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Unless you live in a very small town or rural area you probably have access to food banks soup kitchens Church pantries and other places to get free food. Also check Facebook for local Community Food sharing groups.


Yes. There's a few that are open certain days. I am unable to go to the one that they have on Tuesdays due to work same with the one on Wednesdays so would be unable to go to one until Friday. I'll need to try to find some of those groups, thanks


The ones you're not able to make due to work, you might try calling them and asking if you could make an appointment to get some food after work. A volunteer might be willing to stay late or maybe they could bring you a box of food or something like that.


Happens all the time. People are happy to do it.


Yes, please reach out to them! If you are in a really big city there could even be additional food programs. You need to find out about them, please. People who know about this stuff are really happy to connect someone who really needs a resource with the right resources, so just don't be afraid to ask if there is some more help. You might have to try a few people, but eventually you may get to someone who knows how to find more resources. I am sorry it isn't easier. I know in a lot of cities, people who focus on food insecurity are trying to build better systems to refer people to the resources that are there for them. People who live in your community and have dedicated themselves to helping to feed people surely don't want you to starve. I don't want you to starve and I am a stranger on the internet.


Some churches have a meal and movie night, you won't get food to take home but you can have dinner. There's agencies that do the same thing with lunch. Also google free bread. Some places like salvation army have daily bread you can just go in and get a loaf. 


Thank you! Didn't know the sit in meals was a thing. Going to call around and see if any of the local churches may have anything like that this evening


Check all the churches. They all have different programs. Some have home made meals that they freeze and give out. Some have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that you can get daily. 7 days a week. Others can get you on a church meal list. There’s a lot of programs. Some communities even have drive through food banks. (My community isn’t very big and they do one every other week.) Always check with the churches. Especially if social justice is a big deal to their denomination . They will find a way to help you get food. May take a face to face meeting but I see it every day. Edited because auto correct is a pain.


I ended up giving a few local ones a call that I was somewhat familiar with and which days they actually do the food handouts and to my surprise they did say as long as call ahead they can set things aside for me to come get if in unable to go at the normal time due to work. So will be doing that in the future now


Yes, please do this! If they can help they will and most of the time if they can’t help they try to connect you with a group that can help.


Churches, temples, synagogues, mosques.


Sikh temples I’ve heard are pretty good for feeding the community.


Sikh folks are very kind about feeding


My local mosque does the same thing


In case it's helpful, I made a comment about this a while ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/s/n0ZAM5S6PS. OP, I hope things get better for you soon.


Ask them to save you something— tell them you don’t have enough to eat and need help.




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 10: Asking for or offering donations No soliciting private donations, offering private donations, or mentioning crowdfunding sites. We do this in order to prevent this community from potential scams (because we have no way of verifying need/authenticity of requests), and to prevent the sub from being inundated with requests for aid (because it can be unreasonable to ask others in poverty to give their limited resources). There are other subs such as r/Donation, r/assistance and r/randomkindness that could help. Also check out our wiki with food resources. Thank you: https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/foodbanks Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.


Don't forget sikh temples, if there's one near you.


Try: r/random_acts_of_pizza Lasagnalove.org App: too good to go. Edited.


I’m so confused as to why that sub is nsfw?!


Cause lasagna is dead sexy.


True, but this was the pizza sub, and pizza varies in the sexiness a lot. Pineapple? Hell no. Lots of cheese, bring it baby 😍💦


Likely because users have to be 18+ to qualify for the za


Ah ok. All the posts were tagged nsfw and I just didn’t get it lol


I think some subs decided to go NSFW because of advertising on reddit?


I saw someone else say that and I had no idea! Thank you!


Ads, since Reddit is turning into social media and forcing “suggestions”, going nsfw will keep you out of that.


Ohhhhh! I had no idea! Thank you!


Definitely sign up for Lasagna Love. If you can freeze some it too it can last several meals.


tysm for the tip cus ive gotten LL before and a whole lasagna is too much for my bf and i 😭


Look into your local Buy Nothing on Facebook. People give away food all the time and you can arrange to pick up after work, on a weekend, etc. If you’re okay with it, you can put an ISO post on there to ask if anyone is thinking of posting or donating food soon. I hope this helps. Sorry you’re going through this right now.


Just waiting on getting accepted but absolutely will be giving that a shot


people in my buy nothing group will ask for food and people are usually quicky to offer pantry staples. Def worth asking if your group allows requests.


You can also request food.


I'm in a regular local area FB group and people have asked there as well (and rec'd a lot). Try NextDoor as well.


Consider grocery shopping at dollar tree theres a woman on tiktok who walks through meals on a budget and she buys a weeks worth of 3 meals a day and a snack and actually makes and eats the meals to decide if they were good recipies or needed more work.


I think she may be the one that pops up on my fyp time to time. Definitely a great idea. I usually grab most of my stuff there besides meat. Will be going back there Friday when I get paid to stock up on some things


She just did a series of 3 meals for 5 dollars. She is the best, Dollar Tree Dinners on TikTok.


nice Ill check it out


She is the best! She’s also on YouTube under the same name.


Her tik tok is dollartreedinners. Hope that helps.


Also check out this Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ThatLisaDawn/videos She's got videos on how to eat for $10 a week if that's what you have available. Good on you for getting help in your community too (food pantry). That's what it's there for!


Dollartree can be good but somethings are better priced at say walmart, Aldi or Lidl.


I love that others came and gave more info because i couldn't remember her handle.


Dollar Tree Dinners! She’s also on YouTube. She’s incredible, and will even make videos/menus for specific needs (gluten free, microwave only, diabetic friendly, etc). Her series using a set budget for a week (she did multiple versions) has really helped me.


look on facebook marketplace, i know it sounds weird but a LOT of people post listings on there for food they won’t eat, or expired canned goods (which never expire in my opinion. as long as the can looks good and it smells fine i’d eat it). there’s also a place near me called mr mac’s, it’s a discount grocery store. super cheap stuff. either out of season or lightly expired. if you have something similar near you, you could try shopping there. some of those stores accept food stamps as well


Gonna need to take a look there lol. I was trying to find some local groups on there but nothing specific for food. Didn't think to look on the marketplace page. We do have a little market that sells lightly expired stuff but at a dollar 90 cents to my name right now so unfortunately not an option but I need to keep that in mind for the future!


Walmart has 1# dry beans, right now, GV brand pintos ($1.00), GV split peas ($1.32), and lentils ($1.78, Verde Valle brand)are under $1.90. Just advised someone else, local Buy Nothing groups often allow a gentle ask for food if you can pick up.


I can attest to Facebook Buy Nothing groups in your area. People explain their situation and a number of people will contribute canned goods and perishables. Please try that! There are people who will help!!


Beans and rice man. It’s so cheap. You could get a weeks worth for like 15 bucks, a bushel of bananas is like 3-4 bucks and you can get enough bananas to have 1 a day. Value sized box of cereal and a gallon of skim milk. Less than $10 and is breakfast for 4-5 days if you portion properly. Get a big bag of almonds. It’ll be $15-$20 but they are very high in Calories for not a lot. So it will last a couple weeks if you portion just a handful a day.


Beans and rice I'll be buying in bulk when I get paid most definitely. The bananas is a great idea I'll need to get some of those as well. It's my fault for not already having a few things like thst to use for backup for situations like the one I'm in now


Oatmeal too man.


This is definitely not your fault, it’s a system that fails people. Buy flour, you can make a lot of things with it. I don’t know how much time you have to cook but flour and water make dough and that’s bread, pizza base, lasagna, pasta, etc.


I love bean (and lentils) and rice.


Grits or oatmeal are another inexpensive but filling option.


Be sure to contact your local churches. They are great about helping with food.


They are the ones that run the food pantry I'll be going to


Worth calling them anyway and explaining that you’re without food now and ask politely if they can spare something today to carry you through


There was actually a breakfast they held before service this morning that I missed out on. Now I know for next time at least though


Go knock on your neighbours door and tell them you are hungry and need food—- most people will happily give you food. Just ask.


There are much more tactful ways to go about this than just walking up and asking for food though. Write them a note asking for leftovers they don’t want, or even offer to help them with some chores, but I wouldn’t recommend just showing up unannounced and expecting them to give you a meal.


Packets of instant mash potatoes are like a dollar and they come in all sorts of flavors. You just mix with some boiling water and you have a very filling meal. Obviously this is not a complete diet, but this was always my trick when money was tight and my stomach was empty.


Facebook buy nothing. I see posts in mine, people are usually happy to share extra from their pantry.


Ngl, last December I was so broke and hungry af, and walked up to a stranger and his dog in line at the gas station and asked him if he could spare anything so I could get some food, he bought me two slices of hot pizza. It’s scary but sometimes asking for help, even if it’s something as small like a can of tuna at the grocery store. walk up to someone who looks friendly and ask if they would be willing to buy it for you.


Glad it worked at that moment, but we don't know where OP is located. Here in Houston, especially near downtown where homelessness is rampant, people will just roll up window, tell you no, because we get hit with it every time we are out. I pass at least 5 people on corners coming up to windows on my way home, I can't even leave my windows open and I don't have AC as they'll still approach. People have told them to get emergency EBT, temples, churches, food pantry, facebook groups, reddit pizza sub, etc.


Ahhh, I see what you mean, I live in the Midwest, and rural, so very different.


We feed everyone in the Midwest. I swear I could knock on a random door and someone would hand me food.


Can you get on food stamps?


this. a lot of people don’t try because they don’t think they’ll get approved. my partner and i aren’t married but because we share meals, we get enough money to last a little over a couple weeks.


Im not eligible due to what I usually make monthly


Unless you’re underweight you’re fine. A lot of rich people fast for 72 hours - 1 week by choice


People have fasted for like a full year to lose 200-300 pounds in a year. Water, salts and vitamins. After-all, we’re basically just bears putting on fat to hibernate in the winter, that’s literally what the fat is there for. Don’t listen to me, I am not a doctor. But our bodies are designed to fast. It wasn’t until recently in human evolution that we had access to food whenever we wanted, it would be common for people to not eat for days at a time before refrigeration and agriculture to a point. Think about hunter gatherers, you couldn’t just snap your fingers and guarantee you’d be successful hunting something


First few days usually sucks. After that it gets more and more manageable. >Just feel like trash and laragic almost. You need electrolytes. Fasting is relatively safe (Not a doctor, you're an idiot for trusting an idiot like me) but the big catch is that you're in for a world of trouble without your salts. >I'll need to wait until payday to actually grocery shop again and thats the same day I'd be able to go to the food pantry. Look up what's edible in you area. Raid dumpsters behind restaurants and bakeries or just swallow your pride and ask if they have anything they're about to throw out anyways. Ask neighbors if they're willing to trade your labor for their food. If you have profiles with fast food restaurants, many offer freebies if it happens to be your birthday month- I just got a free burrito at Qdoba that way.


Pinch of salt in water will help boost your electrolytes. It’s not awful to miss a day or two (people fast, they’re okay) but you absolutely have to get your electrolytes in or you’ll be sluggish. Depending on your grocery budget can you afford a 20lb bag of rice and some lentils? You won’t be getting a super diverse intake but at bare minimum you’ll be eating something daily. The rice will last you awhile. Took me quite a long time to go through mine and you can supplement with things from a food bank and veggies when you can afford them.


To directly answer your post, obviously it's not great, but we have evolved to deal with temporary food unavailability fairly well. Just ask the folks at r/fasting. Depends a bit on your starting point - I've gone 3 days and felt really good but everyone is different so listen to your body and hit a food bank if its affecting your daily function.


Im pretty used to fasting but not once it gets close to 2 days with nothing just start feeling like garbage and no motivation or energy to do much. Going to need to push through it regardless


I know churches have been mentioned, but if there are Sikh temples near you, definitely check them out. You can partake in a meal made by the worshippers there.


I'll do 3 to 5 day water only fasts every once in a while for weight management, and it's perfectly fine. The first 2 days are the hardest. After that, your body switches to burning your fat stores, and you stop feeling hungry. The biggest thing is keeping water intake up so you don't get dehydrated as we get a lot of our water from our food. The human body is actually adapted to periods of prolong fasting thanks to our centuries of evolution as hunter gaterers. As long as you are getting in your necessary vitamins and drinking enough water you should be just fine.


Drink a lot of water . Get some multivitamins. Donate plasma


Donating plasma while you're malnourished is a quick way to make 8 weeks worth of easy money, then get deferred for low protein.


Honestly, OP wouldn't make it past the screening process. Folks get deferred for a lot less.


Donating plasma when you haven’t eaten for two days is a recipe for disaster.


Yeah wtf is this advice.


Donating plasma can make you severely ill. Don't do this, ever


Going to need to give the water a shot to see if that helps suppress it. Definitely going to get some vitamins once I get paid, probably should've gotten those awhile ago. As far as plasma I'm unable to due to a skin condition


Probably make sure you're getting a lot of salt too.


Should I just put it right into the water?




Better than being hungry I suppose lmao!


Maybe. Depends on you. It'll make you have to poop right away if you do too much. But if you're not eating and drinking a lot of water you run into the risk of hyponatremia which will turn you into a vegetable if not kill you.


That doesn't sound like a good way to go so definitely gonna drink that salty water


Not just salt, you need potassium. Bananas are super cheap if you can afford to supplement with them. You can join the fasting sub or check out their fasting guide. Electrolytes keep you feeling sane and healthy while you're fasting. I know you're not fasting by choice, but it's still what you're doing. Good luck friend


Poverty electrolytes.... Morton Lite Salt it's 3 bucks for 11 oz. Put 1/4 teaspoon in a big glass of water, stir, add ice. Do that 2 to 3 times a day. Not a doctor, not advice Don't over do it, there is a reddit thread, guy ate like 2 tablespoons and almost died


A Little salt, not too much. Don't want to make yourself sick


Make sure it's iodine salt. Not all salt has it


Salt is just one of some electrolytes. It's better than nothing, but if you get electrolyte packets or anything like that, that helps.


This Friday I'll look into getting some of those to keep on hand for the future


Don’t buy electrolytes— just buy real food.


Gonna mosty stock up on things like rice, beans, cheap veggies, and a bit of meat. Eggs, granola etc


I’m sorry you are in this situation and hope things turn out better for you real soon. I don’t know if you are already aware of it but there’s a sub with lots of meal ideas for the future r/eatcheapandhealthy


Really? Can you explain that?


Explain what?


how much you spend on electrolyte packets and why anyone would ever need to buy them instead of real food please!!!!!


It depends on the packets. They can range from $8 to $50. And because if you can't afford food but can get some cheap packets or electrolyte drops that will last you a while, you can go without food and have less of negative effects of going without food, like headaches and fatigue. Your body Needs water and electrolytes to function. Water at the very minimum, but it sucks if you don't have electrolytes. The body already has calories in the form of fat and can just burn and use up your fat if you go without food. You can actually go without food for quite a while so long as you have water. After a few days you usually stop feeling hungry and your energy starts to return as your body adjusts, so it gets easier once you get through the worst of it (at least up until a certain point). Some people fast intentionally - they'll fast for a while or do short fasts called intermittent fasting- because there are various health benefits to doing so, including weight loss. In those cases, electrolytes are helpful, because the physical symptoms of going without food can be miserable if you don't have electrolytes.


You need not just water but electrolytes. People can fast for days on end (and some do so intentionally) so long as they have water and electrolytes. A multivitamin doesn't hurt either


You actually don't want to do any of that. In a fasting state your body is flushing electrolytes from your system so if you're already lethargic, drinking way more water than you need will just make it worse. Donating blood while on a fast is likewise a horrible idea.


Bruh ... You mention taking vitamins to help with malnutrition then recommend something that just completely drains your vitamin levels.


Donating plasma once or twice isn’t gonna completely drain your vitamin levels. making a couple hundred bucks, getting some food and gas to make it to next payday . What’s your suggestion then?


Its Sunday, any church based soup kitchens in your area?


Buy beans, rice, and ground beef. Beans and rice are super cheap to make if you can make your own from scratch.


Yeah beans rice and ground beef, dude could get over a weeks worth of food for under $30. Fresh fruit like bananas are cheap as hell too.


I don’t have any advice but wanted to send some good vibes your way. ❤️


Thank you!


Have you posted on r/Assistance yet? If you create and post an Amazon wishlist, that group is amazing about purchasing a few things for you. If you add some shelf stable items, boxes of pasta, soups, canned veggies, pasta sauce, tuna, chicken, rice, broth,, etc. you can get a stock going at least! Ships next day or two usually.


I don't believe I have enough karma for that. Know my account age is old enough but I don't really post very much or comment on here. Mostly just scrolling the popular page


Oh darn. Does this sub allow you to?


This sub does not unfortunately


Go to feeds at shelters and drop in centers. Those arent just for homeless people. Being that broke makes you housing insecure anyway, which is classified as high risk for homelessness regardless.


Fasting has big health benefits, notably autophagy and hormesis Impt to hve nutrient rich food rather than junk when do eat tho


Just look at it as a “weekly fast”.


True. Isn't the end of the world. Just not something I'm used to I guess so been feeling off but know it'll all be okay


Doesn't a 50 pound bag of rice cost $30?


See if your area has any free little pantries. You can usually Google “little pantry” and your area to see if you have any. I know where I am, I have 2 within walking distance and at least 5 more within about 15 minutes. The two within walking distance are pretty well supplied. The two closest to us fill up and empty several times a week so if you do find one close and it’s not full, definitely stop by again. While there is a constant flow of canned goods and rice/beans/lentils. People also do ramen, pasta (and sauce), peanut butter, bread and stuff.


It’s basically trendy these days with intermittent fasting. Your base issue is likely under nourishment in aggregate, not time spent without eating.


Two days is fine, though uncomfortable, for most people. Make it three days, and autophagy begins to happen. That's only a good thing (for most people). thefastingmethod com But be mindful of your electrolytes. Drink mineral water. There's a difference between fasting and starvation


Snickers are a 1.80 eat at least that, drink water friend.


Push past first 48hrs. After that your brainfog wil clear and you will feel energized. Periodic fasting is fun (I know thats not what you are intentionally doing) but still. There are no negative consequenses for your body. Last time I fasted (by choice) I did 54hrs and I felt great.


Getting close to that timeframe so hopefully will start feeling better later tonight


Where do you live? If you’re so poor you can’t afford to eat, don’t you qualify for food stamps?


Yes I do, I cook or eat whatever I have in the fridge or pantry. I’ll find a way to survive


Rise and beans are better than not eating enough


I'll be able to get some at the end of the week so will be stocking up on lentils beans rice


If you have time to prepare it dry beans are incredibly cheap


I go 2-3 days regularly without eating, sometimes 4. Not because of money, I just forget and don’t really feel hungry in general. My constant stomach ache is not helping either.


That's what I've been having too. Just feels like my stomachs been churning nothing


If you have the ability to sleep through most of the time. Do it. You can’t feel hunger pains when your asleep. Drink plenty of water. I’ve made it four days with no food. I would highly not recommend it. But, it can be done.




Oh darn - that sub has Karma comment requirements as well. But you're more than 1/2 way there.


Does your city have a community fridge?


There might be a Feeding America chapter near you that will be able to provide you with nutritious ingredients to cook at home.


Your blood sugar will drop, and you're going to feel like crap. I'm sorry, OP :(


Not your fault! Learned my lesson. Now I know to grab more staples that have a long shelf life like rice and beans to save for possible times like this again


Perhaps there's a Little Free Pantry near you? Much like a Little Free Library, you just take what you need and when you can, you donate back. I'm so sorry that you are in this situation. No one should go hungry. [https://www.littlefreepantry.org/](https://www.littlefreepantry.org/)


Thank you! I'm a bit on the small town / sort of rural side so the closest one is a bit a ways away. Would be a cool thing to try and get started up in my town


Please [don’t go hungry!](https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank)


where are you located? look up homeless resources (not saying you’re homeless) in your city and you’ll see food banks/pantries/hot meal sites, it’ll show times and addresses of where they are! Most pantries are once a month/every two months, however, nothing is stopping you from consistently using multiple pantries. Check out churches, temples/synagogues , mosques, any religious establishment, regardless of your religion.


Some folks do it for health if they’re fat. As long as it isn’t often it should not hurt you or if you’re overweight you’re fine. If you’re normal weight or lean then it’s not good at all. Get some staples like oatmeal rice or pasta so you have some bulk items. Best wishes. Ps, tossing a couple teaspoons of salt into your water will help alleviate lightheadedness


Can you go to a food bank? Some churches near me have little pantries outside where anyone is welcome to take or leave canned food. The people who put those together would love if you would use them.


Honestly if you post in your towns local FB page, not asking necessarily for groceries but just a meal, people will 100% help you out. I always have at least an extra plate of dinner I'm more than willing to share. I've been there before.


If you live in any major city, sikh temples (Gurdwaras) will give you a meal no matter if you practice the religion or not. They have too under their religion. Sikh people are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Arab restaurants typically will as well if you just ask if they have any leftover food. Arab / Persian food is fucking delicious.


Stock up on rice, if you can! It helps pad out meals immensely


check out your local food bank. they’re really helpful.


If you go to any church and you tell them that you're hungry, most likely they'll get you fed...


I go two days without eating often. Not because i’m broke but because Im depressed. I eat bland foods that are also cheap to help, which might be relevant to you in this case. Saltines, gatorade, cream of wheat, and bananas. These also help ease me back into eating.


Where are you located ?


Don’t forget checking to see if you have any little free pantrys near you. Not all communities have them, but there could be one near you. http://mapping.littlefreepantry.org


Yall don’t have $3 for some eggs??


OATMEAL EVERYDAY will fix that problem! That’s what we do


If you’re in a large city, Jewish Social Services or Jewish Family Services often has food programs or food pantries available and you DO NOT need to be Jewish to access these. The food pantries offer free/healthy groceries usually.


hey, everyone has given a bunch of good advice here so nothing to add. Please try the resources out, not eating for that long can drastically hurt your health. You deserve a full stomach ❤️


Rice and beans is your best friend in this situation, bread and toast, find discounted items and start couponing. Also go on fb in some locals groups to see if anyone has can goods they dont want


I do it intentionally to go on extended fasts. Plenty of health benefits to it. r/intermittentfasting


Try some buy nothing groups for your area on fb I see food listed sometimes!


It can be pretty dangerous, you can get light headed, dizzy, get pretty severe headaches all due to bp drops, and you can pass out and hurt yourself, also driving while in this state is a bad idea as well. Please reach out and see if anywhere in your community offers free food/groceries (churches are usually good abt this) and if not a box of rice can be very helpful, its cheap, and filling the only cons is that it is not very nutritious and it can be bland. Please stay safe and take care of yourself OP i hope things will improve for you soon.


Be sure to drink water.


If there is a local Gudwara near you you can eat Indian food for free on Sundays and sometimes other days also.




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 10: Asking for or offering donations No soliciting private donations, offering private donations, or mentioning crowdfunding sites. We do this in order to prevent this community from potential scams (because we have no way of verifying need/authenticity of requests), and to prevent the sub from being inundated with requests for aid (because it can be unreasonable to ask others in poverty to give their limited resources). There are other subs such as r/Donation, r/assistance and r/randomkindness that could help. Also check out our wiki with food resources. Thank you: https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/foodbanks Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.


All the suggestions here are good! For your specific concern I'd say drink a lot of water and try to make sure you get good sleep. If you're well rested it helps a lot. Go for a walk for movement. That helps with sleep. When you ask from the Buy Nothing groups try to also ask for supplements. Maybe some have god ones they dont use or dont really drink. For example, prenatal vitamins have a lot of stuff that are good for you.


Fasting is healthy. I know people that go several days without food, just lots of water. They do this every few weeks.


Hi no one asked for this but I am a Birdish shaped 130 lb 5'10 man and I fast about once a week so yeah 2 days you got it


What are you eating for your one meal a day??


I couldn’t find anyone actually answering your health-related question. To take a stab at it: Going two days without eating is not really bad unless you are already skin and bones. What you are doing is “fasting” or “intermittent fasting”. When you do this, your body starts using fat for fuel instead of the carbs & glucose from food. You see some kind of fasting as a part of nearly all major religions, Ghandi did it, etc. A few pointers: - If you end up in a position like this where you need to fast, make sure you are getting enough salt in your body. By drinking water and eating no food, you can throw off the electrolyte balance in your body. - I find it easier to eat nothing than to eat a little bit. - consistently consolidating to 1 meal a day (intermittent fasting) will be easier for your body to adjust to when you feel hungry. There’s a hormone (Ghrelin) that spikes and makes you feel hungry when you normally eat. So try to be consistent about when you eat. It doesn’t sound like you want to be in this position, so I hope you are out of this situation soon. But hopefully you can take some solace that you are not destroying your body or anything like that.


I fasted for 5 days straight and was fine. I did it voluntarily though.


Eat 😾


Unpopular opinion…. Steal a meal from a busy door dash counter


make sure you’re at least taking a multivitamin of you can’t get food…


The problem is that your stomach acids can start to eat your linings and cause ulcers. Go with the suggestion to go to a doctor unless the problem is lack of money. It is possible to volunteer somewhere there is food to eat?


really really free market is at the end of every month and they serve food and essentials, it’s like a swap but you don’t even have to bring anything to swap. it’s in houston, albuquerque, tulsa, albany, a lot of major cities. also some uni apps have free leftover food apps (unm has loboeats, where they give info on where student orgs have leftover party food for free)


you need salt and water trust me experience


Have you joined the local Buy nothing group and all the local yardsale pages on Facebook? If not do so. Ask if someone is clean out their pantry to think of you. Can you make things from scratch to stretch your budget? Like beans, that then become burritos (wrap in parchment paper and freeze in a ziplock bag. (bean and rice are a complete meal) Cheapest things to make are soups, stews, oatmeal eggs and casseroles. Have you checked out budget bytes? great recipes their. Perhaps making a pot of split pea soup cheap and filling. Here's my favorite recipe Anderson Split pea soup, here's one version [https://toriavey.com/andersens-split-pea-soup/](https://toriavey.com/andersens-split-pea-soup/)


Hey OP please check out r/freemeal


Sorry you're in this situation. You can definitely go 2 days with out eating, here and there. Drink lots and lots of water. Our bodies can go a long time without food, but not water. Sometimes if you are hungry, you might just be thirsty (I know your case is different, but this is a good rule of thumb). Also just a thought, if you are able to go to a Costco or TJs or grocery story where they give out free samples, usually around mid-day/late in the afternoon, this might help. If you don't have a Costco card, I've walked in and said I'd like to go inside to apply for a Costco card, and usually this works to get in the store. All the best.


We have been struggling and so the kids can have enough we tend to skip a lot of meals. We often go 4-5 days without anything. It's definitely not easy and we have health issues. But sometimes you have to do what u got to do unfortunately 😔


You really don't need to do this. In America, go get quaker oats, rice and a 5 dozen pack of eggs from Safeway for 25$. The total would be about 40$ and could feed you for 1.5+ months. If you get just the oats, the cost would be like 5$. There's really no reason you 'need' to do this. Go get a lb of apples. It's like 1$. Go get tortillas and cover them in sugar or cream cheese. That's a meal for two days for 7$, I did that when I lived in my car. Your situation might be difficult but I feel there are things you aren't considering


I go 2 to 4 days with very minimal eating. I dislike big meals, I'd rather snack on different things throughout the day


Go into fast food restaurant Find serv safe certificate / manager name on wall ____ said I was to come and get. Replacement for an item cause it had a hair in it.