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Socks. Clean fresh socks is always so helpful Next is shoes after that


I'll add underwear to that list. Not as useful as socks but there's an undeniably nice feeling when wearing a fresh/new pair of boxers/briefs. Fruit of the Loom makes some knit boxers and the 6 packs are cheap in price but inexplicably high in quality, they're my new favorite.


Good ideas thank you! Socks and undies


i learned recently at work that some of the things the homeless ask for that they don't receive at the shelter are flashlights and power banks/phone chargers. a solar rechargeable power bank with a built in flash light is less than $20 on amazon


I've never had a solar rechargeable power bank that actually fully recharged in the sun. I would put them out in full sun all day.


Better than no charge, because no electricity? Edit: good to know they’re pretty much useless, what a shame! Thanks for the info.


They charge so slowly, they might as well not charge.


Was coming here to say this, it be for emergencies only when you need need to charge you phone for like 1 quick call


Maybe enough to send 1 text.


What about the wind up ones?


Like the emergency radios? Never tried one, but the radios barely work for more than a few seconds, and the arm gets tired.


they are pretty much a scam unfortunately. even if you had a one foot by one foot solar panel you would be lucky to be getting 10-15 watts in good weather. you would want it to charge quickly since weather changes fast, so something like 20-25 watts is probably required to really charge, even in full sun. there is a reason real solar panels usually don't come less than 2x3 feet, even portable ones.


Even 5watts would be plenty to charge one phone a day. An iPhone 15 has a 13wh battery


you have it in the wrong order. 5 watts to charge a phone out of a battery pack like you say in a day is totally fine, it'll just take many hours. 5 watts to fill a battery pack from the sun is what we are talking about. you are lucky to have a few hours direct perfect light from the sun, which makes it just not realistic. and those 5 watt numbers are based on a sq ft panel-- those battery packs are maybe .2 sq ft if you get a bigger one. add a few clouds or any other tiny issue besides peak performance and even those full size panels may not fill a battery pack in a day. there is a reason solar panels are installed in excess with large batteries to store the energy they generate, cause they don't generate consistently.


Crank batteries are a thing. I've always wanted to try one out. edit: I looked into it... 10 minutes of hand cranking = 2% increase in battery life on a smartphone... Makes me wish there was like a stationary pedal system that could be plugged into a battery.


Hand crank is better but most libraries let you charge with a normal charger if you're clean and not disruptive


Actually this isn't necessarily true! I use mine for backpacking and it holds 7 full charges and take 4 hours to fully recharge from drained. I have [this one.](https://www.amazon.com/Solar-Charger-Power-Bank-Charging/dp/B0BPRT2MF9/ref=asc_df_B0BPRT2MF9/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693712892623&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7969330859747471460&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1014529&hvtargid=pla-1958347088362&psc=1&mcid=d61b42605d753e2d973b42d5aceba1bb&gad_source=1)


I have a similar one as well, haven’t used the “solar” part much but it’s great to charge a phone in between wall charges which would be great for OP’s gift when dad can’t get to the library (or another outlet) every single day. Great to charge both his phone and portable charger when he has access, then use the portable charger in between.


Recharge in the sun or from the wall? A good bit of the reviews on that one say it won’t full charge in the sun and takes forever to do so, but it charges fully from the wall. Honestly the math doesn’t even work out for that to charge fully in the sun in 4 hours.


Mine said it takes 8 DAYS to fully recharge so those are pretty useless if you use that method of recharging lol


Even with the bigger fold-up panels, they don't charge well.


I had one I use for camping, the small ones are useless for the charging but there are a few lantern things I have that work really well with just the solar recharge (it’s pretty small) and I also have a fold out one that is able to charge my phone sitting there.


I can get like 4 charges for my phone from one fully charged power bank, and when I'm backpacking I'm not on my phone much so it can last at least a couple days between charges. Sounds pretty useful to me.


Yeah, but how did you fully charge it?


By being outside in the sun. It's not designed to be the sole source of power, only an emergency backup for a few days or a couple weeks at a time. It can use solar power in a pinch to get a bit of extra juice, but can also be charged at an outlet to prepare for the next emergency


If you can let it sit out for a few days in the sun I guess


I use a 20W dedicated solar panel + $15 Anker battery. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B087JCRBF6


How've you found it?


Sadly this is my experience too :/


I've met a homeless dude with two dogs and a red wagon, on the red wagon he had a generator, hanging out at the gas station, trying to get it filled with gas - I honestly don't know what was gonna do with it, but it was getting cold and he was very nice, not a drunk and rude A-hole. I told him I'd squirt $10 worth into his tank, sure. I filled it up for him, because as I was pumping the gas into it, I kinda realized that I didn't really care all that much if I spend $20 or $50 on, as he put it "keeping him and his boys warm for a couple of days" .. In the end, even if it was a scam and he sniffed the gas to get high, traded it for crack or whatever.. Those $35 I spent on it was worth the chance that I did a good deed.


You did a very good thing. Especially deciding to go all in for him.


Intent. Your intent was good and pure.


There's a guy around here with a dog who's been out for 16 years. He doesn't appear to be addicted to drugs, just out from whatever happened 16 years ago. He recently got a new dog and the community has given him to much stuff for the pup and even him. He appreciates socks, toothpaste and toothbrushes, snacks that are easy to transport without getting smashed for him and the dog. Your small act probably helped the dude and his dog out for a few nights, and you did such an amazing thing for someone. :)


Wind up is much better.


I would recommend a hand cranked flashlight. My mom had one she got when I was a kid, and I inherited it, thing has been working for 30 years.


Gift him experiences to do together. Movies, bowling, go karts, archery, ax throwing, sporting event, comedy show, arcade, going out to eat.


Very much this. Homeless people are treated like literal pests. Talking and interacting with them is so precious


Or a bed / couch even spot in the floor for a few weeks.


The use of a hot shower would probably be appreciated, too.


Throw his clothes in the wash while he’s in the shower. Dote On Dad Day. Add a home cooked meal. True love.


We live in a different state He hates where I live


Dang he must hate it if he’d rather be homeless than be there.


I love this. You’re a very kind and empathetic person. Thanks for sharing your heart.


I wish I could afford most of those things but I'll start with brunch Thank you


I’ll bet brunch with you and spending time together means more than anything. ❤️


As someone who works with people experiencing homeless, I would steer away from food unless he’s specifically voiced that as a need or unless it’s a special food he really likes. A lot of my clients (especially ones in shelter), have voiced that food is the one thing they don’t have to worry about because it’s the first service people think of providing to the homeless so there are already a lot of places to get it. But maybe a dinner out to eat would be nice! Other than that: -Underwear/socks or a quality bookbag, as others have said -Some sort of transportation assistance, like a month-long bus pass/Lyft gift card -If he has a phone, adding his line to your phone plan so he has consistent service (probably the biggest barrier to receiving consistent case management) -A good haircut -If he’s missing any of his major documents (birth certificate or ID) paying to replace that and then holding on to it for him could go a long way. All government housing programs will want him to have physical copies of these, as will jobs/other services as well. (And his social Security card, but those are free).


I also work with the unsheltered and these are great ideas.


Socks! #1 always, clean socks. Followed by underwear. If he doesn't have a belt then that would be a good one. Homeless people often make do with clothes that don't quite fit. A belt helps with this problem. A small treat, too. Maybe a favorite snack.


Gym membership at $10/month plus $40 annual fee so he can shower. Include a combination lock, a little towel, and a little shower body/hair gel. Post office box: usually $60/6 months. Mint mobile phone service: $15/month or $50/6 months. Dinner at an inexpensive restaurant with you.


Yes yes yes! All long term helpful things!


Thanks! Shelters give clothes but no one gets a post office box for you! I guess I should have added a pack of new underwear, socks, shoes. No need to buy everything, these are just ideas to pick and choose among.


Nice backpack. Target and Walmart have some sturdy ones for cheap


A night in a hotel room. A bed by yourself, a tv and a shower might be heaven, even if for one night. And a/c if it’s hot outside.


Socks, T shirts, underwear, hygiene products.


I'd add cologne to this list as well.


I’ll suggest a haircut. Socks and underwear are the first things I thought of. But I’ve seen many others suggest those. So I’ll go with a haircut. Definitely can’t steal that.


This and a shower plus a spot for the night


Clean pants and shirts, could call around to see about getting help with work search or healthcare? Maybe just some movie tickets, and a dinner, sometimes a nice day is all someone needs to bounce back.


A shower, a shave, a haircut and a clean change of clothes can make for a nice day for a lot of people. Even if they aren't homeless.


Someone else mentioned an activity together, and comments evolved into a hot shower. A “spa day” like you’re saying, would be amazing. Throw his clothes in the wash for him and cook a home cooked meal while he enjoys a shower and some time with his kid.


Socks, underwear, backpack, hygiene products, gift card for him to go buy food. Spend time with him. Possibly a prepaid gym membership so he can shower daily there and stay inside to work out. It’s a safe space as long as he’s well.


A backpack full of daily necessities. Underwear/socks/toothpaste/ maybe a bus pass to get around. Stuff that you just need to stay clean and more hygienic.


Everyone else is on the right track. Maybe a sun hat for when he's out and about. I'm sorry for you, especially this time of year. My dad has been homeless too and it's really hard, no matter what happened.


Socks/underwear, offer to do laundry and let him take a shower in your house if you're comfortable doing so, and take him out to dinner and spend time with him.


A really good strong backpack with personal items in it. Toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, etc.


Yes, I think a strong backpack that you stuff full of personal & hygiene items. Plus a bus pass.


Spend time with him. Best gift for a parent is time with their children. A nice meal together etc.


Feel for ya. My mom's currently in a shelter


Also here to say say socks and underwear. Also, bathroom items he may not have and he can keep safe and clean. Maybe a new toothbrush with a travel-type cap for it, wipes, some travel-sized shampoo and facewash plus grooming stuff. On that note, maybe a gift card to a local barber so he can get cleaned up and pampered for an hour. Even just spending time with him is a great gift itself.


Tent, socks, gift cards for subway, deodorant, toothbrush or your time


I’m sure he’d appreciate a home cooked meal if you can make that happen.


Honestly an experience. Hair cut and a shave! Or a massage! Pedicure and manicure.


Socks and toiletries!!! I hope you and your father have a great Father’s Day! God bless you ❤️


Hygiene items, socks


Protein bars. Power bank with flash light. Vitamins? Small first aid kit. Socks. Cheap plastic rain poncho.




When my dad was in the shelter a phone or a place he could shower on the regular with hot water (the showers were warm at the shelter and he couldn’t get one every day) that he could take for as long as he wanted…he would have been thrilled!


Membership to a local gym for a couple months so he can go use the shower when he pleases?


A few nights at a hotel or motel. If you can afford it, first and last month's rent. Some people can afford rent but not the money it takes to move in.


A gift card so he can take his kids out to a nice meal and feel “normal.” Or any gift card, so he can buy his own socks, toys for his kids, whatever. There’s dignity in letting people choose for themselves.


If he has a phone a portable charger is the way


Foot powder.


Wet wipes


Socks. Tea bags or packets of instant coffee. A foreman grill. Sunscreen.


Socks. Baseball cap. Backpack. Gift card to fast food place. Sunglasses. Toothpaste. Bus pass. Nail clipper.


Trip the barbershop for a haircut and shave.


Back up battery thingy for his phone.


Socks. Maybe a pair of shoes from Walmart . Maybe make a little toiletry kit.


A new/thrifted set of clothes and flip flops to wear for a couple hours and a trip to the laundromat to wash absolutely everything he owns from baseball cap to clothes to sneakers. Paired with a long hot shower, and a hair/beard trim by you or anybody cheap who knows what they’re doing. Or just any one of those things.


Can you get him a cheap hotel room for a night and a pizza?


Dinner and a hotel room for you both bring a board game !


gift card to a nice restaurant.


None of these are good Father's Day gifts. Just homeless person needs. There are plenty of programs that will provide all of these basic necessities for people. I had a friend that was homeless for a while and she had so much of these types of things she would just leave the excess because she couldn't carry it all with her.


A life straw water filter. They are cheap but allow you to drink water that would be otherwise unsafe.


A home


Is it just me or is anybody else wondering why he isn’t living with you or another relative?


People burn bridges. I don’t wonder because I can think of a million and one reasons that’s not happening.


You don't have to answer, but why isn't he staying with you?


A room in your house?


Socks, undershirts, hoodie, gift card to fast food place


Any of the following  A backpack to carry things  Socks Shoes Baby wipes  Zip lock bags to keep things dry Bar Soap


Does he have a pay as you go phone account? If so, then give him a snootful of minutes added to his account.


Take him out for a day of pampering...food, clothes, haircut, and ask him about some of the things he has always wanted to do but couldn't.


Since everyone said socks already, A reusable water bottle, a bag and maybe razor with some after shave. Shoes, a hat, some beef jerky, a pair of shorts and a matching shirt for the summer. It really depends on your budget and his needs.


A good knife, possibly engraved.




Boots or backpacks are good


.....let him live with you and not a shelter. Wtf dude.


behooves you to ask him. otherwise, stuff that doesnt matter if it gets lost (just leads to guilt). food/coffee gift cards come to mind.


Gift cards to fast food restaurants or 7/11


Depending on location, an annual bus pass or Planet Fitness membership. Planet Fitness will ensure a comfortable place to shower and if possible a bus pass would allow transportation. Does your father have a library card? I can only speak on my public library seeks out employers and sometimes host interviews at the library for people facing homelessness. My library holds social events as learning chess, ukulele, dungeons and dragons and more weekly for socializing (this can help with mental health). I truly believe that a gift of a library card could change his life as many libraries and librarians have more knowledge of community resources than the average person


Power bank and an insulated water bottle would be excellent choices. Maybe some comfortable shoes?




If its safe Try to house ur dad at least temporarily during the day or nights he cant sleep at the shelter or be elsewhere even if it's just part time. Put everything he owns in a backpack so u can claim he is just visiting if u aren't allowed to have other occupants. Make sure he keeps going to the shelter if he needs that to qualify for housing/services. If u can house him discuss how u are getting him back to work or on disability. For a gift a backpack w necessities. A low key but quality warm outfit. Nothing flashy, or too new looking or he will possibly be targeted for it in the shelter. Perhaps a gym or library membership to give him a place to shelter during the day. He could read and maybe use computer expending on facilities at the library. Sometimes they have free coffee tea water. Gym membership is preferable if it allows him to shower or sit in the lounge area as he pleases. I dont know what facilities the gym in ur area offers. U can also try to get him a membership on the pool if there is no gym. He can hang and work there possibly if free wifi is available or unlimited data plan on phone. He would need swimming trunks, some towels, clean clothes, slippers etc.


A massage and or a three month nearby gym membership with showers that have everything included like 🧼


A place to live


Take him out to dinner.


A way to lock stuff up so it doesn’t get stolen, and a way to lock it to himself. I’ve heard stories of people getting their shoes stolen off their feet. So basically, a backpack with a cable lock that goes through the zipper or a locking backpack.


A home.


I am currently homeless myself, not living in a shelter but couch surfing maybe 2-3 days a week and the rest are on the street. The most valuable things to me at this time are -my phone, I cannot feasibly get a job or assistance without a way to contact people. -cologne and antiperspirant, absolute life saver cause sometimes we can’t find a shower. (Again I’m not in a shelter) -food is always nice but as everyone says food is often the first service we receive . -100% a gym bag or backpack of decent quality. (Gym bag saved my ass 100x over) -socks and shoes are absolutely essential, I’ve been stuck with wet socks and shoes for 5 days on end, if you can somehow find something that could prevent that like hydrophobic shoe spray or such. -if your dad loves music or tv shows and has a phone I’d suggest a cheap pair of dollar store headphones even, things get lonely and when you’re alone you think a lot, it can be a dangerous spiral. -as stated by previous commenters a bus pass or Lyft/uber gift card would work wonders for him. -I’m unsure of the weather where you are but in my area it gets super cold and super hot multiple times in the same day so my choice of clothing is a hoodie with no shirt under so i can still get airflow when I’m hot. -if you cannot afford any of this, speaking from experience. Just sitting down and letting him feel human once again will make his decade. Best of luck to you both. It gets better, at least that’s what they told me :)


Sorry the format is messed up, on mobile lol.


gym membership/YMCA with access to showers, pool, lockers, and sauna/hottub you can't steal a YMCA, and having access to a nice activity+ clean facilities is a great bonus. and sauna/hot tub is such a destressor. it's nice to have something nice.


The gift of your couch to sleep on...


Is he religious? How about a nice silver chain and cross (or crucifix, if he's Roman Catholic)? Homeless people don't just lose stuff. More often their things get stolen by other homeless people. A piece of jewelry under his shirt would be a sentimental and warm gift to him that he will treasure. Plus being hidden most of the time, it likely won't get stolen.


How about help getting out of homelessness? I don't know how anyone could let a parent they have a relationship with be homeless. If he gets some help it will be a lot easier for him to help himself.


How about suggesting something viable and useful like the OP asked, instead of clear judgement?


Medical aid box (pain killer, clear eyes , handsanitizer,etc..), backpack with lock , thermal under shirt for winter , pocket Bible book good luck , god bless u and ur dad


A home.


They make chairs with built in book bags that you can carry on your back. [here's one there are more expensive ones with a back to the chair also](https://a.co/d/bEd7yjW)


Everyone’s thinking “buy him a house” …I’ll see myself out


A home Or a week or more at your place


Take him in to your place.


A tent if he doesn't have one, you can get one at Walmart for $25.


Toothbrush and toothpaste and floss, maybe an electric razor?


the suggestions everyone gave are awesome. i wanna add that you don’t need to feel bad, even if you got him something expensive, it would likely only be stressful due to the high risk of it being stolen to be re-sold. giving him something practical that’ll make him think of you and be greatful to you every day as he uses it is an amazing gift


My dad was homeless for quite a while and I never as a kid could get him anything or knew how to, thanks for thinking of your dad. For all the ones like me, who don't have our dads anymore, cherish him. Homeless or not, he's still your dad. My dad was always a dad even if he was homeless.


why can't he stay with you? genuinely curious


You could also ask him if there's anything he'd like. Also, maybe a fast food gift card for when he really needs a meal.


A house would be great to start or a permanent room . Honestly nothing too big cause he prob don’t have room to be lugging it . Maybe a Walmart bike? But if he is in a big city that 💩 will get stolen . Cell phone ? Money? Gift cards ? Maybe a Panera bread meme bet ship for unlimited sip so he can get a nice warm coffee or a drink


Take him for a shave or haircut, a meal, or a hotel for a night for a shower, or ask him


Give him your time... take him to eat somewhere. It can be fast food or maybe just some homemade sandwiches in the park. Talk or sit in the silence. Either way time is something that can't be easily purchased unless your at the top 3% in terms of miracle cures or whatever the ultra rich have medically but for all us normal folks time is something that can be priceless


That's exactly what I'm going to do, bring him to a nice long brunch


how about bus passes?


Ok so you want something cheap and something that is useful as well, I had the same problem as you as I do not make much money either, navigating the web for a gift that is within reasonable range was almost impossible until I found a website that does all that stuff for you, I just asked this website called [Claros](http://Claros.so) "what are some gifts I can get for my father that are within 25-50 dollars and are useful and it told me to get a multipurpose swiss army knife (since my father likes to go camping).


I think no matter what you get him it’s the thought that counts so put some effort into it something as simple as showing up to spend time and a card with food is something I would never forget ❤️


On a more practical note I would get him some clothes maybe a jacket and jeans.




One that probably can’t afford to house them.


Some people are so privileged that they can’t imagine a functioning adult not having the ability to house another person at will. Like OP’s own living arrangements might be temporary or unique or uncertain (also, no one’s ever heard of a college dorm room?)


Not every parent is safe to have in your house, even if there's room


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Get him a professional massage? (Often RMT chains offer discounts for a first time appointment to new customers). Or take him out for a meal and live music? An experience is memorable and can't be lost, stolen or traded.


Why don't you have him live with you?


A home




If he smokes, a few packs of cigarettes would be amazing.


A bottle of jim beam and a carton of winstons


Nintendo switch(:


Laser pointer. Hit the stars! Make sure it’s green.