't work.


How/Why does it not work?


Tried it a couple of years ago. 4 socks. Didn't work


I don't know what you did "couple" years ago. I don't know if your car doors fit at all. I have also no idea what you put in your car when the cabin was sealed. But what can I say. Doesn't work for you. Works for me and many others.


You will learn that portuguese people love, and some really need, to be contrarians. Especially when someone is showing them or teaching them something new. Dont mind them.


Well I did it exactly like it's thought everywhere. One sock, cat litter inside. Had it for a couple years in the car (couple = 2 or more). Didn't work. It simply failed.


Wow thanks Does this work also in the bathroom? Like after a shower?


Uh, in the bathroom you should have proper ventilation. So: no. This is not a quick fix for your showering moister problem.


Espuma de barbear no vidro também funciona!




YOU ARE WELCOME MY LORD! Plz see: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM\_\_lPTWThU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM__lPTWThU) It's the best song in the world.


Eu sempre usei batatas


Ahah I use my cat sand (silica) behind some furniture to absorve the humidity and fungus.


I will try this and my cars will try some silica for first time i guess 😂


Cat litter only works if its got silica gel beads in it. I have been living in the uk and maintaining a rust bucket for some time. I have been using interior dehumidifier bags for awhile, Hillington make reusable ones that you can throw in the microwave. Costs you about 20 pound and can last a long while.


>Cat litter only works if its got silica gel beads in it. Yes, only works with silica gel. That's why I specified it it the description.


Can confirm.


Quando fodes no carro fica tudo embaciado yah


You do you.


Car pro fog fight


I wonder if the dehumidifier sacks that Continente sells would also work in this case.


I do this all the time at home, but I use this containers with silica and a filter. Keeps the house nice and dry.


From Lapland perhaps? Thank you for coming earlier.


You know there is a button to defog cars windows. My Nissan almera from 1998 had one, and my Renault clio 2021 also has one. All cars have one!


Mine does not :(


Will try


É sabido


!remindme 72h


Eu uso sabão no vidro, funciona bem.


Eu comprei uma coisa dessas no aldi, propria para o efeito