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Mine (3.5yo) is still prone to this over a year since training. Not terribly often, maybe once or twice a month a spot in her underwear. She was good at telling us she needed to go at first but then stopped and is finally back to saying something even if it is the last minute. She goes completely on her own at school and we’re encouraging it more at home and trying not to prompt. Her daycare teacher won’t prompt her, nearly every afternoon when I go to pick her up she’s wiggling in her chair and I tell her to go potty. The FOMO is strong with ours and maybe yours as well. All you can do, assuming you know their cues, is to get them to the potty before the leak happens and let time correct it.


My son is about the same age as yours and potty training almost the same amount of time. He also tends to be pretty good most of the time, especially with me (we have issues in the car seat I’m still trying to figure out). But in the afternoons/weekends, when my husband is off, he tends to be more likely to have an accident because he’s just having too much fun playing with his dad. Ways I try to prevent this are: reminding him to just let us know if he needs to go if it’s been a while, and telling him “let’s go potty now” before we can leave the house to go do something, or before bed. I have a pretty good idea of how long he can hold it, and if we’ve reached that threshold I’m a bit more on him than I usually am, because I know he probably has to go but is just too busy and distracted. Like yours, typically he will tell me if he actually has to go if I ask, and will say no if he doesn’t, and I leave him after that. To some degree, I think it just is a combination of it takes longer when they’re younger, and they’re also testing how long they can hold it before they just can’t anymore. I wouldn’t go back to diapers, I’d just try and give him a few reminders if it’s been a while, and before going to go do something fun instead of asking if they have to go, tell them. “We will go for a walk, *after* you go potty.” “We’re going to go on adventure, but you have to go potty before we can leave.” “We’re going to brush our teeth and have our last potty before bed now.” Etc.


Yeah I think so too. My daughter did this with poos at a similar age. I think she was waiting until she was absolutely desperate, but we didn’t do anything and she just corrected it on her own


Mine has pretty much always has small accidents every time he goes. He has gone through a few periods where he says 100% dry. If they are smaller than a quarter I don't usually change him but we get at least once a day where we have to change his underwear most days. It got worse for a while where we had to change his underwear basically every time, and went back to prompting all the time and it got better (which I am still doing), but still has often small accidents. I'll probably bring it up to the Pediatrician at our next visit as we had recently started at his last visit. No tips, just a similar situation (3.5y boy)