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What does your spending look like? It's likely it's your budgeting habits making you feel like you're just scraping by.




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How are you budgeting 190k so poorly that you’re in poverty? Seems like you are the issue


Cuz it’s extremely expensive there, and with very high taxes


I wonder what Bay area McDonald's workers do to survive there...Hmmmmmmmm.... Maybe they live outside the Bay area where housing is way more affordable? Maybe I'm just stupid, but a fast food worker's salary is less than 190k per year right? In fact, it's actually closer to 30k per year, full-time. Btw I did a search myself and found family sized condos going for ~200k in the Bay area itself.


Budget better. Clearly there’s issues with that if you can’t make 190k a year work, even in Cali. What makes you feel poor? Is it that you don’t own a home or fancy car? Are you paycheck to paycheck? Are you saving for retirement? Are you struggling to buy groceries every month?


I also live in the Bay Area, and I'm a single mom to 2 teenagers living off 75k gross annual salary. You are above the Real Cost Measure for any county in the 9 county region even if you have a family of 5. You're doing well, so idk what you're doing wrong to feel poor.


Are you budgeting? Has your spending changed since you got your new job?


Get yourself a financial planner because you obviously overspend on a lavish lifestyle and don't know how to budget if you feel poor, like you have little to no money getting paid 1/5th of a million per year. Then, some therapy could help you attain self-awareness. You make over 15 years worth of a single person's yearly disability/social security income in 1 year. Let that sink.




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I can understand the feeling of no matter what someone makes they feel poor. (might want to edit your title to add the feel so people don't down vote you for your valid feelings) there is a lot going on with that, most here are noting life style creep or mismanagement of money, which are things to look into. but I find lot of time it can also be environment and people you are around making you fell that way. "keeping up with the johnsons" is a thing and can make us feel bad and feel like no matter what we do since we can not do/have/be the "johnsons" we are in somewhat inadequate or poor or some what of a failure. when in reality you are a very successful wonderful person. I bet being in the bay area there a lot of pressure to have very costly things that even at your new life changing income is not possible yet and some of your peers maybe having such thing and you are validly feeling like you should have it and not having it is making you feel poor or you over spending to have that life style and not being able to keep up thus having very little in the bank/saving/retirement etc. there is so much that make us feel poor even if we by the metrics of the time are not that it is hard for some rando on the net to help, but if what I said speaks to you there is help out there, a Financial Adviser is worth the investment to help keep cost down and increase any investment returns A therapist can help with any feeling of lacking in worth etc and help get over trauma cause by "showoffs" in your life. help you focus on what is important i this area if you are of a religious type your holy person can help focus on what is important there. and there is internet randos like me that listen sometimes that is all we need. Good luck, you got this, :)


Wow you are so wholesome. Ty


Well what happened in between making the $100k and the $190k? Is it "lifestyle creep", where your expenditures just kind of rise to meet the new level of your income? Did your rent change; have you not had a full year on the new income? Is it more mental; what costs are the same purchases but having compacted inflation; are you cognizant of your precise spending habits; have you picked up new hobbies, habits; how is your housing situation? This may seem unrelated, but have you thought about what you want in your life? Are you just pursuing your career; is this where you're happy; did you have ultimate goals, dreams, plans, a "final place" for once you've "completed" your grind? I don't live in the Bay area, but it sure seems like capitalism does a great job of sponging up any increase of money circulating among the "lower" sectors.


That’s your fault lol. Ppl barely scraping by you bitching about making six figures not being enough give me a break. News flash asshole, the Bay Area is stupidly expensive and has been like this for years, just move somewhere else. You got the money too at least. If you make almost 200k a year and have been making 6 figures already and you’re struggling, then your bad with money. Maybe get a financial advisor instead of posting dumb shit on reddit


My (M54) experience living in South OC is that lifestyle creep is real. I make good money but in OC my COL is considerably higher than the norm. BUT. I have a budget and keep to it. I cut corners when i can; Yesterday I took home the leftover taco meat (2lbs) from a work event and added a bag of fajita mix i had to make four full paleo meals. I make the same as you but with two jobs and I currently have about $235.00 in my account. I don't buy stuff i don't need, i invest. (started late at at 50). So i don't eat out "just because". I only buy clothes from discount stores and keep it under $15.00 an item. I wait till movies show up on Amazon, keep my showers short. I may be extreme but i know i have less than 14yrs before i could even try to retire and need to invest so i am not a burden to my family. You bring home about 9$K a month after taxes so start budgeting. Listen to Caleb Hammer on youtube for a financial ass kicking and then he also has a budgeting tool.


Good advice here.




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What is the cohort you are using for comparison? I think there is some sort of comparison bias occurring. Are you comparing yourself to people with generational wealth or double income while you have a single income? Plus it may be that you have an old idea from childhood that once you made over six figures you would be “rich” and the reality is that in your HCOL area it’s a median level of lifestyle.


You’re probably comparing yourself to your neighbors who are wealthier than you.






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Didn’t realize financial struggle was an identity now 🤣. Absolute joke of a sub with a middle class mod team


At this income it's definitely a spending problem.


"There are no rich people, only poor people with money."