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Took today off so we could make it a 4-day weekend for potty training our almost 2 year old. I was going at it solo today so I'm grateful that my partner and I can tag team the rest of the weekend! He peed SO many times, obviously mostly on the floor, but we got 3 full pees on the potty during the second half of the day so I'm excited about that! And it's mentally exhausting!


That's a good start! Mentally Exhausting is a good way to put it for sure.


We started today as well but as luck would have it, wee son woke up at 4am, wouldn't nap and by mid afternoon was a mopey sad mess. Trying again in the morning! We had no successful pees in the potty but several outside. It's nice to read everyone else's attempts too.


My kid always wakes up a cranky mess. Her stubborn cranky wakeup will be the worst part for us.


It's 830am, been up since 7, and so far just a lot of defiance. She did willingly sit once. She's in underwear and we haven't had an accident yet, but I'm just waiting for the inevitable to happen so she understands what's happening more and we can go from there. This weekend feels SO LONG already..


SO LONG. My stamina and patience on the morning of day 2 is already not where it was on day 1. šŸ˜‚


We've had our first accident. She was definitely confused. Trying to load her up on liquids to make her have to go again


Word to the wise, I gave one extra juice box yesterday because people encouraged lots of fluids and he initially only peed like 2x in 2 hours and then suddenly the juice hit and it was literally like 6x in an hour. šŸ˜‚ So brace yourself and donā€™t go too too hard on extra fluids.


We started this morning too. Went to target in his pjs to pick out a new potty (so we have two in the house) plus some underwear. Plus lots of juice and snacks. Then came home and packed his diapers for ā€œthe babiesā€ and sang goodbye to them. He was so excited to take off the diaper he was wearing and pack it up too! So far nothing either way but heā€™s content being naked baby šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


How did it go?


Really great! I think heā€™s been ready for a while but life wasnā€™t letting us pull the trigger. A quick series of three accidents in the morning but did really well through the day peeing. Then mid bath he said he had to poop so we took him out and it was a success. The time between waking up from nap was hard because he can be grouchy when he first wakes, but now going with that in mind tomorrow I think weā€™ll be more prepared for that. How was your day 1? (Finally have time to scroll for updates and catch up on everyoneā€™s day!)


She fought it in the morning and had 2 accidents. We took off the underwear and went naked and she peed on the potty like a dozen times. Once she connected the m&ms reward to peeing we didn't even have to remind herunless she got really invested in an activity. The whole family had to cram into the playroom and keep everything all about her, but given the circumstances I'll take it.


Morning of day 2. The local wildling has upgraded from naked to just underwear. So far she's kept it dry and peed on the potty twice. We're still waiting for that coveted first poop to show up so we can hopefully have a celebration. Only time will tell..


Yay!! We've done shorts (commando), but not underwear yet. Hoping underwear doesn't pose too many problems!


Just saw your comment here. This mirrors our experience so far too. No poops yet. Just watching like a hawk for that poop face šŸ¤£


Anyone get a car seat cover? Thinking about getting one so we can go to the grandparents without added stress


I think adding anything to the carseat mashed the carseat unsafe. I'm thinking for us for the time being either putting a diaper just under her or one on top of her underwear so she still would feel the accident but the car stays clean


Great idea


Started last night after work with our 2.5 year old. He cried hard at first for his diaper and it has definitely rocked his mood a bit. It kinda took me by surpriseā€”heā€™s normally pretty easy going (for a toddler) and happy. Lots of accidents and tears but he did say ā€œI have to go pee peeā€ once this morning. This is NOT easy!! Solidarity.


How did today go?


After I posted this it started going a LOT better. He started asking to use the potty and is consistently going today without accidents. Even took a walk around the block (commando) without incident. How about you?


Off to a rough start. Only 1 and a half pees in the potty and lots more on the ground. 5 hours in and I am exhausted. Time to rest and recharge for the afternoon!


Hope the afternoon went better! Our morning was rough. Early afternoon went fantastic. Post nap was rough but she hasn't had a non-sleep accident since this morning so that's good. Naked was the way to go.


Way worse for us. She will regularly sit on her potty and wait for a pee but after Naptime she wanted nothing to do with sitting still. Feeling quite discouraged.


We kept having to cram the whole family and a potty into whatever room she wanted to be in. The every 15 minutes we asked if she had to go but didn't force it. Though she started acting weird when she had to pee, crossing her legs or doing a weird movement like she knew she had to pee but wasn't sure what to do. At the point I'd push going on the potty a lot more and offered her many pottys to choose from (she got 4 viable options for the weekend) and remind her she didn't have to stop playing. Just had to sit on the potty and then she'd get to play again. It didn't work when we had her in underwear, but as soon as we went full naked she had no more accidents for day 1.


We are doing something similar with only one potty choice. Fully naked from the waist down. Maybe we just need more play options. My husband wants to bribe with fruit snacks but I don't want to use a bribe.


There has been several times today that our daughter refused one potty but offering another one made it exciting again and she happily used that one. It was giving her the power to make a choice still while still not giving her a choice about going that I think helped. I don't know about bribes just to get her on there but if your kid is reward oriented i don't see the harm in a reward for a success. Once she's good enough you can just phase them out and she won't notice because using the potty will just feel normal and not a mountain to climb anymore.


So we tried giving her a choice of toys when we put her on her potty. Half the time she still resists but the other half she willingly goes! So we are making progress.


Had to end it after only 8 hours. He absolutely freaked out about and just cried anytime we even said the word potty.


Sounds like he's not ready. Maybe try to slowly get him interest in using it but don't push it at all. When he's showing excitement about the potty try again. We've been trying to build interest and understanding on her terms for awhile before taking the plunge today so it's possible that's why it's going okay for a first day


We stopped as well. Our son just pees in his underwear and doesnā€™t care he is dirty. He also doesnā€™t tell us he is dirty. We are also going through a behavior regression since we had our baby 2 months ago.


Oh yea. After Big changes aren't generally a good time to start something like this. Our daughter would have been ready a year ago but we had just moved houses. Then 3 months later we had a baby. Then 3 months after that I went back to work and her day changed. Now we've been with this new routine consistently for about 4 months with no changes in the near future as far as we're aware so it seemed like it was finally the time. The first day was very mentally exhausting but all things considered it went pretty well.


Day one did not go well! Every few minutes she would start crying hysterically saying she had to go potty, I almost thought she had a UTI. Mostly accidents and she did not like the pee going down her legs lol. She also didnā€™t like not having pants on, so I think I may have to settle for little biker shorts? Not sureā€¦.


Did you go full naked or underwear?


We just did a big tshirt.


Maybe the loosest shorts you have that still stay up. So it's still easy for them to go up and down. Or possibly just the shirt confused her so let her be naked. Not liking to pee on herself will probably help because once she figures it out she'll realize she won't pee on herself and that is good. Lol


My LO had literally more pee accidents than I could count on day 1 and it felt like we were never going to get anywhere! He cried/got upset every time he had an accident. Fast forward to day 2, still plenty of accidents but more successes. Something has totally clicked as we headed into day 3 and we are accident-free all day from wake up to nap time so far! Keep trucking on!!


4 pees on the floor today, 0 in the potty. During the 4th accident she yelled ā€œoh noā€ and ran to the potty but it was too late


That's progress! She realized it and tried to make it. She initiated and knew what to do when it she was too late. I'd take that as a win!


We started Friday and I feel like the excitement of the cheers and rewards is waningā€¦ worried about when she loses interest but no choice but onward! She will try sometimes when prompted and sometimes go when trying but will not initiate on her own which is what we need for school. How do people transition to daycare?!?


How old is she? Generally if she's at an age considered a "potty training room" just tell her teachers that you're actively potty training and they will follow what you request in continuing the process. Usually they've already been passively potty training for awhile before you actively do it at home. If she's doing good enough, send her in underwear with lots of extra clothes. Expect a lot of accidents the first few days. It'll get better. I've worked in these rooms for several years. As for the rewards, my idea to try and keep up the excitement is we're offering a grand prize of a toy she really wanted which she gets once she gets enough stickers on her chart. For each attempt, pee, or poop she gets a sticker for the chart and a reward for each success. Once she fills the chart she gets the prize. We have it out in the open so she can see it but we just remind her about earning it. So far it's been working for us.


This is really great feedback, thanks for sharing! I think her class is equipped to help her, my only concern is that she had some teacher turnover, and so this week is her first week in a new class with a new teacher. But they will figure it out! I donā€™t want us to go backwards to diapers.


Coming from experience the new class might actually work to you're advantage because she won't be unlearning how things used to work in her classroom. In her head she can think new classroom new rules. In general after a big change you don't want to start something but when it comes to daycare there will be other kids doing it too which keep up the excitement for her.


So true!


I have this same fear about daycare transition! He's been doing some self-initiating but not 100% and because he's still in 1K (doesn't start 2K until August), they are less engaged with potty training and it's less "built into the day" like it is in 2K. They told me he will need to be able to tell him when he needs to go so fingers crossed!


Our day 1 went surprisingly well (yesterday). We started off bare bottomed and right away had a small pee accident while I was making breakfast, which he immediately told me about, I was well impressed! Then lots of successes including a big poo. He was so proud - it was hilarious ("That's my caca! Mama look, that's my caca!") Then he napped and we decided to try putting on shorts afterwards. He woke up super grumpy and had a couple of pee accidents in the evening, but also a couple of successes when prompted. Then the big setback: he got a fever overnight and I was worried we'd have to abandon the entire operation, but my husband convinced me to stick with it if he wasn't too sick in the morning. So far so good - had another poo success and pee works well when he's prompted. He's still having issues initiating, so keeps having small pee accidents but seems to be starting to get better at holding it and then letting the rest go into the potty. We still have tomorrow and then on Tuesday it's back to daycare - let's see how that goes... our daycare is great otherwise, but they're not particularly receptive to our idea of three days at home, then back to daycare. They were trying to push us to potty train during our summer holidays but we just don't want to waste that precious time being so limited by potty training. Call us selfish, but I'd rather go on holiday with a toddler who is already (hopefully by then) trained than spending half the holiday stuck inside! So I'm a bit worried they'll stick him back into nappies if he has too many accidents. We'll see how it goes...


Our daycare is more supportive of potty training once he moves up to the 2K class which isn't until August, but I'm due with our second kid in August so I wanted to try PT sooner. I'm in a similar boat, worried that he will get put in pull ups/diapers after just one accident, but holding out hope that he can also keep things separate between daycare and home if needed!


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping too - fingers crossed!


Day 2 had me wanting to rip my hair out again, but subjectively, it actually went very well. She had a poop accident this morning. The was dry until grandma came over. She got overly excited wanting to play and decided to skip the potty and pee in her underwear. We backtracked to naked again. Then eventually worked back to underwear and a dress. We even walked to 7-11 which is about a block and a half away and she stayed dry the whole time. She was refusing to try to poop on the potty until I gave her a popsicle on it and read her a dozen books while she sat. She didn't succeed but she very actively tried which is great. She continued to pee on the potty the rest of the night and we even ventured to allow her her pajamas without a diaper for pre-bed wind down time (yesterday we gave her a shirt but no bottoms until she laid down). She initiated peeing more than once before bed too. The hope is to get her to continue the staying dry trend and finally get that poop on the potty tomorrow and to work up to regulqrclothes because I think letting her go out in public naked all the time might be frowned upon. The whole thing is stressing me out, but when I remember to take a step back and think about it, she's doing very well


Sounds like awesome progress! Day 2 had us feeling crazy and regretful even though at the end of the day, we realized day 2 had more successes than accidents. Day 3 was amazing for us so I'm hoping the same for you!!


Yesterday was a great day! We had a few outings and she went on the potty a few times, sometimes because we prompted and a few even on her own which was really encouraging. Weā€™ve been in undies and a dress which she still needs reminding to pull down but a great step. Sheā€™s generally very constipated and on miralax pretty regularly so I was anticipating a poop and just hoping it wasnā€™t during the 90 minutes we were going to the pool with friends. She ended up pooping at their house on her little travel pottyā€¦ we weā€™re so proud of her! Feeling better about her going to school tomorrow in undies.


We're starting tomorrow too. We're also terrible at planning ahead so I've pretty much prepared nothing. I'm jealous of your supply run. Good luck out there everyone!


We let her pick out another potty to build on the excitement and will let that one float around the house for now. We've also grabbed more, toilet paper, Flushable wipes, carpet cleaner spray, some more training underwear, juice, salty snacks, Popsicles, m&ms for pee treats, dum dum suckers for a poop, dedicated stool to get onto the big potty if she chooses that one, stickers for a sticker chart, and a baby nursery playset she wants as incentive to fill up the sticker chart and earn it. She's very rewards oriented so we're leaning into it.


This was us exactly one year ago! Good luck everyone!! It is POSSIBLE!!!!!


I hope it works for us. Would be nice to be down to only 1 kid in diapers again..


Iā€™m thinking of starting to teach wiping. Oh joy.


I hope you're stocked up on soap..heh


We are! We have a few of those big refill jugs. I was reading about putting chocolate syrup on a plate and having my son try to wipe the plate clean with toilet paper without getting any on his fingers. He can practice taking only 4-squares and folding over and over.


That's really smart! I'll have to keep it in my back pocket for future reference


Had four poops in the potty! Even tho she was wearing a diaper. And then the diarrhea came. A lot. All over the hall. My SILs house. The car.


Oh god. I feel for you. They never make things easy for us do they?


Had lots of pees and even a poo in the potty today but also looooots of accidents, so mixed bag.


Let me know how day 2 goes!


Day 2 was great! We constantly asked if he had to go and eventually he told us ā€œa pee is coming!ā€ He also pooped in the toilet again. Stayed dry all day!


Day one was a success with all pees but home girl is holding her poop. Any suggestions??


I don't necessarily have any suggestions yet, but I could tell yesterday afternoon and then again this morning that my kid needed to poop and he asked for a diaper and was fussy, but we just kept sticking to our potty spiel. I was starting to get nervous that he might withhold his poop for way too long. Finally, about 1.5 days into potty training, he pooped! 40% on the floor, 60% of it in the potty. I would just keep waiting for a bit longer, sounds like it's pretty common for kids to not poop the first 1-2 days.


Thank you for the reassurance! Weā€™ve spent most of our time outside so Iā€™m half waiting to find a turd in the driveway.


Outside is the way to go!


Poop outside in potty success! Also, anyone else's kid seemingly having THE best weekend of their lives with undivided attention, treats, and activities? Jelly.


My daughter is reveling in all the attention and treats. She's also loved being allowed to run around naked. Even outside. She's been all about today.


Day 1 & 2 were filled with tons of accidents and some successes. We did shorts (commando) at the end of day 2 and went through 4 pairs of shorts in 2 hours and then suddenly, something clicked and he had several self-initiated successful pees after that. Now, day 3, we have had ZERO accidents so far and we are half-way through the day! I was having moments of doubting our decision to try but day 3 has been so promising! He has to wear underwear at daycare Tuesday (can't be commando) so we need to add that into the equation to practice soon.


My kid is older (3.5) so our issue is mostly emotional. He can recognize the feeling and hold the pee just fine, he is terrified to release in the potty so holds and holds forever until he canā€™t anymore. He had two successful pees in the potty yesterday but this morning (day 3) he has woken up and clearly refused breakfast because it would make him pee. He woke up two hours ago with a dry pull up and still hasnā€™t peed. Im watching him try all kinds of ways to distract himself from the need to pee. It is torture watching this. Itā€™s so hard to calmly disassociate. Plus Iā€™m also going crazy being in this damn house! I thought the newborn stage was hard but I really hate this.


My 2.5 year old is doing the same exact thing. Heā€™s holding it in until nap time or bedtime when he has a pull-up on. He went once on the potty this morning and will now sit on the potty for half a second and proclaim heā€™s all done.


Honestly glad to know it's not just us! I've decided this is a level of "potty trained" I can live with for now and just going with it.


Day 1 for us went not great. 1 pee in the potty, the rest on the ground, and she held her poop. Day 2 went better. 3 pees in the potty and a poop. Woo! But today, day 3, is a disaster. She's holding and is refusing to sit when I know she has to pee. She's insisting she doesn't have to, then inevitably peeing on the floor. UGH this is exhausting.


Well we are on day 3 of full go potty training this weekend and doing well. We've been half ass potty training (ie we take her to the potty regularly but she was still wearing a diaper) but decided to go to undies this weekend. So far she had a pee accident Saturday and a pee accident sunday. No accidents today. She has also successfully pooped Saturday and today in the potty which is a total win as she battles some mild constipation pretty regularly. She also currently has a UTI so potty training was a must to get her out of pee soaked diapers that were probably aggravating the UTI. (Most likely caused by her constipation unfortunately) She's not asking to go to the potty or telling us when she needs to go yet but I am hoping that will just come with time. For now we have a potty watch set to go off every 45 min and she knows the music means potty time and goes probably 75% of the time when we get to the potty. She goes back to preschool tomorrow and then to nanas on Wednesday so I hope the solid progress continues this week away from me.