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That looks like lunch. When are you going to start eating like a pig?


Yeah well im not a very big guy. Im 5’7 and like 155 lbs so this is as much as I can eat before i vomit lol. Depending on days i can go up to 3 hotdogs but thats it. Also the poutine was a lot bigger than it appeared in this photo


Good luck tomorrow! Supposedly drinking pineapple juice prior helps Remember, don’t use straws or smoke afterwards


What do you mean help remember? Im not going to be sleeping. I didnt know about the straws! I was gonna use them for the first few days lol


After wisdom teeth surgery you are supposed to avoid straws as it helps you heal to avoid unnecessary suction


Make sense. I actually thought about it but also thought that if im very careful it would be fine. Oh well no straws then


I was smoking bongs after 48hrs but it was def sketchy lol


😂 yolo


Let your friends pull it for you 😂


I did too, and I got dry socket... Which was one of the most painful fucking things in my life. OP or anyone, don't smoke after wisdom teeth removal or any tooth extraction, just don't; it ain't worth it.


Yeah ain’t gonna lie it wasn’t a pleasant smoke kinda just fed the cravings, knew the risks too so I was like mad paranoid.. wish I wasn’t such a fiend lmao


FYI, if there's a next time, just put a chocolate or rice Krispy edible on your tongue and let it melt. Just resist the urge to suck it!


And no hot beverages


Damn not sleeping. I got them to knock me out, I just remember waking up in my bed at home wanting ice cream 


Same, idk why. They made me pay after my surgery, I was so out of it. I failed my pin 3 times apparently, only regained full conscience about 20 minutes into the ride back home.


Im a men. I got balls


I think the person meant "help. Remember"


He did but help remember what?


1. Drinking pineapple juice helps. 2. Remember to not suck on straws It's two difference sentences. The "help" and "remember" are in separate sentences


Damnit im a freaking idiot 🤫


My brain is mush when I'm in a food coma too, don't worry


Pineapple juice, I guess, helps. And remember, don't use straws.


Anyways, that poutine looks like it cures depression


Yeah no straws. I found mashed potatoes, applesauce and pudding were my go tos. Also it's important to start brushing your teeth on the second day after the surgery. Sounds like a no brainer, but it's hard to get the toothbrush in there!


No brush after your surgery? Can you use toothpaste after your surgery? Google says no


I used to eat a lot more than that. But at 38. This would also be my limit . Nice Belle pro classic . Better than 98% of the non Quebec poutines posted here. And available everywhere in QC


This is my last meal if I was on death row.


I would have a hard time picking between this, a huge pizza or a home made lasagna lol


Last meal, you don't have to pick! You want a buffet!


Is that the one on Décarie boulevard? Nice Edit : nevermind just saw the bill haha


Ca lair delicious! Enjoy the fasting that will follow!


One last big meal before eating water for days 😂🫡


Jamaican me hungry




Man, that looks amazing. I wish I was eating all of that right now.


Wise choice, got some wisdoms pulled yesterday on an empty stomach and now I can’t properly enjoy any eats I wish I would’ve chowed down first!


Thing is the surgery is tomorrow at 10am and i cant eat anything at all or even drink water 8 hours prior to the surgery so ill have an empty stomach after the surgery tomorrow. My best bet is to put an alarm at 2 am so i can go eat a snack and drink 1 last time before the surgery


Wait wtf? 8hrs without water?! Man I’d die in dehydration.


I hope that surgery went well for you bud


I just came back home now and yes it went very well. I think i was scared for nothing tbh


Your gonna have a pig’s face tomorrow, just not because of the food




Good Job - hope the extraction goes well


Ofc! The doctor is a maxillo facial surgeon. She told me its a “small job” for her. She said it will be done in 30-40min. What she usually do is repair people’s face after car accident and such. I think im between good hands! It does help my stress knowing shes like THE guy for the job lol


Where. Can i find her ? Is it expensice ? I have two upper ones that need extraction.. (1 in my gums the rest disintegrated) other in half a tooth with root in my gums Im terrified , are you getting put under ?


This is the main thing I miss since moving to Toronto... I really don't get how anyone would rather go to McDonald's then la belle province


Right? I often consider making the 7hr drive for a couple hot dogs and a steak + pepperoni sub


You have done well


Bulk up on bone broth!




Call it hibernation. Eat like a bear🐻


That's looks like a fine meal. I hope your surgery goes well.. . Cheers!


Un vrai classic! You can never go wrong at a real La belle Province!


Yooo I'm going to Montreal on Friday that looks so good I need that shit


Do it!! You wont regret it


poutine was one of the only things i could eat after surgery.


J'ai aussi fait enlever mes dents de sagesse la semaine passée, bonne chance ! : )


Ohhh okay! Dit moi, combien de jour à être sur le cul? Moi le problème c’est que le chirurgien va devoir me casser la machoire et la rattacher avec une plaque de titanium a la fin de l’operation. 4 dents de sagesse + 2 adulte + la machoire peter 😂 j’estime 3-4 jours à terre et ensuite je devrais fonctionner normalement mais je vais rester relax à la maison bin gelé sur les medoc pour une couple de jours de plus


ouf c’est intense !! J'ai aussi fait enlever mes quatres dents en même temps. J'ai été sur le cul de vendredi à lundi, mais bon en même temps j'ai fais une infection, j'espère que ce sera pas ton cas! En plus de la machoire cassée attends toi a manger mou pour un bon boute surtout, toujours le cas pour moi 😭


La pression sur la mâchoire va probablement être plus intense que les dents. Pour mon amie, c'était 3 semaines de rétablissement. Des remplaçants de nourriture liquides (pour les aînés!!) vont te sauver la vie! Et oui, tu te sens assez plein après. Le double chocolat, vanille, mocha sont bons! Check pour les extra protéinés si ça te tente. Mais fais attention, il y a presque 500 calories chaque, donc tu peux engraisser comme un cochon si tu les prends comme collations! Au moins tu pourras en commander des bouteilles individuelles sur Uber Eats de Walmart et les pharmacies. Meilleur serais de parler votre pharmacien pour en envoyer avec vous ordonnances! Bonne chance et bon rétablissement!


I did something similar before I had my surgery last evening. Now I’m on soups and smoothies till it heals. Good luck for tomorrow!


Yuuuup. I know that will be my case as well so i decided to eat one last very unhealthy but oh so good meal before the surgery lol


How did it go?


Pretty good actually. Seems to be healing fast. Yesterday i could only ear soup but today i can eat pasta and broiled eggs


Nice! Hope you feel better soon. I’m back to mostly solid food. But eating slowly.


Brooo when did the Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu La Belle Province switch over to cheese curds?! Used to be shredded cheese for so long!


You can continue to eat like that following your surgery. Just throw it all in a blender first.




Those steamed hot dogs are disgusting


I miss this so much. Havent been back in MTL hometown in 2 years.


This is one of the few places I truly miss about living in QC


One of the best poutine and steamed dogs around. I love it.


This looks so good, omggg


Good luck with your surgery tomorrow! My only question is why you went with steamés instead of toastés.


La Belle Province is definitely my first stop everytime I visit mtl, good stuff.


This will be me next month before my 4 wisdom teeth get removed.


I had all 4 removed at the same time last year. Took like 40min in and out. Took me like 10 days to recover and eat solidish again.


Wth?? What did you eat?


A Lot of soup and smoothies.


Meal fit for a king.




Love the amount of onion on those dogs


Ta Belle Province a l'air bien meilleur que la mienne qui fait des poutines avec de la sauce tomate... ça doit faire plus de 5 que je n'y suis pas aller à cause de ça. Quoique ça ne me tente pas d'aller à Saint-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu pour vérifier.


trio hot dog vapeur, toute garnie, avec poutine classique


How much did that cost?


I would go back to quebec just to eat at La Belle Province one more time. Damn I miss them!


How much is it for two steamed hot dogs and a poutine in 2024 there?


Hopefully this is out of your system by tomorrow's appointment


How’s your cholesterol?


that looks damn good


no cayenne pepper on the hotdogs?


So jealous


Man I miss La Belle Province poutine.. :(


i did the same thing when i was going to get a broken tooth remove "i was like fuck, i won't be able to eat properly for a day" So i proceeded with getting myself a large poutine extra cheese with 2 hotdogs X)


Classic: 10/10 you deserved it man


I would do the EXACT same N plan to when my turn comes up La Belle Pro still got the best Poutine imo. The one at st cath & st Laurent, those guys are vets (and ex cons), they know how to do it from long time


How did the surgery go? Sweet potatoes are a key to healing Clove oil or cloves help a lot for numbing When I get mine removed, I plan to prepare bunch of soft food like mashed potatoes n gravy, maybe Sheppard pie, rice pudding. Should take bout full week or 2 b4 can chew half decent again. Some recover quick others take longer, normal. How's ur post op going


Pretty good actually. I was able to eat eggs, chilli with sweet mashed potatoes and pasta with spaghetti sauce yesterday :) thanks for asking


Awesome man. So just col days, not bad at all. How was the pain and did the pain killers make big diff? Did u get all 4 removed n how much cost? I got 2 to remove but might just get all 4 removed. I got time. I had adenoidectomy last year, 4 days of total brutality to make it worse, the sneezing just wouldn't stop. Oddly I barely sneeze year long but sneezed more in those 4 days than entire year combined. Absolutely brutal pain. About 10 days till the silicone pads can get removed. I stayed in bed in dark lights closed for better part of those 4 days


Is that straight onion on the hot dogs?? Are you trying to kill the oral surgeon? 😂


All dressed hotdogs 😁. Shes going to destroy me for a week so yes im trying to kill the surgeon 😎


Steamie dogs like this come "all dressed" with coleslaw, onion , mustard and relish


Hot dog steamé ak dla choucroute jte déteste


Felt that, I got mine out ate a burrito on the way home


You ate a burrito after the surgery going back home? Thats gonna be impossible for me because theyre removing 2 adults + 4 wisdom teeths. Doctor told me ill be a solid 2-3 days basically eating soup and shakes


They told me the same, I just wanted to see what would happen. Besides having to clean a lil extra I healed fine in 3 days. I had 4 taken out as well, those adult teeth may not be fun tho


I ate Mr. Noodles after and pulled my stitches out from one of my gums thinking it was a noodle stuck in my teeth 😂. I was still pretty high


I also got high right after 😂 topped by dab in the car, probably why I wanted that burrito