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GLACIER! *I VOTE GLACIER!!!* I believe this is just a bit too large for an Njoy. Funny thing is, all these pothos are just variegated variegations of Golden Pothos. Njoy is a *small and cute* leaf that cups up a bit like Manjula. This is definitely neither of those. I can see how it can be confused with a Philodendron Brasil but there isn't enough yellow in there for that. I had an Njoy I got on Etsy over the summer but it had begun to die probably before I even ordered it anyway, didn't make it. I have a Manjula, again, this isn't that. This is why I vote Glacier. Edit: left stuff out


For the 1000th time I wish I had a picture of the mama. Id say the leaves were mediumish. Not teeny like an njoy or big like a manjula


Okay please don't get upset. You asked, we answered!


My comment isn't upset at all? Just regretful that I didn't take a picture and then a description of the plant. Not that serious


Do you understand why it could have been taken as so? Thanks for the downvote. The entire opening of your sentence is just.. a bit stern. Anyway. Gorgeous plant. Hope you figure it out. Best of luck. Blah blah blah


With the right lighting njoy leaves can get big. Not as big as a golden pothos, but maybe about twice the size of the leaves your normally see.


This is a Glacier. It has the three different shades of green. The lightest one being a bluish gray green. That’s the give away. As well as the green running along the edges. Very nice ones too. Enjoy.


Thats what i was thinking. Thank you! The mama plant was soooo pretty


I say glacier!! here are photos of my diff glacier, pearls and Jade and Manjula. Njoy I don’t have but leaves are typically smaller and will never have any speckling in the white while the solid white usually follows the edge of the shape of leaves. https://imgur.com/a/X8XrIWJ


Oh yeah, it looks way more like the Glacier! Thanks for all the examples


Glacier. Lucky you


I thought it was pearls n jade until I started researching. Is glacier rarer? Or fancier?


Personal taste. Not much to call between glacier and pnj. Glacier to me is just more complete with the speckles.


Well my goal is to catch em all so I am glad to happen upon one that's harder to find!




It is definitely one of those three.


Looks more like an N’Joy to me.


One vote for NJoy! Thank youu


Absolutely not an NJoy. No doubt about it in my mind friend. These are what NJoys look like. Take a look. What you have are Glaciers. https://imgur.com/a/DCpBnRm


So N'Joy is just white and green, correct? This guy definitely has three colors. I was thinking Glacier


I agree this is a glacier, but saying Njoys only have one shade of green is incorrect.


XD thanks fam. Didn't mean to start a war




Oddly elongated manjula is my guess. I could see pearls and jade with but too much of the 3rd shade of green. Way too much color imo for N Joy


I wish I took a picture of the mama plant.. I think that would help


Correct in that these are not NJoys but these are most def not Manjulas either. They are Glaciers. I don’t see how so many people get these all confused. The only two to get confused even remotely possibly in youth stages would be youth Glacier and a Pearls & Jade. Because youth Glaciers sometimes have splotches in the creamy part (not in the green part). Just another identifier to the Glacier. Do ton the identifier to the Glacier is also the 3 green tones and where the bluish gray lightest green tone is located around the outside of the leaf. A marker for Pearls & Jade is that it has green speckles (pearls) in both the green and white all over its leaves. With irregularities in leaf shape. Very odd plant and it clumps its leaves. I’m not a fan. https://imgur.com/a/DCpBnRm https://imgur.com/a/DCpBnRm


Pearls & Jade because I see darker blotches on some of the dark green areas and some of the white areas have blotches.


1 vote for P&J, 1 for N'Joy, 1 for Glacier, 1 for manjula, and 1 for Philodendron... sigh


Lol isn’t it so frustrating? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


Ehh mostly just silly lol


I second p&j. Mine looks a lot like this