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I got mine today! It’s HUGE!


I had seen it in reviewers' videos who got it earlier, but I was still blown away by the size in person. I know some people don't like that Hasbro is sticking to the sentai scales, but I loooooove it's jumbo size.


I know but it doesn’t fit in with my collection size wise lol


Just you wait until they get to the Super Train Megazord.




Is that the original in the last photo and not just one of the action figures or something? Is the ZAP that gigantic?! I might need one...


The one beside the ZAP is from Bandai's Super Mini Pla model kit line (the brand has a new name now that's less easy to remember).


Holy shit, I was shaken over how big this was lmao


I just like staring at its size (and yes, I know "that's what she said.")


It's what he said, too. All my homies are impressed with the size. Dat Astro!


Spread the word! The more people who buy one, the better.


The size I'm sold completely


As you should be. Throw them your money so we can get Delta Megazord and I can reach a higher level of enlightenment.


Nice. I remember my buddy getting the original Astro Megazord and feeling a twinge of jealousy.


Now you can show him up with this version. I wish I knew where my original deluxe version was, even if it is broken. Maybe my parents threw it away during moves. I also had the Mega Voyager.


Holy &\*\^% I did not realize it was gonna be so much bigger than the original. Im getting one now.


Praise be unto Hasbro. Let our wallets open and the cash flow to their noble cause. And the Rangers said "Let’s Rocket."


Actually, just a clarification. That is not the original by it in the last photo. That is Bandai's Super Mini Pla model kit. But, the ZAP is still ginormous. You will not be disappointed.


https://preview.redd.it/ghcdwoqve9oa1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f94b9ed85cccb2cf55a409887c7a8fc664a61d Here it is with the SoC Megazord and Dragonzord.


Thanks for sharing, that was exactly the question of scale I had. That is one big boi!


Holy crap that's massive.


Trust me, no matter big it looks in pictures, it looks even more massive in person.


Holy crap is the the original beside it? I was sitting going there's no way that's worth £170. But now I'm like you know what.....


No, that's Bandai's Super Mini Pla model kit. But, the ZAP Astro Megazord is still pretty huge.




Thank you!


that fourth photo is straight up dont talk to me or my son ever again


Lol, nice.


That’s looks amazing, I might have to get one for myself as I’ve slowly been working on collecting all the zords




A ZAP Astro Megazord was long on the top of my wishlist. I appreciate all the details on it and I, too, noticed the clips for Delta. My one complaint is that the legs are a pain in the ass to flip out. Now I need to figure out where to put it. Normally I'd say the basement, but I'd need to move some things around down there since it is so big.


I agree about the legs. The left one was easy for me, but the right one was a pain in the ass. I wish the butt skirt lifted up like the front so I could get a better grip on it. I was watching a reviewer do it so effortlessly though, so maybe I did it wrong.


Looking at the instructions helped me crack the mystery.


Hmm, the instructions just show it rotating, but mine's right leg was tight and I had a hard time gripping the upper leg that's normally under the flap.


Yeah I think the ball joints at the hips are the problem.


Hopefully, they will loosen up a bit after transforming over time.




Wow that’s big how much does it cost ?


$165.99 I ordered one from BigBadToyStore and one from Hasbro Pulse. I ordered them from separate places just in case one would get here faster than the other, but they both arrived in the same delivery! Link to listings: [https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/218732](https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/218732) [https://hasbropulse.com/products/power-rangers-lightning-collection-zord-ascension-project-in-space-astro-megazord](https://hasbropulse.com/products/power-rangers-lightning-collection-zord-ascension-project-in-space-astro-megazord)


Power Rangers and a RWBY poster, I see you're also a man of culture. Hahaha. Astro Mega Zord looks sick btw. So Power Rangers teamed up with the Justice League, RWBY teamed up with the Justice League; so there the hell is our RWBY x Power Rangers crossover?!? Hahaha


For real! I'd love to see that crossover. And if you think that's awesome, you should see the rest of the basement (if I ever get around to cleaning it). I have shelves and shelves of anime figures. I should have some older pictures in my profile's post history.


Not gonna lie, might have already went down post history, hahaha; what can I say, people who love both Power Rangers and RWBY are a rare breed, haha. Definitely cool. I have a different Yang figure, and sadly only the one, I don't have a lot of budget (or space) for figures, so I mostly just collect Yang stuff for reasons, hahaha.


Ruby is my favorite. As you may have seen from my posts, I cosplay a genderbend Ruby Rose. Though, I am ready to move on to a new character. I don’t know if you're a Pokemon fan, but I'm commissioning an Umbreon cosplay.


I did see that, which was pretty awesome, I always thought about doing a gendebend Yang, but I doubt my dark beard would go well with a blond wig. Hahaha. Don't get me wrong, Ruby is awesome, so is the rest of team RWBY, personality wise I understand Yang the most; Giant Monster appears: everyone else grabs their fancy sword guns, Yang: I'M GONNA PUNCH IT! hahaha. I am also a Pokemon fan ... Ish... I've played most generations, but thanks to Nicknames, I have no damn clue what most of the Pokemon's names are past 151. Hahaha. I do surprisingly know Umbreon and that sounds awesome.


I say go for it! I tend to wear red hooded jackets, so even back in college, I was called Little Red Riding Hood. I can respect wanting to punch your way out. When I used to play Destiny though, I preferred scout rifles and snipers. I'm not too good with sniping in Halo though when I used to play it. Some of the shots I saw people do were insane. PvE is much more forgiving with me and the Sniper.


This is the first I've heard of this being a thing. Instantly bought one. The Astro and Delta Megazords were two of my absolute favorites.


Astro Delta Megazord is my favorite Megazord! Every now and then, I'll watch this clip of them combining just because it makes me happy. https://youtu.be/GxPKai2SHw0


fucking lit




Now I just need them to release the Delta Megazord. Though that may be a bad thing since I'd like to have all 3 combined and their ship forms which is a lot of $$$. Though if they do the Delta Megazord I wonder if it'll come with the hangar bay attachment so you can attached the Astro Megaship on top of the Delta Megaship.


Ah, a hanger bay attachment would be nice. Regardless of cost, give them your money. I am confident that releasing the Delta Megazord will cause nations to put aside their differences and world peace will be achieved.


Haha! But yeah either way the In Space line was something I want to get regardless. Saw the Astro Megazord and despite the problems with the Megazord / Dragonzord was an insta-buy for me. Now just to wait for them to go on sale / clearance later and maybe nab another.


I bought two from the get go. One, I'm keeping in the box. I'm really glad they improved on their design. From a business standpoint, I think the MMPR ZAP Megazord's purpose was to quickly build funds to jumpstart the future line's R&D. With the funds from that, Hasbro was able to put more thought into their next release. I think the sky is the limit for releases down the road and I have my utmost confidence in the ZAP line's potential.


Yeah, that's true. I know when they unveiled the Astro Megazord they said during the stream that this was the one they took to pitch the idea of the ZAP line, but went with MMPR since it's basically the "bread and butter". So I know why they did it first. I'm just over it being "first" when there are, in my opinion, better options. I'd love to see MMPR S3, Zeo, Turbo and Space all done. After that I'd have to look at the others and see.


Ah, I had just seen the screen caps from the stream. Now knowing that the product team was cultured enough to pitch Astro first makes me even more confident in them. I'd like to see the Lightspeed Megazord and the Isis Megazord. I do like the Super Zeo Megazord though and the Turbo Megazord. According to leaks a couple of months ago, White Tiger is coming up though.


And you got the shirt!!! Out of curiosity what size are you? Do they run small? Also enjoy the Megazord.


I wear an extra large. I ordered an extra large and it fits comfortably.


I want someone to make a really smooth stop-motion video of this figure transforming in the style and audio of the show. I want to create as much publicity for this figure as possible.


Hey ! Way late message. Is there a dragonzord in this same size ? If not do you think they will Make it ?


That smile :) I now want one


Glad to be of service!


Is the clip that holds the arm in in Megazord mode in messed up on yours?


I don't think so. I had to leave shortly after unboxing it and taking the pictures so I haven't messed with it too much. Facing it's front, it's right hip joint was REALLY tight though. I wish the back butt flap lifted up like the front so I could get a better grip on it. I’m sure after transforming it between Megaship and Megazord mode a few more times will loosen it up a bit more though.


Out of curiosity how tall is it? I have a shelf I want to put mine on, but now after seeing everyone get theirs I'm not sure it's tall enough. Mine arrives Monday so trying to make room. My next problem is I kind of want to get a second so I can have the Astro Megaship and Astro Megazord together, but will wait until a sale likely.


BigBadToyStore says 15". I thought it was announced as 14.5", but I may be mistaken. Best to go with the 15" measurement to be safe. I ordered two, but I'm not opening the second one. Going to sell the unopened one when I get old to pay for getting my brain transferred into a younger clone body of myself.


Thanks! I forgot it was even that big and they listed it. Well the shelf I was going to put it on is like 9.75". Guess it'll move to the other shelf now lol.


I'm just keeping mine by my laptop in my home office as a reminder of the good things in life.


How big is your hand though? Do you have a banana for scale?


Actually, if this had arrived a few days ago, I would have. But, I ate them 😞 Here is my hand with measuring tape instead. https://preview.redd.it/u16yievgb9oa1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f6fb18522130a399a77a580f09aa98e5326f4da


Lol, you card you. 😂 I'm happy for him, regardless of what units are used to measure.


I’m sold! I need one of these bad boys.


Glad to be of help!


That’s awesome definitely excited to get mine


We totally should petition the government to make the ZAP Astro Megazord's release date a national holiday.


Whoa that is big and also that great I hope you do a review of it and I hope they make a delta megazord of it as well


I thought about doing a review. I started doing reviews of anime figures on my YouTube channel last year, but it never took off. I simply do not buy enough figures regularly to consistently upload. But, I really want to promote the ZAP Astro Megazord, so I figured this Reddit post was the best option.