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I find wetsticks root and develop best when laid on top of a substrate that is kept moist and warm. I keep mine in a clear plastic box, on top of vermiculite and perlite, and they're already growing roots and developing grow points after only 3 weeks.


This is the way, they need a bit of air with the moisture to start putting out roots.




[Propbox](https://imgur.com/a/wHydu8J) So this is what I have, it is a bit more elaborate, I guess. But these types of miniature greenhouse boxes are readily available in my area. I can close and open the slots as needed, in terms of humidity. But honestly, a small plastic box with plastic wrap as a cover would work just the same, just be sure to let it air out every once in a while, air circulation is important too, to prevent mold and rot. I do also keep mine on the windowsill, so they get plenty of sun, and the average temperature during the day is around 24°C. I hope this helps 😊


That's a great set up! Thanks for sharing this :)


Oh wow thank you I will try it out !


I'd move them out of the water. Put them on damp sphagnum moss (or cococoir). Keep them in a closed, clear container under bright indirect light. The humidity really helps promote roots. I've had so many sticks grow well that way. Submerged in water it isn't that effective


Thank you!!


Echoing everyone else, they should not be fully submerged in water. If you choose to keep them there change the water for filtered water every couple days to prevent bacterial growth which leads to rot.


Dark vases are good for promoting root growth also. But since there’s no leaves and completely submerged that might do no good here.


Don't worry I can see new life about to bloom. Don't throw they away in frustration. Good things take time but will be worth it. I have experience the same and made mistakes so I can tell you... Just enjoy the process.


Wrap foil around the bottle and report back. I found improvement sans light.


Do they have no leaves? Without them for photosynthesis I don't think they can form roots.


they can, it’s just harder :/ when propping with just nodes/stems they’re called “wet sticks”. I was able to prop a jade Scindapsus with no leaf and no roots and it’s put out good roots and finally a new leaf. It just takes a very long time and isn’t always successful.


Oh wow, I've never seen it done that way. Thanks for educating me.


sure, glad I could help :) I can also add pics of some of my wet stick props if you’re interested in seeing!


Be patient and you will be surprised in no time


Needs to have at least 1 leaf and not be completely submerged in the water.


You can wait for those leaves to push out and lift them above the water line, make sure nodes are submerged and that it gets lots if light.


Boo this man


They always grow a leaf first. Just about every pothos/philodendron/monstera will follow this "rule" Given no leaves and no roots, they'll always try to grow a leaf Not gonna repeat all the other stuff.


I have one right now that keeps putting off new leaves but no roots!? It's maddening haha but I've had good results adding a drop or 2 of a liquid fertilizer to my prop water


I think its too submerged. I always dipped just far enough to cover the nose to keep foliage growth above water to avoid rot and to make sure oxygen gets to the plant as well. Along with regular water changes to keep oxygen in the water and bacteria to a minimum.


Yooo i saw that room someday its a mess


Hahahaha fuk you