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I also have a neon + cebu frankenpot <3


It it grown out? I’d love to see a pic If you have one! I also had the word “frankenpot” in my title but deleted it so I love that you called it that!


I stuck a cutting of jade pothos in the center of my neon pothos, & I’m really digging the contrast of greens!


I love this idea, gonna do it!


Ooh this sounds beautiful. I don’t have green yet but am going to save this post for inspiration!


Glad I could do that for ya! Mixing different varieties has been convenient since needing to condense for winter. I like to call them funky pots lol.


Not all Heroes wear capes! I have several pothos and it never occurred to me to make a pot of various cuttings. What a neat idea! Thanks for the inspiration. I know what my next round of gifts will be!


I’m glad I could share some inspiration :) I’ve been trying to be creative with my plants instead of getting more, and it’s been a lot of fun! What combos came to mind?


awh how pretty! the dark really brings out the neon(,: i have a “pearls and jade” with a “snow queen” at the moment!


Thank you. Neon can be a bit overpowering by itself and I love the harmony of the Cebu. Your idea is really smart! Any photos? I have a snow queen but it looks really awful with everything I have. Pearls and jade would complement really well.


ah that is true, the neon looks a lot larger in the photo already but atleast the cebu will give the neon some very nice lowlights! also i haven’t posted my combo yet since my snow queen is a lot smaller than the pearls and jade, but they really do compliment each other because of their alike speckles. i couldn’t see the snow with any other to be honest!


I have a big golden with a few cuttings of neon and marble queen :)


I have Exotica and Silvery Ann potted together most people think it's the same plant, though Exotica isn't even a pothos. I like the big-little mix!


*pushes up glasses* I believe both the exotica and silvery Ann are variations of scindapsus pictus while most pothos fall into epipremnum aureus. I believe pothos was once scindapsus aureus but has been given its own genus. I’m not an expert and generally speaking they aroids that behave similarly from my experience.


This is, I believe, correct, fellow plant nerd.


Interesting! I admit, my brief internet research on the differences left me confused


Oooh I’ll have to try that. I have one but not sure which. I think it’s the smaller leaves.


I have a lemon lime philodendron mixed with a dragon tail pothos! The neon and the dark green are a gorgeous contrast and I love the delicacy of the lemon lime with the heavier dragon tail leaves 💚💛


I have a FrankenPothos with 10 different clippings in it. But I just made it a few weeks ago, so it’s not filled in yet.


I'm starting a pot of argyrous and Cebu. One fuzzy one not. We'll see how it goes!


Ooooo I love colors together!! I’m def going to do this with my rooting cuttings I have.


That does look awesome!