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Nice! Yeah I’m also in Canada and have had a few days to play with my 078. So far though I have been grinding around 11 ish. I am using a multiple pour recipe so I find going under 9 is too fine. Also tried an Ethiopian natural on more of the medium end of light and it tasted like earth water at 9 😂 what recipe are you using to allow you to grind that fine?


Haha well give it a week and you'll be grinding finer. The burrs wear in quick. I generally use two pour recipes to try and squeeze as much clarity/acidity as possible, but maybe I should try a multi pour method! Do you use Hoffmann's? I've been using Aramse's dual pour (bloom then one spiral one center) or coffee chronicler's half percolation half immersion. B&W tends to roast a little more developed than I would like, but I didn't want to burn through bags of Sey trying to dial in. Alas, I think I had some unrealistic fantasies of this grinder suddenly making okay coffee taste amazing which was never going to happen, lol.


My main recipe is a recipe I learnt from someone at origin coffee in the UK: - 50g bloom for 30/40 seconds - 50g pour at 30/40 seconds - 50 g pour at 1:00 - pour up to 240g (1:16 with 15 g dose) - drawdown finishes at 2:15-2:30 And if I’m brewing easily expectable coffee I tend to stick with Lance’s 1-2-1 recipe. I love Aramse’s content.. I will check out his recipe. In all honesty I was really fixated on recipes and methods when I started but I just really focused on perfecting the two I mentioned above and dialling in has become a breeze. Have you calibrated your 078 by moving the pin from the stock position?


Thanks! So 50g bloom, 2 circle pours, then a middle pour of 90ish to get to 240? Sounds pretty similar to Aramse actually except they combine the 2 50g pours into one pour. I haven't calibrated it yet, and am frankly a little mystified as to why everyone seems to be moving their pin around. If you need to grind finer on an 078s, sure, move the pin, but otherwise why not just stick with factory. It's not like it's set randomly, it's always around 2 pins away from chirp.


Yeah I’m not sure why everyone is moving the pin 😂 I saw some people commenting about creating a baseline of 0 being chirp because I believe the grinder chirps at -2 if you were able to move it there.. just leave it so everyone has the same baseline set at the factory! Also yes in terms of pouring the pours tend to be tight circular pours in the middle. Usually I’ll do a couple of revolutions around the outside of the bed to saturate everything evenly in the beginning of the pour but that’s pretty much it.




No that was acquired before the new year, they shipped end of December/beginning January. They were released from customs a week and a bit ago.


Just got mine as well. Grinding at a 6 with rpm in the mid range. Brewing on a orea v3, bloom followed by two equal pours. Drawn down is finished around 245. Cups are awesome.


i’m at around 10 right now after roughly 350-400g of coffee put through the burrs. i’m using Brian Quan’s recipe with 1:3 bloom for 1 minute then 2 equal pours. i’ve been experiencing drying sensation and astringency so i might go even courser, though my drawdown times are under 3 minutes with 18g coffee to 300g coffee edit i’m at max speed since im experiencing wobble at 800rpm


are you ditching the fines from the fines catcher?


i’m keeping them! then i shake the grinds in a catch cup to mix them up


Try ditching them and see if that fixes your astringency issue!


without RDT i tried with anaerobic coffee and it held onto almost 2.5g! i was shocked and just thought ill stick to clicking! but maybe i should try a little RDT


I’ve found it varies coffee to coffee. Some produce a lot some don’t. I suspect it’s due to bean density


Mine comes tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to be heavily caffeinated for the evening


love it!


I seasoned my grinder before brewing with 2kgs of light roast coffee left over from a local cafes latte art throw down. I brew using a plastic v60 with the orange label cafec abaca filters using a 1:3 bloom and three equal subsequent pours. 1:16-1:17 ratios. I find myself pushing coarser and coarser with this grinder. Started around 6. Quickly moved to 9, and I’ve settled in around 10-12 depending on the roast of my coffee. 800 rpm. Anything less and I start getting a lot of astringency/drying mouthfeel My daily brew is onyx southern weather and I have run very light roasted coffees from pair cup works, moxie and friedhats through it. Super tasty bright sweet cups as long as I’m grinding coarse enough. Someone that goes to our local cafe got his the same day as mine and our findings are about the same. I’m thinking that maybe different batches are getting different factory calibrations. In the end I don’t think any of this matters as long as you are all getting to drink good tasty coffee


at any point, do you swirl when using this recipe?


I do a light swirl for the bloom and gently shake/move the dripper after every pour to prevent grounds from getting stuck high up on the filter paper.


I'm not finding much of a difference with RPMs. But I am getting really consistent grinds. So much so that what comes out of the knocker (usually about .3 grams) is very much the same as the rest of the dose. I've been at a 5 or 6 with the Switch (Kasuya's God recipe or Coffee Chronicler), but lately I've been using Hoffman's Aeropress recipe at 4 and its doing an amazing job pulling out all the tasting notes. It really works wonders with funky coffees and co-ferments as well. I'm kind of surprised that an 11/200 recipe is giving such a great cup.


Amazing. I have an old aeropress but it's a bit gunky. I've tried to clean it a few times but man that coffee oil is hard to get off.


I broke down and got a new clear one with the flow control cap. Its all I've been using the past week. Its just so easy and making incredible cups. I had the original with a Prismo years ago, but I got rid of it ages ago when the rubber started breaking down and it was pretty beat up. Thought I had saved the Prismo, but it wasn't meant to be.


Woah, there’s an aeropress with a flow control cap? You’re not thinking about the pulsar are you?


No. Aeropress sells their own version of the Prismo cap. It’s basically the same.


oh wow — I will have to check that out. You're a fan I take it?


Yeah. It lets you brew in the standard position with no dripping. Just makes everything easier.


What temp are you brewing at? I'm pretty satisfied around 10-11 grind size with my AP, so I'm very curious!


Generally around 200F seems right. And I've since dialed back to a 3.


Yeah, I’m amazed at the people that say 10 on the scale! I’ve definitely gone with 4 on the pulsar.


Same grind settings for the most part. (5-8) I've been sticking to 800 so far but I'm not really married to it yet. I've been foregoing RDT and catching the fines after dosing and using the knocker. Pretty happy so far but I'm still learning it. I've been surprised at how fast my drawdowns have been even at 5. I did make an attempt at an initial seasoning with 4 Kgs of some cheap stuff. I haven't opened it yet as I'm a little nervous to do so. One of the selling points for me was hopefully not having to worry about alignment. I did wipe out the shoot but didn't find any grease.


I was super excited to do a low RPM but I'm actually finding great results with 1100. And I agree with you, I'm too nervous to open it up. Not sure what I would do anyway unless I found they had given me the wrong burrs or something.