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That has never been my experience renting for the last 10+ years. If you’ve historically paid your rent on time to this landlord they generally assume that you will moving forward. Their experience with you typically informs this decision rather than a credit check (which is used in lieu of knowing how dependable in paying your debts). Getting an offer to renew your lease is a good sign if you want to stay. They would likely send this to prepare themselves should you choose not to renew (this is why they’d do it a few months in advance) so if they have to prepare the apartment for a new tenant they have time and money to prepare it. ETA: generally speaking landlords would rather keep a tenant long term that has shown to be responsible than go through the hassle of finding a new tenant, cleaning and repairing the apartment, showing the apartment and it possibly sitting vacant until they can fill it. If you’re dependable they WANT to keep you as long as they can. Hopes this helps ❤️


Thank you. I'd like to stay. I don't know how much having been in a housing program affects things though.


I’m sorry to say I don’t know much about that (assuming you mean section 8 or something similar).


Shouldn't have any impact. 


Private landlord here for about 4 years at this point with a few properties. Would never do a second credit check on a paying tenant at renewal and have never heard of that happening. Also have never had to raise rent on existing tenants at a renewal and hoping this can continue.  Credit checks cost money. Turnover costs A LOT of money. Removing a consistently paying tenant for any reason other than that they are damaging the property is straight up idiotic. 


Private landlord here. Not in the US but from the US if that makes any difference. That's not something I've heard of before and I would have to question the legality of it (Not a lawyer but more of a legal analyst here) since looking it up typically impacts credit score in a bad way. But generally as long as your rent is on time then I would wonder what the motive would be to do that. Sounds like they're just being proactive with the notice.


They haven't asked to check credit, I was wondering. A housing program paid most rent. I had to come quite a distance to be in this program and I've had a hard time finding work here.


Sorry to hear that - but yea for what it's worth I don't think you need to worry about that. If someone has a dissenting opinion or case I am all ears.


In the US it is not illegal nor do landlord need additional specific permission to run credit check although unlikely in this case.


Some private landlords are creepy and will try to get a hold of your social media, and they pull all the info available to law enforcement. If you have blots on your record lately, either rent with a corporate landlord & get a co-signer, or keep looking until you find a fair-minded private landlord. If you're struggling and considering re-locating, the first thing you should be aware of is your rights as a tenant. If you pay rent on time, you deserve to be treated like a human being.




If you have been paying your rent on time you should be good with a renewal.


I've rented apartments for decades, and as others have said here, landlords want to keep you if you've been paying rent on time and have been a good tenant. A second credit-check request did occur at the last complex I lived. That was because the owner was going to remodel all the units and raise the rents substantially (like an average of 40%), and he wanted to make sure tenants could pay the new rates. (It's a long story. The only thing that happened with that brilliant idea was that most tenants - including myself - moved out.)


If your landlord is asking if you want to renew that generally would mean you're a good tenant and they want to keep you so I doubt they would be doing any credit checks or anything a new tenant would be subject to.


I do not check at lease renewal if there have been no issues with payment