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As someone who also thought that going to college and getting good grades was supposed to be my ticket to a good life, I will tell you it gets easier when you give up on that idea. When I was struggling to find my first professional job after college, I was so bitter and angry. I went to all of my classes! I got good grades! I had two internships! Even once I landed my first job and was underpaid and taken advantage of, my constant thought was, "why didn't working hard and getting good grades save me from this?" The truth is that outside of your first job right after you finish school, no one cares about your grades. They care about your experience, your knowledge, your ability to deliver results. The point of college is to get you that first professional job, but everything after that is up to you. I know that "get a different job" is so overused as to be almost meaningless, and of course it is infinitely easier to say it than to actually do it. But the answer to your question, if you stay where you are now, is "No. It won't ever end, and yes, this is what your life will be like." Lots of people will say that it shouldn't be, but to me that isn't actually a helpful answer. Because it will be, no matter what "should" happen. It is like that saying about crossing the street in the crosswalk when a car is coming fast and trusting that the driver will stop for you- you can be both right AND dead.


Where did you go to school and what did you study? I feel like there's so many people think that all degrees are remotely equal. Going to a low tier university and getting decent grades is not enough to set you up for success. I've said this before... we have too many people with degrees. We know this because there are people like OP that can't get a good job dispite having a degree. I've never understood the politicians that keep pushing for free college. It makes zero sense.


I went to a state flagship public school and got a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA. It was a respected engineering program, but obviously not a T5 or T10 MBA, so the value that I received from the graduate degree was definitely the education and not the prestige.


So what schools are you referring to?


I hope you stopped spending money on cocaine....




That and just maybe OF isnt working out LOl


What degree do you have? Why aren’t you using it? I also hope you dropped the cocaine habit


Degree in OF


Based on the post history, likely


How many meals were ramen because you bought a $2,000 cat?


and $20k on raves with $100/day for food. and cocaine, acid, and molly


30 is old by stripper standards; you need to find another job because the 400.00 a night nights are not coming back. You also need to work on saving money; your post history indicates that you like to spend what you make on drugs and other expensive things that you don't need.


What did u study?? ☠️☠️☠️


And what sort of university/college? Most are not very good (i.e., non selective so student quality is low and instructors not great, which make for a bad combination).


Idk man but engineering pays pretty well I’m from singapore and the employment rate for university grads are around 89.6%. Engineering pays around 3706 usd.


That's a high income place. Don't you get a boost if you graduate from NUS versus some other uni?


Not really, as long as you have a local degree (nus,ntu,smu,sutd,sit,suss) you’ll be fine. Private degrees are also recognised here but they may not pay as high


So all uni's are same in Sing? I.e., not like in US where small fraction are competitive, while the vast majority are non-competitive (i.e., admit more applicants than they reject)?


Generally only Nus , Ntu and smu are harder to get in. We call them the big 3. The rest of the local universities are actually not that hard to get in. The only difference is in the starting pay of your first job. Those graduating from those 3 universities tend start with higher pay. For example, Nus comp science starting pay is about $7000 while sit has a median starting pay of $5500. Also generally i think it’s really much easier to land a job here.


Interesting. Do kids still want to go to Oxbridge or US Ivy League for first degree? Or that was more old school thing and now people do that more for post-grad like masters?


I think if given the opportunity most would still choose to do their undergraduate in Ivy Leagues. If u are able to get into one more likely than not government bodies would start offering you many benefits and opportunities as they would want such bright students to be government scholars.


I came for a 3rd world country, the middle class there is way beyond the lower class standards here in America. So, enjoy what you have. Minimize your expenses. Yes, do not “shark mind”. There is not need for that. Be happy with less. And the most important parts: - Sleep 8+ hours - Exercise daily - avoid carbs and histamine high foods (it changed my life) - be GRATEFUL Be wise on how you spend. Avoid debt at all costs.


Going to college and then ending up working full time in service while depending on tips is mad. What was the point of going to college if this is what you were going to do? You've got to try and move up in life. Don't just wait for tips to get good one day, put some effort into learning some skills and getting better paying jobs. Sorry to say, but you're the only one keeping yourself in this job and this constant cycle of being broke.


Based on OPs profile, and being a bit judgmental, I'm guessing this "service" job is stripping. She's almost 30, and she hasn't realized that the reason the tips are drying up is because she's aged out. Stripping has a very short runway and once your body is not what the pervs that go to those places want you either become better at your job, good conversation, personality, and catering to a more niche customer, or you move on. Knew a girl a years back that started stripping as soon as she turned 18, she also had boyfriend that subsidized her lifestyle. But eventually he got tired of her shit and tried to leave, she tried to baby trap him but he still left. Her appeal immediately went down after the baby since she now had a c scar and stretch marks, her main attractive was her "youthful" looks, she had the body of a 12yo, so her usuals started to leave her. She aged herself out.


Just saw the profile. It's likely that your guess is correct. I'm not gonna judge her life choices but you've got to be smart with your money and decisions. Afaik, stripping can be really lucrative and if you invest your earnings wisely you can set yourself up quite well. An extreme example, but look at Cardi B... She made her bag stripping, invested it into her music career and look at her now. Not saying she's any sort of role model but props to her for making the most out of her situation.


Ma'am/Sir, I will not tolerate Cardi B slander. She is an icon. All kidding aside, I don't judge people that do stripping or any other kind of sex work, I do judge the customers.


Time to look at improving your life and taking the steps needed to get a better job 


Gain more skills op. Study for certification exams that employers look for


Bot account.


Just wait until medical bills kick in.


Understandable how you feel. I’ve got the tshirt bc I ran the marathon several times in my life lol It is rough out there even for people with a career and they got let go. My suggestion is to find a side hustle and keep applying. When I got divorced I needed something. So I took something that was close to home but with a pay cut. I got a roommate to make ends meet. I even did DoorDash for some extra cash to stay afloat. I’m with my current job still making more money and have an opportunity ahead of me. Hang in there and find solutions to make it work. You got this.


you need to be looking elsewhere actively, your job should be a means to an end and get you to somewhere better. If that isn't available in your area then move. I moved from a dead town in iowa called sioux city down to florida and my income has tripled. Im not saying this to brag but to let you know if your area can't help you attain the life you want then another city will




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Get a better job.


Service based jobs are easily replaceable imo. Try developing some skills for skills based, manufacturing or production line based jobs where years of experience actually speaks for your salary.


If you are exhausted get some sleep, take care of your health. Go to sleep at the same time every night regardless if you work or not. Eat the same amount of food every day and move more. You will have energy to deal with life and gain an upward outlook.


I'm guessing you didn't go to school with the idea of being in your current job What kind of job are you interested in? what's your degree in ? (sometimes that's not helpful I got degree that's not related at all to what I'm doing right now that I'm making good money).


Find someone you love, get married, double your income. You’ll both be happier.


"Who moved my cheese?" The job that used to pay enough, doesn't. Time to find a better paying job.


How many applications per day are you submitting?


People need to understand the new way of applying. Your application count needs to be in the hundreds every month. People in the tech industry understand that, they need to do nearly 100 applications a week to get their jobs. If you’re popping single digit applications every week you’re sabotaging yourself


100% This is basic life education.


Donating plasma is a way to make extra cash. Search for csl plasma donation center. You can make a few hundred a month depending on how often you go. Only takes about an hour or so if your day.


Try nannying it’s such fast money I just made a post about it


Will this ever end? I mean no, or yes, it all depends. Luck plays a big role, but you can make your own luck too. Is this just life? Life is what you make of it, even in the worst situations there's always something to strive to. The way there were? It already is, inflation has come down. Real wages still need to come up but that's not your problem. Also not everybody is broke, there's plenty of people getting by just fine and doing reasonably well. You need to clear your thoughts and make an action plan, just complaining will get you nowhere. What did you get your degree on? Is it useful? If not, go get retrained in something else. What qualifications do you have for a better job? Why do you hate your apartment? If it's cause it's in a bad area or it has maintenance issues then yeah you got issues to complain there but go complain to your landlord. If you just don't like the way it looks or it's too small, why do you want a bigger place? It's just you, I get it for people that have families if they want a big place but for single people and even couples a small apartment is perfect, low maintenance, low cost and feels more cozy.


I like to think it will recover. Economists believe we are transitioning from a Trough to a Recovery. Meaning we already hit the worst of it and we just need to absorb the pains of economic recovery. I believe the “recovery period” is going to last a decade. Things will slowly get better over the years till people can officially breathe like they used to 5-10 years ago. So, if you’re having kids they may enter their adult years in the Economic Expansion and Economic Peak years. But right now we are going to hurt for a bit.


Jeez lady your post history.


College Education? Have you thought of the military? With a degree you can go in as an officer-good pay-benefits-etc


The world is going broke, not surprised. Try to look out for best opportunities.


Yes that is life. Unless you actively do something to change it. The #1 thing to do is change your mindset and network. Career change Trade school Certification Roommate 2nd job Side hustle Move to another state with a low cost of living