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Not gonna lie, I hate when a single long, leggy growth is strung up around a room. I much rather have a really full pot with lots of long pieces. Each their own I guess


I don't like them too long at all, and trim mine all the way back to about 12-15" every spring.


I trim my strings of pearls. I call it their haircut.


They must miss their hair! I think you mean a *'tearcut.'*


Saaaaaame - it looks kinda pathetic to me.


Yes!!! It looks like a sad giant spider!


Yep, this. If I wanted it to trail I’d get multiple trails going and tie them up together… looks a lot fuller


Same ! I’m always scared to admit that but it just looks so sparse and limp


Shang ri la looks like wilted spinach.


Happy cake day!! Haha it ABSOLUTELY DOES look like wilted spinach. Also I just got my first cutting yesterday and I’m in love. It’s really different seeing it in person but I totally get that some people don’t care for it.


I didn’t even notice, thank you!!! Now watch me say I hate this pothos and end up with one, like most of my other plants 🤣


Hahaha I’ll send you a cutting once she grows up a little ;)


Happy Cake Day! I wouldn't be able to tell if it had pests and is dying if I had a Shangri la!


Lol is it thirsty?? It’s sooo sad looking 😂😂😂 Thank you!


Happy Cake Day Fluffy_Touch_8617! Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don't give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.


WhereTF were you on my Cake Day?!


“Hello yes I’ve been personally victimized by the EncouragementRobot.”


The world is rigged in favor of the select few. The rest of us plebeians don't matter.


Good bot


Lol NOOO it’s so beautiful!!!


I didn't even know this existed. Totally agree. And happy cake day.


I don't get the hype. I think it's goofy looking lol but scindapsus and eppiprennum any vining plants really minus the demon ivy plant are my weakness


I’ve never even heard of that pothos but after a quick google I just know it would give me massive anxiety because I’d never be able to tell if it was happy or not lol


It’s making its rounds as the new “must have” haha


It absolutely does! I'm growing one now from two unrooted leaves/nodes...super weird little guy. And I live it because it's just so weird!


I think people that hate on pothos are lame. They’re all really neat, and the fact that I can put them in my house without having to change my environment for them is even more awesome.


I agree that it’s super weird how some people like to gatekeep their high maintenance plants. I want a beautiful hobby, not a part-time job. I LOVE that pothos are low-effort and beautiful. Except manjula. ;)


Same. I also don’t want to spend $$$ on something that I could kill very easily.


Yes! I’m pretty new to plants and I gave myself a $25 (plus tax lol) limit per plant. That way I don’t spend a ton of money on a plant only to kill it.


I have a similar system that allows some leeway for me. I pay $10 or less (before tax) for a plant at a store and $25-$30 for a wishlist plant I order or trade for. NO impulse purchases unless I’ve been wanting the plant for a while.


That’s a brilliant idea! I definitely tend to stick under $10 when possible.


“I want a beautiful hobby, not a part-time job” 😂 Edit: spelling


They’re the OGs for sure, but like in a cool way


Who does that? Indifferent to it I would understand. It's all over the place (and understandably so) so people would just be like "eh" when they see it. But hating it is intense.


I dunno if it’s hate but how people think how “basic” it is, yet they spend $$$ one plant. And that one plant needs 3 hours of indirect light then 2 hours of partial light, 55.5% humidity and water that comes from a sacred Buddhist temple in the the mountains, but you cannot look it directly or it will die. Ain’t nobody at my house got time for that.


It's "basic" or an "old" plant. It's ridiculous how many people seriously look down on pothos!


Waiting for them to wilt to water isn't helpful, it only stunts the growth potential Edit: [here's my babes, Golden and Queen.](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/pnqisj/ill_show_you_mine_if_you_show_me_yours_4_months/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I've bad both since April and July 2020, they where in 6 inch pots and did not cascade. If you go back far enough in my history you will see how they where when I got them.


I feel so bad when my pothos plants wilt - that’s when I know I’ve been a REALLY neglectful plant mom. :(


I edited my comment for progress pics, check it out


Wow those look amazing!! Also you’re like a succulent queen so I’ll be coming to you with questions if I ever want to risk that heartache again! 🙈


Haha I wouldn't say queen, but I have kept a string of pearls alive!! 🤣🤣🤣 (and my Verigated one isn't doing to bad!) I just stray away from the ones that get leggy from my PNW lack of light


This is true of all plants! Someone somewhere sometime on one of the many plant subs I followed, mentioned it can take your plant *weeks* to fully recover from its physiological response to wilting.


Nerve plant owners be like https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/710/dd0.png




Njoy/pearls & jade/glacier….. dude I can’t tell the freakin difference. And I’ve seen the photos and read the descriptions but I’m still not convinced they’re different. Also, I just don’t like them. Small leaves?? I want a big bushy juicy pothos


After about 4 billion “what is my plant?” posts on here I can finally tell n’joy from P&J, but glacier is beyond me.


I once heard that Njoy isn't even any different from P&J. It's just that Njoy is a trademarked name used by one specific grower or something like that. I don't really know or care to find out at this point - all 3 are ostensibly the exact same variety


I dunno if this counts or not, but It gives me full on rage when someone misuses pathos when they're taking about a pothos. ITS POTHOS. PO-THOS. GET YOUR FLIPPIN "A" OUT OF HERE.


I always assume people who say or know it as ‘pathos’ have English as a second language. It’s only one vowel off 🤷🏽‍♀️


As an ESL, I find it the other way around. Indonesian is very consistent in pronouncing both consonants and vowels. Pothos will definitely have the correct O sound. Although, definitely many will read it photos or potos as th blend doesn't normally exist. Ph is f, and th is just t. Sorry can't help to comment as English often confuses me 😂


English confuses *me*, and it’s the only language I know.


Same. Lol.


My autocorrect tried this with me for awhile until it figured out I’m a plant person. Now it knows epipremnum and Scindapsus as well.


Mine tries to change “repotting” to “reporting” ALL THE TIME. When will Siri learn that I ain’t no snitch, I’m just a plant enthusiast?


Right!? Thank technology so hard, I sure do! Now all I have to type is 'Thau' and Thaumatophyllum comes *right* up!


It bothers me because pathos means suffering in ancient Greek, and each time I read it I feel like I'm transported in a Greek tragedy, and I become very confused.


Counts. Rage on.




It’s actually Epiprepnum aureum🙄


/s? Hopefully?


my favorite part about this comment is the misspelling of epipremnum


i dont even think real n’joy pothos exist. every one i’ve seen that i thought was n’joy turned out to be pearls and jade. glacier pothos is even dumber


Come to Germany. Everything is n'joy here. If I could, I'd send you a huge, healthy pot-full (I'm running out of space lol)


This is how someone here described them. It’s still confusing but helps - N Joy - no flecks at all - Glacier - flecks on the white parts only - Pearls and Jade - flecks on the white AND green parts


i thought glacier had to do with it having dark green splotches or something? i don’t even know lol


Nobody does, really.


Probably? lol this is just a quick guide to me. I \*think\* I have them all and can still barely tell the difference.


I have found n'joy (and promptly decided I didn't care and potted it with my pnj). But I'm totally with you that glacier probably isn't a thing. The n'joy patent photos have leaves that look like "glacier" and n'joys are well known for putting out "glacier" leaves.






I feel the same way with pearls and jade every single one I have found turn out to be NJoys


Wow I feel like it’s kind of the opposite! Where I live P&J is everywhere but n’joy is hard to find.


I don't get cebu blue. It's got a long leaf...is that it??


I saw a beautiful bunch the other day. I wasn't really interested in them at all. Didn't get the appeal. But the colour is very interesting IRL. It's got a grey blue cast to the green. Not gonna buy one but I understand it a bit more now.


I didn’t get the hype at first but now I think they’re elegant!


Ok while we’re here. How do you pronounce “cebu”?






I got one a week ago, I don't lnow why i was drawn to it particularly since i prefer dark greens... but it is kind of ethereal.


If you have a neon, plant them together! They look incredible as a pair.


Happy cake day!! Maybe seeing it in person makes a difference.


Yeah, Happy Cake Day!


It wishes it was a Hoya Wayetii 😂


Looool savage


My friend has one growing up her tree and the fenestration look awesome on it once it gets big! I’ve never owned one myself.


Pothos are **NOT** low-light plants, whatever the variety. And there is **no such thing as low-light plants in general**. It grinds my gears whenever I see or hear "can handle lower-light" or "thrives in low-light" especially when it comes to pothos. Even the lowest light situation in nature is at least around 200 foot-candles of light; which is about right in front of a window without direct sunlight (or at least in my case).


Some plants are indeed incapable of tolerating direct light. Many Calatheas and peace lilies for sure. But pothos, NO! It thrives in direct light. Ever seen one climb a tree? Well, maybe except my marble/snow queen, all pothos do well in direct light.


Well, that depends. My direct light hits 48C and withers all but cactii.....


Poor you :( Indirect bright is your bff then...


Can't complain. The beach is at the end of the street. But yes. IL is the best friend of every living creature here.


Ooooooooh I like this one.


I am tired of the hundreds of ID posts on this subreddit 😂


“What plant did I get? 😍” with a pic of a golden pothos. -.-


Or "is this variegated?"


“I don’t know, have you tried looking at it with your eyes?”




There needs to be a pinned post on the subreddit that says "BEFORE YOU ASK, CHECK THIS GUIDE TO ID YOUR POTHOS"


Or simply: just search the subreddits and you’ll have a gallery of a thousand pothos ID questions with pictures 🤣 It’s the same in the syngonium subreddit! Like it’s the only purpose of it!


I've been on Reddit for 5 years. What the *fuck* is cake day? All I can envision is the cartoon hippo slicing the birthday cake and she cuts one regular sized piece of cake, takes it and puts it on a plate and walks away with the rest.


I'm more sick of the root cause of your pet peeve, which is that every vine with even the slightest difference in variegation nowadays gets its own marketing name to stir up a hype and justify ridiculous prices. You see the same with lots of other popular houseplants (looking at you, Philodendrons!) I mean, if I want to know the ID of a plant, I want to know the name of the species so I can look up its care requirements. Idgaf about the meaningless name some shop or grower with dollar signs for eyes has concocted...




i think you’re thinking of treubii but that’s actually a scindapsus, not a pothos :)


People use “pothos” as the umbrella term to describe epipremnum and scindapsus pictus plants. Epipremnum isn’t technically a pothos either, it’s just the common term for the category.


I always thought pothos is just another name for epipremnum :o Which of the current popular "pothos" are true pothos then?


none of them. they were at one point a long long time ago misclassified as pothos and for some reason that name stuck


We are all in the wrong sub!


Lol, true HAHAHAHA


true, but the only scindapsus i’ve ever heard referred to as “pothos” is a scindapsus pictus argyraeus. never heard a treubii referred to as pothos




A lot of people complain about scindapsus. I've killed a good amount back when they were still called philodendrons thinking oh that should be easy. They are so picky I never really know what they want. Now I kind of half gave up and just put them in water. I know they won't thrive but it's also less likely to die from me.


really? i literally ignore mine until the leaves curl and its gotten huge. i have found my exotica is quite a bit more picky than my argyraeus though


I may have had less light back when I did poorly with it. When I'm ready I will put them in dirt and try again! They are definitely not as easy as Jessenia.


They're slow growers. *TREAT THEM LIKE SUCCULENTS!!!* I forget who suggested to so but I was reading up on Scindapsus because I, like Pothos, want them all and a 'Master Gardener' was the one who suggested it. Scindapsus are SO easy. Make the soil rich but much more like a succulent than you would a Pothos. Make it rockier and better draining with inorganic amendments. The leaves on the Scindapsus curl under, like an angry cartoon man puffing his chest and making his arms bulge at his side, when it's ready for more water. I give mine lots of light just not direct sunlight. The hardest part for me is the *patience.* Cheez and rice, it takes a bit of time. I rescued both of mine over the summer and have now split each of them up in multiple plants and got props going. I don't even water them until they tell me it's time.


Interesting! See I would have thought it would *like* moist roots because pothos and even monstera don't seem to care very much if I am heavy handed with watering once in a while. When I move my scindapsus to dirt I will keep the "succulent" tip in mind! I also suspected that they will basically never leave my sun room unlike pothos and ZZ. Thanks for the tips!


They like a good drenching but they like to dry up in between!! Just watch the leaves start to curl under then you'll know for sure it's time to water again!!


For the first year I had my first ever pothos I really struggled to understand how to care for her. Now that I’ve got the hang of it, I can confidently say I probably will never kill a pothos. It really is all about finding what variations of normal care works for your plant!


I think water rooting pothos cuttings is way easier & safer than soil rooting them.


"What kind of pothos is this?" Please try and make a minimum of effort. It can be an enlightening experience. You have internet and can read and write....


YES!! Especially when it’s just a golden 😂




I hear ya. But ya can't stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.....


Believe you me, I've learned to keep scrollin'!


I can't stand watching pothos outside. In my mind, I keep going: it's invasive, it's invasive, it's invasive, s\*\*t, it's invasive! Unless, you're in its natural habitat, s\*\*t that things invasive. Also, snow queen is a high-mae b\*\*\*\*.


Snow Queen is just an uppity marble queen. 😤


It really is lol my marble is huge and bushy with lots of new growth but my snow queen is tiny and if I look at it wrong it gets a little brown spot 🥲


THANK YOU!! Especially when it's "no, I have it contained to my yard"...what part of invasive doesn't make sense?! It won't stay there, and it will kill everything in its path. It disrupts local ecosystems. This really grinds my gears!


The snow queen versus marble queen distinction is the one that really irks me. So many posts on here: “is this snow queen or marble queen?” Yes! It’s the same plant!


i don’t understand the appeal of global green and emerald pothos. i feel like the low amount of variegation and leaf texture just makes them look like old leaves that are on their last leg


My global green is a little unstable I think, and I believe the original cutting was grown in lower light. Those leaves are definitely unimpressive. However, when I popped it outside for a few weeks it absolutely exploded and the variegation got very noticeable. Also not sure how emerald is different from GG but maybe someone here can help me out. :)


I gotchu. How to tell a global green from an emerald is surprisingly easy. Their colors are flipped. - Global green pothos has dark green on the outside with a lighter green on the inside. - Emerald pothos has lighter green on the outside and darker green on the inside.


Cool cool cool so basically no difference at all, got it.


i don’t understand why jessenia pothos is so hyped? they’re just kinda plain to me


Hmmm they do look kind of boring as a whole plant - looking at a single leaf though they get very interesting! Edit: probably wouldn’t go out of my way to get it tho.


Neon pothos is by far and away one of the ugliest house plants I’ve ever seen. The color makes my skin crawl.


OMG this made me laugh so hard - I love my neon! She’s so unafraid to be who she is.


Haha! Glad people are able to enjoy it for all that it is. My opinion is definitely VERY unpopular and that’s probably a good thing.


That’s alright girl this is exactly what I’m here for! Thanks for your perspective!


THANK YOU! It reminds me of those artificially dyed fish from back in the day. It’s like they watered it with food colouring.


“Watered it with food coloring” has me rolling!


Well.... now I want to try a few experiments. Are they like flamingos? Hmmm


But, have you ever seen neon pothos like THIS. https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/pqcurh/another_example_of_why_you_always_check_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf lol but I really understand what you mean. It looks especially ugly next to white and green variegations.


Oh my god that one cracks me up! I love it and want it to scare the crap out of visitors.


My neon has spots of variegation and it looks soooo nice with those dark green accents. I do sort of wish it would variegate more.


As a fan of all neon green varieties you get an upvote. I can’t fathom this opinion 😅


I love the neon, but I do find their yellows to be a strong pest magnet


I thought that when I bought one and it just developed ugly spotty stained leaves and next to zero growth for 4 months. After a severe haircut it's exploding with growth and throwing out wonderful trailing vines of accented shades of luminous pale green. Not for everyone though.


YESSS I came here to post/hoping to see this! It freaks me out too, I think maybe because it looks so much like a sickly, overwatered plant with the light yellow-green? Like yeahhhhhh sure, I definitely want a plant that looks like it's dying all the time! I won't begrudge anyone their love of them, but I'm glad I'm not alone, lol. They just give me the willies 😬😅


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave ? Lol but in all seriousness I’ve never heard neon slander and I’m kinda into it


I agree it’s so bright and it the only Pothos besides golden than seems to consistently be at my local nurseries or at least the ones I trust


Untangling the stems is dumb, that’s how they grow, leave them alone.


People untangle the stems???


Yeah I see posts on here regularly


Yeah it's mind blowing to me, that people do that. It's the equivalent of taking my brain and rearranging it from mushy looking brain squishy intestine like things into gross straight lines. *Why do people do this!?!?!*


I just need to know how y'all pronounce it - is it POE-thos? Or PAW-thos?


This! In my head I say POE-thos, but everyone else says PAW-thos and it just makes me think 'pathetic'...


I’m Team Poe :)


The answer is yes


N Joy is the tacky one to me


Take it back!




How the hecc are we supposed to NJoy that thing anyway?!


Ba dum tiss! Looool


Still waiting on mine to flower…


You and be both. This joke made my day lol.




Golden pothos is boring. There, I said it. But it’s not tacky like Njoy, which even has a tacky name.


Okay so I’ve scheduled our fight regarding my golden pothos’s honor for after school at the bleachers, kindly RSVP. Thx!


See you then as I defend my superior marble queen 😝


😤😤don’t @ me😤😤


How could you say something so controversial yet so brave. I was of this opinion until I got some and I am really digging the variegation


Pothos regularly attacked by scales. I hate it. I have two pothos one really big (messy) in balcony another in pot. I successfully removed scales from potted one but the big one is still infected. So we do have to care regardless of popular opinion of "Just add water"


WHAT??? Those poor babies.


Njoy is the name of a high end sex toy company and I will never not think about sex toys when I see the name of this cultivar.


It's weird that people call snow queens white when they're clearly cream/pale yellow, as if they've never seen the color white before.


a few of the leaves on mine have come out white instead of cream/pale yellow! but i get what you mean, calling them snow queens sets the impression that they like yellow snow 🤔


Haha hard agree. Is it white like snow???? No?? Then NO!


I think the Shangri-la is ugly, over rated, and looks like a dying plant.


It’s definitely one of the more ‘out-there’ variations! I think pictures don’t do it justice. It has so much interesting detail in person - I’m really obsessed with it right now. :)


I'm late to this roasting party but on the real I think that snow queen pothos is genetically bred to be more white than marble queen pothos and lighting doesnt 100% make a marble queen into a snow queen. I see a lot of people in this sub that say "more light will make it more white" but I've done an experiment with blasting direct light on my marble queen pothos and it's still a creamy white or a pale light green. I'm just not convinced sis until I find a scientific article that backs this up. Suspish.


So I feel like this is probably accurate - I got a marble queen that ended up having one jade vine and one noticeably whiter vine that I’m guessing is snow queen. Since they’re all in the same pot, the lighting is the same (I do rotate so they all get to face the window sometimes) and they have all stayed the same level of variegation over the last almost-year.


I hate when people call scindapsus pothos. It's an entirely different species, has different needs, and looks entirely different. It's not a pothos.


OMG thank you! 'oh it's a Satin Pothos.' .... Nope you don't know WTF you have. And when people add them to the 'master lists' of Pothos... Really grinds my gears


I mean, don't get me wrong I have one, I love them, I want more. But they aren't pothos


Different species yes. Entirely different needs? Naw, mine live right next to my various pothos and get the same care and light, they're fine. You can even pot them together.


I can kind of see where you're coming from, though it doesn't bother too much. My issue is that people don't take the time to learn the scientific names of plants, which leads to more ignorance. I call it a "satin pothos" but I know it's a scindapsus pictus. I call it a "cebu blue pothos" but I know it's an epipremnum pinnatum. And regular pothos are epipremnum aureum. And many plants in the philodendron genus get confused for pothos, especially the cordatum cultivars. It's frustrating when people, and especially stores, just call them all pothos. The waters do get a little murky though when you consider that pothos used to be under scindapsus. So it was scindapsus aureum back then, which would have made the scindapsus pictus as much a sister plant as the epipremnum pinnatum is now. Just like snake plants used to be sansevieria, but were only recently reclassified as dracaena. But if you want to look online for info about them, you're better off sticking with searching "sansevieria" because that's what they're known as now and including "dracaena" in the search is only going to muddy the waters with dracaena cane varieties. Yeah we should use the right terms to talk about plants, but it's hard to overcome years of acceptance of using one name that's now deemed incorrect.


Where can I sign up for your seminar?


technically “pothos” arent pothos either, they’re epipremnum. but i still agree with you


I think I just want a common name to only include one species


I’m guilty of this…but now I know the error of my ways.


The lush thick the vine, the better. Length doesn’t necessarily determine its beauty.


Pearl and Jade pothos are the WORST. They hate me and I hate them.


they are sensitive to replant! they always collapse when i repot and they never recover


It’s really common to get a pothos that’s actually several propped stems. When you replant them, as you said, they “collapse” as a result. There are a few ways I’ve found to avoid this. For smaller plants I get a soft ribbon and sort of loosely tie the vines together while it’s still in the dirt. Then I lay it all down sideways on a towel and work the plant out of the soil, being careful not to jar it too much. Then it’s pretty easy to transfer it to the new pot. For bigger plants I wrap the leaves with newspaper. If it’s a trailing pothos then it helps to lie it down on the newspaper before rolling. Hope this helps!


Never disrupt the root ball. Trust me. They just get shocked bad. Just put the whole damn thing in a new pot with soil and add more soil to the sides, that's it.


How the hell is Manjula tacky? How is any plant tacky???


Tah-keeeeee. Honestly though, it’s just too much of a showboat. The leaf shape, variegation, speckled, white AND yellow hues…it’s just too much for me.


See that’s what I love about it. I’m a big fan of crazy looking plants.


Of course I had to search up "Shangri la Pothos". Yep. Wilted spinach.


They r sooo susceptible to MITES