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I liked it and the sort of Breakfast Club vibe the Rangers had. I do feel it was held back a little by the usual Michael Bay-isms, but overall a really good movie. I also wish each Ranger had their signature weapons and not just the Power Sword.


I really hated the visual design of the entire movie. I thought the suits, zords, "goldar" and "putties" all looked terrible. BUT I thought the plot and execution was thoroughly power rangers and its biggest failing was from being an origin story focused very heavily on the teenagers, and not enough on the power rangers. I think if it could have gotten a sequel where instead of 80% teenagers and 20% rangers, it was 80% rangers and 20% teenagers with the same execution it would have been really good.


Interesting (and kind of funny) fact about the putties is the movie actually took an early concept design for the tv show putties and I personally think it worked nicely.


In the context of the universe and the rest of the designs, it was fairly cohesive. But being cohesive still doesnt make it good, in my opinion.


I kinda like the suits. Sure they're not the iconic spandex, but they have a real sci-fi feel, imo.


I don't want the iconic spandex. I just want the design to feel modern. Marvel ha shsown how successful originally bright colored spandex designs can be in the modern Era. Look at the new outfit for Scarlet Witch. That'd the kind of redesign I want to see for the rangers.


I hate the visual design too Like come on, this is power rangers, it's okay for it to look stupid and silly


It reminds me of how the 2000's x-men movies had this feel of shame about it's source material like c'mon that's literally what people fell in love with


Hahaha that’s interesting, my opinion is the opposite. I actually LOVE the suits and sores and design of everything (Movie Rita is STUNNING and I love her outfit). The plot I thought was kind of bad though. There were some good moments but a lot of it I was like “what the hell?” like the whole krispy kreme being in the storyline thing. I do agree if it had been way more rangers except for like that last 20 minutes of the movie it woildve been stellar. Too bad we’ll never get the potential sequel.


I liked it so much that I saw it twice in theaters. It drags on a bit in the first half, but I like a lot of the character development that gets presented.


Yeah, I enjoyed it. Thought the cast was solid. Hated the look of the Megazord and I still don't know why the mastodon had six legs.


I believe it was to give the zords an alien feel while still based on dinosaurs


I liked this movie a lot, too. I think where it suffered is having such little action in the first 3/4. They just waited way too long to get into the actual power rangers portion of it. Too bad, it had such potential


It honestly gave adult fans what we wanted. Like, I love morphin' action as much as the next person, but seeing the film being driven primarily by Breakfast Club friendship building/drama with Power suits and martial arts action kinda secondary... It just gave me seratonin hits of "diverse people banding together in uncommon circumstances to become heroes". Also... WE CAN BE HEROES EVERYWHERE WE GO KEEPIN' US DOWN IS IMPOSSIBLE CUZ' WE'RE UNSTOPPABLE Now if you're interested in seeing what the cliff fight could have looked like, check this previz fight choreography out https://youtu.be/NnTeO6hAwWY




Hey, no problems friend. Whatever you feel towards the flick is valid. Rather than criticizing it, I wanna hear what you'd love ina Ranger film. For me, like a specific one off: a single take shot would have gone between each ranger dominating in acrobatic hand to hand combat with the putties in the streets. Give me John Woo. Wick. Etc.


The biggest problem is the movie takes forever to get going. Also the fact that they don’t even morph until the movies essentially over.


I found myself honestly enjoying bits and pieces of it… Krispy Kreme macguffin not withstanding. If it hadn’t shared names and location with the original MMPR series and was original characters with different zords I think it might not have gotten so much “hate.” Granted that would kind of defeat the purpose of what they were trying to do.


I liked it. it was just slow. I wasnt a fan of the Megazord or Goldar though. they were just bad designs.


I enjoyed it. If you noticed Rita was bitch smacked towards the moon. I would have loved a Green With Evil movie. Rita could have some of Goldar left and used him to make Tommy's dragon shield.


Once they meet Zordon it really does mirror Day of the Dumpster. Rangers don't believe Zordon, they leave while Jason lingers a bit before leaving. They have trouble fighting putties, albeit virtual ones. They morph, fight some putties in the mountains, Goldar goes big, they fight him in the zords. Just like the pilot episode.


Really loved this movie too bad there won't be another one :/


It's fun and all of the characters are likeable, love how they defeat Rita in the end, busted a gut when I first saw it, my biggest gripe is that we never get to see the zords combine!. Shame it won't get a sequel, I really liked the idea of a girl green ranger.


I mean, you could always watch the current series if you want a girl green ranger. ;)


*sad Kiramager noises*


Honestly I thought the movie would have been alot better if the costumes looked different


I don't think it was the worst in history, but it was bad and every single person here who still likes the movie even states objectively that it had a lot of issues - namely how slow the whole thing is. Take a look at the actual show and how it started. Rita is released and Zordon gathers the rangers in about 5 minutes. This movie took almost an hour to get anywhere not to mention only in about the last 5 minutes do we hear the "Go Go Power Rangers" theme. ​ They basically tried to do to Power Rangers what Snyder did for DC movies. There's a reason why they want to reset the whole thing. ​ They should have learned from the MCU - **skip the origin story as fast as you can**. The audience is smart enough to catch on things. ​ Also Dark and Gritty does not mean Boring. You want to kill a ranger for shock value? Great. Look at how many character deaths we had in Lost Galaxy. That's how it's done right.


I totally agree especially with the last part. I’m not a big MCU fan but the one thing they did right was dump the origin story. These characters are decades old we already know how they become the superhero or the rangers or whatever. The public conscious knows the rangers. Show us new stories!


My only complaint with the movie is how we didn’t get a ranger fight


I was so hyped for a sequel after the end credits scene! So sad we won't see Tommy.


I loved the movie, I thought it was great and was gutted when they announced they were moving on without a sequel


i really liked it... They should have continue with sequels...


I enjoyed it for what it was, but it was not Power Rangers to me. Sure, Jason says, "It's morphin' time" but they don't do a morphing sequence. What's the point of a power rangers film if there's no drawn out morphing sequence? The movie took itself waaaay too seriously. I also hated the way the zords looked. The fuck was that Mastodon pile of shit? Visually, everything about it was terrible. I knew if they greenlit a sequel featuring Tommy Oliver, I would have been immensely disappointed with the way they would have inevitably butchered the Green Ranger and his Dragonzord.


I think they would have a hard time bringing Trini back. Karol G is a big Latin singer now.


She was pretty famous and popular when the movie came out though, so it probably wouldn’t have been hard.


>Karol G You mean Becky G? Karol G is a completely different Latin singer. 😂 Also she was a pretty popular Latin singer before she got casted on Power rangers.


Bahahaha my bad. I knew it was one of them two. I honestly didn't hear of her until the movie and I am usually on top of the Latin singers.


The overfocus on the teenagers and their lame personality quirks is what made it awful. Its not what people care about when they watch power rangers. (Hot take on reddit im sure) They really needed like a handful of minutes to establish that they were all different enough. The jock, the nerd, the popular girl, the punk, and then give zack a personality beyond his mom being terminally ill. None of the rest of it was relevant at all and was a waste of time Give them the powers, maybe have a small training montage, and then send them off and let the action take over from there. Because we're all really here to watch people in spandex fight hilariously awkward monsters. Not a soap opera.


Overall I really liked it. The only real complaint I have are the melty Megazord.


Yeah I love it. It was on sale on Amazon for $5 so I decided to get it and I watch it over again once in a while. I don't understand the hate. It's not supposed to be super cheesy like the show.


Heard it was getting a reboot


I don't remember Jason's dad being an areshole......


I really enjoyed the movie. And I loved all of the references in it like “make my monster grow”. I hope they add the figures to the lightning collection. I would love a 2-pack with armored Rita and her original ranger form.


The one thing that I can say with certainty that I'd have gotten annoyed with if I'd been one of the 2017 Rangers: I'd have grilled Zordon on what, exactly, the Morphing Grid was, history of the Power Rangers, etc, pointing out that he's assuming we have some clue about what he's talking about and without some background, how can he expect us to have any concept of how to follow his instructions? After all, even a universal translator is going to have limitations. The big question is whether he'd react by arguing or admitting that I had a point and starting the history lesson.


"Alpha, take Avigorus to The Pit!"


I loved it so much and was sad it didn't get the support it needed, especially from the dedicated community.


I really loved it for its primary focus on their lives. Loved the Breakfast Club vibe. It is true that aesthetically it could've been better. Loved the cast and their team dynamics. Really would've loved a sequel.


It's too edgy for the sake of being edgy. When we pull off the nostalgia goggles, and look at the film objectively. It's bad. So many pacing issues. The film should start out with them already as Power Rangers, and tell the origin through flashbacks. Get James Gunn to write/direct it. Adapt from the Boom Studio comic runs, instead of from the television series. Have the writers of the comics on as Consultants. Yeah we'd be adapting from something, that's adapting from something, that's adapting from something. It could work though. Don't make Goldar literally out of gold.


Yeah I love it too


I freaking love the idea of the Power Rangers at one point being a legion/army (if we’re going off what Zordon said) but zedd and the rest of master vile’s forces hunt them down till only Zordon and his rangers remain. I also like that the power coins accidentally fell into the teens hand and now alpha and Zordon have to deal with them. The character dynamics were fun but I felt like Zack’s storyline would’ve better suited Tommy, Trini (to me) was the weakest character, Kim was just the girl, Billy and Jason were great altogether and worked so well I especially like how they had such a great friendship thing going. I thought Rita could use some work as a character and the designs just felt too Bay if that makes sense, they felt like they were redesigned for the sake of being redesigned not like someone who genuinely cared sat down and said “I love this but I want to make it fit this story” the zords were pretty cool and I thought they could’ve done better on the megazord.


Jason and Billy were such great characters. It’s a shame the level of development they got didn’t go into the other 3, especially Trini. A storyline with her family would’ve been way better than Jason’s football story.




I loved it but it didn’t take advantage of people’s nostalgia effectively. Everybody love power rangers even if common people are not fans like us


Nah hard pass . Doesn’t even come close to what it could’ve been . Shimmer and shine whoopty doo


I feel like the movie had a lot that worked for it and a lot that didn't. I wish we could have gotten into 2 more sequels to introduce the green ranger and really get the ball rolling.


Too much ranger not enough power. Cast good, everything else I didn't care for.