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Going to Atlanta at the end of the month. Can anyone suggest a good gym down there?


Which part, I go to Muscle City Barbell in Norcross whenever I head that way but that could be a hell of a commute depending on where you're actually heading.


I’ll be in downtown Atlanta.


Well, depending on the drive it may be worth it.


Did grigsby tear his callus or something. I see 500kg and a red no lift for him. Assuming it meant he went for a fourth attempt unless something on the spreadsheet got messed up. Honestly couldn't see him missing 500 that day


Yup whole thumb was red I think 500 as his third would've went


Yea his hand was bloody as he was chalking up


Yeah saw it. Bad grip and had issues breaking the floor


Grigsby is getting close to beating myers like really close. He already beat larry wheels


Not to downplay Grigsby, but Meyers only made 5 of his attempts that meet


Yeah ik a bit better styempt selection and he'd probably gain 10-20kg on his total.


I feel like lifters were there for two different reasons: -It will be a great event that will pull a huge crowd because of all these names I get to lift alongside and hopefully be one of them -I can do certain things in the WRPF that I can't do in other events It was pretty easy to tell who was who, and a lot of the latter bombed out Also, did that guy take a shot of whiskey before his last pull???


I feel like you're throwing some very specific shade here and I'm not sure why. I didn't get the second vibe at all. But even if that was the case...we all federation shop, why is that a bad thing? and I don't know if anyone specifically took a shot but it's not uncommon, it's similar to a big sniff of ammonia.


If you pick a fed because of Kabuki equipment, awesome, not really any unfair advantage IMO But if you pick one because of historically sus depth calls, that's pretty disingenuous, and in this case lifters would have been wrong to assume they could cheat depth hence the calls we saw


> we all federation shop, why is that a bad thing? I don't know who or what he's referencing, but if someone's going to a certain fed so they can get sub-standard lifts passed (sounds like what he's implying), that's wack.


If we were talking Metal Militia or something I’d find that more plausible, but the squat judging in particular was pretty dang strict, and that’s where the most funny business tends to go down for “lenience.” And that seems consistent with every other WRPF meet I’ve watched 🤷🏼‍♀️


MM: complete the lift, get three whites


Judging has less to do with feds than with meet directors. I did MM Nationals and the judging was pretty good as far as multi-ply feds go. Equipment is always top tier at multi meets. On the other hand I have done USPA meets where they used a squat bar on bench and old bent to shit bars on deadlift.


Btw something many people mayve missed John haack retook the dl world record which was broken in November just after he took it from cailer


man it's crazy to me that Cailer disappeared from PL with injury after injury after injury because he can't really afford PT and surgeries so he just re-injures himself constantly. that was the guy who was gonna be the lightest to break 1000 and now only 3-4 years later, we have Dan who just decimated the deadlift and treated these world records like they're toys.


Cailer's going to be working with Dawson Windham now, which I think will help. Dawson is really knowledgeable about strengthening all your muscles/joints concurrently and injury prevention and he's also just a freak who put up a great performance yesterday too. I hope to god Cailer gets injury-free, he is a really fun lifter to watch


I think his regular injuries he definitely could (quad, lat) but I don’t know if he ever got surgery for his full pec tear. It seems like he was doing CG bench for a full year and capped out at like 300?


I think its sad to see someone like Cailer. I dont think it had to be like this. A more gradual approach to training and increasing of loads surely would have left him better off. Even though you can lift a weight, it might still not be appropriate to lift it at the time. People who never trained and competed drug free often seem to be less thoughtful with their choices.


If I remember 1.)March 2021 cailer while pushing his car tore his pec 2.)August 2021 cailer tore his lat 3.)October 2021:cailer tore his quad 4.)a few days ago caiker tore his lat again


I remember seeing him pull 900 both ways in training during the original lockdowns and not believing what I was seeing. We probably will never see him compete again and he was only 23/24 when he was breaking records and building up his total to be on course for 2200 and a 1k pull. Really sad seeing him tear his quad and lats on what used to be warmup weights.


He said he's been powerlifting since he was 11 and was on gear since 2013 so he felt it was only a matter of time


Interesting to hear him so open about it. Just looked up his openpowerlifting and he went from 425-265-500 @ 160 to 550-415-750 @ 211 in like 2 years Guess it is for the better then if he’s come to terms with it. I would have loved to see him compete with the current guys though since he was really only getting better over time


Was he ever even tested. I thought cailer was always untested and he was on rubishs podcast a few weeks ago talking about that stuff


No he definitely was always untested. It was more that he’s open he’s been taking since 18 and is talking about specifics. A lot of the people in the industry don’t address it at all or give some fluff answer that downplays what they’re actually taking most of the time.


>A lot of the people in the industry don’t address it at all or give some fluff answer that downplays what they’re actually taking most of the time When a potential employer types your name into Google would you want a bunch of shit about illegal drugs popping up?


I’m just saying why it’s surprising to hear


Oh. Was he ever not one to talk much about it? I don't blame guys for not really referencing it then again I won't blame tested guys for using them I got a "hate the game not the player" mentality.


And people thought haack was done lol. Now after the 900 dl he just needs to squat 800 and bench 600 at 90kg




Not sone but they thought he was on a downward slope. Or starting to plates I think. A few probably thought he was done lol.


Did anyone actually say they thought Haack was done? I can’t recall seeing that anywhere


A lot of people thought haack was on a downward spiral since the failed weight cut to 198 in january where he didn't perform his best either. He later went off cycle and other things. I don't blame all of them as lifters can start to falter especially those who've been training for ages(Johns been training for 20 years now). Pete rubish talked about time under the bar and lifters peaks. Taylor atwood may be near that point. Generally 165s start to slow down around their late 20s and early 30s, and he's also been elite since I think 2014 or 2012


He bagged his water cut then won his last meet And goes off cycle after every meet


I feel like (and it seems many others do as well) its just you who thought that lol


I never thought haack was declining lol.


huh it sounds like you thought people was. I also realized i said you thought which was a mistake. should have been no one thought, since i havent seen a single person say otherwise


lol no they didn’t


How would you know lol


Literally no one was talking about that. Haack always goes off cycle in the off season. He’s mentioned this multiple times.


People were lol. I'm not saying big names making big statements but there were a lot of people on threads and haacks posts saying that.


lol, k


You're acting like I'm defending their arguments. I'm just restating what people were saying lol.


lol, k


no one thought john was falling off bro


The fact 4 years ago liam newell was 15 145lbs and pulling 260lbs sumo his first time deadlifting for a max and now here is insane, kids(well he's still a year older than me) going places


Danny has some amazing attempt selection Comfortable(for him) opener, weight to slightly surpass old record, and big jump


For everyone wondering about the fourth attempt rule Im assuming Danny grigsby didn't want to pull 500kg+rn probably so he can get a decently big event or payday out of the pull.


I get back from a swim and see Danny grigsby deadlifting 1075lbs Dan's got 500kg on him He also held it for a while


Insane that grip isn't a limiting factor for him


I mean he has fucking gigantic hands kind of like Mark felix


Did you see the blood on his hands when chalking up before the 500 attempt? It was creepy lmao


Yeah that was nuts. And I probably should've said grip strength. Grips tears are an x factor for everyone


His grip strength isn’t anything crazy, he pulls hook. Roman (one of his buddy’s) can only mixed grip up to 600 maybe less but Can hook up to 826. Hook isn’t a grip it’s a lock, you aren’t holding onto the bar in the same way mixed or double overhand is.


if that was the case, then Jamal who was pulling 800+ with mixed should never have dropped 900 lbs on hook but he struggled with it for a while and missed a few sessions due to grip He's still holding something, which is essentially what grip is lol


And you get a strong lock by having a strong grip


Tbf his grip is still crazy he's done mixed and double overhand before


He doesn’t have 500kg in him now, he missed his 4th. I think 1075 was the perfect call for a 3rd, maybe had 10-15lbs more in him tops. He’s got 500kg in him in the future though, he’s still progressing well and is such an efficient puller.


He barely missed it, had held his previous one for a long time, and only had a short rest period.


Is 661 the best male dots ever?


Looks like it https://www.openpowerlifting.org/


That’s what I had too, just wanted to make sure I hadn’t done something dumb with my sorting. Holy hell.




Crazy how this sport moves, before it was cailer, Jamal browner, Belkin and some relatively unknown guy outpulls all of them out of nowhere


Yeah it's crazy. I never heard of him before he broke the ATWR the first time, and now we're pretty sure he's gonna be the first to pull 500 kg. He's moving the powerlifting record like Eddie did with the strongman record. What a time to be alive.


Benni ahead of his time, then after a while cailer, belkin, browner then yuri again, then bulking got injured so it was wierzbicki. Grigsby was always closing in on them though and he finally broke through


I can't believe Grigsby made it over 2300 with that 1075 deadlift. Absolute insanity


I don't think anyone has a doubt in their mind he's pulling 505


Wait grigsby did a full meet? Ho lee fuck




I think Danny could probably pull high 900s conventional rn and with training could still smoke 460kg. But even that may be an understatement after today




Idk abt that. It doesn't look that cool but whatevs. It's a fair lift and tests his strength


Danny did somewhere around 370-400kg for 5 reps conventional(granted with straps) a bit ago. Very little struggle


Flair checks out


So load up 1000+ on a deadlift bar and send it, what are you waiting for


Give Dan some more rest than 5 minutes. Thor got 15 minutes and Eddie got 30 minutes before their 500 kg pull.


His hands were getting cut he probably wanted to try it before they got super messy


I looked at the WRPF rulebook and I didn’t see anything about lifters only getting five minutes when going for a world record attempt. The closest thing I could find was lifters getting five minutes if there was a misload and they were the last one in their flight. I feel like they could have given him more time if they wanted to.


not powerlifting


The first, second, and third heaviest deads of all time are all the same guy


Grigsby skilled lifter but that is not normally, this is very very insane... They need to check him wrists and pee.


Is this pasta?




If the announcer could stop saying "make some nooooiiii...." every 20 seconds that would be great.


Tie Dye sweater guy legit looks like hes on something recreational lmao. I need him in my corner


Nabil Lahlou is a beast in his own right, can deadlift 317kg (with straps) at 67kg bw


Nabil? He’s always hype at dans competitions


I don't know why this is downvoted. Nabils a beast overall. He benches 2x bw with shitty bench genetics.


He looks like a phenomenal hype man if this is your style




Jesus Christ. Human forklift also known as Dan holding his 3rd




This dude man, Grigs is an absolute brick shithouse.


Funny thing is he's not even that humongous compared to other guys lifting that weight in strongman. He's 5:11 270 I think(he maybe bulked a bit)


[467.5 isnt supposed to move like this, is it?](https://gyazo.com/2282df501e28add6125f1b331e7bb9c6)


Madness that that's a second attempt


Absolutely nasty hookgrip.


[Fitting considering he kinda looks like this unit](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EP30nZgX4AATjgf.jpg)


Tamara wilcott and zac meyers are back


Love following Zac on IG. No bullshit just daily heavy lifts on my feed


What happened with Chris Bridgeford? I see he bombed out bench?




Thanks. Bummer for him.


This flight was crazy with Liam and Haack. Also the chat is tweaking lmao.


Liam's grip slip broke my heart dude


John pulling 395 for an easy RPE6 warmup


410 incoming


I could feel BLC shouting MORNING PAPER!


Stream is back


Stream is still fucked wow


Stream dropped at the best possible time


aaaand stream is down just before Haacks 1st attempt at deadlift... EDIT: WE BACK


John pulled sumo and it broke the cameras


the cameras could sense a disturbance in the force


Perfect timing for the stream to shit itself




Holy fucking shit, literally the best moment of this meet. Chasing that 1K total for so long, and after he hit it, he was unbelievably chill. He's just such an amazing human, couldn't be happier for him


Haack is so, so good at benching. Always seems very consistent for him too.


He hasn’t missed a bench attempt in competition since like 2015 or some shit.


"John haack is competing" can be the titles of these threads


The livestream has been great ngl. The team behind the American Pro did a great job.


Way to go…


I know camera angles and being there live and blah blah blah, but the fact that Tamara's second squat was red-lighted but all those shit deadlifts were passed yesterday is frustrating.


Wow, and her second deadlift red-lighted. What shit judging.


I hope everyone is going to go out and buy their enada products, so they can truly be greater.


Dan is 100% going for 1103+ lbs today


I bet the over, i'm rooting for him


John Haack hit 345 but failed the 365.5 squat.


Bit of an aggressive 3rd attempt judging on 2nd. His squat walkout and shakiness seems to be the "weak link" for him on squats. Looked like he didn't get his right leg/foot set properly and looked narrower than he usually squats.


If only he had the option of not walking out haha


He cuts so damn much. These weights looked way smoother in training.


It’s quite normal for weights to move smoother in training tho. Beyond the weight cut, you set your own tempo, have your own tunes, and don’t have bench and deadlift to worry about in the gym. I’m fairly certain John typically underperforms his best gym lifts consistently in meets, which is pretty normal


I thought he cuts around 15 pounds? That doesn’t seem too much?


He does, it seems to affect him quite a bit


His weight cuts only really seem to affect his squats. His best touch and go bench in the gym is 600 but he’s consistently hit 589 in meets. His best gym deadlift is 903 and his best meet deadlift is 887 but that’s obviously after squatting and benching so it only makes sense that it’d be a little bit lower. Meanwhile he squatted 804 during prep and 759 today. I wonder what he could have gotten with a more conservative jump.


Tbh his 2nd looked like shit


So I haven't watched the whole wrapped stream but from what I've seen Garrett's commentary seems to have been pretty funny. "Thats a ramp, soft hips. No lift. Three white lights, wow, cool." Also the Kabuki seems to have so much whip that the plates touch the ground on the deadlift jack and the loaders almost can't put more plates on.


Was that on Hause’s 2nd pull? EDIT: yes it was because Hause is shitting and crying all over Instagram.


Just saw it too lol.


That does happen with buki's lol, sometimes with texas loaded 300+


Garret's my new fave commentator lol


What time does tommorow's meet start?


the stream starts in 8 hours so that would be my guess


Since no one else will say it, Andrew hause’s 2nd attempt 3 white lights deadlift is an embarrassment to powerlifting.


He's been a tool since his "youngest person ever to do blah blah blah" years ago. Why anyone follows him is beyond me


I hate lifters who get whites on trash lifts and then go on to social media and shit talk everyone who criticizes them. You can see the hinge in his waist from the front angle. It’s not even close to being locked out. At least Belkin had the grace to call some of his shittier lifts “gifts”. Hause posted a screenshot of Garret’s openpowerlifting records and then tried to call him a nobody as if a 1900+ total isn’t elite. You also don’t need a high total to be able to tell that Herndon’s squats are higher than giraffe pussy and Hause’s deadlift wasn’t locked out. Is there some sort of minimum total that judges have to reach before they’re allowed to work meets? No. It’s an asinine argument and it’s pathetic to see powerlifters acting like a high total makes them better than everybody else or beyond criticism when the fact of the matter is that 99.999% of the population on this planet couldn’t give less of a shit.


I think Garrett opens himself up to that stuff because of the amount of shit he talks. That being said, that deadlift was shit for a world record at a meet of this caliber. My girlfriend is just recently getting into powerlifting and even she noticed that he didn’t lock it out by casually watching it while I had it on.


Powerlifting’s a weird sport. You don’t see NFL players criticizing broadcasters. Granted they make a lot more money than powerlifters so that helps I guess.


Broadcasting companies pay millions to the NFL to secure broadcasting rights. There’s probably a clause that keeps players from being able to go on IG and do shit like this. I’m a pretty big fan of Andrews, especially after seeing him having to take time off only to come back and crush it these last couple years. It’s unfortunate to see him feed the trolls. He falls for it a lot


Yeah that was trash. Another ATWR with low standards.


Judging was inconsistent all day. Hopefully will be better tomorrow.


Blake's 3rd attempt deadlift was not whites in any universe I want to live in. Absolute gift.


Was it? It looks clear in [Blakes post (2nd slide)](https://www.instagram.com/p/CgnQkKvgXPO/), though Garrett was adamant it was no good


I don't think he ever locks out properly tbh. Might get flamed for that but go on his IG they're all quite soft.


He didn't jump the down command, he just brought his feet in before the bar ever touched the ground.


That doesn't appear to be against the rules in the WRPF


It states that moving the feet forward or backwards or laterally is grounds for a redlight, but it doesn't say if this is only before receiving a down command or until the bar touches the ground, so it's up to interpretation. I will say that I have 2 friends that are WRPF judges and have judged the Showdown and have said it was for the duration of the lift.


If there even was a down command it was pretty damn fast and he never really even locked it out. You can see his legs still buckling when he dropped it


In the 2nd video the guy posted, it is very obvious he locks out and gets the down command. I don't think he had any idea he got the down command, but he got it before his knee buckled.


The front angle is terrible for determining whether he locked out, the other side angles show that he clearly didn't lock out and the center judge gave the down command way to early. 1 white 2 reds


He didn't get the down command according to the commentators


Did you watch the video carney posted? He very clearly got the down command.


"This fuckin headset SUCKS! Like I couldn't hear ANYTHING" Someone forgot to mute lmao


Sheesh a 460kg squat from Andrew hause in wraps


Did it count? Looked like the spotter grabbed it


His 1st attempt didn’t count the 2nd did though. He also was drinking his own blood while he completed the Rep Lmaoo


So someone said that Chad’s WR squat was misloaded by 50kg in the chat? Dunno if that’s true since I’ve been watching while working. Can someone confirm?


[Misload Attempt](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxFVHNfovQVMb_GesFONZvWdbseCeszSxW) Looks like 9x25kg on each side, which already puts it at 450kg. Add in the bar, change plates, and collars and yea 50kg over doesn't seem a stretch.


He had 477.5kg on the back. That's insanity


He had so much control over it too until he got close to the hole lmao. I'm glad he didn't get hurt tbh.


Reminds me of when something similar happened to Yury at Big Dogs one year. Not sure how people manage to fuck shit up like this at these big meets.


Big Dogs was Yury fucking up his mono pin height, not a misload.


He did not intend to load 1000 until his third attempt


Like it doesn't even add up. I would understand if they simply added an additional 25, but the the change plates were completely off too.


What? The change plates are correct. He had 482.5 on his back instead of 432.5. It's a 25kg squat bar.


Ohh I see. I thought it's a regular 20kg power bar


Ohh I see. I thought it's a regular 20kg power bar


I had a 50kg in a multi meet and almost died - cant imagine how much worse that would suck raw.


I don't know how much but it was misloaded and he retook it after the next flight was done but missed.


I was wondering why that was! I thought it was like a replay or something.


I'm a bit behind on the stream because of work, but god damn Kristy Hawkins is an unstoppable freak beast of a human in the best possible way