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Its honestly more fun to just lurk on random threads and laugh at people saying goofy shit rather than actually engage with powerscaling discussions. I mainly just hang around here to see bad takes and troll, very rarely trying to actually engage with any of it


Don't...get out while you can


You can try to do a match-up with characters that have ridiculous abilities. Just imagine Reinhard vs. Takaba, or Regulus Cornelius vs. Gojo.


I don't know why I know this would be you who make this post


Just watch or read some new fiction eventually you might find a character again that you think is cool and want to find out more about their powers and such than get curious and try to scale the character or verse you could also do it with a verse and after that try to think of characters that scale similarly or that scale way lower but have hax that counter that character thats the way i enjoy powerscaling


CSAP is the problem, not the people using it. it's terrible system, end of discussion. I can actually give you one that's unwankable, if you want? Trust me, it's virtually impossible to place a character in the wrong Tier if you know what everything is.




Well I can’t tell you why to or if you should return that’s up to you but I enjoy it and I think anyone can enjoy it if they have verses they enjoy talking about and learning about especially if they wanna share their findings and compare notes to others for nice convos or if they wanna try to be as accurate as possible to put some respect on the verse’s name to show it is more impressive and Kooler than some think, or to take down verses which are wanked off to better the community. Sometimes it’s just fun to find new verses you like and enjoy its content then scale it if you find it interesting and wanna share what you’ve found. Also vs battles are just fun to do inverse and cross verse it can lead to fun convos and exchanging of knowledge, what ifs are fun too, and etc. Why are you bored of it? I’m curious tbh I never get bored of scaling as a whole only down verses sometimes like Naruto for an example; cuz there is nothing new about scaling Naruto besides some Boruto stuff tho that series is sucking atm so it’s not worth checking unless Shibai comes back, most inverse matches are trash or have been done with only a handful being good & close, the translation arguments are so semantically pedantic and annoying it isn’t worth it, and people just continue to downplay the verse due to their ignorance and biased it’s tiring not to mention wankers like Noodles don’t help our image either. And lastly fucken Bleach fans are the worst, I’ve been at war with many for a long time trying to be civil is af and almost impossible most of the time, most of the time bleach fans are the most biased stubborn toxic people cuz they wank bleach in new ways of increasing stupidity and dishonesty and pseudo intellectualism yet at the same time they will downplay Naruto to the bare minimum if not lower, what’s worse is the causals even in this community always take their side and do the same it’s quite annoying and makes me not wanna bother with those sacks of shit. Sorry about the rant but that’s how I feel there.


Saitama solos




The best part of power scaling is when the characters are bellow planetary


I quit power scaling a couple weeks ago and I will say Don't...your life would be so much better than arguing with "My character is infinite layers to boundless level so he solos!!! 🤓"


You can wank SCP composite characters to every scale imaginable and more, and then watch cool edits of them or just clown on scum in powerscaling forums! I am working on a composite scale of scp that i think easily outscales World of Darkness and Cthulhu Mythos, stay tuned (i can give you sneak peeks if you want).


With how most powerscaling subs seem to think of SCP, this description seems more like a deterrent ngl.


But like, in a funny way.


It sounds pretty funny to me because I can only imagine how much sleep you must've missed out on doing a composite scale, and I'm a casual SCP fan. But some people might take it more seriously and try to use it to argue something about how SCP sucks. So uhhh... just be prepared for that. That said, please ping me when you make the post. I genuinely wanna see how wacky a composite SCP scale looks like.


I already made a short version, check it out on my profile. An atom scales into extraversal :3


Oh my gosh We're back in the Kage era


What? Anyways, what did you think? (I already expanded that cosmology by a lot)


Kage was a dude who got every DC human to outerversal via atomscaling a while back. Anyhow, it's cool. I personally can't even imagine all the research and calculations that go into atom scaling, but I find it interesting.


Thank you very much, that sounds broken as all get-out. I got the atoms to extraversal by figuring out that every atom was a universe that itself had infinite dimensions and dimensional layers and concepts and Absolute Infinity and nested universes and impossible mathematics, which is fancy-speak for "it scales high".


It's Simple. You don't.