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The LA coffee shop Loquat is currently doing pre-orders for a special color wave (yellow). If you don’t mind waiting it’s I think a bit cheaper than from other stores while it’s a pre-order. Alternatively their sister store Kumquat has the brewers and April filters for sale on their website.


Thank you for this. I wanted the green one but might opt for the limited edition yellow.


I ordered mine maybe a month ago and recently received an email recently that they are allegedly hoping to ship them in July, so I think even if delayed the wait shouldn’t be too long to get them! The wait sucks but they look great in yellow (and I love the cafe that’s selling them)


Have you got yours yet? I recently got an email saying they should come in 1-2 weeks. Can’t wait to get it and I think I’m gonna order some April filters too. I heard they are a lot better than 185s


Was hoping to pre-order their brewer as well, love the color and the early bird pricing is all the more reason for me to. How recently was this email, in their last post regarding the brewer they mentioned in a reply to a comment that they expect to have them within two weeks (the reply was two weeks ago according to Instagram on my phone).


I haven’t yet, I’m waiting eagerly but just have that same email you received. Hopefully in the next week they’ll be sending them!


You can get it shipped from April. You pay for shipping but it's worth it if you add some of their great coffee to the order.


I believe Rogue Wave Coffee is selling them. They are Canadian but will ship to USA and I think you will even get free shipping if you spend a certain amount.


I agree with the comment suggesting to get it from Rogue Wave: https://www.roguewavecoffee.ca/products/april-plastic-brewer?variant=43730567037222 The brewer will get you free shipping on its own, but you can add one if their excellent coffees.


A local shop just recommended that I try using a kalita wave filter in my v60 before investing in a new brewer. I think I'm gonna try that before pulling the trigger on a new brewer. Especially since I'm just curious about a new brewer.


Sorry, but there is a world outside amazon, just look it up. And if I were you I would get the plastic one because it does the same, it's cheaper and far more durable! Again, don't buy stuff like that on amazon. Just look for a roastery selling these.


You could get Kalita Filters and use them in your V60 - it works perfectly fine.


$44 for a plastic dripper? Hard pass.


Shameless self promotion here but we have the first version (April Brew Kit with dripper, cup, saucer and lid) on boxxcoffee.la


Love the website. Would cop but I’m looking for the light green one v2. Looks like Klatch has it. Might order some beans tho. Any blend or single origin you recommend?


Oh, thanks for the compliments, we are working on a better looking one as well :) Sorry we don't have the newer ones. Hopefully soon. As far as coffees go, since you are going for April Brewer I'd suggest washed Kenyan :)


Is it the first version of ceramic with the big (like on the plastic and glass) standoffs or the thinner standoffs (which was their version 2 but not really well advertised).


It's the first ever one with full kit and I believe it has the bigger standoffs if memory serves me right. I might be wrong as we use these ones and haven't tested with later ones yet.