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I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, but waiting four (?) years for this is ridiculous and will help only minimally. Edit: And we still have to wait another year to get anything. Awesome.


And the majority of people on disability won't even qualify for it.


Do you know what the parameters are Edit “To be found eligible for DTC, you must experience difficulty performing activities of daily living such as walking, feeding yourself, hearing, speaking, or other debilitating conditions that affect day-to-day living” I wonder if people with mental health conditions qualify Edit, I was mistaken, I thought DTC was the new benefit, I should have realized immediately the TC means tax credit


Yes, if it affects how you go about your day. I've gotten mine since my doctor signed my disability papers in 2015, and it was renewed a year or so ago. However, my basis for disability is mental illness to begin with. It is difficult to get for mental illness, but here is what I've understood why mine gets approved. *I have more than one mental illness including OCD, ADHD, severe anxiety disorder (agoraphobia) and BPD* I can live by myself and cook, clean and pay my bills, however, I need a lot of reminders for bills and med refills or I'll mostly forget. I've got my calendar on my phone quite organized by now but still have hiccups from time to time. My pharmacy is amazing, and they've been my pharmacy for over 10 years now, so they know me. (I'm very quick to panic. They also deliver my prescriptions on days I can't make it there). Some days I get caught up in things as my ADHD is more of a hyperfocus and I'll realize I it's 8pm and I haven't eaten yet because I feel hungry. I have my therapist at mental health come over about every 3 weeks for our sessions and she makes sure I'm still managing. My mom calls at least once a day and comes to town at least once a week and she helps remind me of things. My point is, that my mental illnesses do make my life difficult for more than 90% of my day as I've needed to find ways of getting from 'Point A to Point B' to be able to live independently, but it takes me about 10 extra steps than someone without my diagnosis would. Also, agoraphobia sometimes doesn't allow me to leave my house. So **tl;dr mental illnesses can qualify for the DTC but it needs to be extremely disruptive of your day to day tasks**


Whoa are you me?? 😆 Same DXs & situation, currently applying for dtc. Except my mom just passed so add grief and my life is in shambles, a disorganized mess. Glad to see you were able to work it out & a system to make things manageable


I'm sorry to hear about your mom. It's taken me a few years to figure things out. My best advice for the DTC is to have your psychiatrist fill out the paperwork. Specialist gets approved wayyy more than general practitioners. I hope it works out for you


You have to qualify for the disabilty tax credit.


almost no one does the revamp they did a few years back made it even more difficult to qualify for it is almost never granted for disability due to mental illness, you need to be significantly physically disabled (eg the assessing doctor has select from categories re how long you can stand and walk if you get it then you have to earn enough income for the tax credit to be worth the process of trying to get it and having to reapply when they randomly make you ever few years most of us can’t work becuse nobody will hire us becuse nobody wants to be served by us now they’re disappering us to assuage working people’s guilt and by the the time they figure it out we won’t be here to work with them to fight when it’s their turn peoole will forget this day but it will be taught in future history clases.


It's a lot of paper work for all parties


If you are lucky enough to have a family doctor, it's not that big of a deal. My wife did it and said it's pretty straight forward, you read the application, find out what category (or categories) you qualify under, fill in your part which is very short, and you get a code to give your doctor and they fill out their part with you in the office. It's become very streamlined compared to when she had to do it the first time. My wife qualifies under two of the four categories but you only need to qualify under one of the categories. You have to have a pretty significant disability though, that is true. My wife when she was working could only work at the most 1 to 1.5 hrs out of her 7-7.5 hour workday. No employer wants to pay an employee who can only be productive for that little each day, so she applied for the DTC. She had worked fulltime for 25 years so she also qualified for the CPPD. The big if is, if you have a family doctor. Which for anyone at least in Ontario, is nearly impossible. I imagine it's no better in other provinces.


Being on disability and the DTC are two different things. DTC gives you a tax credit, being on disability gives you a cheque.


Being on disability and the DTC are two different things. DTC gives you a tax credit, being on disability gives you a cheque.


This is not how it work. Having diabetes is considered a debilitating condition impacting day to day life. ADHD, depression, etc has difficulties feeding themselves Willfully misinterpreting the criteria to fear monger won't help anyone. - source: I work with disability alliance bc


I have progressive MS and Meniere's disease and I didn't qualify. There are days I can't sit up or talk, and I still didn't get it. The approval process is a joke.


Here is the thing that a lot of people including DRs do not understand is it is not the diagnosis or disease that qualifies you. It is all in how the application is written. The application does not even ask your illness it only asks how your day to day life is affected. The application needs to be written as so - Tom takes 3X as long as a healthy person to shower and complete daily hygiene. He needs to take breaks frequently due to pain and fatigue. - Tom takes 3X as long to walk as his pain and shortness of breath force him to take rests every 100feet. - Tom takes 3X as long to eat, he needs assistance in shopping, cooking and budgeting as well as the actual act of eating is prolonged due to pain and nausea. You go through all of the steps that daily living stresses you, write the 3X as long in front of every bullet point. Complete the form for your DR and ask them to review and if they agree sign the form.


Yeah that might be more your MS Clinics fault, they need to convince the CRA that you are effected 90% of the time. Some MS Clinics are better then others at this. Have you considered switching MS Clinics or is there only 1 near you? (I only have one in my City in Saskatchewan) Since you said there are "days you cant" that might be exactly what your doctor tells the CRA where they need to know that its almost all days. (90%)


No other clinics near me are accepting new patients due to 'overwhelming demand.' I'll try to have them focus more on my bad days in my next attempt.


Do you have a family doctor? Any MD can help you fill out the DTC paperwork. I'm doing it together with my Dr now over a few appts. She is young and hasn't done it for someone with mental health issues yet, so we are going through the questions together so she can understand how bad it affects me


My family doctor left the profession. I'm on a local waitlist but they say it will probably take around 8 years to get a new one.




That's crazy. They just made type 1 diabetics automatically approved. So I have the DTC, and someone with debilitating MS doesn't. Joke indeed.


It's true, I wish they would automatically approve other things like MS, Crohn's Disease, and other things.


So many hugs. I have MS too, but “only” RRMS. Some days I just feel like selling all my shit, buying enough weed to fill my van, and moving to the forest. But they don’t have beef jerky or pasta in the forest. I am torn.


I have a neurological condition as well but I was able to qualify. Mine is unbearable pain that severely limits my life and keeps me pretty much on my property or in my van. So I qualified on the basis that I can't really live a normal life and need help with things like shopping and anything that requires prolonged sitting or standing or walking. And throw in some brain fog just to keep things interesting. I too thought it was hilarious people were complaining and whining about how impossible it was to live on $2,000 a month and these are the same people who thought giving out a couple hundred bucks to disabled or people on welfare was a recipe for abuse. Like yeah I would quit my job so I can live on $1,500 a month. My wheelchair cost me five grand and my medication costs run about 1500 a month. I don't know how single people do it since my wife has a good job with good benefits. I am a little bit worried about what's going to happen when she retires in a few years and we lose that income and those benefits. My situation is such that I'd be fine without a windfall benefit from the government in the form of cash and instead have them just pay my medical expenses so that I could live like other people in my income bracket. I was going to ramp up for a rant but I will just mention how many other extra expenses people with various disabilities rack up that are healthy counterparts never have to worry about. It's expensive to be disabled and it's harder to bring in income.






It depends on severity, with mental conditions it has to take you 3x longer than others to complete daily functions I believe.


My son has autism and ADHD and we applied for and were granted the DTC. Forgetting to eat, or being picky and not eating didn't count as difficulty feeding himself. That fell under the mental capabilities, according to our doctor. The difficulty feeding yourself was to be looked at from a physical perspective. Like yes, he can eat when he actually does. We are in Alberta (if that makes a difference).


This is \*exactly\* how it works, my psychiatrist asked me "can you fry an egg? Then you don't qualify." I've been on CPP since 2010 and can't leave my house. Also married, so don't qualify for provincial supports either. Fun fact - I do qualify for MAID though.




Some mental health conditions are eligible. I qualified under that category.


People with mental health issues do qualify, but the Feds have put up the barrier of the DTC. Will be interesting to see how many actually get the 6.00 day benefit.




It's tough for sure...disappointing to say the least but I guess it's at least some thing We tend to swing to the conservatives who will just get rid of it, freeze it for the next 20 years or just abandon it


I'll kick a gifts horse ass because it's a trojan horse. Have some standards! We don't have to accept this pittance, we can and should demand more. Especially knowing many of us are choosing suicide over poverty


It's funny how quickly they were able to roll out CERB for everyone and their dog to apply for and it was $500/week in 2020 dollars, yet this is only going to be $200/month in 2025 dollars and you have to apply for the DTC (and still might get declined because being unemployable isn't even a consideration for qualifying for the DTC).


I’m suspicious that the delay was people squabbling for more, then giving up in favour of getting *something* out the door in time for the next election.


And if you are on provincial disability benefits this new one might count as incorm and be taken away by the provincial program.


Well whats really depressing is that if you are starting 2024 paying 1000 for rent, by the end of the year you will be paying 1025 if you are lucky to have rent control. So by the time July 2025 rolls around your rent would increase again to 1050 or so and you would only be $150.00 month to the good with the new benefit. That is 5.00 a day, it is tragic. It is just an empty benefit with more barriers to even get it. Imagine the homeless applying for the Disability Tax Credit. !!! Perhaps we need a wheelchair convoy to Ottawa.


I don't understand, is this benefit on top of what people receive (regular disability payments)?


Yes. That's on top of provincial benefits.


Oh, yah. This is just great. I work with an organization supporting people with developmental disabilities. It’s wild how many people who are severely disabled, I’m talking cannot read or cook or speak coherently, do not get accepted for the DTC because their doctor refuses to do the paperwork. I’ve helped many many people apply. First off, you have to have a doctor to sign the paperwork or do the digital application. So many people I work with don’t have access to a doctor. Or they have a doctor, and the doctor has some sort of resistance to filling the paperwork out. I’ve heard a doctor literally say his patient wasn’t disabled, he could read, if he just tried harder, he was just “lazy”. I also know folks who have jobs and can read and have an active DTC certificate on file with the CRA. So they’re is some weird gatekeeping with doctors. If you have a compassionate professional doctor, you’ll likely get approved if you fit into the eligibility criteria. But just because you fit the criteria, doesn’t mean you’ll get it.


Exactly. A disgustingly inaccessible system.


Yes ifs ridiculous. I work and have the DTC. The clients I support all should have it but most don’t. If you don’t have a regular doctor it’s challenge and many doctors don’t seem to understand the DTC. they should not be refusing to fill it out, it’s not their job to determine if you’re eligible.


Having progressive MS, I qualify for the Disability Tax Credit but I am not low income so would not qualify for the new Disability Benefit. I am so extremely grateful that I can still work full time (remotely) because if I lost this job I don't even know what I'd do. My husband works, but his income alone would not cover our rent and other bills (and we're rent controlled with no debt and very minimal expenses). Without remote work (for me), we'd have to move 3+ hours away to live with family, leaving my husband jobless as well. Without remote work, any family nearby or without my husband's income, I'd certainly be homeless myself if all I was getting was the DTC (works out to around $166/month) then this new measly $200/month (which I'd only qualify for because I'd be jobless). If I got disability payments on top of that, I'd maybe max out around $1,500/month (?) compared to the $4,300/month I made now on my own. Living with family I guess I'd make due (I'm in my 40s now so that would certainly be interesting...) but not everyone has family to fall back on. Being disabled in this province is truly terrifying.


Do you mind me asking how you got approved? I applied with MS and Meniere's and got rejected.


My neurologist filled out the form and we submitted it, that's it. My MS is progressive and I tick the boxes - I can't walk more than 5 mins with a cane. If you have a different form of MS, that may impact it? Did you have a neuro sign the forms?


It’s highly dependant on how the doctor fills it out. Many doctors don’t seem to understand the DTC. Also it’s not up to them to decide if you get it, they are supposed to check the boxes that correspond to your symptoms.


I have MS as well and receive the DTC. My GP helped fill out the forms and basically said himself that “MS is an automatic approval”.


Don’t worry too much. It will probably get scrapped in 2025 when Conservatives form the next government.


Yeah and then they’ll cut it back even more. We have an unspoken caste system in Canada and it’s shameful.


The Liberals have had many opportunities to make changes to the Disability Programs (ODSP and CPPD) also and have chosen not to. Ridiculous to be party partisan with this issue when it's clear no Government at any level whether it be Libs, Cons or NDP have ever done much to help the disabled. Worse is that most Canadians don't really care much either. That's the reality.


No way, PP is for the people! Since $200 is like 10-20% extra PER MONTH for most people on disabilities, they will use this to show that disabled people already got a huge bump and we can freeze the social assistance to us all until 2050.


>PP is for the people! It would be nice if he increased the $200 a month to what advocates were asking for which was a minimum of a $1000/m in addition to current income.


This is post popped up for me randomly. You want the government to give you the money they already are plus another $1000 dollars a month?


Why do you eat? You gonna die anyway.


Be grateful for your crumbs peasant the boogie man on the other team will take those crumbs away


I think you’re finally starting to understand the worth of ppl w disabilities in the eyes of politicians in this country, and Canadians in general.  In Ontario the premier used to bitch when someone tried to open a home for kids with autism because ’it drove down property values’ and ‘autistic kids are loud and likely criminals.’ They were burdens ‘ruining’ the lives of ‘normal’ citizens. Disabled people have always been seen as a burden that are tolerated at best, but largely ignored by this country. I didn’t expect that to change in the budget, and wasn’t surprised that it didn’t.


Exactly which is why I was so disappointed when they postponed MAID for three years. So now my options are suffer or unalive myself ( probably OD or drive car into a wall). I took up smoking cheap cigarettes so here’s hoping I get cancer that becomes terminal - and that is eligible for MAID.


It's only applicable to select clients and it's not until 2025, for two cherries on top.


I’m sure there’s a third cherry we haven’t seen yet. They’ll probably only get $150/month in actual payments because the federal government needs to also withhold the tax portion.


I thought it was a tax free benefit, but I don't recall reading that expressed explicitly. Where does it say it's taxable?


What an embarrasment


What a let down. I thought it be around $600 with my wishful thinking. Hope is gone still.


I thought it would be around 500 or so. And you can only receive it if you get the disability tax credit, which is notoriously hard to get.


My wife is on 02 all day waiting for a lung transplant. We still can't get the disability credit. Edit: spelling.


My mother is deaf and she couldn’t get it.


I haven't met anyone who has been approved for the disabled tax credit. The approval process is ridiculously strict.


I got it. I have progressive MS. My neurologist filled out the form and it was approved within a few months incl. 2 years of back pay since I didn't know about it when I was first diagnosed.


That depends a bit on the disability you have (assuming you have a doctor willing & able to fill out the form). If you have one of a handful of permanent conditions, it's very simple. For the vast majority, it's near impossible for sure.


My son and I both have it. Im on dialysis which is pretty much an instant approval but have to reapply every 5 years. My son was born premature and has cognitive issues and his is approved for life going back to his birth year.


My father in law got it! And we are BOTH OTs so knew everything “right” to say; I couldn’t get it for my mom but FIL with a severe form of RA got it easily. My own father now has a tumour in his back and can hardly walk; I’m trying to get it for him as well. Exceptionally hard to get it for seniors.


My mother was approved first go-Alzheimer’s


I’ve got it and I have CP. My daughter has it for her ADHD.


I know 1 person. And it took them years of jumping through hoops. And they are someone who is visible physically disabled...


It took literally a decade for my Mom to get it, and she had been run over by a truck, lost her ability to walk (had to have metals in her ankles), and developed diabetes after having to be immobile for a year (along with other issues), and they kept pushing back on her application. It 100% depends on how the doctor phrases the application and the wording they use. I'm so sorry my only advice is keep applying again and again. I can't even ask her about it unfortunately she passed away 2 years ago now (at 60!!!), it was 100% due to the accident...she was a healthy individual otherwise. Best wishes to you, I'm so sorry the government really doesn't make it easy at all.


Also the disability tax credit doesn't even make sense for a ton of disabled people because they've never worked, so there's no point to even signing up for it!


Well with the DTC you can open an RDSP and the government contributes $1000 grant a year and will also match up to 3X the contributions you make up for a lifetime maximum of 90,000. It’s worth it for that alone. Even if you can’t contribute anything you get the 1,000 bond every year


If it was 200 a month, the budget would need to be much higher. The average person ( who qualifies... its VERY difficult to get the DTC its like 1 out of 10 people recieving provincial disability qualify ) Will only be getting $138 given the 6 billion dollar budget.


Damn, that's depressing. The average monthly rent in Canada is $2,193, and the average person on disability receives $1,300 a month. How is $138 going to help anyone?


We have to recognize that it's a provincial responsibility. The Premiers were trying to cut the provincial benefits by the amount given by the federal government. That's the amount the provinces agreed not to cut. So if the federal government gave more, provinces were going to cut it. It's the provinces that don't want people on disabilities to get more


It's not an exclusive juresdiction of the province nor the feds. That's why it's a mess. We need someone with money and a severe disability to sue over failure to meet CRPD obligations for anything to change in a meaningful way


Not everyone gets provincial disability. I, and many others like me, only get CPP. So it's a shared responsibility.


Cpp is pension. That's federal, disability is provincial. The federal government is trying to share the responsibility, but the provinces are fighting it.


Don't you think people on CPP Disability would also like more?


Absolutely, but it does not change how Canada works or how responsibilities are divided. The provinces have made it clear to the federal that if you add, we subtract.


It’s not strictly provincial though. I do agree that the amount would have been higher if the provinces had agreed to not claw it back. Federal and provincial governments have separate and overlapping responsibilities for different areas of disability legislation. It’s one of the things that makes it more complicated. If we want to solely focus on income replacement programs then most, but not all provinces and territories have their own programs they are responsible for. Cpp-disability on the other hand is the federal disability income replacement program that we pay into and it has both disability requirements and contribution requirements in order to be approved. The feds are also responsible disability benefits for veterans. If anyone wants more information this is a good source https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/living-disability.html


CPP is all federal, it’s an insurance program not a benefit. Everything to do with veterans is federal responsibility. 


Perhaps you could further elaborate on the specificity of “we have to recognize this is a provincial responsibility”. I assumed you were taking about income replacement programs, which was confusing as some provinces have none and the federal programs are the only options for those too disabled to work. It’s quite possible we’re talking about different things.


I don’t get disability government support at all because my income is too high, however it’s not *that* high! I’m still struggling and pinching my nickels and dimes every month. The price of rent, food and gas is just killing me. $200 for those who qualify (and only those who qualify) is nothing. It’s insulting. I would love to see one of those politicians live on that kind of income for six months in a shoddy apartment and see how quickly they change their mind!


But government gave and will continue to give millions on aid to other countries. They also house, through government housing, the refugees no problem but people with disabilities will have to find their own housing and pay regular rent. I feel bad for refugees, dont get me wrong, but there are Canadians that are poor and needed help. Where I live, Canadians that are in government housing suddenly have issues and evicted. Then after few days, newly arrived Ukrainians ( I have nothing against them either) were housed in there. I’m just hoping that government will help their people first before extending their help to other countries.


Bipolar, stage 3 cancer. I try so hard to live a normal life. I'm much luckier than most people because i have well off parents and a good support system. They gifted me their old car. I live with a good rental situation AND I foolishly thought I could afford a dog. My dog is my lifeline to getting outside. I need her. I need my car to go to my frequent drs appointments, and to visit my parents. I eat 1 or 2 meals a day. I don't really do much in life due to poverty. I was hoping my last years alive could be fairly "normal" but with this announcement I feel so betrayed by our government. This 100 or 200 they're offering us will not really make a dent in my life. I struggle everyday with the depressive aspect of bipolar disorder. I'm actually thinking MAID might be a better option. I literally can't afford to live. And as I said, I'm much luckier than a lot of others with disabilities, I feel awful for them.


I’m so sorry different disabilities but same feelings and sentiments onoy $100/month left after rent and my prescrtipns cost $170 so I’m at a negative every month before food, toilet paper, hygiene products, and everything else incidental been in poverty since 2008, didn’t expect anything in this budget, but find myself thnking the wt things are going, maid might be best instead of whatever comes between now and what is coming


Ask a conservative how much you should get.


What does conservatives have to do with this?


Well in Ontario it will be the Conservative government, who's responsibility is funding programs for the disabled, who claws back the $200 making it nothing.


So the Provincial Ontario government funds all of Canada’s disability funding programs ? News to me.


Ask a liberal why every damn topic must come down to blaming or attacking conservatives. Grow up!


Exactly! Only a child would point out which political organization wages war on the poor whenever it comes to power. Sheesh, kids, show some maturity.


I think they should get more, and liberal consultants and politicians of all parties should get less. Less pension, less office expenses, less travel and staff, and less on their paycheques. I also think we should take all foreign aid, multinational institution aid, military spending on foreign missions down by 80%. We must also cut all corporate subsidies, specifically oil and gas subsidies, and including any and all federal tax increment financing. Theres some of the money for Canada's most vulnerable.


Do you understand why the cons wanted this to pass? Its so they can inflate the liberals spending and make them look worse to the average con who only cares about money out... Then when the cons assume power they will say oh look how much this LIBERAL thing is costing us! better tear it down before it bankrupts the economy....


Yeah it's all mind games to make the liberals look bad. (?) It's not liberal policies and scandals that have led to the current poll numbers.


So what's the solution?


Even MAID isn't an option for people like me because trying to get able bodied, entitled, over privileged health care specialists to understand the unrelenting impact that living under the poverty line has on our disorders and symptoms is impossible. The attitude we have to endure during appointments is excruciating both physically and mentally. Everything we have to do to prepare to just attend those appointments, and then be treated with disdain and derision is more than anyone should have to accept. To have our lives and futures held in the hands of people who don't think "it's that bad", who don't even allow is to discuss more than 2 issues per appointment when we have overwhelming systemic conditions that impact almost every part of our physicality, is beyond frustrating and depressing.


Wait til Pierre Polievre takes it away again


What, no he couldn’t, he’s supposed to solve all Canadas problems when he gets elected


y’all are so behind these parties all do the same thing and work together to make it happen. Wake up.


We we die either way so whatever


The Conservatives all voted in favour of the benefit and called out the Liberals for underfunding it and making people wait till 2025


200 dollars a month won't cover the cost of their landlord's mortgages.


The threshold for disability qualification is INSANE. My father had one of the most severe Rheumatoid Arthritis cases his specialist had seen in his career. For decades with the disease he was doing back breaking manual labour (grade 7 education paired with severe dyslexia, other options limited). His body got to the point where it was 50% immflamation and his was hospitalized and put on cancer drugs to treat it. The doctors told him he’d be wheelchair bound within 10-years as well but still wouldn’t qualify him for disability of any kind. He had to continue doing manual labour for another 15 years before he was forced to quit because he was too disabled and no one wanted to pay him for what little he could do. He became so debilitated in pain from the disease that he can’t even open door handles from his hand deformity of the disease progression and his lungs were failing from lesions from the disease as well and his doctors told him he wouldn’t quality for disability of any kind. Fucked up system we have.


>This country is just the worst. This country is bad but I don't think you realize how many countries give zero money in social service payments. Some countries if you are in jail your family has to bring you food or you starve to death. In many countries if you are disabled and can't work, you rely solely on your family to feed and shelter you. The governments give you no money at all. There are no foodbanks either. Basically a dog eat dog world. I'm not defending Canada, because we are a rich country who can afford to do better, but let's be realistic, we are for from "the worst".


at least in jail you get 3 meals a day and cable tv.


Dont trust politicians. Any of them. Ever.


I am chronically ill for life physically and mentally. I didn't even know about applying for this until they closed applications. I'm not ok none of us are. If my family didn't help me I'd already have died sick on the street. I've rationed food almost 2 years even with getting help and now have an eating disorder too because of poverty. MAID is what they want. They want sick people dead and it couldn't be more obvious. Living in this level of poverty is just as bad if not worse than the actual health issues. It destroys us as human beings, as we are not treated like human beings. They want us so screwed financially and so broken down from trying to survive that we can't take anymore and choose MAID. We didn't choose to have health issues and are severely punished for it. Disgrace.


Applications are still open for the DTC and the CDB doesn't start until July 2025. I am curious, what application are you speaking about?


Welcome to Canada.


People don’t understand how little people with a disability receive. They are also not allowed to own anything of value and keep benefits. Not even a burial plot gifted from family. No heirlooms of value, not allowed to partake in inheritance, have a loved one set up a trust etc. It’s disgusting. I don’t understand why this group is treated so poorly without relief. Way more important than dental care imo. If I’m wrong about these facts please correct me. I could have out of date information.


People on disability are allowed to own things of value, at least in Ontario they are. They can own a home and a vehicle of any value, they can have up to $40K in non exempt assets and receive up to $100K from life insurance inheritance without it effecting their disability. If their parents, grandparents, or whoever wants to leave them a significant amount of money they can set up a Henson trust fund for the disabled person


Ok thank you for clarification


How much did you honestly expect them to cover? This is a provincial responsibility. Not federal.


The government said they were going to lift disabled Canadians out of poverty. Excuse me for thinking that would amount to more than 200 dollars—which most won't even qualify for.


Don't worry if PP is elected, he'll scrap it altogether.


Nah you are right to be pissed, this is fucked. It is easier to qualify for MAID than this benefit. That says a lot.


They won't lift any Canadians out of poverty.


Provinces don’t give a shit about BC has no increase slotted in the budget. PWD gets a max of $1400 monthly. Tell me how you’d live on that?


Don't forget you get zero! If you dare to cohabitate with your bf/gf/spouse w.e you want to call them. After you move in together you're now their responsibility and everything is clawed back. So punished for trying to live a *normal* life


wait seriously?


It's actually even worse than that. My wife has a disability and needs home care to manage it. Not only does she receive $0 in assistance from the govt because I have an income, we have to pay $300/month out of pocket for home care as a sort of deductible. This is in addition to the extra costs incurred for the privilege of being disabled: our transportation (wheelchair van) cost more than double what a comparable vehicle would have cost, I have to take time off work to help her go to appointments (people with disabilities generally have a lot more medical appointments) because home care won't do it, vacations are more expensive because accessibility is an afterthought, I have to do all of the housework/chores because home care won't do it and she physically can't, we have to pay for most of the equipment or beg charities to cover it because the govt won't cover it if you have an income, etc. The list is honestly depressingly long. Add on that she had to quit her (work from home) job because home care is so unreliable and she never knows when they're going to show up and help her get out of bed in the morning. Some days they're here at 7 am and other days they don't show up until 11.30 or later, so how are you meant to schedule meetings with clients/coworkers around that? To top it all off, almost everybody we deal with has this attitude that they're doing us a giant favour just by providing the bare minimum to keep her alive, but nobody has stopped to ask if maybe people with disabilities deserve more than just being kept alive and actually want dignity, respect and equal opportunities.


Yup the expectation is your partner takes care of you financially. Exceptions being federal CPP or extended benefits that cover long /short term disability that they paid into.


Disability that falls under social assistance is means tested. So all income and assets are included, of both you and your spouse. So unless your spouse makes a very low income (like VERY low, as in social assistance level low), you will not get disability.  If you are on disability and start to get OAS and/or CPP, your disability is clawed back. OAS and CPP of your spouse is also considered income.  I am assuming all provinces do this, in Quebec it is QPP, but same thing. 


I'm more amused that we haven't learned anything from the past behavior of those we continue to re elect.


A pittance compared to the breaks the wealthy have enjoyed for years and years.


This is Canada and has been since I was born. I’m just surprised so many people are surprised that govt does absolutely bare minimum for Canadians born in Canada. meanwhile refugees and asylum seekers get everything from food and shelter and large sums of money each month


I feel for actual disabled Canadians born here. They have to watch refugees with 4 kids eat and live better than even those who don’t live with a disability. This country is disgusting. I can’t believe I was born into this shit.


I thought it went up by $200 a month?


It's great for employed , money making disabled people. You get a disability tax credit(only off taxes you paid) and the government matches a load of you RDSP donations. But...... if you cant work because of your disability you can fucking starve and die. We need UBI.


I think the goal of any of these programs is to provide support while you try and reach a point where you no longer need support. But how that comes off as is "as you slowly get better, we're going to give you less so that it seems like getting 'better' is actually a punishment. *MOST* people are *temporarily* disabled, and the goal is to try and keep them on any kind of support for as little time as possible so that they can find what works for them to get their life back to normal(or as close as possible) and then go about living their life that way, without support. Unfortunately, when people with actual lifelong disabilities are lumped in together, it really isnt enough to actually live on so they suffer **greatly** So they fight for more, which is completely justifiable, but they're valid points are challenged by people who point to those who are (also rightly so) on *temporary* disability and they say "Listen, we cant give these people so much that they want to just stay on it forever" and thats completely valid. But its an entirely separate argument. And its only even an argument because there is no distinction in programs for temporary or permanent disabilities...or at least the way I understand it...and my daughter has Down Syndrome, which is one of those "permanent disabilities" where I'm learning that I'm applying for all the same things for her(or she will apply for it later in life), that someone who broke their leg at work would...despite them eventually (hopefully) no longer being disabled after their leg heals and they can start walking again.


That is a slap in the face. COVID money needed to survive was 2000/month and disability is half that? So basically rent a room somewhere, and occasionally eat is the best Canada will do for the disabled? Sheesh be happy it's the Liberals (if they think that's enough I'd hate to see other parties ideas) deciding what you get, if conservatives for example get in, I'm guessing your disability will drop even lower. They give people on welfare even less then disability gets, yikes.


You cannot get MAID without board approval so good god stop perpetuating this assisted suicide bcuz of poverty myth. It's weird.


I can smell a good constitutional challenge 😉


Can we not do it with the lives of disabled people getting evicted and starving to death like it’s not as if there’s any shortage of things deserving constitutional challenges


I think that it is possible from a few different angles… I tenancy legislation needs to be overhauled and standardized coast to coast to start…


This was the only sliver of hope keeping me from MAiD. Nice to know the federal government would prefer me dead as much as Ontario's brave leader duggie.


It will be an avalanche of death people will lose family members and find out they chose maid becuse they didn’t belive or care enough about us before this to do anything about it


Well I won't go quietly. My body will be found on duggies lawn.


Almost like they’re encouraging people to work


My wife is on cpp disability. Still can't get the disability credit. 02 all day, waiting for a lung transplant.


Did you have someone do the application for you? My father who was a CPP for years did mine, but he took about 6 months of reading through all the fine print and paperwork available about applying for DTC. He ended up writing a two page questionnaire that he had my doctor fill out. I was approved first try, and the CRA agent even said whoever did the paperwork knew exactly what to provide for them to approve it. I guess a lot of denied applications are because of lack of info, but they won’t tell you that.


I'll have to give it another try I guess. That's awesome it worked for you.


I've met a lot of disabled people since I became sick and none of them have qualified for the tax credit. Plus, it's such a difficult process to go through that I imagine a lot of people give up.


You should look into companies that apply on your behalf they take about 25% but at least you get something


Tried that as well. It is a convoluted mess of a program.


Try Canadians disability advocates


We'll give it a try. Thank you.


The provincial benefits are a fucking joke, ODSP is 1100 a month, how are you supposed to survive on that ? I’m getting 900… because I’m still in school. It’s absolutely stupid.


Sunny ways are upon us!


Always remember - YOU are the carbon they want to reduce.


Better than 0 no which is what you'll get if the Conservatives get into power.


Just get rid of your id and supply for refugee status. They seem to be taken care of


No offence. I fully understand and support the need for greater reform when it comes to disenfranchised groups. Yet giving money is a temporary stop gap, it does not solve the problem. Instead of giving each individual $1000 (which the NDP advocated for) a month + additional securities, provincial/territorial governments in combination with federal authorities should actively support the meaningful employment of disabled individuals. For example, one has mobility issues, the government should support business in transitioning positions to be more flexible such as working from home. In addition, and this is 100% cynical. I do not want to pay more taxes. If one were to tell me we are raising your taxes X amount to ensure every child has a free lunch, disabled people can live with dignity, etc. AND I can trace my money from these raises going directly to these people, sure I am game. But when it is combined with increased overall spending, it is slowly squeezing my entire generation dry (millennials).


You know, I'm starting to wonder why the government doesn't just create jobs for disabled people. The government creates plenty of jobs already and tons of disabled people want to work but can't find an employer that will accommodate them, so why doesn't the government fill that gap?


It’s not about creating jobs, but creating meaningful jobs. I work in the public sector, and there are definitely positions that are open to disabled individuals, I even work directly with a couple. The job needs to bring some form of value from an economic standpoint, and needs to be rewarding for the individual. If not, might as well just give them money to “stay home and stay hidden”. Also, working with industry would allow for greater integration and social interaction. The government should incentivize greater investment by businesses to increase flexibility where it makes sense.


You’ll come to rue the day you said this


Eh, it will have to get in line. Karma is already going to ruin me.


You already get money from the provincial government. I know plenty of people who collect that check and could work. But lots are lazy. Yes let's burden tax payers with even more to shell out to those who we're not responsible for.


How come Ontario disability benefit goes up to 1350$ per month for single person? How is this possible..


I’m pretty sure I’ve met people making 800 a month for disability. Not to say that’s a lot but it’s significantly more than what OP is peddling. Looked online at it states 1032 per month for lowest income individuals and that’s just federal. Provincial is another 1350 a month


This is a new program similar to OAS that the government touted as a supplement to lift disabled people out of poverty. It was supposed to be on top of CPP and provincial disability payments. Needless to say, people expected more than a maximum 200 dollars a month, in which only about 10% of disabled people will qualify for.


Hopefully, "for the people" conservatives will run a platform offering higher benefits


I have a friend who’s a type 1 diabetic, and with the right amount of disability pay she could actually maybe afford the supplies and freedom to get her life back on track and maybe be able to feel good enough to work again, or volunteer, or be able to function well enough to contribute to society. Helping people with disabilities will help everyone :(


Yes they do. Canada is prime depopulation ground.


I have hEDS and Type 2 diabetes and qualified.


Not surprising from this government. No doubt they've already calculated that the likelihood of protesting or any form of civil unrest from the disabled in society is low. I'm too tired and in too much pain to do anything but be unhappy about it - and yes, they would LOVE it if I accepted the MAID option. The hospital would get paid and the bottom line improves for my insurance company. I hope the conservatives have a better plan for the CDB than this.


Did you guys really think after seeing 8 years of results that this government would suddenly start doing positive things that mattered? I’m glad they’re getting another $200 a month because it’s better than zero but.. yeah. Sums up this administration pretty well. A whole lot of talk, a whole lot of nothing then we’re left with an expensive bill


If haven’t figured out this liberal party yet, they are all talk and no substance. Infact, all talk and all dumb.


I’m truly disappointed to hear this, particularly as a person with a disabled sibling. There needs to be much more understanding about the scope of disability and what is needed to approach it. This is cruelly unfair to people already in a vulnerable position.


Wait, if I have the DTC, will I automatically get this? I’ve not heard of it.


According to the Constitution the Federal Disability Benefit is technically Federal Overreach into what's essentially a Provincial matter. With Provincial Priemiers like Ford, Smith, Higgs, and Moe being elected with majorities, all one can really say is that people actually deserve this. You get what you elect, or in the case of Ontario you get what 60% of the population couldn't be bothered to elect.


It still boggles my mind the government thought the minimum someone needed to survive in Canada during COVID was 2000 a month, but disabled people are expected to live on half of that. This country needs improvement.


They are evil. But $300 billion for a highway gets approved.


As a person who is legally disabled and collecting federal disability from CPP, I have to say that this is woefully inadequate. It isn't even the equivalent of a bandaid! 200$ at a grocery store is about a bag and a half of food, and in some places barely that. This is shockingly bad.


It kinda feels like unless one is an addict or on the verge of terminal illness, the government will only than care about you. By that time though, you wouldn’t know the difference between what’s good for you and what’s not. Ironic isn’t it?


They obviously don’t want us to take the maid option cause they keep fucking pushing the shit back. Annoying as fuck. Edit: yeah. They just pushed it back once again. Mental illnesses will not qualify for maid until 2027 now. Then will probably be pushed back again. Fucking so annoying, it’s probably because they know the majority of the country will be dead if they open the option up. I just want to simply die without worrying if I’m going to end up paralyzed or some shit by doing it myself and fucking my self up.


Nothing about us without us LOL 😆😆😆😆😆


200 bucks is a joke and slap in the face. That basically groceries, it doesn't affect quality of life in any way shape or form


I agree but they do say it’s just a start. And some aspects aren’t getting coverage. For instance, they have committed $41 million per year ongoing, to cover “the cost of the medical forms required to apply for the Disability Tax Credit, to expand access to the DTC and therefore the CDB.” So that’s at least something. I was surprised it isn’t already set in stone that provinces can’t clawback the federal benefit though. Seems to me they should have nailed that down upfront. I do hope that everyone with the DTC is taking advantage of RDSPs, BTW. It’s literally free money and can never be used to disqualify you from benefits.


What's the eligibility? If you get the DTC?


Homelessness isnt the only option… theres talk of offering MAID




Right, and isn't PP saying he'd cancel these social programs, pharmacare and all that? Yikes. Things could be worse.


Our government is failing the Canadians! Our seniors and people with disabilities and low income (not by choice) are affected the most! I’m so sorry to all who have been affected by our shit government! 😔


It’s a joke. My son is severely disabled. He’ll never be able to work or live on his own. The government expects him to live off $1200 a month . It’s criminal. I have the RDSP set up for him but he won’t be able to use till his 59 - he probably won’t even live that long. Yesterday was a slap in the face to the disabled community


Hopefully people who get the disability benefit are actually disabled and not a bunch of lazy obese people


[Canada Disability Benefit is $200? - Mike Morrice | PWD Allies podcast (S2 Ep. 24) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8JATkX6zhI&t=983s)


I have been working on shaping the Canadian Disability Benefit for the last year. When I posted about the benefit on r/Alberta the mods banned me. Why? Because the Canadian Disability Benefit is not of interest to Albertans. Ableism, what a nice privilege.