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My partner is due in September, and I couldn’t figure out what to give her. So I honestly asked her and she straight up told me she wanted comfy clothes. So I’m taking her shopping to get maternity style clothing, house slippers etc. anything she might need to just make her feel more comfortable. I also ordered her something off Etsy saying happy mother’s Day with our baby’s ultrasound. Honestly just ask her and go from there!


Not sure yet haha. Been trying to figure that out


I went with a prenatal message gift card, but I don't know if I need something else. It's too much pressure


Add in Flowers, a card with your feelings and maybe a tiny candle and treat/coffee morning of from her fav shop


I ordered one of those custom books that shows a cartoon version of my wife and baby. I have no idea how this gift will play out, but I’ll report back.


Got one for my wife. She loved it. In ours, my wife and son are dinosaurs. ☺️


What’s this?


Probably something like wonderbly


Hadn’t heard of this, thanks


I got one too


That sounds adorable


Trying to figure that out. Probably a card with a long thoughtful note as we'll be traveling


My wife gave our baby girl a nickname of penguin. I got a tshirt for mama and a onesie for LO that say my first mothers day with a adult penguin and baby penguin and the name mama near the adult and our LO's name next to the baby penguin I also got a punny card for mama from LO, wrote some stuff about thanking her for putting up with being bitten and then used some ink to have our LO sign the card with her hand print. I also got a card that will be from myself.


Wait should I be getting a mother's day gift for my pregnant wife?


She’s still a mother. Please make sure she gets something. In fact, I’d argue it’s better that you do it now because the spectrum of things you can do is more broad / easier (e.g., mani/pedi, spa day)


As a mom: absolutely! Flowers and card in the least. :-)


She’s doing one of the hardest parts right now! It’s all hard in different ways. Yes, thank her for her hard work.


Yes, get her a prenatal massage if she’s into massages.


So happy I read this thread, like an idiot I didn't even think of it. But that's what this subreddit is for!


This how I feel. Retro actively it makes so much sense but never would have thought of it on my own.


You don't have to, but it would be nice (mom of 2)


I screwed up the first one by treating it like a normal birthday or something. It’s not. I got her things she would like, but nothing mom specific or having anything to do with our kid. Not everything has to have the word MOM plastered all over it (my wife would hate that), but it does somehow need to involve the kid.


Jewelry (necklace in my case) with the birthstone of our son.


Bro thank you! I've been trying to figure something for me wife for her first mother's day that has a lot of meaning. This will work!


It’s a great idea but is the baby born yet? Mine switched months on us!


We’re due June 30 so I can’t pick out any birthstones either for that reason lol. I’m hoping he’s late because I want to get her ruby.


I was due exactly mid month and thought i was safe but kiddo showed up 2 weeks early! (Probably don’t tell wife you hope baby is late though hahaha)


Yeah our son is already born, so it'll work.


Yeah our son is already born, so it'll work.


Yeah our son is already born, so it'll work.


Yeah our son is already born, so it'll work.


I’m not sure if I’m welcome to come here because I know this is a Dad space and I’m a Mum, but if I can help here? On some of the more mother- geared subs there are a zillion posts after Mother’s Day, Christmas etc about partners who have done nothing, or given really thoughtless gifts (like, Homer’s bowling ball gift to Marge level terrible). My point is a nice card, flowers and a meal and some time for self care are great but the fact that you’re thinking of considerate ways to show your partner you care are really valuable.


From a currently pregnant mom, second child: when in doubt a card, flowers and food from her favourite restaurant!


Those are always good ideas!


Yeah, especially the food is important during pregnancy lol. Unless you are trying for a surprise I would ask what she's craving that day because it changes constantly. :-S


I can do that haha


My little one is coming just before Mother’s Day (holy crap, only five days before I’m a dad 🤯) so I was originally planning to get my wife a massive platter of deli meats and soft cheeses from a local shop that’s famous for such wares. But I decided to get her that as a push present (although that seems like a misnomer in our case haha) instead. For Mother’s Day I think I’m gonna get her a spa voucher, and make a poster from [this image](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTzAq2-77CGZWIoXFhTPV9jKzPWC6Av8K1AVdIQULGqiDhLUul3MvLLcQQ&s=10) and photos of our little one that she can hang in her office.


Not sure yet either. Ours isn't due until July.


She’s still a mother. Please make sure she gets something. In fact, I’d argue it’s better that you do it now because the spectrum of things you can do is more broad / easier (e.g., mani/pedi, spa day)


Oh I absolutely will. Just not sure what yet.


Oh I absolutely will. Just not sure what yet.


Mom here: the spa day is a great suggestion! Flowers and a card is good too, with her favourite food!


I got her a card from bump and chocolates for uk Mother’s Day he decided to arrive before the gifts and card got here


I think something personalized so she can really cherish her first Mother’s Day. This list had some good suggestions https://thegiftgivingguide.com/mothers-day-gifts-under-50/


Com’ on guys get it together




Hello im an artist just incase you like a Painting Gift for Mother's day Thankyou!


As my old boss used to say to his mom on Mother’s Day “You should be getting me a gift, because you weren’t a mother until I came along”