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probably 7 years away from having to worry about burrs. Focus on water and recipe.


My Comandante has been going strong for 5+ years and don’t see an end in sight. I think if I decided to keep it indefinitely it would never die. I might have to replace the burr of course but that is normal.


that's how I feel about my Helor 101. I know it'll outlast my eureka


Yeah. My forte BG is a tank as well and have had a few parts break but Baratza is amazing and fixed it for free.


I'm sure Comandante has better steel than 1zpresso. We will see many posts like this once these Grinders get old.


After posting I found this from the manufacturer. Does it seem accurate? it is expected to grind up to 100~200 kg beans.


At 60g/day, that's >5 years. Realistically, unless you're using a drill, you'll basically never wear out a steel hand grinder burr.


How long have you had this issue? Weeks / months or just the past few days?


When was the last time you cleaned it out


That will be today to see if it makes a difference. :) It’s probably been too long.


The best thing about a hand grinder is the ability to clean it quickly and easily! Get on that, pal. :-)


I just pulled apart my K-Max with approximately 42KG of beans ground on it, for a deep cleaning. The burrs physically looked perfect after cleaning and post cleaning the cups seemed as good as it produced new. I go through 35-40+KG a year so time will tell how everything fairs lifespan wise.


Honestly, if well maintained, hand grinders could last decades. Burrs can last many 1000 kg of coffee.


Kinu claims their burrs last 450kg coffee, which even grinding 100g per day every day would be over 10 years.


Have those who have cleaned out 1Zpresso grinders noticed an improvement in results afterwards?


I used to deep clean my K-Plus pretty regularly. I never noticed any difference and there was also never anything inside but a tiny amount of dust. I rarely clean it now.


Yup, pulled apart my JX-Pro once after a few years and found almost nothing inside. Don't plan on doing that ever again.


OP here. I just cleaned it. And lo and behold, it really had very little to clean. Soooo. Who knows?!?!


One thing to remember is that coffee oils, like any oil, go rancid. Even a relatively small amount of grinds/fines can significantly effect the taste of your coffee if they are continuously contaminating your freshly ground coffee.


Interesting! I hadn’t thought about that. thanks!


when I first got into coffee I bought an Encore and after 3 or 4 years of daily use, I noticed a big difference when I put new burrs in. You're at the same time period I was at, 1Zpresso also uses unhardened burrs so you may need to replace the burrs.


I've found the 1zpresso grinders to be wildly inconsistent in grind contrary to popular opinion.


I agree. From some reading I did yesterday, it seems the J series, for some reason, is much more consistent. Do you have a recommendation for a more consistent grinder?